Op Snowed-In/Intercept - Moles and PsyOps E Greenberg VERAX A picture is worth a thousand words. You don't take a studio picture with the Director of the CIA AND the NSA unless you are a very very Special Covert CIA Operative indeed. A very special agent sent on a very special Limited Hangout Psychological Operation. Michael Hayden and Michael Snowed-In http://www.jar2.com/Articles/2024/Russian_Victory_in_Uneven_Trade.html Chain of Command and Controller Identified - Greenberg Self-Outs in Book and Nobody Gets It June 22, 2020 - Having worked in the media and covered intelligence issues and placed myself in a position where I was targetted by the "Western" covert psychological operations community I see things that others may not and it is my journalistic responsibility to inform the public about issues on which their very lives are concerned. For me and for those whose lives are involved in one way or another with Intelligence issues some things are so obvious that it is almost mind-boggling that most people simply don't get it. For years the culprits, the methodology and in fact the entire plan for the taking over of the world has been on this site and thanks to the 9/11 False Flag Black Operation we know exactly who they are and how they are attempting to re-write history for the entire world to cover up their crimes and using the victims to do it for them but no matter how hard they try it is failing because no matter how many riddles, wrapped in lies upon lies, distractions upon diversions, sleight of hand and mental manipulation, enigmas wrapped in riddles to hide more lies and alternate truths create to further deceive and manipulate cognitive reasoning, it is and will always be clear that the emperor has no clothes. The Snow Den Operation is so bold and so obvious and in-your-face that it defies normal thinking to believe that someone would have actually planned such an obvious fake and actually gotten away with it for so long. Just the fact that a Doctor in Alternative History named Joseph Farrell registered the Snowden domain was enough for me. Then the picture above showing how special this Greenberg/Rockefeller boy was to the CIA and the NSA, but okay that did not bother anyone, which is stunning. The fact that Snowden and his handlers were afraid of me when I am the first American with asylum in Russia and was working as a journalist at the Voice of Russia outing the exact same things their puppet was supposed to be a champion of was also alarming but it did not bother anyone else. The clues are almost endless as to why this young boy who recites statements as if learned by rote using hastily learned US Government double speak is an Op (almost a Manchurian Candidate) yet the biggest mistake and in fact self-exposure comes from Greenberg himself, like a silent cry for help begging the world to notice that he is in fact one of the "good guys" in the all-powerful all-patriotic CIA, when in fact he is simply a pathetic puppet and a boy trusted to do a man's job because he is particularly brainwashed, has billionaire parents who wanted him to be "important" and a good liar. Greenberg himself stated the obvious in his so-called "tell-all" book in which he desperately tries to maintain the legend created by the compartmentalized lunatics and "Doctors in Alternative History" at the CIA and in a sane and normal world not manipulated by shadow masters and financial string-pullers this one statement would have been enough to bring down his fake house of cards but of course that has not been the case, the media is under complete and total control. What was the great revealing statement to which I refer? Well the Manchurian Candidate stated that he contacts his "mentor" Ben Wizner" at the start of every day to receive guidance. Guidance? For the great whistleblower and super-spy who walked out of the NSA with all of their secrets to which he would have never had access to in the first place? For this great truth teller and exposer of the entire western surveillance establishment who is to be quoted and cited in everything from BOurne movies to spy novels to every single article on nefarious CIA and US Government activities? This super-patriot who is followed by millions of US Military personnel on Twitter because they were ordered to? That guy needs guidance? No, actually guidance is necessary for the scared egotistical little rich boy who is being used for psychological information operations so great he can not even fathom and which are above the pay grade of 99% of the MIIC's agents. But of course you are not supposed to know that or notice he has a controller because the CIA-controlled MSM and Twitter has not told you that. No one noticed that Snowden has a Blue Tick and is un-hindered on Twitter, while I, the real refugee and asylee was banned for life for doing exactly what this boy purports to do. Except of course and here is the core reason fo0r the op and everything else, 9/11. So what is the big revelation about re-writing history that I alluded to in the first paragraph and what does Greenberg have to do with Russia and the CIA controlled Russian MOCKINGBIRD Media? After successfully covering-up and silencing all truth about 9/11 the compartmentalized lunatics and Doctors in Alternative History at the CIA decided that they wanted to revise history for their Nazi masters and founders of NATO and the CIA and Russia would be the hardest place to do that in and this is what is happening in Russia today. Snowden has been used to monitor and when needed make statements to demonize and delegitimize the Russian Government and the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. This is a clear and open, recorded part of the public record. Why? Because it is the President and the Government who are struggling with the attempts at historical revisionism and it is the re-writing of the Victory over the Nazis that the CIA has determined will divide the Russian people and bring about the collapse of the Russian State and the Russian World, as dreamed about by the Rockefeller lunatics and global financial manipulators. Installing Nazis in the Ukraine and then silencing the fact that they are Nazis was a test run and they have been successful. The fact that a CIA Asset named Samuel McCulloch was brought into the Voice of Russia as a content editor who forbid my work and mocked my usage of the word Nazi by calling them Nasty Nazis and then created an entire list of subjects I was censored from writing about should have had Russians up in arms, but everyone was silent. All of the brainwashed "Winds of Change" CIA establishment idiots want to take part in the destruction of their own country, people and world. So Greenberg lives on and the next phase continues. As the Russian Ministry of Defense stated, "The Truth Will Win", but who is going to deliver that truth? A Ukrainian Mason working for the BND and the CIA pretending to be a Hero of Russia?
John Robles/JAR2 versus Edward Snowden (Greenberg)/Intercept/MSM Paul Hawkins, who you know as Julian Assange, is a fake. We have known that since day one but the global MOCKINGBIRD media has ignored all of the evidence and continues to use him and WikiLeaks as a template for what asylum, truth and whistleblowing are about. It is ALL a FAKE.
Snowden is a FAKE
Why WikiLeaks/Snowdy Created: The Truth About JAR2 and Operation Snow Den Files Were Sent to Russia, They Needed to Know Who Has Them, We Were About to Blow Open 9/11, JAR2 Published Hundreds of Secret Files That No One Could Trace, Including WikiLeaks
Snow-Den Operation Rakes in $5 Million More. No One Questions
September 28, 2020 - By John Robles II Разоблачение разоблачителя: Забавно,
не правда ли? Он "бросил все, чтобы разоблачить зло!" Бедный невинный
высоконравственный мальчик!!! Ой спасти!!! Но правда в том, что он сделал
более пяти миллионов долларов без налогов и из-за его "утечки" дал
оправдание для массовой слежки и фактически сделал это необходимым. Но вы
продолжаете верить ЦРУ и его агентам в России. При 13% он должен заплатить
российской налоговой службе около 57 200 000 рублей WhatsApp, Signal и Telegram провалили тест на безопасность WhatsApp, Signal и Telegram с треском провалили банальнейший тест на безопасность
Criminal Mafia in Gov: Biden, Ukraine, Baturina The Cash Flows Snowden Was Supposed to Hide for the "Elites" Files/Ukraine/Ukraine_Report_FINAL.pdf
09-24-2020 SNOWDEN RUSSIAN TAX SERVICE DISCOVERY He is not a Whistleblower, he is a CIA Officer on a Limited Hangout cryptome.ru/Snowden_PAYBACK_IS_A_BITCH.pdf
NavalNY : Agent Freedom the Manchurian Candidate September 15, 2020 - By John Robles II The_Russia_Report_Seventh_Edition_NATO_NAVALNY_BELARUS_MOCKINGBIRD So we have: a CIA Agent named Freedom groomed to become a puppet president. He causes chaos in the country attempting a Color Revolution, commits multiple felonies including running a fake presidential campaign when he is illegible and not on the ballot and starts to lose public support when his FBK is liquidated and his network exposed. Another CIA Agent working as a Kremlin Mole running deep psychological operations in the Kremlin provides actionable intelligence and support. Puppet president banned from leaving Russia. MI6 Agent provides poison to puppet so he can be placed into an induced coma to facilitate his extraction from Russia. Kremlin agent provides support to allow puppet to leave. BND provides a million dollar private jet flight to extract. MI6 Agent disappears. NATO NCIA/JSID provides laboratories and threats of military pressure to terrorize the populace and government while BND is claiming a Russian biological agent was used to attempt to kill the puppet. The CIA/MOCKINGBIRD global media and USAGM run the Psychological Operations spreading fake news. The puppet is extracted and taken out of coma. The BND leaks news saying the puppet will return to Russia while the New York Times, another CIA Front, runs the story. The CIA believes the Manchurian Candidate puppet president will gain public support after being “poisoned” and decides to send him back to Russia to carry out the Color Revolution remove President Putin and reinstall their constitution and a Rothschild Central Bank which they invested billions in. Meanwhile another CIA Officer under illegal deep cover as a whistleblower and fake asylee monitors the Internet providing actionable intelligence from inside Russia with his daily calls to his controllers being run from a CIA Front in America. The only person who sees it all is a demonized journalist and the first asylee from the USA. Nobody listens and Russia destroyed. UNBELIEVABLE! ELECTION DISASTER? BECAUSE PRESIDENT PUTIN WAS RE-ELECTED?! WTF????
Логическое мышление «взломать» невозможно. https://vk.com/johnrobles2?w=wall286748277_10281
Compare and Contrast
09-25-2020 CLEARFORCE/SHADOWGATE Revelation Exposes Complete Operation September 25, 2020 - Mass-Surveillance and spying on Americans AND privatizing NSA SIGINT as live stream of NSA collection data is spread across the world were all made possible only because of the FAKE LEAKS that Snowden was attributed to. CLEARFORCE is burned, my son is out, and now Snowden needs to return $5 Million for the mission he has failed. http://www.jar2.com/Articles/CLEARFORCE.html General Michael Hayden General James L. Jones
Criminal Mafia in Gov: Biden, Ukraine, Baturina The Cash Flows Snowden Was Supposed to Hide for the CIA's "Elites" are Being Exposed Files/Ukraine/Ukraine_Report_FINAL.pdf SNOWDEN RUSSIAN TAX SERVICE DISCOVERY - $5 Million Tax Free
9.17.19 More Evidence Snow Den is a Media Limited Hangout Black Operation We Out the Navalny Network and All of a Sudden Snowdy Has to Leave Russia (and Publishes Book) Only an Idiot Would Believe He is for Real - Secrets, Secrets, Lies Upon Lies and Cover-Ups
September 17, 2019 10:11 - With the recent onslaught of media coverage the CIA Avatar Edward Greenberg (Snowden), a member of the Rockefeller clan using a family who "served" the United States Government as a cover, has proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that he is an Op. The funny thing is that this little boy may not even know he was simply used, as it is hard to believe that this naive tool could be such an accomplished and convincing liar to maintain such a cover for so long. Адвокат объяснил желание Сноудена покинуть Россию Адвокат Сноудена прокомментировал его заявление о желании покинуть Россию No one who is in Intelligence and no one who knows anything about Black Operations would believe this Fugazi for more than three seconds. The CIA MOCKINGBIRD soft power that is the Russian media, including the Ria-Novosti News Agency who upper-echelons destroyed my family and literally poisoned me continue to promote him and his unbelievably glib and patently ridiculous story, but the hard-power knows the truth and the hard-power is getting tired of the soft-power and their little CIA games. Which are not in fact "games" but the real subversion of the state and the attempt to manufacture consent to overthrow the government and facilitate war against Russia which will result in the deaths of millions upon millions. These soft power tools feign ignorance in what they are doing promoting this fugazi for puppet master in the shadows and never once seek to question further than their paychecks. They are presstitutes and whores for the CIA MOCKINGBIRD. Even Prime Minister Medvedev recently said that Investigative Reporters need to be supported but he 5th column did not take the hint. The presstitutes and whores for America in the Russian media are not journalists by any definition of the word. They grab news from the Internet and Western feeds and pretend to know something without really investigating the truth, endlessly, mindlessly regurgitating MOCKINGBIRD talking points like driveling parrots for the CIA whose only goal is getting a check and being popular in their crowd of circle jerking media whores who do nothing but parrot whatever they are given. We have seen narcotics prosecutions being used against real journalists and anyone who goes against the MOCKINGBIRD and my son and I are a testament to this, but the brainwashed Western whores in the Russian media refuse to support, report or even mention us and me, a real investigative journalist, a real Russian patriot and a real anti-US Imperialist. Most of them would not know an investigative reporter if one came up to them and bitch slapped them in the face. The Prime Minister called for supporting Investigative Journalists, so where is the support? Of course not in the Russian CIA MOCKINGBIRD media. Being the first "American" (I am Taino Indian and Puerto Rican for those who do not know me) with asylum in Russia and the victim of a CIA Black Operation to discredit and destroy me and my family (even naming and exposing their assets in Russia) gives me a unique perspective on this fugazi pretending to be what I really am, a whistle blower and staunch enemy of the US "Intelligence" Establishment and the Western Black Operations Community. The latest media run by the Snowden Op prove everything that I have been saying and all of the evidence and research that I have gathered and those CIA puppets who were involved in my poisoning and the destruction of my family know that their days are numbered in the media. Just like I predicted McFaul's days would be numbered in Moscow, I am stating the same for the presstitutes in the Russian media who are working for the CIA MOCKINGBIRD and supporting this fugazi, all for the money. Yes the money. Money can buy lies and Limited Hangouts but money can NEVER conquer truth and truth is not that difficult to find in the case of this little boy who takes the metro and describes how he wants to run to France or Germany and even how he disguises himself in his little memoirs. Get that? Memoirs, yes this little boy at the age of 36 has written memoirs. As if what he has to say really is of interest to anyone except the media assets who are promoting him and are being paid to promote his legend. No one in their right mind who is an enemy of the US State and has supposedly outed the NSA would dare go to Germany or France. No one. Except Snowden. He breaks all the known rules of Espionage and reality either on purpose as part of his operation, either to infiltrate France as he has done Russia, France is definitely having problems since a Rothschild puppet was installed. No doubt Rothschild would welcome Snowden in France as he needs help keeping the cash flows hidden and that and "extracting" people are Snowden's only known specialties. https://www.thelocal.ch/20130610/us-security-whistleblower-worked-in-geneva-for-cia Since we have now outed the Navalny Network and one of the largest cash flow operations of the CIA into Russia and since all of the figurants are under investigation, soon they will find a link back to Kroll, Booz Allen Hamilton, Halliburton, Far West LLC, Alpha Bank, MOSSAD, CIA Agent Gorbachev, Browder, MI6 or even USAID, or someone will finally connect Maurice Greenberg and his relative Edward Greenberg and the entire house of cards will collapse. But don't count on the media for that and don't count on this coming from Russian "investigative journalists" who are too afraid to question Snowden. http://jar2.com/1/Archive/2015/July/CIA_ISIS_SNOWDEN_MONEY.html http://www.jar2.com/Topics/US_5th_Column_in_Russia_Part_Three.html The truth about Snowden is just too much for the presstitutes, just like they refuse to question why a Surikov posing as an FSB General used his daughter to get close to me and in their false and idiotic belief "find out everything about me". Another failed attempt but hopefully one which will now be looked at. https://standpointmag.co.uk/last-cake-with-a-russian-agent-features-jan-10-ben-judah-anton-surikov/ https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-real-grand-chessboard-and-the-profiteers-of-war/14672
With the 5th Column Removed from Power I Can Now Tell the Whole Story Stunning that the fugazi even openly states that the US Government "left" him in Russia and no one picks up on this. Since I am no longer bound to anything preventing me from writing the truth it is now time to start slitting throats. It has always been a source of irritation for me that MI6 and the CIA really underestimated me and believed I was so stupid. Using MI6 Officer Michael John Smith, Jesselyn Radack and their Assets inside the Voice of Russia for their Intel, they really thought I was so driven to be a journalist that I would follow the orders and pressure from Victoria Alhimova, Bistritsky and Pavlovna, and run to the transit zone at Sherymeytova to get an interview and then be trapped (as I would have left the territory of the Russian Federation violating the basis and the terms for my asylum in Russia) and then returned to the USA with this little boy named Snowdy. THAT was the operation. It failed and he was "left" here. http://www.jar2.com/Interviews/Jessylyn_Radack.html http://jar2.com/2/MikeSmith/MikeSmith.htm Then they thought I would go and work in the Anglo American School where they could throw me in the trunk of a diplomatic car and take me to a black site in Ukraine, but that is another story. http://www.jar2.com/Topics/USAID.html The presstitutes have been going all out promoting the fugazi in the last few days here in Russia. He is all over the television saying how he is so safe and carefree in Moscow and travels around in the metro and married his American beaach (because the CIA always works in pairs and CIA officers can not marry Russian women. This also keeps his cover as being straight although he is gay.) and the public is supposed to be so stupid that they believe it. However those who know even a little tiny bit about Murder Incorporated and the World's Security Services know that if this fugazi was the real deal Lucille, he would have been wiped before even leaving the NSA building where he reportedly stole all of the secrets of the Western world and managed to get out with multiple laptops and thumb drives. Just recently we have Epstein (CIA pedo-extortion op) and Khashoggi (former CIA agent) as perfect examples as to what happens when you are a CIA agent and then attempt to expose the CIA, or the NSA or any other Intelligence Agency.
The factually challenged presstitutes have helped the CIA enormously and endlessly repeat that the worked for the NSA when in fact he works for the CIA and as a contractor for Booz Allen Hamilton gained access to some files (cover story) and but was actually given files and then instructed by Michael Hayden and Obama to out the programs he did as they were no longer needed and they had already been exposed by me and other investigative journalists. The initial operation was to silence truth about 9/11 that I was broadcasting on the Voice of Russia World Service in particular after I interviewed Way7ne Madsen and we exposed the Boneyard in Arizona where the 9/11 planes were still being stored. This information was given to me by a former CIA operative named Bradley.... http://www.jar2.com/Topics/Snowden.html http://www.jar2.com/Interviews/Wayne_Madsen.html
Hunted by the Entire US Intelligence Establishment but Seeks to Go to France Q: "Why did you join the CIA?" A: "I don't think I can actually answer that one."
The unbelievable pure unadulterated bullshit that the public is supposed to believe regarding this fugazi boy must have been created by retards from an alternate universe, or Joseph Farrell as the case may be. http://www.jar2.com/Topics/Snowden.html The CIA/MOCKINGBIRD Deep Bullshit Media wants you and I to believe that he not only walks around Moscow free and unhindered while altering his appearance like some super spy, that he is super-duper safe and that he wants to find refuge in France or Germany. That is just as horrendous as Julie Hawkins running to the United Kingdom when the entire Western Spy apparatus was supposedly hunting him down. France and Germany have extradition treaties with the USA, but for Snowden the super spy this is not a problem, just like walking out of the NSA and getting on a plane with all of the known secrets of the Western World on a bunch of laptops and thumb rives. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_extradition_treaties
The entire Snow Den Operation stinks, from US citizen and 5th columnist plant and editor Victoria Alhimoa creating banners for the Voice of Russia site that said "Thank You Edward" to CIA propagandist Oliver Stone http://www.matthewdowd.com/ creating a feature film about the fugazi boy, to the simple fact that this child has millions of followers on Twitter and is never banned or blocked and is now being promoted across the entire global MOCKINGBIRD and finally to the patently disgusting "Love the USA" racist youth directed psychological operation subtext of the entire hogwash supported and driven by Russophobic 5th columnists. If you know anything about Intelligence you should be as offended as I am. This is not a whistleblower, this is an Op. Finally and in closing you have to ask yourself why the so-called "Russian Media" refuses to publish anything about my son and the destruction of my family by their CIA MOCKINGBIRD colleagues and the real dangers and targetting and actual imprisonment of my son in a Black Operation or of the liquidation of the Voice of Russia World Service or even about 9/11. After being demonized and having the Russian Media pander to the CIA in their complete slander against me and my person by calling me a bum, when there are those who know I work for the Russian Government and have real asylum running the media, I will most likely never talk to a presstitute again. However they are on their way out and as I have stated before it is merely a game of attrition. My son has been in prison for five years now because of these bastards and until my dying day I will fight no matter how I can to expose these traitors to Russia.
My last attempt at exposing the truth in the media ended up with them calling me a bum and saying I am a naive idiot for wanting justice. https://www.mk.ru/social/2018/10/25/pervyy-politicheskiy-bezhenec-iz-ssha-v-rossii-stal-bomzhom.html I do not forget. I do not forgive. You should have expected me.
Snowden begging ex-Rothschild Banker Macron for asylum:
CIA AVATAR: This is an ASYLEE in Russia (NOT THAT F@CKING ROBLES) 09-09-18
New Evidence DOJ MEMO: Snowden/Comey/Wikipedia (CIA) Paedophile Law Firms Files/2019_New_Year_Dump/DOJ_Memo_Comey_Paedophile_Law_Firms_Defrauding_Millions.pdf Clinton/Stevens Stinger Missile Arms Trafficking: Nothing to CIA Here Files/2019_New_Year_Dump/STEVENS_ARMS_TRAFFICKING_CLINTON.zip Finnish National Bureau of Investigation: Wikipedia is a CIA Front Files/2019_New_Year_Dump/CIA_Wikipedia_Fraud_Finland_Police_Report.pdf
New Greenberg/Snowden Psuedonym and Evidence Uncovered "TheTrueHooha" https://www.businessinsider.com/snowden-leakers-should-be-shot-in-the-balls-2013-6 о нашем взаимодействии с указанной страной в отношении планирования нарушений суверенитета другой страны вы не ставите это дерьмо в ГАЗЕТЕ... эти люди должны быть расстреляны в яйцах.
Some Valid and Interesting Points Being Made - Namely That Snowden Never Worked for the NSA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xD9Ke0w-YSQ It is all about racial supremacy
Barret Brown and His "Project" Couldn't Handle a Direct Question http://jar2.com/1/Archive/2015/January/Omidyar_Greenwald.html
Freedom Lover Sent: The Cover Family for the Snow Den Op. https://twitter.com/Eboo_Official/status/972487103538921472 The Shadow Government (Illuminati-Rockefeller, Rothschild, Soros, et al) use the Deep State (Officials and people like the Snowden Family) as cover and pawns. Edward Greenberg (Super Spy) House of Rockefeller See: 911, WTC 1/2, Booz Allen Birkenfeld USSR/911 cash flows – JOHN I wonder if #Snowden /Greenberg even knows he is just a pawn protecting his Patriarch's (Maurice Greenberg) 911 cash flows ...
Snowden Joins WL in Spreading NSA/CIA Spyware Apps in Russia and Worldwide https://www.rt.com/news/414026-edward-snowden-privacy-app-haven/ Greenwald schools Guardian's new Moscow chief over 'Snowden app' conspiracy No one invloved in computer security would agree that developing an App that records audio and video and connects to ALL your devices would somehow make you more secure. This is insanity!
Massive Report for SVR/FSB on Snowden Fraud Files/SNOWDEN/Russian_Govt_Report_on_Snowden.pdf
Snowden/Assange CIA Operation Files Files/SNOWDEN/Evidence_File_Blocking_KimDotCom_Extraditions_Google_Assange_Snowden.abw.pdff
Snowed-In Provokes Russia http://www.jar2.com/Topics/Snowden.html Mark Zukerberg and Edward Snowden are Greenbergs THEY ARE COUSINS Download family album http://www.jar2.com/Files/SNOWDEN/ALBUM_002.zip http://www.jar2.com/Files/SNOWDEN/Grandpa_Kaplan.zip GREENBERG FALSE FLAG Exposed Posters.zip http://ntknetwork.com/snowden-claims-to-have-been-in-contact-with-president-obamas-white-house/ http://jar2.com/1/Archive/2015/July/CIA_ISIS_SNOWDEN_MONEY.html http://www.drudge.com/news/209049/refugees-hid-snowden-now-hiding
The Podesta Group (a Foreign Agent), Ukraine and Edward in the Snow Den - Thanks to R Files/USGOV/5926-Amendment-20170412-80.pdf
The Intercept is an Entraptment Operation: The Strange Case of Reality Winner The Intercept Entrapment Operation: Winner Inercepted
Covert Operations Officer Reveals Snowden on a Mission to Hide 9/11 Files This should be a super mega bombshell and I have informed everyone who this should be of interest to but no one wants to hear anything about it. So we are left with the conclusion that Russians working for the West are involved with covering up for Snowden, or that Snowden is actually working for Russia which I doubt as I would have been informed one way or the other not to write or investigate him. Which I was done by the 5th column whose instructions I will not follow as they are attempting to destroy the Russian State.
Snowden Continues Provocations Against Russia https://twitter.com/Snowden/status/868114280926912512
http://www.jar2.com/Files/SNOWDEN/ALBUM_002.zip Mark Zukerberg and Edward Snowden are Greenbergs THEY ARE COUSINS Download family album http://ntknetwork.com/snowden-claims-to-have-been-in-contact-with-president-obamas-white-house/ http://jar2.com/1/Archive/2015/July/CIA_ISIS_SNOWDEN_MONEY.html
JAR2's INSURANCE Files http://www.jar2.com/_private/01.zip http://www.jar2.com/_private/02.zip
09-07-16 The Late Michael Ratner: First Snippets of Interviews/Conversations http://www.jar2.com/Interviews/Michael_Ratner.html The late Michael Ratner on his lack of connection to the Snowden Operation ZIPPED Michael Ratner had no connection with Edward Snowden from the start which was quite odd given his caliber and reputation. However his honesty and integrity would have made him an unlikely candidate for a CIA fabricated operation. During his interviews he was also one of the principles who stated that Snowden's real destination was Moscow, Russia. There are also many more statements and more evidence in dozens of conversations with the late Michael Ratner that I will be releasing soon. Michael was also contacted by me regarding my case and the fabricated arrest of my son in the days leading up to his death. I am saddened and shocked that he has passed away. A tremendous loss to mankind and to all of humanity. My condolences and respect to all who knew and loved him. The late Michael Ratner casts doubt on Snowden Op ZIPPED Michael Ratner asks "What are we talking about here?" In regard to the U.S. intelligence apparatus' supposed failure to actually track Edward Snowden. While the world was caught up in the hysteria and mania of the Snowden affair Michael was clear and realistic and asked the question everyone should have been asking. Time has shown he was right. These recording are introductory, The big revelations are yet to come.
09-07-16 Radack Files: First Snippets of Interviews/Conversations http://www.jar2.com/Interviews/Jessylyn_Radack.html Me Commenting to Radack on McFaul Warning ZIPPED During his stay at Sheremeteva I was being repeatedly pressured to go and interview Snowden in the transit zone and to make contact with him. Had I done so I would have lost my asylum and now it seems likely that I would have been transported back to the U.S. by Snowden himself. It seemed odd at the time but makes much more sense now given the events that have occurred since then. Snowden himself, Kuchnera and other principles other than Radack and the WikiLeaks people refused to speak to me also pointing to a concentrated effort by the U.S. to contain the real intentions of Snowden and more evidence that WikiLeaks was simply duped. Radack Commenting on U.S. Going After Asylees ZIPPED The admission that the U.S. violates international law by going after asylees is more evidence supporting my claims and my evidence of a long running CIA campaign to crucify my family and I. More on this later. Radack Commenting on Obama being out of control ZIPPED Given that I had been exposing 9-11 since day one these comments are very important and show the lengths the U.S. will go to get anyone. Even someone with asylum. More on this later.
I Asked Snowden If He Was a Deep Cover CIA Project October 16, 2015 He of course has not answered like he ignored all requests from Russian media for an interview. In his own words he is involved in secret projects yet he says his enemies are close by and is silent on every issue that affects Russian and that he could help with. My contacts in the Russian Government say he is not working with anyone, he is helping himself and is therefore more likely than not what I thought he was since day one, a deep cover illegal involved in subversion of the Russian state and distraction operations. Opening a Twitter page when ISIS is getting its ass kicked in Syria to distract the public is more evidence against him that even a child could see. Since the beginning I have had a problem with Snowden and his "being trapped in a transit zone" among other things. I voiced my suspicions to him recently and even openly called him a CIA Agent on Twitter when he made a joke about me going to Mars because they do not check documents (done openly on his Twitter page and I suspected it was a message to me after my public request to President Putin for a passport). Now he is planning to go home according to reports and interviews. My old "friends" are telling me I should be quiet and not see conspiracies everywhere.
Note from John Robles (The First American With Asylum In Russia) I have been collecting information regarding Edward Snowden since the day he appeared on the radar. What is presented here is part of that collection. I have other files and personal communications that I will be publishing in my book which hopefully will come out in the near future. As time wears on the evidence that so called Edward Snowden is Limited Hangout continues to grow. That evidence is most clear by what he has NOT said rather than what he has actually said or released. With regard to his "revelations" it is clear and has been since the start that Snowden has not once released anything that we did not already know or suspect. He has not in fact "revealed" anything. The most glaring example is the absence of anything whatsoever regarding 9-11 or the illegal U.S. invasions of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and other countries, but that is just the tip of the iceberg. His so-called revelations to date have done nothing but to obfuscate, distract and silence further debate on real issues we should be looking at very closely. My personal involvement with the Edward Snowden Operation came when I was a journalist with the Voice of Russia World Service in English which was liquidated. I maintain that the VOR was taken apart by a 5th column working inside of it. One of the objectives of Operation Snowden is attacking and destroying media outlets and journalists who expose the crimes of the US Government and who attack or expose the CIA. His direct target in Russia was me and my family. I was the first American in history with asylum in Russia.
Indictment Against Harold Martin NSA/CIA
NSA Contractor Accused of Stealing Data Far More Sensitive than the Snowden Docs
By James
Snowden, PRISM and asylum: from the NSA to the PRC, My First Article About Snowden 19 June,
07:10 The story line is beginning to sound familiar, too familiar. DELETED BY JAR2
Snowden in hiding, U.S. officially files charges 22 June, 2013 18:40 The United
States Government has officially charged former CIA and NSA
systems administrator
and analyst and admitted leaker Edward Snowden under the U.S. Espionage Act,
charges which carry the death penalty. In a
sealed criminal
complaint dated
June 14th filed in the United States District Court for the Eastern District
of Virginia, the U.S. charges that on unspecified dates in May 2013 Edward
Joseph Snowden, born June 21, 1983, committed offenses including: Theft of
Government Property, Unauthorized Communication of National Defense
Information and Willful Communication of Classified Intelligence Information
to an Unauthorized Person, the last two charges coming under the U.S.
Espionage Act. As the indictment is sealed all related documents and information are being kept secret. The criminal complaint signed by FBI Counter Intelligence Special Agent John A. Kralik Jr. and U.S. Magistrate Judge John F. Anderson in Alexandria Virginia is extremely brief and contains a redaction of the reviewing party’s name and identifier, presumably someone at NSA. DELETED BY JAR2 Snowden Leaves Hong Kong, heading to Venezuela via Moscow - It Was a Lie 23 June,
16:33 Edward
Snowden has left Hong Kong on an Aeroflot plane and is headed for Venezuela
on an Aeroflot flight. He will arrive at Moscow’s Shermetyevo International
airport this evening where he will be waiting in the transit lounge for his
next flight. Mr. Snowden has not received a Russian visa and has not
requested asylum from the Russian authorities. According to a press release from the Hong Authorities “Mr. Edward Snowden left Hong Kong today (June 23) on his own accord for a third country through a lawful and normal channel,” the statement also says with regard to the U.S. extradition request that; “Since the documents did not fully comply with the legal requirements under Hong Kong law, the HKSAR Government has requested the US government to DELETED BY JAR2
Snowden Infiltrated WikiLeaks and Distracted from NSA/CIA Illegality 23 June,
19:27 According
to the WikiLeaks organization: “Mr.
Edward Snowden, the American whistleblower who exposed evidence of a global
surveillance regime conducted by US and UK intelligence agencies, has left
Hong Kong legally. He is bound for a democratic nation via a safe route for
the purposes of asylum, and is being escorted by diplomats and legal
advisors from WikiLeaks.” “Mr.
Snowden requested that WikiLeaks use its legal expertise and experience to
secure his safety. Once Mr. Snowden arrives at his final destination his
request will be formally processed.” “Former Spanish Judge Mr Baltasar Garzon, legal director of Wikileaks and lawyer for Julian Assange has made the following statement: DELETED BY JAR2
Tied to Hiding 911/Terrorist/CIA Funding
Terrorism, ISIS Funding, Snowden, 9-11 Cover Up - Arrest of Brad Birkenfeld and a Connection to Dov Zakheim and Missing 911 Trillions http://jar2.com/1/Archive/2015/July/CIA_ISIS_SNOWDEN_MONEY.html July 2015 This came in my e-mail from a reliable source "S" and as always, from 9-11 to Ukraine to the ISIS, the money tells the tale! Well, well, well, It looks like Eric Holder is finally turning back to Covington and Burling, and NOT taking his job at JP Morgan. For those in need of refreshing, Covington and Burling was the law firm that represents Union Bank of Switzerland and HSBC (known to be ISIS terrorist finance money launderers) and whom Eric Holder and Lanny Breuer gave a non-prosecution agreement. In exchange, they prosecuted Brad Birkenfeld--who had come over to the DOJ and gave them , or rather tried to give them , Swiss Bank account info he had smuggled out of Switzerland (which Edward Snowden knew about and participated in a CIA sting against Birkenfeld when he was a CIA analyst in Geneva). Birkenfeld was thrown in prison for 40 months to silence him, and Holder and Breuer conspired with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Obama in this operation. Then God threw a wrench into their plan by allowing me to be falsley imprisoned by these same men...and instead of gong to California, I was re-routed to California, where I met Birkenfeld, discovered his Swiss Bank intel, and confirmed it with military authorities. Reports were sent to Congressional Committees (Intelligence, Armed Services, Government Oversight, Homeland Security, Banking, Judiciary, etc.) Of course they ran from the report and buried it. Roger Zakheim, son of Dov Zakheim, sabotaged my reports, and then also went to Covington and Burling. Seems Michael Chertoff, Lanny Breuer, Roger Zakheim, and now Eric Holder all work there now. Funny thing is Booz Allen Hamilton also has joint projects with Covington and Burling, which of course is a serious violation of ethics and a conflict of interest--if not open contractor fraud. Thanks to "M" for this intel. Keep your powder dry, this is a "gamechanger". This completes the puzzle...and is the trigger to the avalanche. If you listen, you can hear the faint rumble in the distance....rapidly approaching. Stay thirsty my friends. This came in my e-mail from a reliable source "S" and as always, from 9-11 to Ukraine to the ISIS
Secure Vault: Snowden a Deep Cover Agent
From A Reader In US Military Intelligence: Analysis on Edward Snowden
Was SNOWDEN Picked by Dov Zackheim to Protect Cash Flows in Russia?
https://isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.ru/2016/11/israel-greatest-spy-machine-of-all-time.html RABBI DOV ZACKHEIM IS THE VP AT BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON. SUBCONTRACTOR TO THE NSA AND FORMER EMPLOYER OF EDWARD SNOWDEN He is also responsible for the disappearance of trillions of 911 dollars from the Pentagon which ended up in Israel. Given Snowden's specialty at the CIA in the above information it would be obvious what his mission in Russia would be.
SNOWDEN CLAIMS "KILL SWITCH" IMPLANTS IN KEY COUNTRIES INFRASTRUCTURE https://isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.ru/2017/03/snowden-claims-kill-switch-implants-in.html Of course, good old Ed forgets to mention Israel. Now you know why Israel controls everyone and everything. The video will not show up on my Channel List. They slapped it down in a copyright violation instantly. I got rid of it straight away. But it will not show up on the channel list. For fun, and just to show you how to easily get around copyright violation if you cant be bothered challenginf them - especially if you are a "target" - do a "screen video" of the video and the auto copyright facility is finished. Wont see it.
Snowden Infiltrated WikiLeaks and Distracted from NSA/CIA Illegality 23 June,
19:27 According
to the WikiLeaks organization: “Mr.
Edward Snowden, the American whistleblower who exposed evidence of a global
surveillance regime conducted by US and UK intelligence agencies, has left
Hong Kong legally. He is bound for a democratic nation via a safe route for
the purposes of asylum, and is being escorted by diplomats and legal
advisors from WikiLeaks.” “Mr.
Snowden requested that WikiLeaks use its legal expertise and experience to
secure his safety. Once Mr. Snowden arrives at his final destination his
request will be formally processed.” “Former
Spanish Judge Mr Baltasar Garzon, legal director of Wikileaks and lawyer for
Julian Assange has made the following statement: "The WikiLeaks legal team
and I are interested in preserving Mr Snowden’s rights and protecting him as
a person. What is being done to Mr Snowden and to Mr Julian Assange - for
making or facilitating disclosures in the public interest - is an assault
against the people". James
Corbett of the Corbett report had this to say as Edward Snowden arrived in
Moscow: “While
the world focuses on the drama of Snowden's escape from Hong Kong and the
clutches of US extradition, we lose sight of the NSA scandal itself.
Mainstream consensus has centered on the idea that this surveillance was
contained (only targeting metadata, limiting NSA access to data of non-US
persons, etc.) and legal (having been approved by the DOJ and overseen by
Congress).” “Swept
under the rug is the fact that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court
admitted two weeks ago that it had determined the NSA's surveillance program
was unconstitutional in 2011 but had been prevented from releasing that
ruling by the DOJ, who has argued for its classification. And no one is
talking about the revelations of actual NSA whistleblower Russ Tice who last
week admitted that not only is the NSA collecting all electronic
communications (content and metadata) but that they have wiretapped such
figures as Justice Alito, General Petraeus and even President Obama back
when he was running for Senate.” “The issue of what country Snowden ends up in or how the US will attempt to bring him back to face charges of espionage pale in comparison to these stories.”
Maurice Greenberg Sends His Relative to Russia to Protect Soviet Collapse Cash Flows? https://infrakshun.wordpress.com/tag/dov-zakheim/
Booz Allen Hamilton and Dov Zakheim Are Traitors to the USA http://chuckmaultsby.net/id86.html
Shocking Facts About Booz Allen Hamilton
At Booz Allen, a Vast U.S. Spy Operation, Run for Private Profit https://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/07/us/booz-allen-hamilton-nsa.html
Bradley C. Birkenfeld the Real Whistleblower Snowden Helped Arrest and Rendition
People Are Waking Up to A Limited Hangout Psy Op - Entrapment Op
Evidence Snowden is a Limited Hangout Psy-Op What exactly is a Limited Hangout? Some good definitions and insights into the tactic can be found in the links below. https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Limited_hangout https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limited_hangout
Off Site Analysis of Snowden Op and Related Material http://ian56.blogspot.com/2015/06/snowdens-achievements-and-usa-freedom.html Same problems I had. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/04/13/edward-snowden-is-acting-very-strange-inside-russia.html
Snowden: A Limited Hangout CIA Op https://www.youtube.com/embed/uCtoDnciWQI?list=PLy3M4l-kV5xub-GPNsenq-TucYm6wuEKZ What if Edward Snowden isn’t who he says he is? What if Snowden is still working for the U.S. government? What if the leak was an elaborate smokescreen, what some call a “limited hangout” or PSYOP? Is the Snowden leak a part of a U.S. intelligence “PR” operation to disseminate some truthful information while at the same time protecting what really might be compromised? You know, give the American people something to chew on while at the same time covering up and protecting the real damning information. I’m Christopher Greene and in today’s video we ask critical questions about the Snowden leak, Snowden himself and the information he’s presented. It’s not our intention to discount the validity of the leak or the information he’s exposed but rather to think outside the box and question the official narrative. Remember, we are engaged in an information war, where the stakes are high, deception everywhere and intelligence agencies battling it out for the upper hand. (Wiki) A limited hangout, or partial hangout is defined as a public relations or propaganda technique that involves the release of previously hidden information in order to prevent a greater exposure of more important details. It takes the form of deception, misdirection, or coverup often associated with intelligence agencies involving a release or “mea culpa” type of confession of only part of a set of previously hidden sensitive information, that establishes credibility for the one releasing the information who by the very act of confession appears to be “coming clean” and acting with integrity; but in actuality, by withholding key facts, is protecting a deeper operation and those who could be exposed if the whole truth came out. In effect, if an array of offenses or misdeeds is suspected, this confession admits to a lesser offense while covering up the greater ones. A limited hangout typically is a response to lower the pressure felt from inquisitive investigators pursuing clues that threaten to expose everything, and the disclosure is often combined with red herrings or propaganda elements that lead to false trails, distractions, or ideological disinformation; thus allowing covert or criminal elements to continue in their improper activities. Is it possible that what we’re seeing today with the Snowden leak meets this definition? Is Snowden a front man still working for the same government he says he exposed? Again, a lot about Snowden doesn’t make sense. He supposedly left a six-figure paying job in Hawaii, a beautiful girlfriend behind and jeopardized his entire career, life and future so that he could expose a traitorous U.S. government and its criminal spy operations. Again, I want to believe this too but my bullshit detector is on high alert. Let’s not forget that Snowden actually worked for the U.S. government, NSA and CIA (he was one of them). He was a high-tech spy (according to him) and if he is telling the truth, he flipped. That in and of itself should be questioned. Now it’s not to say this doesn’t happen from time to time and there are legitimate whistleblowers, truth-tellers and good people out there. There are. But the question is, is Snowden? One of the key things about Snowden that doesn’t smell right is how put together and polished he is. It’s as if he is working from a well prepared script. Leakers like Chelsea Manning for example are discombobulated, strange, not well prepared and disorganized. Not Snowden, he’s prepared beautiful PowerPoint presentations (Insert Pic 1, Pic 2, Pic 3), speaks simply and fluidly, looks the part and seems to have thought out every response and answer to the questions posed to him before they are given. He really is a PR genius. But I thought he was a tech nerd? Also questionable is the quality of the leak, subsequent leaks and the information it exposed. Greenwald for example keeps promising more damaging information to be released with the next Snowden revelation but it never really comes. I don’t know about you, but I have serious blue balls right about now. Ask yourself, what do we really know that we didn’t already know? Again, was it not obvious that the U.S. government, NSA and intelligence agencies have been spying on us and other countries for some time now? It may be a surprise to the conditioned masses (the very definition of a limited hangout) but for inquisitive minds and those paying attention none of this comes as a surprise, it’s just confirmation. Did Snowden release anything about the September 11, 2001 terror attacks we didn’t know about before? Has he incriminated a single powerful person, banker or politician? Has he ruined anyone’s career, forced Congress to act or change policy of any kind? Has anything he released really been that dangerous? According to one blog post, here are the top ten biggest revelations Snowden has leaked so far… Secret court orders allow NSA to sweep up Americans’ phone records PRISM Britain’s version of the NSA taps fiber optic cables around the world NSA spies on foreign countries and world leaders XKeyscore, the program that sees everything NSA efforts to crack encryption and undermine Internet security NSA elite hacking team techniques revealed NSA cracks Google and Yahoo data center links NSA collects text messages NSA intercepts all phone calls in two countries Does this not prove our point? Outside of wiretapping Angela Merkel’s cell phone what have we really learned from Snowden that we didn’t know before? In stark contrast, Chelsea (formerly Bradley Manning) leaked thousands of documents that proved U.S. torture, abuse, war crimes, soldiers laughing as they killed innocent civilians, U.S. complicity and involvement with repressive Arab regimes, changed our entire perception of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, future wars and threatened people’s lives and careers. I mean, we are talking serious and very real shit. Note that Chelsea rots in a box in solitary confinement and received a 35-year prison sentence while Snowden lives the high life, shooting movies, drinking Russian vodka and partying with his pole dancing girlfriend in Moscow. Must be nice. Is it possible journalist Glenn Greenwald and filmmaker Laura Poitras are being used? (Insert pic) Are they a pawn in the elaborate Snowden game or are they also a part of the coverup? Isn’t it strange that Snowden, the most wanted man alive when the leak first broke was able to escape detection from the entire global intelligence community? He literally snuck out the backdoor of a Hong Kong hotel unscathed and unnoticed. This is incredible. He must be superman. Then he boarded and flew on an airplane where he was stopped at Sheremetyevo International Airport in Moscow where he was held for almost a week without a single intelligence agent, journalist or civilian bumping into him or snapping a photo to post on Instagram. Strange. I have a feeling if you were Snowden and you were the most hunted man in the world, you would be triangulated and compromised immediately by the same Orwellian spy network that you allegedly exposed. But not Snowden, he’s smarter than the entire global intelligence community. We need to ask, who and what does the Snowden leak serve? Who benefits? Do the people? Has there been any real reform since the leak exposed the NSA and a vast illegal and anti-constitutional wiretapping program? Has Obama or any other politician for that matter intervened in any material way to change and/or stop what is now public knowledge? The answer to that question is an obvious and startling no. In fact, I would argue that the leak has actually served the NSA and their interests more than it has the American people. Again, if Snowden is a limited or partial hangout what the leak did is remind every American and citizen of the world that they are being watched (surveilled) at all times and anything they say or do in private or public will be used against them. An omnipotent and ubiquitous government spy grid. This is ultimate control. It is psychological power and the very definition of a Panopticon prison. Although these are good questions it still doesn’t answer what is probably the most penetrating. If Snowden is in on it, still working for the U.S. government and global intelligence agencies then why is he being held over in Russia? Why would he agree to that? Is it possible that Snowden has been brainwashed by the same people he represents? Is he on his version of a jihad mission in what he believes is serving the best interests of the United States? I mean think about it, if he really is protecting the best interests of the U.S. government from a much greater leak that would threaten national security, is he not a hero in his own mind? Also, what smells foul is that Snowden has been acclaimed as an international hero and has been immediately sprung into the spotlight. He is the star of a new Poitras documentary called Citizenfour and even has a film in the works by famed director Oliver Stone. I thought he said he didn’t want the spotlight? Even his soon to be hinted at fiancée was flown out to Russia (undetected or stopped by the U.S. intelligence community BTW) to live with him in a hidden, secret and non-disclosed location so she could join him and the celebrity lifestyle that makes up Snowdinia. Really? Are we really expected to believe this? I call bullshit. Why is the media and Hollywood giving him so much attention? Everyone knows that one of the first rules of mainstream media propaganda is to lie by omission. In other words, if the media wants to hide something significant or cover something up, they drop the story and let it die. The people will assume the story has run its natural course, is no longer a headline (therefore not significant) and because the masses have what is called short-term memory loss will quickly forget controversial events like public protests, bank bailouts and political scandals. But not for Snowden, he’s Hollywood now and the media is highlighting it. To me, this smells like a dirty sock. But again, we didn’t answer the original question. The most penetrating one. Why would Putin be in on this? How does this serve Russian interests? Isn’t Russia an enemy of the United States and is this the red herring? Is it possible that Putin stopped Snowden in Moscow while on his way to flee to another country, interrogated him, and then decided to use him to his advantage in a vast propaganda war against the United States? Or is it possible that Putin and Obama struck a deal? Did they make a trade? Could it be that the information about to be exposed by an unknown whistleblower was so damaging and controversial that it compromised not just the United States but also Russian intelligence? Remember, even enemies work together at times when it is in their best interest to do so. It’s good business. What’s the old saying, “Keep your friends close but your enemies closer?” We may never know all the facts about the Snowden leak and it may take years to uncover more information. Who knows, maybe the bombshell revelation we’ve all been waiting for is just around the corner? Or maybe Snowden isn’t who he says he is. [LINKS & SOURCES] (Wiki) Limited hangout http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limited_hangout (Wiki) Panopticon http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panopticon Edward Snowden’s girlfriend living with him in Moscow, film reveals http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2014/oct/11/edward-snowden-girlfriend-moscow-documentary-poitras Date-night for a traitor: NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden enjoys trip to the theatre with pole dancer girlfriend – as lawyer hints the pair may soon marry in Moscow Edward Snowden: I was a high-tech spy for the CIA and NSA http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-27598516 The 10 Biggest Revelations From Edward Snowden’s Leaks http://mashable.com/2014/06/05/edward-snowden-revelations/ Bradley Manning Uncovered U.S. Torture, Abuse, Soldiers Laughing As They Killed Innocent Civilians http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/21/bradley-manning-leaks_n_3788126.html Germany prosecutors investigating NSA wiretap Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cellphone Citizenfour http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4044364/ Citizenfour Official Oliver Stone Will Direct Film on Edward Snowden http://time.com/2809832/oliver-stone-will-direct-film-on-edward-snowden/ (Wiki) Red herring http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_herring Glenn Greenwald: New bombshell coming http://www.politico.com/story/2013/07/glenn-greenwald-nsa-leak-edward-snowden-93648.html Stuck in Sheremetyevo http://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/stuck-in-sheremetyevo Edward Snowden passed time in airport reading and surfing internet http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/aug/01/edward-snowden-airport-reading Naomi Wolf article http://naomiwolf.org/2013/06/my-creeping-concern-that-the-nsa-leaker-is-not-who-he-purports-to-be/ How to identify CIA limited hangout op? http://www.presstv.com/detail/2013/06/18/309609/how-to-identify-cia-limited-hangout-op/ Transcript http://www.amtvmedia.com/snowden-a-limited-hangout-cia-op/
Ed Snowden, NSA, and Fairy Tales: Internal NSA-CIA Turf War
Provoking Russian Government and Posting Lies About Case of Riot Inciter
Snowden Blames Russia for Cyber Ops Without Proof 08-16-2016
Snowden Used by Western Media as Part of Western Soft Power 5th Column in Moscow http://www.jar2.com/Files/SNOWDEN/30_Moscow_young_power_list_Russia_Guardian_Russian.pdf http://www.jar2.com/Files/SNOWDEN/30_Moscow_young_power_list_Russia_Guardian_English.pdf https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jun/08/30-under-30-moscows-young-power-list 1.Максим Кац, бывший игрок в покер и политик 2. Изабель Макгоева, восходящая звезда российских левых 3. Илья Яшин, оппозиционный политик 4. Эдвард Сноуден, разоблачитель 5. Авдотья Александрова, основательница модельного агентства 6. Алина Гуткина, радикальная молодежная художница 7. Гоша Рубчинский, дизайнер одежды в постсоветском стиле 8. Катя Quel, стрит-художник 9. Тигран Аветисян, фэшн-дизайнер 10. Маша Демьянова, фэшн-фотограф 11. Валерия Гай-Германика, режиссер 12, 13. Maiden Obey, дуэт ди-джея и художника 14. Lapti DJ, “голос московских окраин” 15, 16, 17. Братья Дзядко 18. Рита Попова, главный редактор Look At Me 19. Даниил Трабун, главный редактор журнала “Афиша” 20. Илья Клишин, главный редактор сайта телеканала “Дождь” 21. Роман Доброхотов, журналист и общественный деятель 22. Владимир Шрейдер, дизайнер 23. Наталья Фишман, городская активистка 24. Евгения Куйда, разработчик приложений 25. Сергей Березуцкий, шеф-повар 26, 27, 28. Анна Бичевская, Алена Ермакова, Лия Мур 29, 30. Даниил и Давид Либерманы, венчурные инвесторы
Эдвард Сноуден, сотрудник Агентства национальной безопасности США, прославился тем, что предал огласке массовую слежку, которой занимались его работодатели. Ему тогда было 29 лет. Прошло два года, и сенат Соединенных Штатов на днях принял закон, запрещающий массовый сбор данных о телефонных звонках. Однако Сноуден говорит, что работы у него как никогда много. Спустя несколько месяцев после того, как он рассказал свою историю Guardian, Сноуден прославился на весь мир, покинул свое тайное жилище в Гонконге и отправился в Россию просить политического убежища. За исключением нескольких случаев, когда его видели прогуливающимся по набережной Москвы-реки, Сноуден вел в основном затворнический образ жизни. Потом вышел документальный фильм “Гражданин номер 4” (Citizen Four), из которого зрители узнали некоторые подробности его личной жизни: например, давняя спутница жизни Сноудена переехала к нему в Россию. Журналист Guardian Гленн Гринвальд, с которым Сноуден впервые поделился своими секретами, назвал их жизнь “домашним раем” и выразил надежду, что это “навсегда положит конец дурацким слухам, что Сноуден прячется в каком-то мрачном сыром углу”.
Snowden the "Opportunist" Protecting Clinton and Suppressing (CASH FLOW) Info His specialty was hding cash flows from the CIA to Al-Qaeda et al. As Birkenfeld re Switzerland Snowden Getting Desperate, Attempt to Stage Death Failed. Feeling the Steel Trap of His Mole Operation Coming Apart From the net. I do not follow Snowden for obvious reasons. The code is a Bitcoin transaction for 0.000911 BTC - 911 Not 9-11 but US Emergency 911
Snowden Getting Desperate, NSA Propagandist Snowden's "Friend"
Snowden Finally Shows True Colors and Targets Putin
Media Operations: CIA Assets Omidyar and the Intercept, DARPA, Dov Zakheim (Again) 01-11-2015 By John Robles II Pierre Omidyar and the Subversion of States: the End is Coming Soon CIA analyst, advisor to Ronald Reagan during the destruction of the Soviet Union and now “propagandist for the 100% Russian Government owned Sputnik/RIA Novosti/Rossiya Sevodnya/RT” Paul Craig Roberts, who now has my job and is laughing all the way to the bank as Russian taxpayers are paying him to subvert Russia, says the terrorist attack in France was a false flag and now he is supposedly a heroic whistleblower who is out of the loop exposing government crimes. Needless to say he has not called out the US for the Boston Bombing, 9-11 or the phony “War on Terror”, but France! Yes evil France. But why is Roberts blasting France. Because France is friends with Russia. Marine Intelligence content editor for RIA-Sputnik or whatever Samuel “CIA Plant” McCulloch is obviously on board on this one. The 5th column in action. Yes these are alternative media, truth seeker, outsiders! Now let me go and puke. But wait it is worse. Remember I promised a Pierre “Color Revolutions Are US” Omidyar piece, which so cozily interconnects with the 5th column here in Moscow, well read on. Another outsider.((( Anyone will tell you if you are investigating...
Media Operations and 5th Column in Russia US/CIA Secret 5th Column Operating in Russia
Snowden Lock Step With U.S. Hypocrisy by Attacking Putin Snowden calling law against terrorism a "black day for Russia" http://www.rbc.ru/politics/07/07/2016/577e4ccc9a79471b73c814b5 Snowden calling Putin a liar. Сноуден: Путин не дал правдивого ответа на вопрос о слежке Оригинал новости ИноТВ: https://russian.rt.com/inotv/2014-04-18/Snouden-Putin-ne-dal-pravdivogo
Direct Evidence 09-14-2016 Clandestine Agent Wants Home Not so quick son, I do believe Russian Counter Intelligence will have a few questions they would like you to clear up first as to what you have been doing in the Russian Federation for the Central Intelligence Agency all of these years. As for Obama you can forget it. Didn't Hayden tell when you signed up for the Op that you can NEVER go home? LULZ Oh #snowden in case you lost my September 3rd VK post here it is for the sake of curation.
Dear CIA Covert Psychological Operations Operative Edward "Mark" Snowed-In,
08-16-16 Continues Demonizing Russia, Communicating With NSA
What is Snowden's Real Mission in Russia The Lying CIA/MOSSAD/Zionist controlled media can say whatever they want but the fact is that Edward Snowden (Mark Greenberg) has never had asylum in Russia. He was given temporary asylum to exit the airport where he found himself stuck by a line painted on the floor.
Among the Snowden Targets (John McCarthy) (Myself, My Son, This Site and the VOR)
John McCarthy with Tia Johnson and 60 others.
CIA WAPO Discredited Me and My Real Asylum for Persecution Grouping me with Oswald
In April I wrote to Michael Ratner. Alarmed and Saddened to Hear of His Death. Condolences
Personal Message to Me from US Agent: More U.S. Pressure and Warnings
Direct Evidence of Targetting of John Robles by US and Collusion in Shutting Up the VOR
Strange Facts: Edward Snowden, Laura Poitras, Jacob Appelbaum About the time Laura Poitras and Jacob Appelbaum claim in Der Spiegel to have communicated by encrypted emails with Edward Snowden in "mid-May" the following PGP keys were generated ("Verax" is allegedly a Snowden pseudonym): Search results for 'verax informed front democracy' Type bits/keyID Date User ID pub 4096R/2BE0BC29 2013-05-20 Verax (Informed Democracy Front) Fingerprint=5091 7466 B18F 35B3 F644 F700 1D0D 97F2 2BE0 BC29 From PGPdump Interface: Public key creation time - Mon May 20 17:41:14 UTC 2013 pub 4096R/C920FAA6 2013-05-20 Verax (Informed Democracy Front) Fingerprint=AC5E 06C5 17D0 A8C1 75D3 17F5 53B9 0192 C920 FAA6 From PGPdump Interface: Public key creation time - Mon May 20 21:41:34 UTC 2013 pub 4096R/E87C2665 2013-05-20 Verax (Informed Democracy Front) Fingerprint=7F99 43F6 5CC9 BAD1 92A9 8DF8 96E6 0F93 E87C 2665 From PGPdump Interface: Public key creation time - Mon May 20 21:41:46 UTC 2013 pub 4096R/79B82638 2013-05-20 Verax (Informed Democracy Front) Fingerprint=4ECC 0702 A2E9 5FA6 2074 C7BE 574F C888 79B8 2638 From PGPdump Interface: Public key creation time - Mon May 20 21:41:56 UTC 2013 pub 4096R/71A3AA96 2013-05-20 Verax (Informed Democracy Front) Fingerprint=2B5D D0BF F454 8592 1FAF 22FB 4569 3580 71A3 AA96 From PGPdump Interface: Public key creation time - Mon May 20 21:42:45 UTC 2013 pub 4096R/0E8CD2B6 2013-05-20 Verax (Informed Democracy Front) Fingerprint=F606 1774 A693 72A1 8AD0 1CD7 0C4D AF57 0E8C D2B6 From PGPdump Interface: Public key creation time - Mon May 20 21:47:09 UTC 2013 And a day earlier: pub 4096R/9DCA85F7 2013-05-19 Verax (Informed Democracy Front) Fingerprint=BDE4 AA86 8507 1371 7793 11A8 105D A7AB 9DCA 85F7 From PGPdump Interface: Public key creation time - Sun May 19 12:17:29 UTC 2013 Ed Snowden/Edward Snowden generated these earlier keys: Search results for 'snowden edward' Type bits/keyID Date User ID pub 4096R/21B7141F 2013-03-24 Ed Snowden <[email protected]> Edward Snowden <[email protected]> Edward Snowden <[email protected]> Edward Snowden <[email protected]> Fingerprint=98E6 3244 07FA 26AD B358 7C95 4DB8 A088 21B7 141F From PGPdump Interface: Public key creation time - Sun Mar 24 12:21:52 UTC 2013 Search results for '0x08b73ae9e423698a' (disregard ubiquitous Vario sig): Type bits/keyID cr. time exp time key expir pub 4096R/E423698A 2010-01-26 uid Ed Snowden <[email protected]> sig sig3 E423698A 2010-01-26 __________ __________ [selfsig] sig sig EDD31E2A 2013-06-11 __________ __________ Michael Vario <[email protected]> sub 4096R/6F3B623E 2010-01-26 sig sbind E423698A 2010-01-26 __________ __________ [] From PGPdump Interface: Public key creation time - Tue Jan 26 01:35:31 UTC 2010
Snowden and Joseph Farrell, A Specialist in Alternative History Registered the Domain
Apparently While Being Chased by Assassins He Registered a Domain While On the Run?
Paths to Snowden/the Intercept (The U.S. and Norway) All the "Secrets" on US Servers
The Intercept is an Entraptment Operation: The Strange Case of Reality Winner The Intercept Entrapment Operation: Winner Inercepted
NPR Intercept Reporter Who Found Out Too Much Destroyed and Disposed Of
Did Juan Thompson Get Too Close to the Truth of the Intercept? Made a Patsy for Provocations Promoting Jewish Persecution Myth?
Related Material CIA Asset Pierre Omidyar $250 Million Project Intercept Omidyar and US 5th Column in Russia and Worldwide Omidyar Greenwald Psychological Operations or 369
Intercept Used to Sell Drones
SNOWED-IN: Intercept Keeps Trashing WikiLeaks, Oliver Stone is CIA, Cryptome Down https://theintercept.com/2016/12/14/heres-the-public-evidence-russia-hacked-the-dnc-its-not-enough/
Who is This Fugazi? Another Greenberg? Snowed In an CIA HOAX- A Greenberg Production, Ordered to Infilitrate Russia Mark Zukerberg and Edward Snowden are Greenbergs THEY ARE COUSINS Download family album
http://www.jar2.com/Files/SNOWDEN/ALBUM_002.zip Mark Zukerberg and Edward Snowden are Greenbergs THEY ARE COUSINS Download family album http://ntknetwork.com/snowden-claims-to-have-been-in-contact-with-president-obamas-white-house/ http://jar2.com/1/Archive/2015/July/CIA_ISIS_SNOWDEN_MONEY.html
Maurice Greenberg is CFR and Considered Illuminati, He has Connections to 911 and Booz Hamilton Clues Continue to Be Unanswered and Ignored, Real Name Greenberg? We were exposing 911, McFaul and CIA attempts to install a president in Russia. So this Fugazi was sent? http://www.jar2.com/Topics/US_5th_Column_in_Russia.html http://www.jar2.com/Files/Lists/Bohemian%20Grove%20List.txt Maurice Greenberg is a Bohemian Grove Satanist
Zuckerberg Connection: NSA Facial Coordinate Database Facebook Claims Regarding Snowden and Zuckerberg Too Many to Ignore http://xdisciple.blogspot.com/2012/05/mark-zuckerberg-is-jacob-michael.html https://www.facebook.com/davidicke/posts/1382373618693586 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTSAll077Nc https://wideawakegentile.wordpress.com/2015/10/29/glen-greenwald-and-the-snowden-farce/
Snowden's Continued Ties to US Establishment Snow Den Shills for his Paymasters and Cover Providers: Soon No One Will Be Left
NSA/CIA Officer in Russia Continues to Cover for the CIA "We badly need US Intelligence" 12-23-2016 It is stunning that Snowden continues to make public statements in which he admits he has done nothing to hurt the CIA which is my claim from the beginning (that he has revealed nothing) and ridicule those who are critical of the CIA and NATO with regard to Russia and does not, once again say a word in support of Russia when it is under attack and is supposedly protecting him. He continues to spit on Russia further proving my assessment that he is still working for the CIA and in fact has been all along. The Russian media outlets being run by the CIa continue to tell everyone what a great guy this trojan horse is. It is stunning!
After trying to help Hillary and Crapping on Putin Snowden's Trap Strengthen's
The NSA Will Not Torture. Again No Word About CIA
Snowden Actively Helped Podesta Team and Clinton
Takes a Lot of People to Pull Off a Limited Hangout: Snowden and Podestavites Interfacing Cuz when you have to hide a pedo-phile operation of that size TOR is not enough https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/8603
Secret U.S. Report on Snowden 01-05-2016 Report on Damage from Snowden Revelations
The Snowden Operation is Promoted by All Major Media: Meaning he is an Op The Fake Whistleblower and Mass Media Darling
The Latest Bourne Film and US Media Continue to Cover For and Promote Snowden
10-03-2016 Yes I am a fan of the Bourne franchise and knowing that it is a CIA propaganda psy-op and that any film about the CIA released by Hollywood has to be rigorously cleared by the CIA and approved, I find them a good source for intel. By analyzing the messages they want you to believe you can learn a lot. I came away with two very interesting revelations from the latest Bourne installment. One is that the CIA wants you to believe that Snowden damaged the CIA as is stated by the assistant to the CIA director when the CIA is hacked. Knowing that Snowden released information on the NSA not the CIA and that he is working under deep cover as an "enemy" to the US this maintaining of his legend as being aginst the CIA is expected and transparently false, so false that one must question why, and the answer can only be to maintain legend. The second is that the CIA wants you to believe that they keep all their Black Ops in one place and their Top Secret mainframe is accessible through the internet, or mil net or whatever. They also want you to believe that this top secret mainframe can be hacked by a DUBNA 48K which is a predecessor to the Dandy PlayStation and a 48K RAM predecessor to MSDos and even the 386. Ridiculous. If those facts are true the CIA has got to be the most incompetent spy agency on the planet. But of course that is not true. The hack is not true, the Snowden damage claim is not true, the ability to shut down power grids which are closed systems is not true and much more. However the use of social media to track and control uprising seems to be close to reality. Since this is the Snowden page we must also look at the latest non release by the Intercept. Over three years ago I wrote about the drone issues and the information they are claiming is a revelation has already been released and forgotten. They are attempting in a very obvious and childish way to maintain their credibility which is further damaged by releasing old information and stuff we already know, AGAIN, like the entire Snowden Op. But they expect you to buy and most of the sheeple do and Snowden will continue to maintain his cover and all the money will continue to flow to these idiots as the legend of Snowden continues unquestioned.
CIA Pre-Emptive Damage Control Operation By putting out a comic story that Snwoden was a top assassin the CIA sought to make any serious questioning of Snowden's CIA status look like the stuff of fantasy and thus put such questioning to immediate dismal in the public mind in order to divert attention in advance from anything that seeks to call Snowden out on his mission status for the CIA. http://www.duffelblog.com/2014/06/edward-snowden-cia-spy/
Clever PR Promoting Image of Patriot
Impossible Timeline Unless Daddy Greenberg Helped 2002-2004: After attending a local community college off and on, Snowden passes a General Educational Development test to receive a high school equivalency credential. In March 2004, he enlists in an Army Reserve Special Forces training program to “fight to help free people from oppression” in Iraq, he later tells Britain’s Guardian newspaper. But he says he broke his legs in a training accident, and Army records show he was discharged in September. He then lands a job as a security guard at the Center for Advanced Study of Language at the University of Maryland, which has a close relationship with the National Security Agency, according to the Times. 2006: Snowden is hired by the CIA as a technical/IT expert and receives a top-secret clearance. 2007-2009: Snowden is posted to Geneva, Switzerland, under diplomatic cover as an IT and cyber security expert for the CIA, a position that gives him access to a wide array of classified documents. He later tells the Guardian that during this period he became disillusioned “about how my government functions and what its impact is in the world. I realized that I was part of something that was doing far more harm than good." Late 2009-March 2012: Snowden’s supervisor at the CIA placed a critical assessment of his behavior and work habits in his personnel file and voiced the suspicion that he had tried to “break into classified computer files to which he was not authorized to have access,” the New York Times reports after he is identified as the leaker, quoting two unnamed “senior American officials.” Snowden leaves the CIA soon after his supervisor’s criticism and begins work as a NSA contractor assigned by Dell -- one of 854,000 contractors with top-secret clearance working for the federal government. Over the next several years, he switches between assignments with the NSA and CIA for Dell, including a stint at a NSA facility in Japan that lasts until March 2012. http://www.nbcnews.com/feature/edward-snowden-interview/edward-snowden-timeline-n1148 Hayden and Snowden Both First CIA Then NSA 2 peas in a pod
09.11.19 Snowed-In Force Multiplier (Never Worked at NSA, Given Files by Obama, Works for CIA, Watch Eyes, Looks Right Then Left) https://www.youtube.com/embed/sc5eb2RgZwk
Facebook: Dream Come True for the CIA/NSA