USA Bio-Terrorism: WWIII Entering Biological Warfare Phase

The Insane American Hegemon and the 9/11 Cabal: Plausible Deniability, MOCKINGBIRD Obfuscation, Hegelian Dialectics and Global Genocide

So, basically you have the PathoIogical Globalist/Zionist NeoCon Deep State Cabal which has taken over the US Government and the US/NATO Military and has let loose Biological Warfare to meet their sociopathic ends of a New World Order while attempting to prepare to eliminate 8 billion people.  

Our Editorial Policy Regarding the Coronavirus has Changed: Warning: Due to the global panic and fear being manipulated by the CIA/ZIO/MOCKINGBIRD Globalist media and our conclusions that this is a real Biological Warfare attack carried out by the CIA/DARPA/USMIL/NATO being run as a Psychological Warfare Operation we will only publish links to fact based stories regarding the Perps and origins and fact based analysis or reports of vaccines or victims. We ask you to help stop spreading fear and panic and be constantly aware of attempts to manipulate you through fear.  Be careful what you believe given that the globalist media is completely unreliable.

Note: Core work on this expose is complete. Updates will be added as necessary.

Update 02-27 Why Attack China and the Missing Trillions

Scientists Discover HIV-Like "Mutation" Which Makes Coronavirus Extremely Infectious

Note: If you are pressed for time we recommend going straight to the paragraph titled:

Attempting to Identify a Genetically Targetting Biological Weapon

Attempting to Identify a Genetically Targetting Biological Weapon

NOTE: Biological Experiments themselves are war crimes. Article 8 of The Rome Statute of The International Criminal Court (ICC) defines biological experiments as war crimes. The US, however, is not a state party to the international treaty, and thus believes it cannot be held accountable for its war crimes. In reality the USA has thus placed itself outside of the law in an effort to maintain their impunity and is thus literally the definition of a Rogue Nation.


The Russia Report Sixth Edition: The Coronavirus Active-Op Edition


Media Operations and the Hidden Agendas of the Coronavirus Pandemic

CIA/DIA/DARPA et al Continue Illegal Biological Experiments in Ukraine

REX84: The Upcoming Total Enslavement for the New World Order


9/11 The Historic False Flag and Catalyst for Everything You See Here

US/NATO INF Exit, Full Spectrum Dominance: A Nuclear Pistol at Moscow's Head

The Latest False Flag Chemical Attack in Syria: A Casus Belli

Intelligence Report: US Hides False Flag Attack Evidence by Bombing Evidence

Understanding the Forces at Work Trying to Fabricate a "New World Order"

Syrian Attacks: War Crimes Cover Up for Israel


The Oded Yinon Zionist Plan: Why War Everywhere



Russia's New Defenses and the Global Strategic Shift


False Flags Companies and Crisis Actors and False Flag Operations

Stop the US/NATO/Israeli Destruction of Syria

Russia's New Military Supremacy

The CIA. The Reason for all of the Wars Worldwide

US Military/CIA Social Media Global COINTELPRO Psy-Op on Truthers

US Bellicose Brinksmanship and Why Word War III Will Not Happen

The New World Order: The Global Architects of Endless War and Misery

Another UC/CIA Case of Disastrous Meddling and Nation Destruction

Crisis Actors and Companies Engaged in the Bussiness of Mass-Murder for Show

Yet Another US False Flag to Change Policy and Make Millions

IzraHell and MOSSAD: The Real Ruler of the MIIC and the Destroyers of the ME


Understanding the Forces at Work Trying to Fabricate a "New World Order"

False Flags Companies and Crisis Actors and False Flag Operations

Stop the US/NATO/Israeli Destruction of Syria

Srebrenica: You Have Never Heard About the First Srebrenica

Hunting [Q] "ANON" - J Exposes Q Anon

The Murderous Clinton Crime Empire

9-11: The MOSSAD/CIA/SAUDI Black Op

The Terror Vortex: How Zionists Plan to Start World War III


Libya and the CIA/MI6 Assassination of Muammar Gaddafi


The Truth About NATO

The CIA's Continuing Attacks on Russia and the Russian World

Serbia the Beginning of the US/NATO Attempt to Take Over the World




“And advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.” – 2000 Insane Zionist Dual Israeli NeoCons


Власти Подмосковья объяснили правила передвижения на автомобилях

Коронавирус: официальная информация

03-31-2020 Another CIA Plant Trying to Stoke the Panic

Meet MI6's Tom Fletcher and Russia's New Patient Zero (1st Link)

Ставропольский врач с коронавирусом стала фигуранткой дела о халатности



Главный инфекционист Ставрополья завезла в регион коронавирус

The Coronavirus Sourced to 73 Countries in Russia

Коронавирус был завезен в Россию из 73 стран

2015 US Research Finally Wakes Up Russia

Дело вирусологов: новые факты о лабораторном происхождении источника COVID-19

5th Column Loses Control of Gazprom Media - Quakes in Langley

Экс-глава Роскомнадзора Жаров возглавил "Газпром-медиа"

"Russian" Media Spreading Coronavirus Panic - 114,000 Publications Every 24 Hours

Title- Каждая третья новость в российских СМИ рассказывает о коронавирусе

Russia Has One Death and 253 Infected: Stop Lying Echo

Генпрокуратура потребовала удалить восемь фейков о коронавирусе

FVEY/Yandex Quietly Brings Mass Surveillance to Russia

"Яндекс" начал измерять уровень самоизоляции жителей крупных городов РФ

Yandex Attempting Total Surveillance Coup in Russia

Индекс "Яндекса" показал дисциплинированность москвичей на самоизоляции



How the Coronavirus is serving the New World Order and how the global MOCKINGBIRD is promoting their agenda

CV-19 Orignated at CIA/DARPA Lab in Fort Detrick

COVID-19 originated at the US Military’s bio-weapons lab at Fort Detrick (which was shut down by the CDC in July

Israel Attempting Biological Genocide in Palestine

Euro-Med slams Israeli attempts to spread corona in Palestinian areas

Israeli Companies to Profiteer Off Coronavirus Trillions

Israeli Companies Urged to 'Cash In' On $2 Trillion Coronavirus Bailout

Facebook to Sponsor the Global Fake News Hasbara/Mockingbird

Facebook to Donate $100 Million to Help News Media Hurt

They Are Rolling Out The Architecture Of Oppression Now Because They Fear The People

CRAZYMAKER ALERT! Democrat Deep State Operative Pushes 18 Month Lockdown

Healthcare Worker Says Police Took Her Children Because Her Job ‘Exposes Her to Coronavirus’

Brazil Reports 15,927 Cases, 800 Deaths from COVID-19

Liberty Activists Plan Mass Disobedience of COVID-19 Orders, Pledge to “Take a Stand”

Google’s Dystopian Crisis Tracking Could Be Straight out of George Orwell’s 1984

Kissinger Keeps on Calling for His Fascist Little New World Order

Eyes Wide Open: Will The "Masters Of The Universe" Notice No One Takes Them Seriously Anymore?


They Told Us So. “This Was Not a Strike out of the Blue”. Towards A New World Order…

Donald Trump has stake in company making 'miracle' coronavirus drug he keeps pushing

Pathological Genocider Kissinger Keeps Mumbling About N.W.O

Henry Kissinger Calls for a New Post-Covid World Order

COVID-19 a Diabolical Totalitarian Plot

COVID-19 a Diabolical Totalitarian Plot?

What Comes After COVID-19, Freedom Or Despotism?

3rd World America: No (Free or Other) Medical Care - Just Die

2 Million to Die in USA, Less Than in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan

OBSERVATIONAL STUDY: It’s not just 5G, but also 4G that’s driving new COVID-19 cases and mortality rates.

Google Now Openly Selling Your Location Data to State Actors

Google Is Publishing Location Data From 131 Countries To Show How Coronavirus Lockdowns Are Working

Australian state will install home surveillance hardware to make sure if you're in virus isolation, you stay there

UN Wants 10% of World's Income

United Nations Wants 10 Percent of World’s Income to Fight COVID-19

CV-19 Orignated at CIA/DARPA Lab in Fort Detrick

COVID-19 originated at the US Military’s bio-weapons lab at Fort Detrick (which was shut down by the CDC in July

CORONA CENSORSHIP: The World Health Organization Now Tells Governments Which Websites to Censor

While Russia is Helping the People, The USA Serves the Elites

PLANDEMIC: NWO to Shut Down All American Small Businesses to Redistribute Economic Power and Wealth to Rich

$2.2 Trillion Dollar Fraud Carried Out Using the Coronavirus

Emergency Stimulus Bill was a $2.2 TRILLION heist abetted by the U.S. Congress

Now it is Being Doled Out by Known Felons and the Banksters

Citigroup, an Admitted Felon with a History of Abusing Customers, Is Handling Billions from the Stimulus Bill

5G Masts Being Burned Down in the UK

They’re burning down 5G masts in the United Kingdom!!

Orwellian ‘Enemies’: The Enduring Utility of ‘Axes of Evil’

Twitter suspension of Leader account, an attempt to implement a one world control grid

The Post-Coronavirus World Will be Far Worse Than the Pre-Coronavirus World

Goldman Sachs Cashing in on Coronavirus Trillions

Goldman Sachs Buys 2 Luxury Private Jets As Main Street On Verge Of Collapse



The Ukraine Will Join the NWO is Genociding the Elderly

Минздрав Украины не намерен лечить от коронавируса граждан старше 65 лет

5G + Coronavirus = Pandemic

Pentagon Orders Essential Staff To Deep Underground Mountain Bunker As Pandemic Prep Escalates

Harvard Researchers Propose "Intermittent" Lockdowns And "Widespread Surveillance" Of Americans

COVID-19: Martial Law, Digital Currency, and World Government

What Happens In the Wake of the COVID-19 Lockdown? Economic Destruction, Global Poverty, Bankruptcies, Mass Unemployment. Neoliberalism to the Rescue

Racism “Dreams of Extermination” in Puerto Rico: U.S. Biological Warfare and the Legacy of Dr. Cornelius Rhoads

Coronavirus pandemic: Pathological globalists implementing a depopulation program

Millions of Americans Are About to Lose Their Health Insurance in a Pandemic

West Faces "Social Bomb" As Pandemic Sparks Unrest Among Poorest

"There's No Gold" - COMEX Report Exposes Conditions Behind Physical Crunch

New York postpones primaries due to coronavirus

Under Cover Of Coronavirus Congress Introduces Bill That Allows Gov To Control All Internet Content (Video)

What Happens In the Wake of the COVID-19 Lockdown? Economic Destruction, Global Poverty, Bankruptcies, Mass Unemployment. Neoliberalism to the Rescue

Racism “Dreams of Extermination” in Puerto Rico: U.S. Biological Warfare and the Legacy of Dr. Cornelius Rhoads

Coronavirus pandemic: Pathological globalists implementing a depopulation program

Millions of Americans Are About to Lose Their Health Insurance in a Pandemic

West Faces "Social Bomb" As Pandemic Sparks Unrest Among Poorest

Enemies of the Cabal Begin to Fall to CV-19 (Is CV-19 the New CIA Assassination Tool?)

Старший сын президента Сербии заразился коронавирусом

Ex-Sen. Tom Coburn, 'Dr. No,' dies of cancer at 72

Civil rights icon Rev. Joseph Lowery dies at 98

Media Reports: 14 Saudi Princes Infected with Coronavirus

FNA Editorial Board Member Dies of Coronavirus

Rand Paul becomes first senator to contract coronavirus, is in quarantine

У бывшего президента Финляндии Марти Ахтисаари нашли коронавирус

Members of the Cabal

British PM Tests Positive for Coronavirus

German Minister Commits Suicide After ‘Virus Crisis Worries’


 April 14, 2020


Coronavirus Variant in China Designed to Kill Asians

Thank God there are still some good Docs out there!

Here is Dr. Zelenko’s ‘Zev’ treatment regimen:

1- hydroxychloroquine 200mg twice a day for 5 days

2- azithromycin 500mg once a day for 5 days
3- zinc sulfate 220mg once a day for 5 days

There is a an Emergency Room doctor in New York City who made a video which describes how patients are dying when they get to the stage where they need ventilators. What he is describing is a bioweapon.. Experts have said this coronavirus has obvious evidence of the HIV virus being spliced along with the ACE 2 receptor from SARS which means it was originally designed to kill Chinese people and other Asians. It was at a lab in Calgary, Alberta, Canada where it was allowed to be stolen by Chinese scientists who had learned that this was a bioweapon designed to kill Asians. They took it to Wuhan. But the virus most likely originated in the Deep State in the US.

Thank God there are still some good Docs out there!

CV-19 Oxygen Deprivation Resembles High-Altitude Sickness

‘People with COVID-19 may have their lungs destroyed when they are placed on ventilators'

CORONAVIRUS CURE CONFIRMED: 100% of patients treated with HCQ + Azithromycin were virologically cured.

CORONAVIRUS CURE CONFIRMED”: “After 6 days 100% of patients treated with HCQ + Azithromycin were virologically cured.”

Three potential COVID-19 vaccines had funding cut by USNIH

Our Initial Reaction: Corona? Are They Serious? - USA Now Engaged in Bio-Terrorism

Stay Calm and Find a Cure, and PATENT it!


04.04.2020 Moscow Region Lock-Down Supplement
Постановление Губернатора Московской области от 04.04.2020 № 174-ПГ "О внесении изменений в постановление Губернатора Московской области от 12.03.2020 № 108-ПГ


Russia's Security and Maintaining of Order Act


SARS-Like Circulating Bat Coronaviruses/Human Emergence


04.01.2020 The Bill Gates Virus - Event 201 - Pandemic Plans






SUSPICIOUS Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Perp’s “Highlights Reel” exposes the NWO scheme (Video

03.31.2020 US White House Pandemic Playbook


03.30 Crimson Contagion: USA Pandemic Response



Expose25A 05-04-2020 Updated to Include Proof of USAID/CIA Funding of Wuhan

The Agendas of the New World Order

Continue reading here: 

The 1-3-5 Strategic Program and USAID/CIA's PREDICT Program Exposed

May 05, 2020 Update: The U.S. was providing funding to the Wuhan lab for its research on coronaviruses, Michael Morell, former acting director and deputy director of the CIA, said Thursday.

He said State Department cables indicate that there have been concerns in past years among U.S. officials about the safety protocols at that lab. If the virus did escape from a Chinese lab, it not only reflects negatively on China but also on the United States for providing research funding to a lab that has safety concerns, Morell said during an online forum hosted by the Michael V. Hayden Center for Intelligence, Policy and International Security at George Mason University.

“So if it did escape, we’re all in this together,” Morell said. “This is not a gotcha for China. This is a gotcha for both of us.”

May 04, 2020 Update:

USAID/CIA NIH and Funding of the Wuhan Laboratory


Funding: This work was jointly funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (81290341, 31621061) to ZLS, China Mega-Project for Infectious Disease (2014ZX10004001-003) to ZLS, Scientific and technological basis special project (2013FY113500) to YZZ and ZLS from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDPB0301) to ZLS, the National Institutes of Health (NIAID R01AI110964), the USAID Emerging Pandemic Threats (EPT) PREDICT program to PD and ZLS, CAS Pioneer Hundred Talents Program to JC, NRF-CRP grant (NRF-CRP10-2012-05) to LFW and WIV “One-Three-Five” Strategic Program (WIV-135-TP1) to JC and ZLS.

A joint project of Chinese Biological Warfare Operations and the CIA/DNI/DARPA Biological Weapons Development Directorates


Project G-2101: Pentagon Biolab Discovered MERS and SARS-like coronaviruses in bats

May 02, 2020 By Dilyana Gaytandzhieva


Two years ago, I investigated an alleged laboratory accident at the Lugar Center, the Pentagon biolaboratory in Georgia’s capital Tbilisi, which had resulted in the death of two Filipinos working in the laboratory. The death cases were hidden by the local authorities but I recorded on camera witnesses who testified about this tragic incident.


The Lugar Center, the Pentagon-funded biolaboratory in Georgia’s capital Tbilisi (photo: Dilyana Gaytandzhieva)

However, what then seemed to me to be a local issue, turned out to be part of a bigger story. The Lugar Center in Georgia is just one of the many Pentagon biolaboratories in 25 countries across the world. They are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $ 2.1 billion military program – Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP), and are located in former Soviet Union countries such as Georgia and Ukraine, the Middle East, South East Asia and Africa. Much of their work is classified and includes projects on bio-agents and pathogens with pandemic potential.

Cooperative Biological Engagement Program CBEP R43143


The first known case of use of biological weapons in our history was 250 years ago when the British gave blankets infected with smallpox to the indigenous people of North America. As a result, a great many of them died and the British Empire gained control over the whole continent. 250 years on, history repeats itself. Biological weapons are definitely much more effective than nuclear weapons. The use of nuclear weapons leaves traces: an airplane taking off from an aerodrome and launching a rocket, a large number of participants in preparation of an attack. Therefore, the perpetrators can be easily detected and held to account. Conversely, viruses can be used as weapons, though, they do not leave such immediate or discernible traces and it takes only a few crazy people who have decided to kill millions.

According to some scientific estimates, biological weapons can potentially destroy up to two thirds of the global population in just a year. Our world is one big metropolis and even one virus engineered in a laboratory would be able to fulfil this goal in a short period of time, at a minimal cost and without leaving traces to the perpetrator.

Below, I am presenting information about what I have discovered while investigating Pentagon biolaboratories abroad.

Genetic Study on Bats

The Lugar Center, a $161 million Pentagon-funded biolaboratory in Georgia’s capital Tbilisi, discovered coronaviruses in bats with presumably pandemic potential as early as 2014, documents have revealed.

Furthermore, in 2018 the Pentagon launched a $2.9 million program at the Lugar Center involving genetic studies on coronaviruses in 5,000 bats collected in Georgia, Turkey and Jordan.

Pentagon DTRA Lugar Center Launched Project HDTRA11710064 - (Cover NY)

Coincidentally, the same Pentagon contractor tasked with the US DoD bat-research program – Eco Health Alliance, USA, also collected bats and isolated coronaviruses along with Chinese scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Eco Health Alliance received a $3.7 (Dilya's Initial Report) million grant from the US National Institute of Health (NIH) to collect and study coronaviruses in bats in China from 2014 to 2019.

Another NIH Funded Coronavirus Project (Grand Total All Awards = $3,378,896)


Novel Coronaviruses

The Lugar Center sparked controversy about possible dual-use research in 2018 when leaked documents revealed that US diplomats in Georgia were involved in trafficking of frozen human blood and pathogens for a secret military program.

Documents reveal that the Lugar Center also studied coronaviruses in bats.

In 2012 the US Center for Disease Control (CDC) collected and sampled 236 bats for research in Georgia in cooperation with the Lugar Center. The project was funded by the US DoD Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). Part of the samples were shipped to CDC (Atlanta), for screening for multiple pathogens, another part was stored at the Lugar Center for further studies.

In 2014 the US Center for Disease Control (CDC) launched a second project “Emerging zoonotic pathogens in Georgian bats” along with Georgian scientists at the Lugar Center. The project was funded by the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC).

ISTC Project G-2101


Former Bioweapon Scientists working at the Lugar Center

ISTC, the organisation that funded the bat project in Georgia in 2014, was established in 1992 as a non-proliferation international program, providing former biological and chemical weapons scientists with new opportunities for sustainable, peaceful employment. Seven of the Georgian scientists involved in the ISTC bat research project in Georgia turn out to be former bioweapon scientists who had previously worked on the development of bioweapons, according to the ISTC project documents. Among them is Paata Imnadze, the deputy-director of the Georgian National Center for Disease Control (NCDC) where the Lugar Center is located.

ISTC Audited Financial Statements 2018


ISTC Rreport 2018


7 out of 12 Lugar Center employees involved in the bat research project were former bioweapon scientists who had previously worked on the development of biological weapons in the past.

One of the Georgian scientists, Merab Mirtskhulava, has also identified himself as a former bioweapon scientist in his CV published on the University of Michigan’s website. He analysed the data collected under the ISTC G-2101 project.

  Mirtskhulav Merab CV.pdf


Pathogens with pandemic potential

The Georgian National Center for Disease Control (NCDC) did mention briefly the ISTC Project G-2101 in its 2016 annual report.

  ISTC Mentioned in Georgian NCDC Report 2016

ISTC Mentioned in NCDC Report_2016-ENG_Final

250 bats were tested for presence of Lyssavirus, Coronavirus, Yersinia, Leptospira and Brucella pathogens. It is noted that 30 percent of the fecal samples and anal swabs had tested positive for coronaviruses by PCR from five different phylogenetic groups (source: NCDC 2016 Annual Report)



30 % of the bat samples tested positive for coronaviruses, some of which closely related to the epidemic MERS and SARS CoV (photo: Lela Urushadze, Zoonotic pathogens and their molecular epidemiological characteric in Georgian bats, Dissertation, Ilia State University, Tbilisi, Georgia, 2018)

The Lugar Center discovered coronaviruses, similar to the epidemic SARS and MERS coronaviruses, according to the ISTC project manager and Lugar Center virologist Lela Urushadze. These results were published by Urushadze in her dissertation submitted to the Ilia State University in 2018.

Urushadze Dissertation


Both SARS and MERS CoV have a pandemic potential and already caused global epidemics in 2003 and 2013 respectively.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated the overall fatality rate for SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) patients at 14% to 15%, and for MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) – at 35 %. Below are excerpts from the Urushadze’s dissertation:

“Based on our research, we can say that bats in Georgia are reservoirs of such bacterial and viral pathogens as Bartonella, Coronavirus, Leptospira and Brucella, which are likely to have pandemic potential”, according to Lela Urushadze. She explains: “In total we have captured 450 bats using nets and hand nets from eight different roosts. The experimental materials were collected twice in 2012 and 2014. They were transported in a field laboratory or BSL 3 Laboratory for further processing and research for presence of the above mentioned pathogens”.

According to the study, three samples tested positive for beta coronaviruses and were closely related to the MERS-beta coronavirus isolated in an infected patient in Saudi Arabia who died, as well as to MERS coronaviruses in camels in Saudi Arabia and Dubai.

The Georgian coronaviruses were similar to beta coronaviruses discovered in bats in Spain, Italy, Bulgaria and to the pandemic SARS coronavirus with lethal outcome in Amsterdam, China, Florida and Colorado. The Lugar Center scientists also discovered SARS-like coronaviruses similar to those in bats in China and Thailand.

In her dissertation Lela Urishadze thanks the Pentagon Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) “for the material assistance”. Lela Urushadze is a member of the DTRA-supported organisation – BOHRN (Bat One Health research Network) which studies viruses in bats. (CIA Front)

US military program on bats and coronaviruses

In 2018 the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) itself launched a $2.9 million project on bats and coronaviruses in Western Asia with the Lugar Center being the local laboratory for this genetic research. The duration of the program is 5 years and has been implemented by the non-profit US organisation Eco Health Alliance. (CIA Front)

The project’s objectives are: 1. Capture and non-lethally sample 5,000 bats in 5-year period (2018-2023) 2. Collect 20,000 samples (i.e. oral, rectal swabs and/or feces, and blood) and screen for CoVs using consensus PCR at regional labs in Georgia and Jordan. According to the project presentation, Eco Health Alliance already sampled 270 bats of 9 species in three Western Asian countries: 90 individual bats in Turkey (Aug 2018), Georgia (Sept 2018), and Jordan (Oct 2018).

Eco Health Alliance Sampled 270 Bats of 9 Species in 3 Western Asian Countries


A trap full of bats (photo: Facebook, Kendra Phelps, Eco Health Alliance)

Microbiologists at the Lugar Center extracting RNA from bat feces collected during a field trip in Central Georgia (photo: Facebook, Kendra Phelps, Eco Health Alliance)

$3.7 million for coronavirus research in China

Eco Health Alliance was also awarded a $3.7 million grant from the US National Institute of Health (NIH) to collect bats and isolate coronaviruses in China. The duration of the project was 5 years (2014 – 2019) and was implemented at the Wuhan Institute of Virology – a BSL4 biolaboratory located in Wuhan, Hubei province. This is the same province from where the current coronavirus pandemic is believed to have started in December 2019 before spreading around the world.

Updated NIH Funded Coronavirus Project (Grand Total All Awards = $3,748,715)


The US coronavirus project R01AI110964 in China included the following activities: screening wild-caught and market sampled bats from 30 or more species for CoVs using molecular assays; genomic characterization and isolation of novel CoVs; virus infection experiments across a range of cell cultures from different species and humanized mice.

Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 2008-2020 $36,112,467,340


Peter Daszak, president of Eco Health Alliance, told Democracy Now that he had collected bat samples with Chinese colleagues but the Wuhan laboratory did not house the culture of bat viruses but rather their genetic sequencing. If the viruses were not stored in the Wuhan lab in China, then where were they transported and stored?

This is not the only US-funded project under which Eco Health Alliance collected bats and coronaviruses in China. The US scientists studied bats in Eastern Asia (mainly China) and Africa from 2009 to 2019 under the $200 million USAID Predict program whose primary objective was to exactly predict pandemics.

Eco Health Alliance has been awarded both civil and military contracts by the US Government for one and the same activity – searching for novel coronaviruses in bats around the world. This raises questions as to why the US Government has funded both civil and military programs on viruses in bats abroad.

In 2016 Eco Health Alliance, US scientists and USAID launched the The Global Virome Project. The ambitious project was estimated to cost at least $1.6 billion for 10 years. Its main objective is to identify emerging diseases lurking in the wild that could spread to humans and become pandemic.

The Global Virome Project (GVP) Bellagio forum attendees at the Rockefeller Foundation’s Conference Center in Italy, 8-11 August 2016 (photo: Eco Health Alliance)

The Rockefeller Foundation has long been supporting such projects. The foundation has even provided the dangerous Zika Virus for sale online for research purposes.

Ironically, the project was presented at the Rockefeller Foundation’s Conference Center in Bellagio, Italy which 4 years later became the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic in Europe.

P.S. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world have already died in the pandemic. All countries on all continents have been severely affected. If you have any information and would like to share it, please send a message to: [email protected]. If you wish to provide information anonymously, I will not disclose your identity and you will be protected.

I would like to thank all volunteers who have already provided information. I would like also to thank all of you who have supported my work by donations. Thank you to @BMBPeeters who made the first donation. If you want to support Arms Watch, please go to the DONATION page or BECOME VOLUNTEER. Your help matters. This is the battle of our civilization. Thank you.


Media-Internet Global MOCKINGBIRD Obfuscation and NWO Total Genocide

March 14, 2020 By John Robles II

Investigative Journalism and Truth Under the Full Spectrum Dominance of the Worldwide Web and Media

The Global Media and the Internet have been turned into a useless nonsensical echo chamber of garbage, trash, fake news and endless lies and fabrications that it is pointless to even turn on a television or attempt to the read the so-called "Press". Even in Russia on every single channel there is a mention of the USA almost every five minutes as if the Russian Federation is a US colony and every little piece of trash being spread on the MOCKINGBIRD somehow has some relevance to the people of the Russian Federation. Why when faced with Biological Warfare and Genocide am I even mentioning the takeover of the world media? For the reason that it is the Global MOCKINGBIRD that is making it all possible and because everything from Chemtrails to 5G is absolutely connected.

Another reason for mentioning the media at this juncture in the post WikiLeaks, post Q world where the US Military criminal cabal which carried out 9/11 is trying to distract and takeover the role of Whistleblower and Truther and has done so with surprising success, is that when I need information on an issue, such as for the research needed to write this article, I always look for the a source as close to the issue and the truth as is possible and when attempting to obtain true and accurate information about the People’s Republic of China I keep coming up against a wall of filth and lies and psychological operations and idiots trying to make the most of a what they hope is a global panic, jumping on the mindless Distractor Op hoping to be heard while it is trending but in reality not giving an inkling of a care as to the real pain and suffering and the loss of human life that is being caused.

March 23, 2020

CIA/MOCKINGBIRD Coronavirus Global Biological Warfare, Psychological Operation and NATO/GLADIO False Flag

In the ten days that have passed since I began writing this piece many things have changed, one of them being the change of focus of the global CIA/MOCKINGBIRD media and the other being the unarguable proof that almost one hundred percent of all Russian media outlets and major Internet resources are all under the control of the CIA/MOCKINGBIRD. This latter is a very serious issue that must be addressed at the highest levels and extreme measures must be taken to end the control of the global media and Internet by those who have hi-jacked it and restore journalism to what it was meant to be. In the USA and its occupied states, the "West" in general and the NATO Block countries, escaping the claws of the CIA/MOCKINGBIRD would require a massive turning off by the subjugated, dumbed-down and sheep-like masses and realistically this will never happen. However in the rest of the world much can be done to stop the CIA/MOCKINGBIRD and return control of sovereign medias and information spaces back to their respective sovereign states. 

It is not a "conspiracy theory" or an "opinion" that the global information space has been taken over by the Western 9/11 Cabal. One merely has to look at who owns all of the major outlets and the major Internet resources and platforms to come to the same understanding. When 9/11 NATO figures such as Michael Hayden, Tom Ridge and Anders Fogh Rasmussen publicly take control of global media content and for the USA, the BBG is allowed to create and distribute US Government propaganda disguised as News, one must stop for a second and critically analyze the information that one is digesting and using to formulate one's world view. Why mention the 9/11 False Flag? Because it is the same blood-crazed, power-mad, mass-murdering, greed-infected, Neo-Con-Zionist-Nazi lunatics who carried out 9/11 and comprise the Cabal who are carrying out the Biological Warfare and Psychological Operation that is the Coronavirus attack on humanity. Had the world not allowed the real perpetrators of 9/11 to get away with it we would not be where we are at this juncture. In this timeline we now have an insane Cabal of lunatics ready to annihilate over 8 billion human beings in order to enslave those who are left in their massive program and control electronic surveillance and extra-judicial execution grid 5G (Remember the Patents for RFID chips containing built-in lethal elements to facilitate instant remote execution?) and all of this could have been stopped had 9/11 and the ensuing War on Muslims/NATO expansion been properly and truthfully investigated and prosecuted.

We have seen and collected enough evidence to at least call for an investigation into the outrageous illegal Biological Warfare aspect of the Coronavirus but this like 9/11 will never be investigated for what it really is because the Lunatics of the Cabal control all bodies of agencies of power and legal review. With the taking over of the Internet and the now complete and total control of the World Media as a global CIA/MOCKINGBIRD there is no chance that the people who are being lied to and brainwashed and dumbed down and now executed with biological agents will ever raise up and gather enough strength to threaten the outrageous impunity of the New World Order lunatics who control the West and are now trying to control the East.        

The Killing and Destruction of Journalists and Journalism

As an investigative journalist, researcher and writer, I tried time and time again to the warn the world and the peoples of the world about the plans that were being put into place to facilitate the Fascist takeover of the world by those attempting to forcefully install a New World Order. I was crucified and my family was destroyed and since 2016 I have done written very very few articles after coming to the realization that truth is not something that anyone wants to hear or read. I have sat back and watched as everything I wrote about and all of the warnings that I attempted to give have come true one after the other, and this is not something that I can say I am proud of or brag about, in fact it is tragic and horrendous and the worst thing of all is that no one has done anything to prevent what is happening today and those who tried have all be either liquidated or destroyed.

The Treason Against Humanity of Paul Hawkins aka Julian Assange and Global Cognitive Dissonance

I would spit in your faces Paul Hawkins and Kristen Hrafnsson if I could and I hold you two to be personally responsible for the death of the truth movement and for all of the millions of deaths that have and will result due to your hi-jacking of said movement and the decimation of Whistleblowers, Hacktivists and outstanding and brave persons of conscience and incorruptibility that you are both directly responsible for with your little Rothschild/911/War-Crimes-Cover-Up and Entrapment Operation. I also hold you personally responsible Hrafnsson for the arrest of my innocent son in a CIA Black Operation, the liquidation of the Voice of Russia and the death of the Internet. However those are just a few of your Crimes Against Humanity.  

When WikiLeaks and Hawkins called the 9/11 Truth Movement "False Conspiracies" they once and for all left the domain of journalism and became nothing more that co-conspirators in the greatest cover-up of modern times. The fact that all of their sources and partners all ended up dead or in prison is collateral to the core crime that they have committed, which is Conspiracy to Cover Up and Commit War Crimes. Yet like the 9/11 perps they are tools of the Rothschilds and for covering up the Crime of 9/11 they will never be prosecuted. However Assange is where he should be and I am still here watching over my shoulder for CIA Officer Snowy and soon so will Hraffy be were he should be, so I guess the inescapable force of Karma has and will prevail. 

Again what does 9/11 have to do with CV-19? Because it is the same Deep-State-Zionist-Globalist-CIA-NATO-MI6-Masonic-Illuminati-Rothschild-Banker Cabal that is responsible for both and had they faced even one significant prosecution for the carrying out of 9/11, again, we would not be where we are today.

US/NATO Crimes Against Humanity Continue With Impunity: Now Waging Biological Warfare

The importance of the PNAC document   

The Attempted Biological Warfare Attack on Russia and the Russian People and the Psychological Destabilization Operation

This piece attempts to focus on Cabal Media and Internet Operations so it is important to note the way that the West and the CIA/MOCKINGBIRD have  attempted to use the Russian media to stoke panic and in the long run undermine the legitimacy of the Russian Government and the Russian State.

The use of the Global MOCKINGBIRD has never been more evident or dangerous to the Russian State and the peoples of the world. Millions are being manipulated and controlled 

CV-19 Biological Warfare and the Coming of the REX84 New World Order Police State   

Soon the REX84 protocols will be enacted. Run while you can!

Pompeo Admits COVID-19 is a “Live Exercise”

Pompeo admits COVID-19 is a “live exercise”, Trump says: “You should have let us know.”




Russia's Patient Zero: Cabal Attempts to Kickstart Biological Genocide in the Russian Federation   

The cover story with Irina Victorovna Sannikova is that she innocently went to Spain during the already active epidemic and accidently contracted the Coronavirus and then "simply forgot to quarantine herself or tell anyone about her trip".

Given the media hysteria and even Gazprom Media's Echo Moscow (a known globalist outlet) being fined by Roskomnadzor for publishing fake news regarding thousands of non-existent Russian deaths, we immediately smelled a rotten egg here. So we did a little digging and what we uncovered was more than a little interesting. Most of it could have been brushed off as coincidence or merely due to her professional activities had she not intentionally hidden her trip to Spain. No one in their right mind would believe that a top Epidemiologist and respected professional could merely overlook the requirement to inform of her condition and her trip to a highly infected region. Not something anyone would buy no matter how much they want to.

Our first clue to MI6 was the location where Sannikova contracted the Coronavirus, Spain. For those of us with a deep knowledge of the methods and operational activities of MI6 (Thanks for this one goes to triple agent Michael John Smith) we know that Spain is a beloved contact zone for MI6 and their agents. Spain is ideal for several reasons, the first and most important is that MI6 can not legally meet agents or conduct espionage operations inside the UK. Not that they do not do so but those have to rise to a level of necessity that is not met by the simple meeting of an agent with a controller. Meeting in Spain also protects the agent from any connections perceived or otherwise with the UK. France would seem like a more comfortable solution but the French are much more vigilant and Spain historically has ignored MI6 operations on its territory. Sannikova also has official untouchable status in Spain (see link).

Message for the Good People at the FSB: Security Lockdown of Russia's Scientific Community a Real and Pressing Necessity

USAID, the CIA and MI6 love and are loved by millions of the world's medical professionals and scientists. Western Intelligence Agencies love Russia's scientists because they help them in solving problems and doing research that would cost them millions and that they would not be able to carry out with the resources they have, and many times Russians will provide this assistance for free. This is an endemic problem in the Russian Federation due to the continued low salaries and lax security protocols surrounding Russia's Scientific Community, and again corruption is the foundation and is largely ignored. However this time the corruption may cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent Russians.

The case of Sannikova will hopefully be a wake up call to the FSB and the Russian Security Services with regards to members of the Scientific Community. However due to the continuing yet dwaining influence of the USA and their planted Neo-Liberal Globalist agents throughout Russia it is still possible that even this case will simply be prosecuted for other reasons and the National Security aspects simply ignored. Again due to the endemic corruption, promoted and fed by the West with endless lucre and false promises of attaining an American dream that only exists in the minds of the corrupted and brainwashed, Russian Security and the safety of the Russian people and the Russian State are under threat.

For over three years now I have been sequestered and for the most part self-isolated in what used to be a closed scientific community, the name of which and location I will not specify for security reasons, and I have had a lot of contact with (almost exclusively) Microbiologists, DNA Specialists, Biologists and other members of the Scientific Community. To add to that I was even employed by a Federal Biological Institute for a year as the Head Teacher of the English Department, the point being that I have gather a rather high-level of intimate knowledge of the workings and character of many of these individuals. The point being made to assure you that I am not just "talking through my hat" as the case may be.

The scheme is so benign (as is evil in most cases) that it is almost totally ignored or deemed as normal by those who happen to know about it, but for anyone with an interest in National Security, it makes one shudder to think. Even the Dean of the Institution where I was employed and then let go because I was not financially "of interest" to them, was publicly known to have stolen millions of Rubles from the Russian State by organizing scientific conferences which cost nothing and where people were even charged for attending, and nothing was done. This individual and her assistants even opened a private company using the resources of the State. Again nothing was done. After the aforementioned conference where the illegally obtained lucre was in the neighborhood of 68 million rubles, this Dean and her assistant took holidays (and the money) to the USA. Again nothing was done (that I am at liberty to discuss as there are open investigations going on). If that were not bad enough it gets even worse.

Scientists are required to publish, this is on the whole a good thing, but this is also the exact weak point where the Intelligence Operative can extract needed information and compromise (or recruit) the target. This is also where the Counter-Intelligence Operative (or Investigative Journalist like me) can, by identifying points of conversion, financial flows and other details which I will not name (again for security reasons), identify a subject that has been recruited and is working for an enemy Intelligence Body, as in the case of Sannikova.          

It is in the publishing that vital information is being passed to enemy states. Just as Russian and Caucasian DNA were being gathered by innocent sounding projects claiming to help map heredity, the publishing and sharing of Scientific Data is viewed and considered to be normal and in some regards, actually  necessary for the advancement and verification of work.

I personally, have translated hundreds of Scientific Articles (the details of which I will not reveal for security reasons) and other materials and have prepared dozens of individuals for submission to and travel to the West and whenever I dare to question the National Security ramifications of such "sharing" the subjects almost always respond with a wave of the hand and statements that it is normal. For me this shows historic ignorance and blind obedience but for them it is just part of the system, it is "normal". If this is so then their "System" needs to be analyzed from a National Security perspective by uncorrupted investigators in the Russian Intelligence Community.

These concerns were communicated by me in the past to the competent bodies and hopefully information that the CIA and DARPA were working on a Genetically Targetting Biological Weapon has assisted in preventing the Coronavirus from decimating the Russian people. Judging by the numbers my warnings were heeded and perhaps in all of my efforts I did manage to save some lives. Of course no one will ever tell me or credit me, but just that knowledge is enough for me at this point.  

The Outing of MI6's Tom Fletcher

Having received confirmation from an old and trusted source as to Tom Fletcher's MI6 connections I am continuing with this article and the outing of MI6's Dr. Tom Fletcher and the MI6 Fronts that their failed operation has uncovered.

The open source information about Dr Fletcher can be found here:

What is there is damning enough when you know the nature of the organizations and the bodies that Fletcher (if that is his real name) is involved with and connected to, but there is more that will published later.

Fletcher used the MI6 Front the Wellcome Trust to establish his credentials and obtain his PhD, he has travelled under WHO cover and officially covers what could be suspected MI6 military activities through his position as a physician in the Defence Medical Services. Of course dealing with "High-Consequence Infectious Diseases" are common for UK military personnel and MI6 is only interested in the well-being of the Russian people and the people of Turkey, Sudan and Sierra Leon and of course had nothing to do with the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Do you understand where this is going? Every single operation that Fletcher has been engaged in, every agent he has recruited and every person he has used, wittingly or unwittingly, are now subject to investigation and even elimination. Planning and executing Biological Warfare on civilian populations is inexcusable.     

MI6 Front Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

Connection to MI6's Tony Nolan, the Pirbright Institute, Bill Gates, the CIA, USAID, the Gates Foundation, DARPA, UK DMS and MI6 Front Imperial College...

Irina Victorovna Sannikova: The Perfect Patient Zero

Her resume.

Those are the some of the clues, investigate yoursleves for now. Stay sharp. Will be back later... Unfortunately I have things to do my friends.

Tony Nolan and his work with mutating mosquitoes ties in with DARPA's Georgian Biological Warfare Experiments. His work for DARPA was carried at the Joint CIA/MI6 Front Pribright Institute funded by Bill Gates as cover. After his work for Pirbright Tony Nolan was moved to the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine which is a deeper MI6 Front to continue his research under deeper cover. The MI6 Front Imperial College is also connected with Pirbright and Liverpool and serves among other things as an interface between would-be-MI6-recruits and Military Intelligence. Like CIA Front USAID's relationship with Pierre Omidyar in Ukraine and George Soros Worldwide, Bill Gates and his Foundations serve as Deeper Fronts for the CIA and their connection to the Liverpool School and Sannilkova's research, although wiped from the pages of the US Government's left behind crumbs. Any attempt to wipe such information must be viewed as an attempt to hide something. In this case the US Government's attempt to kick off a Pandemic in the Russian Federation. Finally DMS is another MI6 Governmental Front engaged in medical and psychological tweeking and experimentation on UK/NATO troops. MKULTRA never stopped kids. It just expanded and spread out. That is all I can say for now. 

Imperial College scientist who predicted 500K coronavirus deaths in UK revises to 20K or fewer



Meet MI6's Tom Fletcher and Russia's New Patient Zero - Tick-Tock Tick-Tock Tick-Tock



Ставропольский врач с коронавирусом стала фигуранткой дела о халатности


Главный инфекционист Ставрополья завезла в регион коронавирус

The chief infectious disease specialist of the Stavropol Region, Irina Sannikova, brought a new coronavirus infection into the region, hiding her trip to Spain.

The medic was in Madrid on an open visa from March 6 to 9, when quarantine was already introduced there in connection with the spread of coronavirus. Tickets for the woman were bought in advance.

After returning to her homeland, Sannikova did not comply with the rules of self-isolation and went to work. As writes on Saturday, March 21, as a result, 11 people were already infected from it.

Since March 10, Sannikova, already being a carrier of infection, gave lectures to students and performed other work related to communicating with people.

According to the publication, the woman felt unwell on March 17. After an X-ray showed the presence of bilateral pneumonia, the doctor confessed to traveling abroad. The primary test revealed her coronavirus infection.

It is reported that after returning to Russia, the woman managed to communicate with almost a thousand people. Now 11 people who have passed positive tests for coronavirus after contact with Sannikova are isolated.

Currently, Sannikova is in the box of the regional infectious diseases hospital. Her condition is rated as moderate. According to the newspaper, she faces not only disciplinary punishment - up to dismissal, but also criminal liability.

A woman can be prosecuted under articles of the Criminal Code “Negligence” and “Concealment of information about circumstances that create a danger to human life and health”. Regional law enforcement officers on this fact conduct an audit.

On March 17, a 40-year-old patient with suspected coronavirus COVID-19 escaped from a hospital in Kommunarka in “new Moscow”, she was found on Orshanskaya Street in the west of the capital and returned to a medical facility.

On March 19, the State Duma proposed toughening the punishment for violating the quarantine and other sanitary and epidemiological rules.

An outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus was first detected in Wuhan, China, at the end of December 2019. On March 11, WHO announced the coronavirus pandemic. Acute respiratory infections have been reported in more than 130 countries.

Главный инфекционист Ставрополья завезла в регион коронавирус

Главный врач-инфекционист Ставропольского края Ирина Санникова завезла в регион новую коронавирусную инфекцию, скрыв свою поездку в Испанию.

Медик находилась в Мадриде по открытой визе с 6 по 9 марта, когда там уже был введен карантин в связи с распространением коронавируса. Билеты у женщины были куплены заранее.

После возвращения на родину Санникова не стала соблюдать правила самоизоляции и вышла на работу. Как пишет в субботу, 21 марта, сайт, в результате от нее заразились уже 11 человек.

С 10 марта Санникова, уже являясь переносчиком инфекции, проводила лекции для студентов и выполняла другую работу, связанную с общением с людьми.

По данным издания, женщина почувствовала недомогание 17 марта. После того как рентген показал наличие у нее двусторонней пневмонии, врач призналась в поездке за рубеж. Первичный тест выявил у нее наличие коронавирусной инфекции.

Сообщается, что после возвращения в Россию женщина успела пообщаться почти с тысячей человек. Сейчас 11 человек, которые сдали положительные тесты на коронавирус после контактов с Санниковой, изолированы.

В настоящий момент Санникова находится в боксе краевой инфекционной больницы. Ее состояние оценивается как средней тяжести. Как пишет газета, ей грозит не только дисциплинарное наказание — вплоть до увольнения, но и уголовная ответственность.

На женщину могут завести дела по статьям УК «Халатность» и «Сокрытие информации об обстоятельствах, создающих опасность для жизни и здоровья людей». Региональные правоохранители по данному факту проводят проверку.

17 марта 40-летняя пациентка с подозрением на коронавирус COVID-19 сбежала из больницы в Коммунарке в «новой Москве», ее нашли на Оршанской улице на западе столицы и вернули в медучреждение.

19 марта в Госдуме предложили ужесточить наказание за нарушение карантина и других санитарно-эпидемиологических правил.

Вспышка коронавируса SARS-CoV-2 была впервые выявлена в китайском Ухане в конце декабря 2019 года. 11 марта ВОЗ объявила о пандемии коронавируса. Случаи острого респираторного инфицирования были зафиксированы более чем в 130 странах.


Перевод без проверка

Глобальные СМИ и Интернет превратились в бесполезную бессмысленную эхо-камеру мусора, мусора, фальшивых новостей и бесконечной лжи и измышлений, что бессмысленно даже включать телевизор или пытаться читать так называемую прессу. Даже в России на каждом отдельном канале почти каждые пять минут упоминаются США, как будто Российская Федерация является колонией США, и каждый маленький кусочек мусора, распространяемый на СМЕШАНКОЙ ПТИЦЕ, каким-то образом имеет отношение к народу Российской Федерации. Почему, сталкиваясь с биологической войной и геноцидом, я даже упоминаю о захвате мировых СМИ? По той причине, что именно Global MOCKINGBIRD делает все это возможным, и потому что все, от Chemtrails до 5G, абсолютно связано.

Еще одна причина упоминания средств массовой информации на этом этапе в пост-WikiLeaks, пост Q world, где Военная преступная клика США, которая провела 9/11, пытается отвлечь и захватить роль разоблачителя и Трутера и сделала это с удивительным успехом, заключается в том, что что, когда мне нужна информация по проблеме, например, для исследования, необходимого для написания этой статьи, я всегда ищу источник, максимально близкий к проблеме и правде, насколько это возможно, и при попытке получить правдивую и точную информацию о людях Китайская Республика. Я продолжаю наталкиваться на стену грязи, лжи, психологических операций и идиотов, пытающихся максимально использовать то, на что, как они надеются, - глобальную панику, прыгая на бездумного Оператора-дистрактора, надеясь услышать его, пока он в тренде, но в реальность, не дающая намек на заботу о настоящей боли, страданиях и гибели людей, которые в результате этого происходят.

Перевод без проверка


在WikiLeaks,Q後世界中此時此刻提及媒體的另一個原因是,實施9/11的美國軍事犯罪集團試圖轉移並接管舉報人和Truther的角色,並取得了令人驚訝的成功。當我需要有關某個問題的信息(例如撰寫本文所需的研究)時,我總是會尋找盡可能接近該問題和真相的信息來源,並試圖獲取有關人民的真實和準確信息中華民國我不斷碰到骯髒,謊言,心理操作和白痴的牆,試圖最大程度地利用他們所希望的全球恐慌,跳上笨拙的Distractor Op,希望在流行趨勢中聽到,但在現實並沒有引起人們對真正的痛苦和苦難以及正在造成的生命損失的關心。,17.htm

Expose25A 03-16-2020 Coronavirus: An Orchestrated Black Operation for the NWO


 Coronavirus: Tool for NeoCon/Israeli 9/11 Planners - China - Iran - Russia - and all Sovereign Non-US Client States

According to the Israeli/NeoCon PNAC and their blueprint for global domination titled Rebuilding America’s Defenses, biological warfare and in particular race targetting biological weapons would become nothing more than useful tools. “And advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.” – 2000

Iran Condemns US Political Approach to Coronavirus

Deep Coronavirus Biological Warfare Proponents Seek Ends: Duff Covered for the Bush CIAbal

AbstractIsrael will be last......... The American Chronicle


History, news, and views Netanyahu’s Shocking Warning in Fink’s Bar
August 29, 2015 5211 5211 Bookmark

2659 Fink’s Bar in Jerusalem is about to become a household name and get a whole lot of unwanted publicity from the actions of one of its patrons Benjamin Netanyahu. The Israeli Prime Minister is recorded on tape at the bar threatening the destruction of the United States in 1990.

Veterans Today has corroborated from multiple sources the conversation recorded by the US Defense Intelligence Agency in which Netanyahu called for the destruction of the United States.

Per Bibi;

“If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it does not matter what you do, America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God, and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”

The context for the plan to destroy the United States piece by piece was a meeting at Fink’s where a group of Israeli espionage agents, Netanyahu among them, were celebrating the capture of 5 KG 84 cryptographic devices which they stole from the United States military with the help of Canadians working for the UN in the Golan Heights, thus giving the Israelis and any of their clients direct real time access to all US State Department, Naval, and NATO communications.

Writing in Veterans Today, Gordon Duff notes that President Bush, Sr had planned to remain in Iraq much longer than was the case in order to create the basis for a nuclear war involving the Soviet Union. The theft of the cryptographic machines ironically averted such a catastrophe by the psychopaths running the United States, but it also guaranteed 9/11 11 years later.

With the cryptographic machines in posession, the Israelis received the daily encryption keys which enabled them to read all US communiqués described above. This devastating compromise of security left the United States defenseless in the event of a nuclear attack, necessitating the withdrawal of US forces from the Middle East after to the first Gulf War earlier than planned.

What Duff leaves out of the story is the accountability of the people who were responsible for the thefts and total penetration of US security. President Bush was apprised quickly of the loss, yet reading between the lines, it is clear to us at least, that no efforts were taken to stanch the loss of intelligence and communications. This continued flow of America’s most sensitive secrets gave Israel the basis for planning the 9/11 nuclear assault on the United States, and also implicates George Bush, Sr in the gravest betrayal of the United States, thus making fully clear his statement to a reporter that “the American people would run us out of town with pitch forks if they knew what we did.”

The HASBARA Pandemic

Recognizing and Resisting the “Hasbara Pandemic”

PNAC and the New Pearl Harbor - The Impunity of the 9/11 Lunatics 

Is the coronavirus pandemic the new Pearl Harbor?


02-06-2020 The Facts Are In The Files

Total: 5,373 Research Papers - 5.97 Gbs - 6,414,258,239 bytes Many of these files are behind paywalls and not in the public domain. Sources are also blocked in many countries that need this information. FInally, we hope a bright mind will see the vaccine, the cure and the source.

2020: 16 Research Papers

2019: 256 Research Papers

2018: 262 Research Papers

2017: 260 Research Papers

2016: 334 Research Papers

2015: 306 Research Papers

2014: 309 Research Papers

2013: 273 Research Papers

2012: 177 Research Papers

2011: 144 Research Papers

2008-2010: 569 Research Papers

2003-2007: 1,381 Research Papers

2000-2002: 174 Research Papers

1995-1999: 200 Research Papers

1990-1994: 254 Research Papers

1980-1989: 364 Research Papers

1970-1979: 92 Research Papers

1968-1969: 3 Research Papers

Coronaviruses: An Overview of Their Replication and Pathogenesis


Coronaviruses (CoVs), enveloped positive-sense RNA viruses, are characterized by club-like spikes that project from their surface, an unusually large RNA genome, and a unique replication strategy. Coronaviruses cause a variety of diseases in mammals and birds ranging from enteritis in cows and pigs and upper respiratory disease in chickens to potentially lethal human respiratory infections. Here we provide a brief introduction to coronaviruses discussing their replication and pathogenicity, and current prevention and treatment strategies. We also discuss the outbreaks of the highly pathogenic Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and the recently identified Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV).

CORONAVIRUS 2019-nCoV/USA-IL1/2020, Complete Genome (See Bottom of Page)

Coronavirus USA and EU Patents, EU Patent Specs, HIV/CORONAVIRUS Similarities

2003 - NIAID Under Fauci Gets Funding for "Biological Defense"

Fauci Addresses Bioterrorism Threats By Tom Wigg, Special to The Hoya

Director of the National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases Anthony S. Fauci addressed a group of medical professionals about the potential dangers of bioterrorism on Friday in the ICC Auditorium. This was the 12th annual Joseph B. Brennan Lecture, which is sponsored every year by the Joseph P. and Rose F. Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown University.

Fauci, a native of Brooklyn, N.Y., received his medical degree from Cornell Medical College in 1966. He was appointed director of the NIAID in 1984 and oversees an extensive research portfolio of basic and applied research to prevent, diagnose and treat infectious and immune-mediated illnesses, including HIV/AIDS, smallpox and anthrax.

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Dean David W. Lightfoot introduced Fauci as someone who not only examines and evaluates scientific research, but also questions how the government will ethically use this information.

Fauci explained that since the anthrax attacks in 2001, NIAID has markedly expanded, intensified and accelerated its ongoing research programs in biodefense. "Events of 2001 have had an impact not only on the nation but on the biomedical field which is now concerned with emerging diseases and defense," Fauci said.

He then discussed the anthrax scare specifically as being minor in terms of health effects but major in a broader sense. "Eighteen cases and five deaths associated with anthrax has led to a total transformation in what the biomedical community would have to deal with. The anthrax scare has resulted in a situation unprecedented … and would be a new challenge for American medicine," Fauci said.

Fauci discussed the possible threat of a resurgence of the smallpox disease, whose earliest victim was Pharaoh Ramses V in 1157 B.C., he said. The vaccine was first used in 1796 and the last case found in the United States was in the same year. In 1949, United States doctors stopped giving the vaccine because it killed over 500 people. In 1980, the World Health Organization declared smallpox eradicated and told all laboratories to destroy their samples. Fauci explained that although WHO gave this instruction, at least two samples of smallpox still exist.

He indicated that smallpox is a possible weapon that could be used against the U. S. in the event of bioterrorism, which means that the vaccine may be needed again. Today, the NIAID has diluted their supply of 15 million small pox vaccine doses to make 77 million, which are still as effective as the original dosage. In addition, with new contracts, the NIAID will soon have over 400 million doses.

Fauci also raised ethical questions concerning the distribution of vaccines. Fifteen out of every million people encounter deadly effects as result of the smallpox vaccine. Fauci asked how the government plans to make sure the public understands what it is getting. He also asked how the government would decide to make it mandatory if not enough people decided to get the vaccine voluntarily.

Fauci then discussed the Bush administration’s decision to place $37.7 billion into the 2003 Homeland Security Budget with 16 percent of that allocated for biological defense.

The budget increase would allow NIAID to expand its research agenda, the genomic sequencing of potential bioterror agents and developing animal models.

A year from now, NIAID is expected to have new vaccinations and treatments rather than just new research.

The Brennan Lecture series, established with gifts from the Brennan family and the law firm of Sutherland, Asbill & Brennan, honors a three-generation relationship between the Brennans and Georgetown University.

1. 2007 CV-19 Orignated at CIA/DARPA Lab in Fort Detrick

2. August 2019 Collins and Fauci Continued Development Until Lab Was Shut down

COVID-19 originated at the US Military’s bio-weapons lab at Fort Detrick (which was shut down by the CDC in July

Coronavirus Patents

2015 Filing by Gates/Pirbright - Great Britain - European Patent EP3172319 B1



2007 - USA Patent US 7,220,852 B1

Here’s the official United States Patent for the Coronavirus—Patent No.: US 7,220,852 B1

3. 2013 - Then Travelled on to (Canada's National Microbiology Laboratory (NML)

Coronavirus arrived at Canada’s NML Winnipeg facility on May 4, 2013 from the Dutch lab.

4. March 2019 - CORONAVIRUS and Other Pathogens Arrive in Wuhan from Canada

Since 2011 Receiving CIA Money Through USAID/NIAID - Then for $3.7 Million to Wuhan Under Gates' Puppets Collins and Fauci Using Peng


CORPNAVIRUSgate: Who is Dr. Peng? And who does he really work for?

The trail doesn’t stop there though. The Wuhan institute of Virology (another one of the few Level-4 Laboratories in the world) posted a help wanted notice on their website on November 18, 2019 looking for researchers who would use bats to research the “molecular mechanism that allows Ebola and SARS-associated Coronaviruses to lie dormant for a long time without causing diseases.”

The head of the Bat Virus Infection and Immunization Group is Dr. Peng Zhou, who has written papers on cross-species transmission of viruses, including the Corona Virus. In one paper titled, “Fatal Swine Acute Diarrhea Syndrome Caused by an HKU2-related Coronavirus of bat origin,” Dr. Zhou notes in the abstract that outbreaks could threaten livestock, public health, and economic growth.



5. Then Released and Spread Worldwide to Serve the Globalist Cabal and Gates

The United States is the country of origin for most of the coronavirus cases in Australia, the prime minister has said.

NBC News Promotes CIA-NCMI (National Center for Medical Intelligence) and Snowden/Greenberg

It Should Have Been Called the Bill Gates Virus

The Big Cash In: CV-19 Patent Holder Bill Gates to Release Vaccine

Gates Foundation calls for global cooperation on vaccine for 7 billion people

Microsoft and Bill Gates: Pandemics and Satanism for the NWO

Microsoft Releases (and Deletes) an Ad With Elite Occultist Marina Abramovic

Lesser Humans, Reducing Population: Messianic Eugenicist Gates

Continuing Cornelius Rhoads' (Collins/Fauci's) Genocide for the NWO

By Robert F Kennedy Jr.

Robert F Kennedy Jr

Fauci and Gates: The Public Executors of the CV-19 False Flag

Jeffrey Epstein’s Executor Is Ex-Science Adviser to Bill Gates

Vaccines, for Bill Gates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft’s ambition to control a global vac ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial control over global health policy—the spear tip of corporate neo-imperialism.

Gates’ obsession with vaccines seems fueled by a messianic conviction that he is ordained to save the world with technology and a god-like willingness to experiment with the lives of lesser humans.

Promising to eradicate Polio with $1.2 billion, Gates took control of India ‘s National Advisory Board (NAB) and mandated 50 polio vaccines (up from 5) to every child before age 5. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian Government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and evicted Gates and his cronies from the NAB. Polio paralysis rates dropped precipitously. In 2017, the World Health Organization reluctantly admitted that the global polio explosion is predominantly vaccine strain, meaning it is coming from Gates’ Vaccine Program. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, the Philippines, and Afghanistan are all linked to Gates’ vaccines. By 2018, ¾ of global polio cases were from Gates’ vaccines.

In 2014, the Gates Foundation funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by GSK and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces. Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders. Seven died. Indian government investigations charged that Gates funded researchers committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls. The case is now in the country’s Supreme Court.

In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded a trial of a GSK’s experimental malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious adverse effects including paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions to 1,048 of the 5,049 children.

During Gates 2002 MenAfriVac Campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa, Gates operatives forcibly vaccinated thousands of African children against meningitis. Between 50-500 children developed paralysis. South African newspapers complained, “We are guinea pigs for drug makers”. Nelson Mandela's former Senior Economist, Professor Patrick Bond, describes Gates' philanthropic practices as "ruthless and immoral."

In 2010, Gates committed $10 billion to the WHO promising to reduce population, in part through new vaccines. A month later, Gates told a Ted Talk that new vaccines "could reduce population".

In 2014 Kenya's Catholic Doctors Association accused the WHO of chemically sterilizing millions of unwilling Kenyan women with a phony "tetanus" vaccine campaign. Independent labs found the sterility formula in every vaccine tested. After denying the charges, WHO finally admitted it had been developing the sterility vaccines for over a decade. Similar accusations came from Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines.

A 2017 study (Morgensen et.Al. 2017) showed that WHO's popular DTP vaccine is killing more African children than the diseases it pretends to prevent. Vaccinated girls suffered (5 fold higher rate - 500%) 10x the death rate of unvaccinated children. Gates and WHO have refused to recall the lethal vaccine which WHO forces upon millions of African children annually.   

Global public health advocates around the world accuse Gates of hijacking WHO's agenda away from the projects that are proven to curb infectious diseases; clean water, hygiene, nutrition and economic development. They say he has diverted agency resources to serve his personal fetish - that good health only comes in a syringe.

In addition to using his philanthropy to control WHO, UNICEF, GAVI and PATH, Gates funds private pharmaceutical companies that manufacture vaccines, and a massive network of pharmaceutical-industry front groups that broadcast deceptive propaganda, develop fraudulent studies, conduct surveillance and psychological operations against vaccine hesitancy and use Gates' power and money to silence dissent and coerce compliance.

In his recent nonstop Pharmedia appearances, Gates appears gleeful that the Covid-19 crisis will give him the opportunity to force his third-world vaccine programs on American children.   

USNIH/NIAID Gave Wuhan Level 4 Lab $3.7 M for CV-19 Research

U.S. Government Gave $3.7 Million Grant to Wuhan Institute of Virology for Coronavirus Research

New post: U.S. Government Gave $3.7 Million Grant to Wuhan Institute of Virology for Coronavirus

Why did the taxpayer-funded NIH funnel $3.7 million to the Wuhan virus research lab?

Robert F Kennedy Jr.

The Daily Mail reported that it has uncovered documents showing that Anthony Fauci’s NIAID gave $3.7 million to scientists at the Wuhan Lab at the center of coronavirus leak scrutiny. According to the British paper, “the federal grant funded experiments on bats from the caves where the virus is believed to have originated.”

Background: following the 2002-2003 SARS coronavirus outbreak, NIH funded a collaboration by Chinese scientists, US military virologists from the bioweapons lab at Fort Detrick & NIH scientists from NIAID to prevent future coronavirus outbreaks by studying the evolution of virulent strains from bats in human tissues. Those efforts included “gain of function” research that used a process called “accelerated evolution” to create COVID Pandemic superbugs, enhanced bat borne COVID mutants more lethal and more transmissible than wild COVID.

Fauci’s studies alarmed scientists around the globe who complained, according a Dec. 2017 NY Times article, that “these researchers risk creating a monster germ that could escape the lab and seed a pandemic.”

Dr. Marc Lipsitch of the Harvard School of Public Health’s Communicable Disease Center told the Times that Dr. Fauci’s NIAID experiments “have given us some modest scientific knowledge and done almost nothing to improve our preparedness for pandemic, and yet risked creating an accidental pandemic.”

In October 2014, following a series of federal laboratory mishaps that narrowly missed releasing these deadly engineered viruses, President Obama ordered the halt to all federal funding for Fauci’s dangerous experiments. It now appears that Dr. Fauci may have dodged the federal restrictions by shifting the research to the military lab in Wuhan. Congress needs to launch an investigation of NIAID’s mischief in China.  

The Bill Gates Pandemic Scam - The Big Cash In: владелец патента CV-19 Билл Гейтс выпустит вакцину и убьет миллиарды
От Роберта Кеннеди младшего
Вакцины для Билла Гейтса - стратегическая филантропия, питающая различные ветви его бизнеса, связанные с вакцинами (включая амбиции Microsoft по контролю global vac ID enterprise) и предоставляющая ему диктаторский контроль над глобальной политикой в области здравоохранения – вершина корпоративного неоимпериализма.
Одержимость Гейтса вакцинами, кажется, подпитывается мессианской убежденностью, что ему предписано спасти мир благодаря технологиям и богоподобной готовности экспериментировать с жизнями «меньших» людей.
Пообещав искоренить полиомиелит за 1,2 миллиарда долларов, Гейтс взял под свой контроль Национальный консультативный совет Индии (NAB) и утвердил 50 вакцин против полиомиелита (с 5 лет), вводившихся каждому ребенку младше пяти. Индийские врачи обвиняют кампанию Гейтса в разрушительной эпидемии полиомиелита, которая была вызвана вакцинным штаммом и парализовала 496 000 детей в период с 2000 по 2017 год. В 2017 году правительство Индии отменило режим вакцинации Гейтса и выгнало Гейтса и его приспешников из NAB. Частота паралича, вызванного полиомиелитом, резко упала. В 2017 году Всемирная организация здравоохранения неохотно признала, что глобальный взрыв полиомиелита связан преимущественно с вакцинным штаммом, что означает, что он вызван программой вакцинации Гейтса. Самые страшные эпидемии в Конго, на Филиппинах и в Афганистане связаны с прививками Гейтса. К 2018 году три четверти случаев полиомиелита в мире были вызваны вакцинами Гейтса.
В 2014 году Фонд Гейтса финансировал испытания экспериментальных вакцин против ВПЧ, разработанных GSK и Merck, на 23 000 молодых девушек в отдаленных провинциях Индии. Приблизительно 1200 человек испытывали тяжелые побочные эффекты, включая аутоиммунные реакции и бесплодие. Семеро умерли. Расследования, проведенные правительством Индии, показали, что финансируемые Гейтсом исследователи повсеместно совершали этические нарушения: принуждали уязвимых деревенских девушек к участию в испытаниях, запугивали родителей, подделывали формы согласия и отказывались предоставить медицинскую помощь пострадавшим девушкам. Дело в настоящее время находится в Верховном суде страны.
В 2010 году Фонд Гейтса профинансировал испытание экспериментальной противомалярийной вакцины GSK, в результате которых погиб 151 африканский ребенок, а у еще 1048 из 5049 детей возникли серьезные неблагоприятные последствия, включая паралич, припадки и фебрильные судороги.
Во время кампании MenAfriVac в 2002 году в странах Африки к югу от Сахары сотрудники Гейтса принудительно привили тысячи африканских детей против менингита. У 50-500 детей развился паралич. Южноафриканские газеты жаловались: «Мы морские свинки для производителей лекарств». Бывший старший экономист Нельсона Манделы, профессор Патрик Бонд, описывает филантропические практики Гейтса как «безжалостные и аморальные».
В 2010 году Гейтс выделил ВОЗ 10 миллиардов долларов, обещая сократить численность населения, в частности, за счет новых вакцин. Месяц спустя Гейтс рассказал Ted Talk, что новые вакцины «могут сократить популяцию».
В 2014 году Ассоциация католических врачей Кении обвинила ВОЗ в химической стерилизации миллионов кенийских женщин обманным путем посредством фиктивной кампании вакцинации против столбняка. Независимые лаборатории нашли формулу стерильности в каждой протестированной вакцине. После отрицания обвинений ВОЗ наконец признала, что разрабатывает вакцины бесплодия уже более десяти лет. Аналогичные обвинения поступили из Танзании, Никарагуа, Мексики и Филиппин.
Исследование 2017 года (Morgensen et.Al. 2017) показало, что популярная DTP-вакцина ВОЗ (против коклюша, дифтерии и столбняка) убивает больше африканских детей, чем те болезни, которые она якобы предотвращает. Смертность среди вакцинированных девочек превышала таковую среди невакцинированных детей на 500-1000%. Гейтс и ВОЗ отказались отозвать смертельную вакцину, которую ВОЗ ежегодно
навязывает миллионам африканских детей.
Сторонники глобального общественного здравоохранения по всему миру обвиняют Гейтса в том, что он оставил без внимания ВОЗ проекты, доказанно помогающие сдерживать инфекционные заболевания: чистая вода, гигиена, питание и экономическое развитие. Они говорят, что он направил ресурсы агентства на служение своему личному фетишу – идее о том, что источником хорошего здоровья может быть только шприц.
В дополнение к использованию своей благотворительности для контроля над ВОЗ, ЮНИСЕФ, ГАВИ и PATH, Гейтс финансирует частные фармацевтические компании, которые производят вакцины, и обширную сеть передовых групп фармацевтической промышленности, которые транслируют мошенническую пропаганду, разрабатывают мошеннические исследования, проводят наблюдение и психологические операции, устраняющие сомнения в отношении вакцинации и использующие власть и деньги Гейтса для подавления инакомыслия и принуждения к согласию.
В своих недавних безостановочных выступлениях в Pharmedia Гейтс, похоже, радуется, что кризис, вызванный Covid-19, даст ему возможность навязать свои программы вакцинации третьего мира американским детям.
Газета Daily Mail сообщила, что обнаружила документы, свидетельствующие о том, что Национальный институт аллергии и инфекционных заболеваний (NIAID) под руководством директора Энтони Фаучи выделил 3,7 млн долларов ученым из лаборатории Ухань в центре изучения утечки коронавируса. Согласно британской газете, «федеральный грант финансировал эксперименты на летучих мышах из пещер, где предположительно произошел вирус». История вопроса: после вспышки коронавируса SARS в 2002-2003 гг. NIH профинансировал сотрудничество китайских ученых, американских военных вирусологов из лаборатории биологического оружия в Форт-Детрик и ученых NIH из NIAID для предотвращения будущих вспышек коронавируса путем изучения эволюции вирулентных штаммов из летучих мышей в культурах клеток человека. Это сотрудничество включало исследования по «усилению функции», в которых использовался метод, называемый «ускоренная эволюция», для создания улучшенных мутантов COVID на летучих мышах, более смертоносных и более быстро передающихся, чем дикие COVID.
Исследования Фаучи встревожили ученых всего мира, которые, согласно статье в газете «Нью-Йорк Таймс» за декабрь 2017 года, жаловались на то, что «эти исследователи рискуют создать зародыш монстра, который может вырваться из лаборатории и вызвать пандемию».
Доктор Марк Липситч из Центра инфекционных болезней Гарвардской школы общественного здравоохранения сказал Times, что эксперименты NIAID «дали нам некоторые скромные научные знания и почти ничего не сделали для улучшения нашей готовности к пандемии, но при этом рискуют вызвать случайную пандемию».
В октябре 2014 года, после серии происшествий в федеральных лабораториях, которые едва не выпустили эти смертельно опасные вирусы, президент Обама приказал прекратить все федеральное финансирование опасных экспериментов Фаучи. Теперь кажется, что доктор Фаучи, возможно, избежал федеральных ограничений, переместив исследование в военную лабораторию в Ухане. Конгресс должен начать расследование злодеяний NIAID в Китае.

Kissinger and Gates Using Coronavirus for New World Order

Henry Kissinger and Bill Gates Call For Mass Vaccination and Global Governance (Video)

One World Governance and the CFR.“We Shall have World Government… by Conquest or Consent.”

Bill Gates Will Provide the Vaccine for CV-19 - No One Else Must

Facebook и Instagram вслед за Twitter удалили заявления президента Бразилии о коронавирусе

More on the Bill Gates' Orwellian Total Control Virus Exploit

Does Bill Gates want everyone locked down until they can be vaccinated? What’s his title anyway—Secretary of Vaccine Enforcement?!

exploit human viruses to push mandatory vaccines?

Bill Gates/Cabal to Rape Small Countries for 4400% CV-19 Profit

Just as Microsoft created backdoors for computer viruses so cybersecurity firms would flourish, did Bill Gates

"Immunity Certificates" Are Coming - COVID-Survivors To Get 'Special Passports' Enabling Return To 'Normalcy'

Can We Trust the WHO?

Bill (Coronavirus Patents) Gates' Father was a Eugenicist

Bill Gates wasn’t chosen to lead the AI-simulated OPERATION COVID-19 PANDEMIC global live exercise just because his father was a eugenicist. (Video)

Bill Gates Continues to be Right in the Middle of His Covid-19 Op

Bill Gates: Eventually, You Won’t Be Able to Travel Without Covid-19 Certificate

04082020 Bill Gates Called the Beast Because of his Pandemic

“MARK OF THE BEAST”—Meet the unelected NWO globalist shill pushing to vaccinate every human being with a chipped toxic vaccine that doesn’t work but does injects COVID-19!

Bill Gates Preparing to Profit Up When He Releases Vaccine

Bill Gates: When Coronavirus Vaccine Becomes Available, Digital Certificates Will Show Who Has Received It

Bill Gates Too Busy With Coronavirus Pandemic Operation - Resigns

Bill Gates steps down from Microsoft, Berkshire Hathaway boards

Bill Gates Owns the Patent for the Coronavirus US 10,130,701 B2: Nothing to See Here


CORONAVIRUSgate: Bill & Melinda Gates get implicated even deeper in the coronavirus bioweapon scandal


How are the DARPA experiments related to the Wuhan coronavirus?

It Gets Worse

FAUCI the FEARMONGER Goes to Work for the Globalists

FAUCI the FEARMONGER Goes to Work for the Globalists

04.01.2020 Event 201 - Pandemic Plans






04-05-2020 It Gets Even Worse: The Coronavirus is a Business Plan for the Global Elites or How to

Rape the World's Poorest Countries and Get a 4400% Profit

Did Bill Gates Just Reveal The Real Reason Behind The Lock-Downs?

Authored by Rosemary Frei via

On March 24 Bill Gates gave a highly revelatory 50-minute interview to Chris Anderson. Anderson is the Curator of TED, the non-profit that runs the TED Talks.

The Gates interview is the second in a new series of daily ‘Ted Connects’ interviews focused on COVID-19. The series’s website says that:

TED Connects: Community and Hope is a free, live, daily conversation series featuring experts whose ideas can help us reflect and work through this uncertain time with a sense of responsibility, compassion and wisdom.”

Anderson asked Gates at 3:49 in the video of the interview – which well over three million views now – about a ‘Perspective’ article by Gates that was published February 28 in the New England Journal of Medicine.

“You wrote that this could be the once-in-a-century pandemic that people have been fearing. Is that how you think of it, still?” queried Anderson.

“Well, it’s awful to say this but, we could have a respiratory virus whose case fatality rate was even higher. If this was something like smallpox, that kills 30 percent of people. So this is horrific,” responded Gates.

“But, in fact, most people even who get the COVID disease are able to survive. So in that, it’s quite infectious – way more infectious than MERS [Middle East Respiratory Syndrome] or SARS [Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome] were. [But] it’s not as fatal as they were. And yet the disruption we’re seeing in order to knock it down is really completely unprecedented.”

Gates reiterates the dire consequences for the global economy later in the interview.

“We need a clear message about that,” Gates said starting at 26:52.

“It is really tragic that the economic effects of this are very dramatic. I mean, nothing like this has ever happened to the economy in our lifetimes. But … bringing the economy back and doing [sic] money, that’s more of a reversible thing than bringing people back to life. So we’re going to take the pain in the economic dimension, huge pain, in order to minimize the pain in disease and death dimension.”

However, this goes directly against the imperative to balance the benefits and costs of the screening, testing and treatment measures for each ailment – as successfully promulgated for years by, for example, the Choosing Wisely campaign – to provide the maximum benefit to individual patients and society as a whole

As noted in an April 1 article in OffGuardian, there may be dramatically more deaths from the economic breakdown than from COVID-19 itself.

“By all accounts, the impact of the response will be great, far-reaching, and long-lasting,”

Kevin Ryan wrote in the article. Ryan estimated that well over two million people will likely die from the sequelae of the lock-downs and other drastic measures to enforce ‘social distancing.’

Millions could potentially die from suicide, drug abuse, lack of medical coverage or treatment, poverty and lack of food access, on top of other predictable social, medical and public-health problems stemming from the response to COVID-19.

Gates and Anderson did not touch on any of those sequelae. Instead, they focused on rapidly ramping up testing and medical interventions for COVID-19.

Gates said at 30:29 in the interview that he and a large team are moving fast to test anti-virals, vaccines and other therapeutics and to bring them to market as quickly as possible.

The Gates Foundation and Wellcome Trust with support from Mastercard and now others, created this therapeutic accelerator to really triage out [candidate therapeutics]...

You have hundreds of people showing up and saying, ‘Try this, try that.’ So we look at lab assays, animal models, and so we understand which things should be prioritized for these very quick human trials that need to be done all over the world.”

The accelerator was launched March 10 with approximately $125 million in seed funding. Three days later Gates left Microsoft.

Not long before that, on January 23, Gates’s organization the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) announced it will fund three programs to develop COVID-19 vaccines. These are the advancing of DNA-vaccine candidates against MERS and Lassa fever, the development of a “‘molecular clamp’ platform” that “enables targeted and rapid vaccine production against multiple viral pathogens,” and the manufacture and Phase 1 clinical study of an mRNA vaccine against COVID.

“The programmes will leverage rapid response platforms already supported by CEPI as well as a new partnership. The aim is to advance nCoV-2019 vaccine candidates into clinical testing as quickly as possible,” according to a news release.

Then at 32:50 in the video, Anderson asked whether the blood serum from people who have recovered from a COVID infection can be used to treat others.

“I heard you mention that one possibility might be treatments from the serum, the blood serum of people who had had the disease and then recovered. So I guess they’re carrying antibodies,” said Anderson.

“Talk a bit about that and how that could work and what it would take to accelerate that.”

[Note that Anderson did not ask Gates about, instead, just letting most of the population – aside from people most vulnerable to serious illness from the infection, who should be quarantined — be exposed to COVID-19 and as a result very likely recover and develop life-long immunity. As at least one expert has observed, “as much as ninety-nine percent of active cases [of COVID-19] in the general population are ‘mild’ and do not require specific medical treatment” to recover.]

“This has always been discussed as, ‘How could you pull that off?’” replied Gates.

“So people who are recovered, it appears, have very effective antibodies in their blood. So you could go, transfuse them and only take out white cells, the immune cells.”

However, Gates continued, he and his colleagues have dismissed that possibility because it’s “fairly complicated – compared to a drug we can make in high volume, you know, the cost of taking it out and putting it back in probably doesn’t scale as well.”

Then a few seconds later, at 33:45, Gates drops another bomb:

We don’t want to have a lot of recovered people...

To be clear, we’re trying – through the shut-down in the United States – to not get to one percent of the population infected. We’re well below that today, but with exponentiation, you could get past that three million [people or approximately one percent of the U.S. population being infected with COVID-19 and the vast majority recovering]. I believe we will be able to avoid that with having this economic pain.”

It appears that rather than let the population be exposed to the virus and most develop antibodies that give them natural, long-lasting immunity to COVID-19, Gates and his colleagues far prefer to create a vast, hugely expensive, new system of manufacturing and selling billions of test kits, and in parallel very quickly developing and selling billions of antivirals and vaccines.

And then, when the virus comes back again a few months later and most of the population is unexposed and therefore vulnerable, again selling billions of test kits and medical interventions.

Right after that, at 34:14, Gates talked about how he sees things rolling out from there.

Eventually what we’ll have to have is certificates of who’s a recovered person, who’s a vaccinated person...

...Because you don’t want people moving around the world where you’ll have some countries that won’t have it under control, sadly.

You don’t want to completely block off the ability for people to go there and come back and move around.

So eventually there will be this digital immunity proof that will help facilitate the global reopening up.”

[Some time on the afternoon of March 31 the last sentence of this quote was edited out of the official TED video of the interview. Fortunately, recordings of the complete interview are archived elsewhere.]

In the October 2019 Event 201 novel-corona virus-pandemic simulation co-sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum and a division of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, a poll that was part of the simulation said that 65% of people in the U.S. would be eager to take a vaccine for COVID-19, “even if it’s experimental.”

This will be tremendously lucrative.

Vaccines are very big business: this Feb. 23 CNBC article, for example, describes the vaccine market as six times bigger than it was 20 years ago, at more than $35 billion annually today, and providing a $44 return for every $1 invested in the world’s 94 lowest-income countries.

Notably, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – which has an endowment of $52 billion – has given more than $2.4 billion to the World Health Organization (WHO) since 2000, according to a 2017 Politico article. (While over the same time frame countries have reduced their contributions to the world body, particularly after the 2008-2009 depression, and now account for less than one-quarter of the WHO’s budget.) The WHO is now coordinating approximately 50 groups around the world that are working on candidate vaccines against COVID-19.

The Politico article quotes a Geneva-based NGO representative as saying Gates is “treated liked a head of state, not only at the WHO, but also at the G20,” and that Gates is one of the most influential people in global health.

Meanwhile, officials around the world are doing their part to make sure everyone social distances, self-isolates and/or stay locked down.

For example, here’s Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Eileen DE Villa, at her and Toronto Mayor John Tory’s March 30 press briefing:

“We find ourselves in the midst of a global pandemic. We should expect some more people will get sick – and for some, sadly, will die.

This is why it is so important to stay at home to reduce virus spread. And to protect front-line workers, healthcare workers and our essential workers, so they can continue to protect us. People shouldn’t have to die, people shouldn’t have to risk death taking care of us because others won’t practice social distancing or physical distancing.”

Yet look how close Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. David Williams, is sitting to Haley Chazan, Senior Manager, Media Relations, for Christine Elliott, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health of Ontario.

This was on Friday, March 27, just before the start of that day’s daily press conference by Dr. Williams and Ontario’s Associate Medical Officer of Health Dr. Barbara Yaffe:

They were sitting two seats, or just a couple of feet, apart. A short time later Chazan got up and stood even closer to Dr. Williams for a little while:

Dr. Williams and Chazan do not live together. Rather, Dr. Williams very likely knows – just as Gates knows – that there is little any reason to worry about being in close contact with other people unless you or they are vulnerable to developing a severe illness from COVID-19. He surely knows, also, that if you contract COVID-19 and you’re otherwise healthy you’ll very likely have few symptoms, if any, and recover quickly. And that this exposure in fact is beneficial because in the process you will develop antibodies to the virus and have natural, long-lasting immunity to it.

Yet in the March 27 press conference, just like all the others he has participated in during the COVID-19 crisis, Dr. Williams lectured the public about maintaining social distancing. He told people not to go outside on the coming weekend to enjoy the nice weather because, otherwise, they might walk past someone and not be two metres apart.

Dr. Williams is among the large cadre of powerful officials who’ve crashed the global economy by forcing tens of millions of small- and medium-sized businesses to close in the name of the need for forced, severe, social distancing and lock-downs.

They’ve shattered society, suspended most civil liberties and prohibited most activities and connections that kept people mentally and physically healthy. At the same time the officials have prioritized COVID-19 care over everything else and, as a result, severely limited billions of people’s access to life-saving healthcare services ranging from acquiring medication and blood transfusions to having organ transplants and cancer surgeries.

* * *

Rosemary Frei has an MSc in molecular biology from a faculty of medicine and was a freelance medical journalist for 22 years. She is now an independent investigative journalist in Canada. You can find her recent detailed investigative analysis of COVID here and follow her on Twitter.

Bill Gates, COVID-19, 5G And ID2020 Conspiracy Explained (While debunking proves the lot)

Bill Gates did a reddit talk recently about creating a ” digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it”. That line is what started this whole thing. Really. Anyway some of the technology that has been discussed is a digital tracking quantum dot tattoo that could be scanned to see if you have had your vaccines. Basically a quantum dot is a tiny man-made crystal that when UV hits it it will show light. Quantum dots is old tech. You might even have a quantum dot TV in your living room. You probably just haven’t heard about it in tattoo form before. Putting it in a COVID-19 vaccine would be a nice way to track who is up to date on a thing that could basically kill people if you don’t have it.

CORONAVIRUSgate: Bill & Melinda Gates get implicated even deeper in the coronavirus bioweapon scandal

AMERICANS may have infected Wuhan at army games

China Knows Exactly Who’s Responsible for the Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak in January

"... the type infecting Taiwan exists only in Australia and the US and, since Taiwan was not infected by Australians, the infection in Taiwan could have come only from the US."


Biologists from India Tie Corona to HIV - Article Withdrawn

Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag




Expose25A 02-23 Biological Warfare: The Engineering of the Novel Coronavirus 2019-nCoV

A Warning to Sovereign Nations and the Russian Federation - By John A Robles II for JAR2

This is first and foremost an open warning to the Russian Government and the people of the Russian Federation but also to all non-US Intelligence Agencies, the sovereign nations of the world targeted by the USA/Zionist/NATO/Anglo Axis, the world’s indigenous populations and every country, body, people or state that may seek sovereignty or independence from the US/NATO Hegemon and their New World Order. This is also yet another call for the sovereign countries and peoples of the world to finally organize, stand together, and in particular, form international tribunals not under US influence or Anglo-Saxon Corporate or Admiralty Law, in order to investigate and prosecute the United States of America, NATO and the Zionist entity for their ongoing War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, massive theft and manipulation through Sanctions and acts of Global Terrorism.

Against the backdrop of yet another undeclared act of Illegal Aggressive War in what we believe to be an illegal Biological Attack on the People’s Republic of China unprecedented in its brazenness, we are calling on the free and independent countries and peoples of the world to unite and finally stand up to the out of control would be hegemon and their illegal caustic attempts at forcibly installing their “New World Order”. I ask all of you who read this to take heed and spread this message far and wide so that it is not a case of: “When the people around you, your family, friends and your loved ones start simply dropping dead perhaps you will remember this warning.”

Although we are demonized, attacked, terrorized and smeared for attempting to get the truth to power and the people while the so-called media completely egregiously and criminally ignores concrete documented evidence of plans to attack Russia, the Russian people and the Russian World using biological agents, poisons in the food supply and their whole array of economic, military and psychological operations, just as they ignore the inconvenient truths of 9/11 and the wanton acts of illegal aggressive war and genocide by the USA/Anglo/Zionist Cabal controlled by their psychotic driveling shadow masters whose shaking arthritic claws manipulate their tenuous precious purse book strings as they continue to sell what passes for their decrepit morally repugnant souls to their Satanic Pyramid Eye God, we are certain that as servants of the TRUTH and real journalists and investigators dedicated to that TRUTH that to preserve the balance of the universe TRUTH must and will prevail.

Terrorism: The use of terror and fear through brutally violent mass-casualty False Flag Events in order to meet political, economic, social or other goals.
Terrorist: Any organization, body, state or individual who takes part in terrorism or profits or prospers due to self-initiated or colluded terror.

NOTE: Biological Experiments themselves are war crimes. Article 8 of The Rome Statute of The International Criminal Court (ICC) defines biological experiments as war crimes. The US, however, is not a state party to the international treaty, and thus believes it cannot be held accountable for its war crimes. In reality the USA has thus placed itself outside of the law in an effort to maintain their impunity and is thus literally the definition of a Rogue Nation.


Это, прежде всего, открытое предупреждение российскому правительству и народу Российской Федерации, а также всем разведывательным службам, не являющимся гражданами США, суверенным государствам мира, на которые нацелены США/сионисты/НАТО/англо-формирование, коренному населению по всему миру и каждой стране, органу, людям или государству, которые могут стремиться к суверенитету или независимости от гегемона США / НАТО и их нового мирового порядка. Это также еще один призыв к суверенным странам и народам мира окончательно организоваться, объединиться и, в частности, сформировать международные трибуналы, не находящиеся под влиянием США или англосаксонского корпоративного или адмиралтейского права, с целью расследования и судебного преследования Соединенных Штатов, НАТО и сионистского образования за продолжающиеся военные преступления, преступления против человечества, массовые кражи и манипуляции с помощью санкций и актов глобального терроризма.

На фоне ещё одного необъявленного акта незаконной агрессивной войны, которая, как мы считаем, является незаконной биологической атакой на Китайскую Народную Республику, беспрецедентной по наглости, мы призываем свободные и независимые страны и народы мира объединиться и наконец, противостоять неконтролируемому поведению гегемонов и их язвительным попыткам насильственно установить свой «новый мировой порядок». Я прошу всех вас, кто читает это, прислушаться и широко распространить это послание, чтобы оно не звучало так: "Когда люди вокруг вас, ваша семья, друзья и ваши близкие начнут падать замертво, возможно, вы вспомните это предупреждение.

Хотя нас демонизируют, подвергают нападкам, терроризируют и пытаются раздавить за попытки донести правду до власти и народа, в то время как так называемые средства массовой информации совершенно вопиюще и преступно игнорируют конкретные документально подтвержденные планы нападений на Россию, русский народ и русский мир с использованием биологического оружия, агентов, ядов, добавленных в пищу, и всего их спектра экономических, военных и психологических операций, точно так же, как они игнорируют неудобные факты об 11 сентября и бессмысленные акты незаконной агрессивной войны и геноцида со стороны США/англо/сионистской группы, контролируемой их психотическими безумными мастерами теней, чьи трясущиеся артритовые когти манипулируют своими цепочками на их драгоценных кошельках, продолжая продавать то, что дается за их дряхлые морально отвратительные души Богу их сатанинской пирамиды, мы, как слуги ИСТИНЫ, настоящие журналисты и исследователи, преданные этой ПРАВДЕ, уверены, что для сохранения баланса вселенной ПРАВДА должна и будет преобладать.

Терроризм: использование террора и страха посредством жестоких насильственных актов под фальшивым флагом для достижения политических, экономических, социальных или иных целей.

Террорист: любая организация, орган, государство или частное лицо, которое принимает участие в терроризме, получает прибыль или процветает по собственной инициативе или как участник сговора.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: биологические эксперименты сами по себе являются военными преступлениями. Статья 8 Римского статута Международного уголовного суда (МУС) определяет биологические эксперименты как военные преступления. Однако США не являются государством-участником международного договора и поэтому считают, что они не могут нести ответственность за свои военные преступления. Таким образом, на самом деле США поставили себя вне закона в попытке сохранить свою безнаказанность и, таким образом, буквально иллюстрируют определение преступного государства






注意:生物實驗本身就是戰爭罪。 《國際刑事法院羅馬規約》第8條將生物實驗定義為戰爭罪。但是,美國不是國際條約的締約國,因此認為美國不應對戰爭罪負責。因此,實際上,美國將自己置於法律之外,以維護其不受懲罰的地位,因此從字面上看,這就是“流氓國家”的定義。

CIA/DARPA Collecting Russian/Caucasian DNA/RNA




Identifying the Biological Agent: Researching the Engineering of the Novel Coronavirus 2019-nCoV

Even with the Biological Agent clearly identified and almost complete and total documentation of every modification, mutation and manipulation recorded, there are several problems without a whistleblower or direct evidentiary documentation in identifying the exact bodies who weaponized the virus while taking almost every possible measure to maintain their secrecy.

One problem is that even with the creation of such a massive Biological Weapon as the Novel Coronavirus 2019-nCoV the research and development projects are so compartmentalized and cover such a large specter spanning bodies and laboratories across the globe, that even for the most brilliant of scientists it would be almost an impossibility to reverse engineer the steps resulting in the finished package and even more unlikely to pinpoint the exact source of the finished pathogen or those who ordered it. Finding those who delivered it (such as Doctor Peng) and activated it is easier but also problematic.

The massive nature of such a “Project” makes identification an almost impossibility. However, I contend that unlike SARS or other recent suspicious mass-casualty or other biological “events”, this time we do have several pieces of extremely incriminating evidence on our side to go along with probable cause, direct circumstantial evidence, the name of the probable delivery agent (Dr. Peng), the laboratory where the finished product was weaponized and developed (Canada's National Microbiology Laboratory (NML)), thousands of pages of evidentiary research papers connecting DARPA, the CIA, Corporate Elements and many known CIA “Fronts”, several extremely suspicious key evidentiary finding of a Forensic Biological nature showing what could be the clearly fabricated nature of the final Biological Agent and finally, almost unbelievably, even US/EU/UK/Global Patents and pre-emptive statements by the patent owners (Bill Gates et al) and those who would profit from releasing such a Pathogen and from the ensuing Pandemic.

As an Investigative Journalist I have always tried to contact and obtain information from those closest to the event or the subject of my investigations, this time it is no different. Being as I live in a small isolated Research Community surrounded by Biologists and Scientists of almost every ilk (the “Town” near the bunker for those who know me), finding an expert was not a problem and I was fortunate enough to be able to discuss some of my findings, questions and research with one of the top Micro-Biologists and Geneticists in the Russian Federation and in fact the World. According to my source “S”, who wishes to remain anonymous and would not commit outright to any conclusions which the source said would take months of research to conclude, there were several unanswered questions and several credible observations that I pointed out during our brief encounter and which we believe would serve as a starting point for Forensic Biological Investigators and the Investigators of an International Criminal Tribunal on the War Crimes of the United States of America.

Даже при наличии четко идентифицированного биологического агента и почти полной и полной документации по каждой модификации, мутации и манипуляции существует несколько проблем без информатора или прямых документов, подтверждающих подлинность, при идентификации точных тел, которые использовали оружие для вируса, и при этом принимаются практически все возможные меры для его сохранения. их секретность.

Одна из проблем заключается в том, что даже с созданием такого огромного биологического оружия, как новый коронавирус 2019-нКоВ, исследовательские и конструкторские проекты настолько разобщены и охватывают такие большие призрачные тела и лаборатории по всему миру, что даже для самых ярких из Ученым было бы почти невозможным перепроектировать шаги, приводящие к готовой упаковке, и еще более вероятно, чтобы точно определить точный источник готового возбудителя или тех, кто его заказал. Найти тех, кто его доставил (например, доктора Пенга) и активировал, проще, но и проблематично.

Массовый характер такого «Проекта» делает идентификацию практически невозможной. Тем не менее, я утверждаю, что в отличие от SARS или других недавних подозрительных массовых жертв или других биологических «событий», на этот раз у нас есть несколько крайне компрометирующих доказательств, подтверждающих возможную причину, прямые косвенные доказательства, название вероятный агент доставки (д-р Пэн), лаборатория, в которой готовый продукт был изготовлен на вооружении и разработан (Канадская национальная микробиологическая лаборатория (NML)), тысячи страниц доказательственных исследовательских работ, связывающих DARPA, ЦРУ, Корпоративные элементы и многие известные «фронты» ЦРУ. ”, Несколько чрезвычайно подозрительных ключевых доказательственных находок судебно-биологической природы, показывающих, что может быть явно сфабрикованной природой конечного биологического агента и, наконец, почти невероятно, даже патенты США / ЕС / Великобритании / Global и упреждающие заявления владельцев патентов (Билл Гейтс и др.) И те, кто выиграет от высвобождения такого патогена и от последующей пандемии.

Как журналист-расследователь, я всегда пытался связаться и получить информацию от ближайших к событию или предмету моих расследований, на этот раз ничем не отличается. Я живу в небольшом изолированном исследовательском сообществе, окруженном биологами и учеными практически любого рода («Город» рядом с бункером для тех, кто меня знает), найти эксперта не было проблемой, и мне посчастливилось иметь возможность обсудить некоторые из моих выводов, вопросов и исследований с одним из ведущих микробиологов и генетиков в Российской Федерации и фактически в мире. Согласно моему источнику «S», который желает остаться анонимным и не будет открыто принимать какие-либо выводы, которые, по словам источника, потребуют месяцев исследований, чтобы прийти к выводу, было несколько вопросов без ответа и несколько заслуживающих доверия наблюдений, на которые я указал во время нашей короткой встречи и который, как мы считаем, послужит отправной точкой для судебно-биологических следователей и следователей Международного уголовного трибунала по военным преступлениям Соединенных Штатов Америки.



這樣一個“項目”的巨大性質使鑑定幾乎是不可能的。但是,我認為,與SARS或其他近期可疑的大規模傷亡事件或其他生物“事件”不同,這次我們確實有幾項極具說服力的證據與可能的原因,直接的間接證據以及可能的交付代理人(彭博士),武器化和開發成品的實驗室(加拿大國家微生物實驗室(NML)),數千頁的證據研究論文,連接了DARPA,CIA,Corporate Elements和許多知名的CIA“前沿” ”,法醫生物學性質的幾個極其可疑的關鍵證據發現表明最終生物製劑的明顯偽造性質,最後甚至幾乎令人難以置信的是,美國/歐盟/英國/全球專利以及專利所有人的先發製人聲明(比爾·蓋茨等人)以及那些從釋放這種病原體和隨後的大流行中受益的人。

作為調查記者,我一直試圖與最接近事件或調查主題的人聯繫並獲取信息,這次也沒有什麼不同。就像我生活在一個孤立的小型研究社區中,周圍幾乎每個同類的生物學家和科學家(對於熟悉我的人來說,地堡附近都是“鎮”),找到專家不是問題,我很幸運能夠與俄羅斯聯邦乃至世界上一位頂尖的微生物學家和遺傳學家討論我的一些發現,問題和研究。根據我的消息來源“ S”的說法,他希望保持匿名,並且不會直接對任何結論表示懷疑,該消息來源說,這些結論需要幾個月的研究才能得出結論,我在短暫的相遇中指出了一些未解決的問題和一些可信的觀察結果我們認為,這將作為法醫生物學調查員和美利堅合眾國戰爭罪行國際刑事法庭調查員的起點。

Note: This is the most important section of this work. Therefore if you do not read the entire article please at least read this section.

Attempting to Identify a Genetically Targetting Biological Weapon

Other than “S” I have also spoken with several other Scientists, Biologists and Geneticists before publishing this work in order to be as factually accurate as possible, especially given the fact that Biological Weapons are nowhere near being my specialty, although the conspiracies to employ them are.

Other than talking to scientists and experts I have also spent an untold amount of time pouring through Research Papers and scientific data and information, much of which I have published on JAR2 and linked to on this page (below), in order to find the needle in the haystack that would prove what I believe to be the truth. Have I been successful? That is a question that has to be answered by experts far more knowledgeable on these issues than I am but I think I have established reasonable cause for an official investigation by bodies tasked with protecting the innocent and in particular agencies and bodies in countries that have been targeted for depopulation and mass casualty events including the Russian Federation.

While going over the small amount (as this is only a fraction of overall amount) of research that I have posted on JAR2, papers covering over 50 years there were several tendencies which I noticed and which I believe point to the development of the Coronavirus and other viruses and pathogens as Genetically Targeting Biological Weapons, Delivery Systems or Fabricated Pathogens or, in the least, point to planned “Commercially Viable Pandemics” to target “unneeded” populations and genome groups in one of the most horrendous criminal conspiracies ever known to the human race. Believing that all of this research and patenting was merely to “help humanity” is not possible. The lunatics engaged in it are openly promoting a “Depopulation” genocide.

In the group of research I received there is a very noticeable and marked entrance into research into Arab and Middle East Coronavirus which fits in exactly with the plans of the Zionist Entity to completely decimate the Arab and Semitic populations in the Middle East. Here it is very important to note that although Russian Geneticists are very aware of the lies being told by those who call themselves Semitic yet are in fact Khazari and Ashkenazi there are none who will speak about this issue publicly as it would take down the entire Global Zionist Conspiracy. In this regard you can not trust anyone. The entire Zionist lie about Europeans posing as Jews being Semitic is the most successful historical revisionism in almost all of mankind’s history. Scientifically it is the Palestinians who are the Semitic people and their DNA is almost exactly the same as that of Arabs. They are targeted for extermination.

Ethnic Targeting

As was explained to me by “S” the Coronavirus is part of a family of Pathogens that needs a warm humid environment to grow, mature and spread. Naturally such a climate is not one that occurs in the dry desert areas of the Middle East, yet much of the research involves the Middle East and Camels. Why?

Research is not limited to Arab DNA, when you start delving into the projects DARPA is involved in and the available research the range is simply unbelievable. And then… There are the documented collection operations of Russian and Slavic DNA. Why?


How do you prove a Pathogen was weaponized? What would be the smoking gun? These are some of the key questions I asked myself before engaging on this mission.

There are many areas that would have to be manipulated to weaponize such an RNA Virus and one of them which I find the most interesting and which was mentioned in passing by "S" is the manufactured ability of Coronavirus 2019-nCoV to be able to spread from human to human rather than its natural ability to move between animal and human.

Another interesting area that would require further Forensic Investigation lies in the admission by "S" and all of the Scientists I have spoken too and which has allowed me to go ahead with this work and that is that: "YES, Coronavirus 2019-nCoV, could have been tweaked and manipulated to infect Indigenous Chinese humans", pointing to the first large scale usage of the Ultimate Weapon of the New World Order.

Similarities to HIV and SARS

See: Indian Research

Hiding the RNA Pathogen

One of the key questions I have asked and investigated is whether such a RNA Pathogen can be hidden in a DNA Genome, a healthy normal cell or even inside of another Virus. Unfortunately the only person I knew who claimed to have done just that is now fully working for the Corporation and the CIA through their NATO research bodies in Europe. Those who know me and Russian Intelligence know who this individual is. This explains the DirtBox surveillance, MI6 and the CIA interest in the individual who I believe then went on to work as an advisor for Nancy Pelosi. All of that may seem irrelevant but it is truly connected. Everything is connected.

Hence given the fact that an RNA Pathogen can be hidden then the next step is delivering it. How? Through vaccinations, the water supply, Chemtrailing, GMO foods, other foods, through humans, animals or even direct tactile contact (for example hiding it in cleaning agents used to clean the handrails of metro trains).

Delayed Activation - Hiding the Sleeping Killer

Another question I had was whether an RNA Pathogen such as the CORONAVIRUS 2019-nCoV/USA-IL1/2020 could be delivered in a sleeping state hidden in a cell, another virus, or other even inside a DNA string. As the question of hiding it was solved by the individual above then the next step would be where to put it and how to activate it at a later time in order to hide the actual delivery.

Again I am not a Micro-Biologist nor have I ever been involved in anything even close other than my previous investigations and my personal research, so this next bit needs to be checked by someone knowledgeable enough to make a determination. According to a Micro-Biologist I spoke with; a Bacteriophage, also known informally as simply a Phage would be the perfect carrier. My questions regarding remote activation methods led me to the Bacteriophage as an ideal candidate because according to this Scientist the Bacteriophage will, for lack of a better term, ERUPT spitting out all of its contents, if its environment is disturbed.

I asked, "Can this disturbance be caused by air-borne or other chemicals or substances introduced into the organism?"

The answer was, "Yes."

"Can this disturbance be caused by radiation?"


"Can this disturbance be caused by Electro-Magnetic Waves or Radio Waves?"


"Let's say something like 5G - Would that be possible?"

"Yes, if the frequencies are correct and cause cell destruction or agitation."

Patents, Vaccines and Bill Gates

If you go through some of the research papers posted on JAR2 you will find mention of Vaccines. Another Biologist agreed with my contention that anyone developing such a weapon would of course develop the Vaccine at the same time.

The Scientist said that, "Yes, this is common practice."

India and the HIV Connection

Indian researchers found similarities between CORONAVIRUS 2019-nCoV/USA-IL1/2020 HIV and then were forced to remove their work.

The Patents and the Vaccine

This brings us to the Patent Holder for the Coronavirus, the man who brought us the CIA's Global Program and Control Surveillance Grid that is the Internet, Bill Gates. An individual so deeply involved in the New World Order and with the MIIC that he even managed to wrestle away a billion dollar cloud contract from CIA Asset Jeff Bezos, but that is another story. Gates has mentioned mass casualty events in the past and his relationship to the brown peoples of the world is reportedly along the lines of Dr. Cornelius Rhoads.

Gates not only has the Patents and I am certain the Vaccine but he also has the technology, and more importantly the financial motives. I am certain you will find his hidden hand in the attacks on Huawei and China. Gates is no "kind, moral and God-fearing" individual. He is a ambitious ruthless amoral money maker serving the MIIC and the New World Order and I am certain has more than a few casual connections to the World Bank, the IMF, the Rothschilds and the ASTEROIDS. I would say it is a given that Gates' people are even as we speak, attempting to use Terror to sell their Vaccine to the Governments of the World.

Intelligence Agencies and Governments around the world need to investigate 5G with these concerns in mind. Unfortunately for the people of Wuhan it is too late. However it is never to late to simply turn off the 5G Networks.


Yes it is very likely CORONAVIRUS 2019-nCoV/USA-IL1/2020 is an engineered Biological Weapon. Yes it is possible that it was delivered and secretly spread and yes, it is possible that it was then activated by atmospheric elements in the chemical soup polluting the skies of Wuhan or by 5G Radiation. Given the NATO Asia-Pacific pivot, the open Economic and Hybrid Warfare that the CIA and the USA is currently engaged in against China and the New World Order Cabal's plans it would be outright egregious incompetence to not investigate the CORONAVIRUS 2019-nCoV/USA-IL1/2020 as a Biological Warfare Agent.

Racist genocide it the foundation of the USA and the Anglo/American/Zionist Axis and China as a close homogenous society is the perfect testing and execution ground for Genetically Targetting Biological Weapons.  

North and South America

Venezuela must be on particular alert due to the Cabal's current attacks, as must all of the Indigenous peoples of these regions, including my friends the Mohawks in Canada. Especially on the reservations where vaccination programs and 5G rollouts are currently taking place.


Must be on alert, say no to 5G, continue to say no to GMOs, maintain closed airspace over major Russian cities, demand details on why DARPA is actively collecting Russian DNA, stop importing foreign food products, close foreign fast food points, close the representative offices of Big Pharma operating in the Russian Federation and reinstate the block on millions of Microsoft and Google IPs.


India is a Biological Catastrophe just waiting to happen and its racial makeup is exactly what the New World Order will target. I am certain a Pandemic is just around the corner in India.

The Islamic Republic of Iran and the Russian Caucuses

DARPA's interest in Caucasian DNA should be a RED FLAG for Russia and the Caucuses as should all of the CIA/DARPA research into Arab DNA. Counter measures must be taken.


Extreme measures are needed including the shutting down of 5G Networks and clearing the air and water supplies. Unless a quantative answer can be found as to the activation and delivery methods of  CORONAVIRUS 2019-nCoV/USA-IL1/2020 or a vaccine.


A FREE VACCINE NOT FROM THE American/Anglo/Zionist Axis or Bill Gates and his Criminal Cabal friends. SARS and HIV Vaccines appear the most promising at the moment.

I am praying that this work may serve as a basis for researchers to look into areas that they may not have thought of and that this will lead to a solution. May God and the Great Spirit protect you all.

Map of DARPA/DTRA Illegal Biological Weapons Laboratories

UPDATE 03-03-2020: Coronavirus Map and Areas Hit

UPDATE 02-27-2020: Scientists Discover HIV-Like "Mutation" Which Makes Coronavirus Extremely Infectious

Scientists Discover HIV-Like "Mutation" Which Makes Coronavirus Extremely Infectious

Scientists Discover HIV-Like "Mutation" Which Makes Coronavirus Extremely Infectious

While mainstream scientists continue to perform mental gymnastics to insist that the new coronavirus wasn't man-made, new research from scientists in China and Europe reveal that the disease happens to have an 'HIV-like mutation' which allows it to bind with human cells up to 1,000 times stronger than the Sars virus, according to SCMP.

Recall that at the end of January, a team of Indian scientists wrote in a now-retracted, scandalous paper claiming that the coronavirus may have been genetically engineered to incorporate parts of the HIV genome, writing "This uncanny similarity of novel inserts in the 2019- nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature," meaning - it was unlikely to have occurred naturally.

Fast forward to new research by a team from Nankai University, which writes that COV-19 has an 'HIV-like mutation' that allows it to quickly enter the human body by binding with a receptor called ACE2 on a cell membrane.

Other highly contagious viruses, including HIV and Ebola, target an enzyme called furin, which works as a protein activator in the human body. Many proteins are inactive or dormant when they are produced and have to be “cut” at specific points to activate their various functions.

When looking at the genome sequence of the new coronavirus, Professor Ruan Jishou and his team at Nankai University in Tianjin found a section of mutated genes that did not exist in Sars, but were similar to those found in HIV and Ebola. -SCMP

"This finding suggests that 2019-nCoV [the new coronavirus] may be significantly different from the Sars coronavirus in the infection pathway," reads the paper published this month on - a platform used by the Chinese Academy of Sciences which releases research papers prior to peer-review.

"This virus may use the packing mechanisms of other viruses such as HIV," they added.

For those confused, what the latest scientific paper claims is that whereas the Coronavirus may indeed contain a specific HIV-like feature that makes it extremely infectious, that was the result of a rather bizarre "mutation." However, since the scientists did not make the scandalous claim that Chinese scientists had created an airborne version of HIV, but instead blamed a mutation, they will likely not be forced to retract it, even if it the odds of such a "random" mutation taking place naturally are extremely small.

As a reminder, the running narrative is that the new coronavirus lie dormant in bats somewhere between 20 and 70 years, then 'crossed over' to humans through and unknown species - possibly a Pangolin - before it emerged at a Wuhan, China meat market roughly 900 feet from a level-4 bioweapons lab.

And what were they researching at said lab? Among other things - why Ebola and HIV can lie dormant in bats without causing diseases.

According to the new study, the 'mutation' can generate a structure known as a cleavage site in the new coronavirus' spike protein, SCMP reports. "Compared to the Sars’ way of entry, this binding method is “100 to 1,000 times” as efficient, according to the study."

The virus uses the outreaching spike protein to hook on to the host cell, but normally this protein is inactive. The cleavage site structure’s job is to cheat the human furin protein, so it will cut and activate the spike protein and cause a “direct fusion” of the viral and cellular membranes. -SCMP

(a recent paper published by Dr. Zhou Peng of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, meanwhile, is "Immunogenicity of the spike glycoprotein of Bat SARS-like coronavirus.")

According to the report, a follow-up study from a Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhn confirmed Nankai University's findings.

The mutation could not be found in Sars, Mers or Bat-CoVRaTG13, a bat coronavirus that was considered the original source of the new coronavirus with 96 per cent similarity in genes, it said.

This could be “the reason why SARS-CoV-2 is more infectious than other coronaviruses”, Li wrote in a paper released on Chinarxiv on Sunday.

Meanwhile, a study by French scientist Etienne Decroly at Aix-Marseille University, which was published in the scientific journal Antiviral Research on February 10, also found a “furin-like cleavage site” that is absent in similar coronaviruses.

Chinese scientists speculate that drugs targeting the fuirn enzyme could potentially hinder the virus' replication inside the human body. Drugs up for consideration include "a series of HIV-1 therapeutic drugs such as Indinavir, Tenofovir Alafenamide, Tenofovir Disoproxil and Dolutegravir and hepatitis C therapeutic drugs including Boceprevir and Telaprevir," according to Li's study.

The conclusion is in line with several reports from doctors who self-administered HIV drugs after testing positive for coronavirus, however there have been no clinical tests to confirm the theory.

All perfectly "natural."

Tyler Durden Wed, 02/26/2020 - 19:45

Перевод без проверка

Попытка определить биологически ориентированное биологическое оружие

Кроме «S», я также говорил с несколькими другими учеными, биологами и генетиками, прежде чем публиковать эту работу, чтобы быть максимально точным в фактическом отношении, особенно с учетом того факта, что биологическое оружие далеко не является моей специальностью, хотя заговоры с целью использования они.

Помимо разговоров с учеными и экспертами, я также потратил неисчислимое количество времени, перелистывая исследовательские работы и научные данные и информацию, большую часть которых я опубликовал на JAR2 и на которую ссылался на этой странице (ниже), чтобы найти иглу в стоге сена это доказало бы то, что я считаю правдой. Я был успешным? На этот вопрос должны ответить эксперты, гораздо более осведомленные в этих вопросах, чем я, но я думаю, что я нашел разумное основание для официального расследования органами, уполномоченными защищать невинных и, в частности, учреждений и органов в странах, которые были предназначено для депопуляции и массовых жертв событий, включая Российскую Федерацию.

Изучая небольшое количество (поскольку это только часть общего объема) исследований, которые я разместил на JAR2, в статьях, охватывающих более 50 лет, было несколько тенденций, которые я заметил и которые, как я считаю, указывают на развитие коронавируса и другие вирусы и патогены, такие как генетически нацеленные на биологическое оружие, системы доставки или сфабрикованные патогены, или, по меньшей мере, указывают на планируемые «коммерчески жизнеспособные пандемии» для нацеливания на «ненужные» группы населения и группы генома в одном из самых ужасных преступных заговоров, когда-либо известных когда-либо человеческая раса. Полагать, что все эти исследования и патентование было просто «помочь человечеству», невозможно. Лунатики, вовлеченные в это, открыто пропагандируют геноцид «депопуляции».

В группе исследований, которую я получил, есть очень заметный и заметный вход в исследование арабского и ближневосточного коронавируса, который в точности соответствует планам сионистского образования полностью уничтожить арабское и семитское население на Ближнем Востоке. Здесь очень важно отметить, что, хотя российские генетики очень хорошо осведомлены о лжи, которую говорят те, кто называет себя семитами, они на самом деле являются хазариями и ашкенази, но никто не будет говорить об этом публично, так как это уничтожит весь мир. Сионистский Заговор. В этом отношении вы не можете доверять никому. Вся ложь сионизма о том, что европейцы изображают из себя евреев-семитов, является наиболее успешным историческим ревизионизмом почти во всей истории человечества. С научной точки зрения это - палестинцы, которые являются семитскими людьми, и их ДНК почти точно так же, как у арабов. Они нацелены на истребление.

Этническое таргетирование

Как мне объяснил «S», Коронавирус является частью семейства патогенов, которым требуется теплая влажная среда для роста, созревания и распространения. Естественно, такой климат не встречается в засушливых пустынных районах Ближнего Востока, однако большая часть исследований касается Ближнего Востока и верблюдов. Почему?

Исследования не ограничиваются арабской ДНК, когда вы начинаете углубляться в проекты, в которых участвует DARPA, а имеющиеся исследования просто невероятны. А потом ... Есть документированные операции по сбору русской и славянской ДНК. Почему?


Как вы доказываете, что патоген был вооружен? Каким будет дымящийся пистолет? Вот некоторые из ключевых вопросов, которые я задавал себе перед началом этой миссии.

Есть много областей, которые должны были бы быть использованы для создания оружия для такого РНК-вируса, и одна из них, которую я нахожу наиболее интересной и которую упомянул мимоходом «S», это производимая способность Коронавируса 2019-nCoV, чтобы иметь возможность распространяться от человека к человеку, а не его естественная способность перемещаться между животным и человеком.

Еще одна интересная область, которая потребует дальнейшего судебного расследования, заключается в допуске «S» и всех ученых, с которыми я тоже говорил, и который позволил мне продолжить эту работу, а именно: «ДА, Коронавирус 2019-nCoV, можно было подправить и манипулировать ими, чтобы заразить коренных китайских людей ", указывая на первое широкомасштабное использование Высшего оружия Нового мирового порядка.
Сходства с ВИЧ и ОРВИ

Сокрытие РНК-патогена

Один из ключевых вопросов, которые я задавал и исследовал, заключается в том, может ли такой РНК-патоген быть скрыт в геноме ДНК, здоровой нормальной клетке или даже внутри другого вируса. К сожалению, единственный человек, которого я знал, который утверждал, что сделал это, теперь полностью работает на Корпорацию и ЦРУ через свои исследовательские органы НАТО в Европе. Те, кто знают меня и российскую разведку, знают, кто этот человек. Это объясняет интерес к DirtBox, MI6 и интерес ЦРУ к человеку, который, как я считаю, затем продолжал работать в качестве советника Нэнси Пелоси. Все это может показаться неуместным, но это действительно связано. Все связано.

Следовательно, учитывая тот факт, что РНК-патоген может быть скрыт, следующим шагом является его доставка. Как? Через прививки, водоснабжение, химический транспорт, ГМО-продукты, другие продукты питания, через людей, животных или даже через прямой тактильный контакт (например, прятать его в чистящих средствах, используемых для чистки поручней поездов метро).

Задержка активации - скрытие спящего убийцы

Другой вопрос, который у меня возник, заключался в том, может ли РНК-патоген, такой как CORONAVIRUS 2019-nCoV / USA-IL1 / 2020, быть доставлен в спящем состоянии, скрытом в клетке, другом вирусе или другом месте, даже внутри цепочки ДНК. Поскольку вопрос о том, как его скрыть, был решен вышеупомянутым человеком, следующим шагом будет то, куда его поместить и как его активировать позднее, чтобы скрыть фактическую доставку.

Опять же, я не являюсь микробиологом и никогда не участвовал ни в чем другом, кроме моих предыдущих исследований и моих личных исследований, так что этот следующий бит должен быть проверен кем-то достаточно знающим, чтобы принять решение. По словам микробиолога, с которым я разговаривал; Бактериофаг, также неофициально известный как просто Фаг, был бы идеальным носителем. Мои вопросы, касающиеся методов удаленной активации, привели меня к Бактериофагу как к идеальному кандидату, потому что согласно этому Ученому Бактериофаг, из-за отсутствия лучшего термина, ERUPT выплевывает все свое содержимое, если его среда нарушена.

Я спросил: «Может ли это нарушение быть вызвано переносимыми по воздуху или другими химическими веществами или веществами, введенными в организм?»

Ответ был: «Да».

"Может ли это нарушение быть вызвано радиацией?"


"Может ли это нарушение быть вызвано электромагнитными волнами или радиоволнами?"


«Давайте скажем что-то вроде 5G - это будет возможно?»

«Да, если частоты правильные и вызывают разрушение или волнение клеток».

Патенты, Вакцины и Билл Гейтс

Если вы ознакомитесь с некоторыми исследовательскими работами, опубликованными на JAR2, вы найдете упоминание о вакцинах. Другой биолог согласился с моим утверждением, что любой, кто разрабатывает такое оружие, конечно же, будет разрабатывать вакцину одновременно.

Ученый сказал, что «да, это обычная практика».

Индия и связь с ВИЧ

Индийские исследователи обнаружили сходство между ВИЧ-инфекцией CORONAVIRUS 2019-nCoV / USA-IL1 / 2020, а затем были вынуждены отказаться от своей работы.

Патенты и вакцина

Это приводит нас к владельцу патента на коронавирус, человеку, который принес нам глобальную программу ЦРУ по наблюдению за сетью и контролем, которая является Интернетом, Билла Гейтса. Человек, настолько глубоко вовлеченный в Новый Мировой Порядок и с MIIC, что ему даже удалось отобрать облачный контракт на миллиард долларов от ЦРУ Эссет Джеффа Безоса, но это уже другая история. Гейтс упомянул о массовых несчастных случаях в прошлом, и его связь с коричневыми народами мира, по сообщениям, напоминает доктора Корнелиуса Роудса.

У Гейтса есть не только патенты, и я уверен, что вакцина у него есть, но у него также есть технологии и, что более важно, финансовые мотивы. Я уверен, что вы найдете его скрытую руку в атаках на Huawei и Китай. Гейтс не "добрый, моральный и богобоязненный" человек. Он амбициозный, безжалостный аморальный источник денег, обслуживающий MIIC и Новый Мировой Порядок, и я уверен, что у него есть несколько случайных связей со Всемирным банком, МВФ, Ротшильдами и астероидами. Я бы сказал, что это факт, что люди Гейтса, даже когда мы говорим, пытаются использовать Террор, чтобы продать свою Вакцину Правительствам Мира.

Разведывательные агентства и правительства по всему миру должны исследовать 5G с учетом этих проблем. К сожалению для жителей Ухани, уже слишком поздно. Однако никогда не поздно просто отключить сети 5G.


Да, очень вероятно, что КОРОНАВИРУС 2019-нКоВ / США-ИЛ1 / 2020 является инженерным биологическим оружием. Да, возможно, что оно было доставлено и тайно распространено, и да, возможно, что затем оно было активировано атмосферными элементами в химическом супе, загрязняющем небо Ухани, или 5G-излучением. Принимая во внимание центр НАТО в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе, открытую экономическую и гибридную войну, которую ЦРУ и США в настоящее время ведут против Китая, и планы Нового мирового порядка, это будет явной вопиющей некомпетентностью не расследовать CORONAVIRUS 2019-nCoV / USA- IL1 / 2020 в качестве биологического боевого агента.

Расистский геноцид - основа США, а также англо-американской / сионистской оси и Китая как близкого однородного общества - идеальная площадка для испытаний и реализации генетического нацеливания биологического оружия.

Северная и Южная Америка

Венесуэла должна быть особенно настороже из-за нынешних нападений Кабалы, как и все коренные народы этих регионов, включая моих друзей ирокезов в Канаде. Особенно в резервациях, где в настоящее время проводятся программы вакцинации и развертывания 5G.


Должен быть настороже, сказать «нет» 5G, продолжать говорить «нет» ГМО, поддерживать закрытое воздушное пространство над крупными городами России, требовать подробностей о том, почему DARPA активно собирает российскую ДНК, прекратить импорт иностранных продуктов питания, закрыть зарубежные пункты быстрого питания, закрыть представительства Big Pharma, действующие в Российской Федерации и восстанавливающие блоки на миллионах Microsoft и Google IP.


Индия - это биологическая катастрофа, которая только и ждет, и ее расовый состав - именно то, на что нацелен Новый Мировой Порядок. Я уверен, что пандемия не за горами в Индии.

Исламская Республика Иран и российские Кавказы

Интерес DARPA к Кавказской ДНК должен быть КРАСНЫМ ФЛАГОМ для России и Кавказов, как и все исследования ЦРУ / DARPA по арабской ДНК. Контрмеры должны быть приняты.


Необходимы крайние меры, включая отключение сетей 5G и очистку воздуха и воды. Если количественный ответ не может быть найден в отношении методов активации и доставки CORONAVIRUS 2019-nCoV / USA-IL1 / 2020 или вакцины.


БЕСПЛАТНАЯ ВАКЦИНА НЕ ОТ Американской / Англо-Сионистской Оси или Билла Гейтса и его друзей из Преступной Каббалы. Вакцины от ОРВИ и ВИЧ представляются наиболее перспективными на данный момент.

Я молюсь о том, чтобы эта работа могла послужить основой для изучения исследователями областей, о которых они, возможно, и не думали, и что это приведет к решению. Пусть Бог и Великий Дух защитят вас всех.

Перевод без проверка


除了“ S”字樣,我在出版此書之前還與其他幾位科學家,生物學家和遺傳學家進行過交談,以便盡可能地做到準確,尤其是考慮到儘管生物陰謀遠非我的專長,他們是。





正如“ S”對我的解釋,冠狀病毒是病原體家族的一部分,該病原體需要溫暖潮濕的環境才能生長,成熟和傳播。自然地,這種氣候不是發生在中東乾旱沙漠地區的一種氣候,但是許多研究涉及中東和駱駝。為什麼?




必須對許多領域進行操作以將這種RNA病毒武器化,我發現其中最有趣的一個是“ S”,其中提到的一個是冠狀病毒2019-nCoV的製造能力,能夠傳播從人類到人類,而不是其在動物和人類之間移動的天然能力。

另一個需要進一步進行法醫調查的有趣領域是“ S”和我也發言的所有科學家的錄取,這使我能夠繼續進行這項工作,那就是:“是的,冠狀病毒2019-nCoV,可能已經過調整和操縱,以感染中國原住民”,指出新世界秩序的終極武器首次大規模使用。



我提出並研究過的關鍵問題之一是,這種RNA病原體是否可以隱藏在DNA基因組,健康的正常細胞中或什至在另一種病毒內部。不幸的是,我認識的唯一一個聲稱做到了這一點的人現在正通過其在歐洲的北約研究機構為公司和中央情報局充分工作。那些了解我和俄羅斯情報人員的人都知道這個人是誰。這解釋了DirtBox監視,MI6和CIA對個人的興趣,我相信此人隨後繼續擔任Nancy Pelosi的顧問。所有這些看似無關緊要,但確實是相互聯繫的。一切都已連接。


我遇到的另一個問題是,是否可以在細胞,另一種病毒或其他甚至隱藏在DNA串中的睡眠狀態下遞送諸如CORONAVIRUS 2019-nCoV / USA-IL1 / 2020之類的RNA病原體。由於隱藏問題已由上述人員解決,因此下一步將是放置它的位置以及以後如何激活它以便隱藏實際的交付。



印度研究人員發現CORONAVIRUS 2019-nCoV / USA-IL1 / 2020 HIV之間存在相似之處,然後被迫刪除工作。
這將我們帶到了冠狀病毒的專利持有人手中,他是帶給我們CIA的全球程序和控制監視網格(即互聯網)的比爾·蓋茨。一個與​​新世界秩序以及MIIC密切相關的個人,他甚至設法從CIA Asset Jeff Bezos手中奪走了價值10億美元的雲合同,但這是另一回事了。蓋茨曾提到過大規模的人員傷亡事件,據報導,他與世界上棕色人的關係沿襲了科尼利厄斯·羅德斯博士的觀點。

是的,很有可能CORONAVIRUS 2019-nCoV / USA-IL1 / 2020是一種工程化的生物武器。是的,它有可能被傳遞並秘密傳播,是的,然後它可能被污染武漢市的化學湯中的大氣元素或5G輻射激活。鑑於北約亞太地區的樞紐,中央情報局和美國目前正在進行的針對中國的公開經濟和混合戰爭以及新世界秩序陰謀集團的計劃,如果不調查CORONAVIRUS 2019-nCoV / USA-將完全是無能為力。 IL1 / 2020作為生物戰劑。
必須保持警惕,對5G拒絕,繼續對GMO拒絕,保持俄羅斯主要城市的領空封閉,要求提供有關DARPA為什麼積極收集俄羅斯DNA的詳細信息,停止進口外國食品,關閉外國快餐點,關閉Big Pharma的代表處在俄羅斯聯邦運營,並恢復了對數百萬個Microsoft和Google IP的封鎖。
DARPA對高加索DNA的興趣應該是俄羅斯和高加索人的紅色旗幟,而CIA / DARPA對阿拉伯DNA的所有研究也應如此。必須採取對策。

需要採取極端措施,包括關閉5G網絡以及清理空氣和水供應。除非可以找到關於CORONAVIRUS 2019-nCoV / USA-IL1 / 2020或疫苗的激活和遞送方法的定量答案,

不是來自美國/盎格魯/猶太復國主義軸心國或比爾·蓋茨及其犯罪集團的朋友的免費疫苗。 SARS和HIV疫苗目前看來最有希望。


9/11, Missing Trillions, Over 926 Military Bases Protecting Secret Biological Warfare Infrastructure

When Russia announced the development of Hypersonic Missiles and unveiled its new arsenal of defensive weapons, counter measures and an unstoppable first strike capabilities the reaction from the US/NATO Axis should have been one of drawdown and at minimum the taking of a less bellicose stance across the board, but these things did not happen.

The Pentagon, the CIA, FVEY and the MIIC collectively gulped in disbelief and fear, hiccupped and then continued their supremacist bellicose stance and their attempt to takeover the world. Of course understanding that the Hegemon which had promoted itself as the “Sole Global Military Superpower” for decades could not simply acquiesce and admit its entire “Super Military Power” was a lie from the start was not an option, this would be logical. The only tool the USA/NATO/MIIC is a hammer and every problem to them is a nail is also true, but such a continued bellicose stance and wanton global criminality behind an impunity the world has never seen, I would argue, has a basis not on Conventional or even Nuclear Military Capabilities but on secret illegal capabilities that the Hegemon can not admit too but which are there and being countered in secret in our current Hybrid World War III paradigm. One of these key illegal weapons is now playing the rounds on the Global MOCKINGBIRD media, the horrendous CORONAVIRUS 2019-nCoV/USA-IL1/2020. The other illegal weapons were used on 9/11 and are those related to the Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) used on 9/11 to dustify the WTC Complex.

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Когда Россия объявила о разработке Гиперзвуковых ракет и обнародовала свой новый арсенал оборонительного оружия, контрмер и средств неудержимого первого удара, реакция Оси США / НАТО должна была быть сужена и, как минимум, занять менее агрессивную позицию по всему миру. доска, но таких вещей не произошло.

Пентагон, ЦРУ, ФВЕЙ и MIIC вместе проглотили недоверие и страх, икнули, а затем продолжили свою воинственную позицию превосходства и свою попытку захватить мир. Конечно, понимание того, что Гегемон, который в течение десятилетий позиционировал себя как «Единственная глобальная военная сверхдержава», не могло просто согласиться и признать, что вся его «супер военная мощь» было ложью с самого начала, было не вариант, это было бы логично. Единственный инструмент США / НАТО / MIIC - это молоток, и каждая проблема для них - это гвоздь, это также верно, но такая продолжающаяся воинственная позиция и бессмысленная глобальная преступность за безнаказанностью, которую мир никогда не видел, я бы сказал, имеет основу не об обычных или даже ядерных военных возможностях, но о секретных незаконных способностях, которые гегемон не может допустить, но которые существуют и тайно противостоят в нашей нынешней парадигме гибридной Второй мировой войны. Одно из этих ключевых нелегальных видов оружия в настоящее время разыгрывается в средствах массовой информации Global MOCKINGBIRD - ужасном CORONAVIRUS 2019-nCoV / USA-IL1 / 2020. Другое незаконное оружие использовалось 9/11 и относится к Направленному энергетическому оружию (РОСА), используемому 9/11 для оправдания комплекса ВТЦ.

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五角大樓,中情局,FVEY和MIIC共同陷入難以置信和恐懼的境地,打了and,然後繼續其至高無上的好戰姿態,並企圖佔領世界。當然,認識到幾十年來一直提升自己為“全球唯一軍事超級大國”的霸主不可能從一開始就默認並承認其整個“超級軍事強國”是騙人的,這是合乎邏輯的。 USA / NATO / MIIC的唯一工具是一把錘子,對他們來說每個問題都是釘子,這也是事實,但是這種持續的好戰態度和肆意的全球犯罪背後有一種世界從未見過的有罪不罰現象,我認為這是有根據的不是基於常規甚至是核軍事能力,而是基於霸權不能承認的秘密非法能力,但存在於我們當前的第三次世界大戰混合動力範式中,並且已經被秘密對抗。這些關鍵的非法武器之一現在正在全球MOCKINGBIRD媒體上播放,恐怖的CORONAVIRUS 2019-nCoV / USA-IL1 / 2020。其他非法武器在9/11中使用,與在9/11中用於對世貿中心綜合設施進行粉塵化的定向能量武器(DEW)有關。

The Missing Pentagon Trillions: Black Funds to Destroy and Conquer the World

February 27, 2020

So where did the trillions go? Why was there never a real investigation? Why were all the investigators in the Pentagon killed? Why did Dov Zakheim never get arrested or even questioned for taking trillions to Israel?

Some of the trillions went into global US NATO infrastructure and secret biological programs that now clearly exist all over the world. Other funds went to private and secret armies and individuals. Taking over the world secret requires lots and lots of BLACK MONEY and this is where is has all gone.

Why Attack China?

So why attack China? Eliminate Possible Threat and Erase the Debt Holder

You are dealing with powers that you still do not fully understand. The Rothschilds/RedShield/Zionists win almost on every side of any equation, that is how they rig the game. They already have more money than they can ever spend. You forget that (or you did not know) that China secretly owned(s) about 82% of the Corporation of the United States. China buys US Foreign debt. Who is this debt to? In a singularity, the Rothschilds. So if someone owns your debt and you can convince your debtor that eliminating this debt holder will eliminate your debt then it is a win-win. No debtor no debt. The goal here is to destroy and weaken China and Russia. They do not care who else get hurt. The USA has long been bankrupt except for the Trillions lost in the Pentagon.

 More to come 

March 03, 2020

I had thought this was a no-brainer and obvious but apparently the media MOCKINGBIRD brainwashing and censorship of information is much more pronounced in the West than I could imagine. Will post soon. Meanwhile here is an excerpt from an article on the matter which covers the most of the issues I would have underlined except for the Genocide Agenda which is apparently just too evil for almost anyone to actually take in.

Who can debate that the Trump administration has harassed China as much as they have tormented Iran? What follows is the short list of some of the worst transgressions the Neocon Zionists in the White House have committed against China.

In light of the US-staged Hong Kong protests, U.S. tariff regime against China, threat of economic sanctions against nations working with Huawei, CIA-inflamed Xinjiang conflict involving the Muslim Uyghurs, provocative sailing of US Navy warships through the Taiwan Strait, transparent political prosecution of Huawei’s CFO, ravaging of China’s pig farms by another DARPA-bioengineered animal virus, FedEx thwarted multiple sensitive deliveries to China in 2019, etc. the Chinese government has been under withering attack since 2018.


All of this bellicose behavior was directed toward softening up the Chinese government. Not only does the Zio-Anglo-American Axis demand that Beijing submit to its will, they will not stop their provocations until they do. The West has always treated the great nations of the East worst than stepchildren, and that will likely never change. Which is precisely why everything points to China being used as the primary NWO laboratory for the insidiously expanding totalitarian technocracy before the new lab procedures are exported to California and elsewhere around the globe.

*The Chinese people are exceptionally computer literate, digitally connected and hooked into the wireless paradigm—to their great detriment. Many years of exposure to these destructive energies have addicted them to their various information technologies and devices. It has also rewired their brains in ways they are totally unaware and quite damaging. The same is true in every other nation on Earth where technology rules, but the Chinese are extreme in this regard.
The most precarious aspect about the smartphone culture is that many Chinese are susceptible to psychogenic disease and illness, injuries and imbalances. Of course, these are not limited to physical conditions; they are also being subjected to directed frequencies which will cause serious psychological disorders. This may be exactly what’s going on right now in Wuhan where many folks might be triggered via their smartphones, particularly after the city-wide PTSD resulting from so much coronavirus uncertainty and inevitable mass anxiety.

It should also be noted that the countless techies in this type of IT society have never lost control like this. In view of the double whammy of the coronavirus scare and 5G activation, many have been through an unparalleled “shock and awe” experience. The resulting trauma has put many on edge—LITERALLY. Hence, it now appears that many folks in places such as Wuhan can be triggered quite easily via their smartphones without even knowing what’s happening. They can be walking along and suddenly just hit the ground; some even dying on the spot.

The upshot of this discussion is that the NWO controllers are pushing the edge of the envelope with regard to experimenting with sophisticated psychotronic weaponry that is both harmful and deadly. In the present case, Wuhan is their laboratory and the Wuhanese are the lab rats. There are other cities in China which are also being exposed to their own unique set of laboratory conditions.

China is also the premier national testing site for the infamous social credit score system– yet another oppressive control mechanism that the globalists will roll out worldwide when it has been perfected there. The fact that the Chinese government has colluded with the globalist cabal and permitted the citizenry to be abused in this way greatly contributes to the notion that Israel owns China — lock stock and barrel — just as the Zionist banksters did during the days of Red China.

 12.05 CIA Front NED Exposed by HK Protests


 12.04 CIA Using Azov Nazis in Hong Kong: Meet Sir Gay Filimonov

Question: Why were they all wearing masks? Could it have been more than hiding their identities?




Look at the maps for a minute. What do YOU see? The takeover of the world? Yes. The surrounding of Russia and China? Yes again. Now look at the Illegal Biological Weapons Labs of the CIA/DARPA and the MIIC. Think now in the context of the continued bellicose USA position, the statements by the New World Order lunatics that "You will have a New World Order whether you want it or not." and the known Agenda 21 Depopulation Genocide. Now what do you see? Still don't get it? Now add in the 46 trillion missing Pentagon dollars. Something no one pays attention to, no one has been prosecuted for and is ignored by the Global MOCKINGBIRD CIA media. Do you see what I see now? Okay add another point. Why if the USA owns NATO and they have drones and aircraft carriers and can bomb any point on the planet within minutes do they need bases? Do you see it now? No? Okay. Ask yourself why after the collapse of the Soviet Union there was never a drawdown of US Military Forces around the world and a disbandment of NATO? Too much information? Okay. What I see now that the New World Order USA/NATO axis has moved into Biological Warfare is the protection of Secret Biological Weapons Laboratories.

Перевод без проверка

Посмотрите на карты на минуту. Что ты видишь? Поглощение мира? Да. Окружение России и Китая? Да еще раз. Теперь посмотрите на Лаборатории незаконного биологического оружия ЦРУ / DARPA и MIIC. Подумайте сейчас в контексте продолжающейся воинственной позиции США, заявлений сумасшедших Нового Мирового Порядка: «У вас будет Новый Мировой Порядок, хотите вы этого или нет». и известный Повестка дня на XXI век Геноцид депопуляции. Теперь, что ты видишь? Все еще не понимаю? Теперь добавьте в 46 триллионов недостающих долларов Пентагона. На то, на что никто не обращает внимания, никто не был привлечен к ответственности и игнорируется средствами массовой информации Global MOCKINGBIRD CIA. Вы видите то, что я вижу сейчас? Хорошо, добавьте еще один момент. Почему, если США владеют НАТО, у них есть беспилотники и авианосцы, и они могут бомбить любую точку планеты за считанные минуты, им нужны базы? Вы видите это сейчас? Нет? Ладно. Спросите себя, почему после распада Советского Союза никогда не было сокращения вооруженных сил США по всему миру и роспуска НАТО? Слишком много информации? Ладно. Теперь я вижу, что ось США / НАТО Нового Мирового Порядка перешла в Биологическую Войну, - это защита Секретных Лабораторий Биологического Оружия.

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A Brief Bloody History of the USA's 500+ Years of Genetically Targeting Biological Weapons

As one of the last members of a genocided race, the Taino Indians who were deemed extinct in 1898 to facilitate the annexation and transfer of Puerto Rico by and to the United States of America I must once again remind the reader as to the genocidal basis of the United States of America. This illegal wanton entity and Rogue Nation was based on GENOCIDE. The American Indian Holocaust, a historically inconvenient truth for most of the world but one which I live with every day, was the basis for the falsely labelled “Land of the Free” and Land of the genocided BRAVE. Biological Race-Based Genocide is the true basis of the Illuminati, the Corporation of the United States of America and the Secret Core of all operations and activities of NATO, the CIA, FVEY and the New World Order lunatics running it all. Depopulation under Agenda 21 is their blanket program and the RNA Pathogen known as the CORONAVIRUS 2019-nCoV/USA-IL1/2020 is just the beginning.  

As an investigator who does not believe in coincidence I think it is interesting that I, one of the last of the Taino Indians, was moved to a safe location near a former closed Scientific City where the last sample of the Smallpox Virus that killed my people is kept. For you fellow Truthers and Conspiracy Solvers that fact may be a Rabbit Hole you may want to go down when I am gone.

The Corporation of the United States of America and its façade, the United States of America, an entity taking up the central portion of the continent of North America For decades the CIA, MOSSAD and those operating in the shadows have been attempting to develop a genetically targetting biological weapon

Excerpt from The American Indian Holocaust, known as the “500 year war” and the World’s Longest Holocaust In The History Of Mankind

“Native Americans have the highest mortality rate of any U.S. minority because of U.S. action and policy. The biggest killers though were smallpox, measles, influenza, whooping cough, diphtheria, typhus, bubonic plague, cholera, and scarlet fever. All imported by the Europeans colonists.”

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Будучи одним из последних представителей расы геноцида, индейцы тайно, которые были признаны вымершими в 1898 году для содействия аннексии и передаче Пуэрто-Рико Соединенными Штатами Америки и в Соединенные Штаты Америки, я должен еще раз напомнить читателю о геноцидной основе Соединенные Штаты Америки. Эта незаконная бессмысленная сущность и Rogue Nation была основана на ГЕНОЦИДЕ. Холокост американских индейцев, исторически неудобная истина для большей части мира, но та, с которой я живу каждый день, послужила основой для ложно названных «Земли свободных» и Земли геноцида Храбрых. Геноцид на основе биологических рас является истинной основой Иллюминатов, Корпорации Соединенных Штатов Америки и Тайного Ядра всех операций и действий НАТО, ЦРУ, ФВЕЙ и безумцев Нового Мирового Порядка, управляющих всем этим. Депопуляция в рамках Повестки дня на XXI век - это их общая программа, и патоген РНК, известный как CORONAVIRUS 2019-nCoV / USA-IL1 / 2020, - это только начало.

Как следователь, который не верит в совпадение, я думаю, что интересно, что я, один из последних индейцев тайно, был перемещен в безопасное место недалеко от бывшего закрытого Научного города, где последний образец вируса оспы, который убил моих людей хранится. Для вас, товарищей по Трютерам и Конспирации, этот факт может быть Кроличьей Нерой, которую вы, возможно, захотите убить, когда я уйду.

Выдержка из Холокоста американских индейцев, известного как «500-летняя война» и самый длинный в мире Холокост в истории человечества

«Коренные американцы имеют самый высокий уровень смертности среди меньшинств в США из-за действий и политики США. Крупнейшими убийцами были оспа, корь, грипп, коклюш, дифтерия, тиф, бубонная чума, холера и скарлатина. Все привезено европейцами-колонистами ».

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作為種族滅絕種族的最後成員之一,塔伊諾印第安人在1898年被認為已經滅絕,以便利波多黎各被美利堅合眾國吞併並轉移到美國,我必須再次提醒讀者關於種族滅絕的根源:美利堅合眾國。這個非法的肆無忌entity的實體和流氓國家是基於種族滅絕的。美洲印第安人大屠殺是世界上大多數地方在歷史上不方便的事實,但我每天都生活在其中,它是錯誤貼有“自由之地”和種族滅絕的勇敢之地的基礎。基於生物種族的種族滅絕是光明會,美利堅合眾國公司以及北約,中情局,FVEY和新世界秩序瘋子所有活動的秘密運作的真正基礎。他們的一攬子計劃是根據21世紀議程進行的人口減少工作,而被稱為CORONAVIRUS 2019-nCoV / USA-IL1 / 2020的RNA病原體只是一個開始。

作為一個不相信巧合的調查員,我認為很有趣的是,我是塔伊諾州最後一名印第安人之一,被轉移到附近封閉的科學城附近的安全地點,在那裡,最後一株天花病毒殺死了我的人民保持。對於您的Truthers和Conspiracy Solvers來說,這也許是個兔子洞,您可能想在我離開後繼續下去。

摘自被稱為“ 500年戰爭”的美洲印第安人大屠殺和人類歷史上世界上最長的大屠殺


"The smallpox genocide was just the beginning of the oppression and displacement of Wuikinuxv, Heilstsuk and Nuxalk Nations and other Indigenous Peoples that has occurred and continues to this day."


Someone Finally Recalls Tainos and the America's Indian Biological Holocaust, Would You Like Some Smallpox Blankets With That?

Dear Trump: All The Viruses Europeans Brought To America

Going back to the Kennedy Assassination carried out by Bush and the CIA, Lee Harvey Oswald’s Cancer Assassination mission (Dr. Alton Ochsner Sr. and Dr. Mary Sherman) then 1991, 1995 and 2001, in particular, there have been hundreds of leaks regarding the CIA, DARPA, MOSSAD and the development of Race Weapons and DNA Targeting Biological Weapons.

From the very earliest days of America’s bio-warfare experiments, US political and military leaders, as well as CIA officials, made no effort to hide their interest in developing methods of infecting individuals with cancer as a method of ridding themselves of national leaders they didn’t like, a method with perfect deniability. The US record of having assassinated by various means about 150 political leaders in other nations will attest to this assertion.

“The attraction is that bio-weapons are not only very efficient mass killers but are quite cost-effective compared to shooting wars. As well, genetic weapons can be dispersed in a multitude of ways, using virus-infected insects or bacteria, or spliced into GM seeds. These weapons are difficult to detect and identify, and often a treatment or vaccine could be years in the making.”

The recent CIA Assassination of Hugo Chavez (Bless His Soul) is just one of the many such assassinations which in fact number in the thousands.

Oswald actually transported a Cancer Assassination Pathogen to Cuba but due to problems keeping it cool the attempt failed. This was documented in Dr. Mary's Monkey as well as other places on the web.

Given those facts and the direct connection of the 9/11 Criminal Cabal, MOSSAD and their continued control of the USMIIC, the recent ongoing endless assault of the People’s Republic of China as the Hybrid World War III continues, added to my research into the plans of the New World Order Cabal, the “Illuminati”, Rothschilds, Agenda 21 and the Global Genocide of “Useless Eaters” – Meaning Untermensch and “Brown” Peoples – my first instinct when I heard about the Coronavirus was incredulity. Not that they would carry out such an operation but that they would do so in such a telegraphed and patently obvious manner and location. Again, the lunatics behind the operations continue to repeat themselves and their impunity has made them careless.

In 2001 Michael Riconosciuto, the inventor of the A-Neutronic Bomb, exposed CIA Agent Tim Osman, the Meridian Arms Corporation, the Universities of California and Chicago. According to an article exposing Osama Bin Laden as a CIA Agent citing Riconosciuto: “Robert Booth Nichols, the shady head of Meridian Arms Corporation (with both CIA and organized crime connections), and Dr. John Phillip Nichols, the manager of the Cabazon reservation, were involved in bio-warfare work—the first in trying to sell bio-warfare products to the army through Wackenhut, the second in giving tribal permission for research to take place at Cabazon. According to Riconosciuto, the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) was in charge of the classified contracts for biological warfare research. Riconosciuto would later testify under oath that Stormont Laboratories (which did research on the genetics of blood type and which was founded by this man) was involved in the DARPA-Wackenhut-Cabazon project. Jonathan Littman, a reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle would relate: "Cabazons and Wackenhut appeared to be acting as middlemen between the Pentagon's DARPA and Stormont Laboratories, a small facility in Woodland near Sacramento."

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Возвращаясь к убийству Кеннеди, проведенному Бушем и ЦРУ, миссией Ли Харви Освальда по борьбе с раком (доктор Алтон Окснер-старший и доктор Мэри Шерман) в 1991, 1995 и 2001 годах, в частности, были сотни утечек, касающихся ЦРУ, ДАРПА, МОССАД и разработка гоночного оружия и биологического оружия, нацеленного на ДНК.

С самых первых дней американских экспериментов по биологической войне политические и военные лидеры США, а также представители ЦРУ не пытались скрыть свою заинтересованность в разработке методов заражения людей раком как метода избавления от национальных лидеров, которых они не имели. не нравится, метод с совершенным отрицанием. Отчет США об убийстве различными способами около 150 политических лидеров в других странах подтвердит это утверждение.

«Привлекательность в том, что биологическое оружие - не только очень эффективные массовые убийцы, но и весьма экономически выгодно по сравнению со стрельбой в войнах. Кроме того, генетическое оружие может быть рассеяно множеством способов, используя зараженных вирусом насекомых или бактерий, или сращено в семена ГМ. Это оружие трудно обнаружить и идентифицировать, и зачастую лечение или вакцина могут длиться годами ».

Учитывая эти факты и прямую связь с преступной кликой 11 сентября, МОССАД и их постоянным контролем над USMIIC, недавнее продолжающееся бесконечное нападение на Китайскую Народную Республику в продолжение Третьей гибридной мировой войны дополнило мое исследование планов о Кабале Нового Мирового Порядка, «Иллюминатах», Ротшильдах, Повестке дня на XXI век и Глобальном геноциде «Бесполезных Пожирателей» - что значит «Унтерменш» и «Коричневые» Народы - мой первый инстинкт, когда я услышал о Коронавирусе, был недоверием. Не то, чтобы они проводили такую ​​операцию, но чтобы они делали это в такой телеграфной и явно очевидной манере и месте. Опять же, сумасшедшие за операциями продолжают повторяться, и их безнаказанность сделала их небрежными.

В 2001 году Майкл Риконоскиуто, изобретатель A-Neutronic Bomb, разоблачил агента ЦРУ Тима Османа, Meridian Arms Corporation, университеты Калифорнии и Чикаго. Согласно статье, разоблачающей Усаму бен Ладена в качестве агента ЦРУ со ссылкой на Риконоскиуто: «Роберт Бут Николс, теневой глава Meridian Arms Corporation (как с ЦРУ, так и с организованной преступностью), и доктор Джон Филип Николс, менеджер резервации Кабазон были вовлечены в работу, связанную с биологической войной, - первые пытались продавать продукты биологической войны армии через Вакенхут, вторые - давать разрешение племени на проведение исследований в Кабазоне. Согласно Riconosciuto, Агентство перспективных исследовательских проектов Пентагона по обороне (DARPA) отвечало за секретные контракты на исследования биологической войны. Позже Риконосюто подтвердил, что Stormont Laboratories (которая проводила исследования по генетике группы крови и была основана этим человеком) была вовлечена в проект DARPA-Wackenhut-Cabazon. Джонатан Литтман, репортер «Хроники Сан-Франциско», мог бы сказать: «Кабазоны и Вакенхут, по-видимому, выступали в качестве посредников между лабораториями DARPA и Stormont, небольшого комплекса в Вудленде, недалеко от Сакраменто».

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鑑於這些事實,以及9/11犯罪集團,MOSSSAD和他們對USMIIC的持續控制的直接聯繫,隨著第三次世界大戰的繼續,最近對中華人民共和國的無休止的進攻使我對計劃的研究更加深入新世界秩序集團,“光明會”,羅斯柴爾德家族,《 21世紀議程》和“無用食者”的全球種族滅絕–意味著Untermensch和“布朗”人民–是我聽說冠狀病毒不可思議時的本能。不是說他們會進行這樣的操作,而是要以電報方式和明顯明顯的方式和地點進行操作。再次,行動背後的瘋子繼續重演,他們的逍遙法外使他們變得粗心。

2001年,A-Neutronic炸彈的發明者Michael Riconosciuto暴露了中央情報局特工奧斯曼,子午線武器公司,加利福尼亞大學和芝加哥大學。根據一篇將烏薩馬·本·拉丹(Osama Bin Laden)擔任中央情報局特工的文章引述Riconosciuto的話:“子午線武器公司(與中央情報局和有組織犯罪分子都有關係)的幕後黑手羅伯特·布斯·尼科爾斯(Robert Booth Nichols)和卡巴松(Cabazon)保留地經理約翰·菲利普·尼科爾斯(John Phillip Nichols)博士,參與了生物戰工作-第一個試圖通過Wackenhut向軍隊出售生物戰產品,第二個試圖向部落授予在Cabazon進行研究的許可。根據Riconosciuto的說法,五角大樓國防高級研究計劃局(DARPA)負責生物戰研究的機密合同。里科諾西托(Riconosciuto)後來宣誓就說,斯托蒙特實驗室(Stormont Laboratories)(從事血型遺傳學研究,並由該人創立)參與了DARPA-Wackenhut-Cabazon項目。舊金山紀事報的記者喬納森·利特曼(Jonathan Littman)會談到:“卡巴松和瓦肯胡特似乎是五角大樓的DARPA和斯托蒙特實驗室之間的中間人,斯托蒙特實驗室是薩克拉曼多附近伍德蘭的一個小工廠。”

The Race Weapon

Riconosciuto would make additional claims about Bio-Rad corporation, a medical supplier which had gradually taken over Hercules, California. They were also, Riconosciuto would say, covertly engaged in bio-warfare research—producing some of the deadliest toxins known to man. The focus of Bio-Rad's research was said to be bio-active elements that could be tailored to attack those with certain types of DNA. Weapons could thus be produced that were specifically designed to wipe out specific races or genetic classes of human beings. (Alternatively, particular DNA types could be immunized against a deadly biological agent; the agent could then be released, and everyone else would die.)

A couple of years later, Meridian International Logistics, the parent company of Meridian Arms, was to farm similar research out to the Japanese. This included (according to minutes of a corporate meeting dated Aug. 26, 1988) methods for "induction and activation of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes". Associated with Meridian's Robert Booth Nichols in a Middle Eastern operation called FIDCO, a company that ran arms into and heroin out of Lebanon's Beqaa (Bekaa)Valley, was Harold Okimoto, a high-ranking member of the Yakuza. Okimoto had longed worked under Frank Carlucci (who served as Secretary of Defense and Deputy Director of the CIA before becoming Chairman of The Carlyle Group). Okimoto owned food concessions in casinos around the world—Las Vega, Reno, Macao, and the Middle East. (Free drinks and anthrax while you play blackjack, anyone?) - 2001

(Note for Security: Here some idiot was pounding on neighbor's door. 18:05 02-23-2020 - Weirdness all around)

According to the Israeli/NeoCon PNAC and their blueprint for global domination titled Rebuilding America’s Defenses, biological warfare and in particular race targetting biological weapons would become nothing more than useful tools. “And advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.” – 2000

Iran Condemns US Political Approach to Coronavirus

Given Robert Kagan and Victoria (Nuland) Kagan’s ties to the PNAC, DARPA, the CIA and the 9/11 Criminal Cabal my reports on Captagon being given to the Maidan protestors, CIA Black Operations on the Maidan run by Christopher Boeinger and the CIA’s mass-murder in Odessa at the House of Unions, events that have never been prosecuted, we know that these lunatics will do absolutely anything in order to reach their goals. Thus China is another Black Operation, again run by the CIA, JSOC and once again we see the fingerprints of the ASTEROIDS.

With regards to Biological Warfare (which again is illegal) going back to 1948 in a classified report by the Pentagon’s Committee on Biological Warfare quoted at Global Research: we see that the Warmongers in the USA have a long record of developing such weapons for the very reason that they can not be traced. “A gun or a bomb leaves no doubt that a deliberate attack has occurred. But if … an epidemic slashes across a crowded city, there is no way of knowing whether anyone attacked, much less who”, adding hopefully that “A significant portion of the human population within selected target areas may be killed or incapacitated” with only very small amounts of a pathogen.”

Given all of these facts and that the USA, in contradiction to all international norms and law, has given itself the “right” to use such weapons pre-emptively; it is by no means a stretch of the imagination to believe that they would commit such an egregious International Crime Against Humanity against China, especially after their recent economic and other attacks.

Latakia, Syria

More of the inconvenient history of the deployment of Biological Agents that the revisionists are trying to erase includes the horrendous War Crime by the CIA and MOSSAD and their terrorist proxies in Latakia, Syria (Something I was not allowed to report on at the Voice of Russia World Service) when they slaughtered 426 children in a horrendous failed attempt to blame President Assad for using chemical weapons on his own people.

The Spanish Flu Pandemic

“It’s really quite easy for any of the various U.S. military bioweapon labs to bioengineer a deadly super-virus and then release it in a city as large as Wuhan, China. Acts of bioterrorism like this are carried out all the time. As a matter of historical fact, the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 actually originated at Fort Riley, Kansas where soldiers reported to the Army’s largest training facility during World War I. The soldiers who were [DELIBERATELY] infected with the H1N1 influenza virus then served as countless vectors of dissemination for the pandemic that ultimately killed as many as 100 million people worldwide. That single US-executed biowarfare operation against humanity was arguably the deadliest depopulation event in human history.” (See: Spanish Flu of 1918 Was Really a Bioterror Attack on Humanity) — Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S. Army Officer


SARS virus was created in weapons lab: Russian scientist ( News Desk | April 11, 2003 16:57 IST)

The virus of atypical pneumonia, better known as SARS, or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, was created artificially, possibly as a bacteriological weapon, Sergei Kolesnikov, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, told a press conference in the Siberian town of Irkutsk on Thursday, the Russian RIA Novosti news agency reported.

According to Kolesnikov, the virus of atypical pneumonia is a synthesis of the viruses of measles and infectious parotiditis or mumps, the natural compound of which is impossible. This can be done only in a laboratory, he said.

Kolesnikov added that in creating bacteriological weapons, a protective anti-viral vaccine is, as a rule, worked out at the same time, so a medicine for atypical pneumonia may soon appear.

He did not, however, rule out the possibility that the virus could have spread accidentally as a result of "an unsanctioned leakage" from a biological weapons laboratory.


As always, the dangerously untrustworthy World Health Organization (WHO) is leading the global charge to develop a vaccine that is likely impossible to create within the stated time frames. What this really means is that Big Pharma has already secretly manufactured massive amounts of a so-called ‘Wuhan coronavirus vaccine’ (which treats the WHO-named COVID-19) that is ready to be injected worldwide, especially wherever the World Health Organization and Bill Gates have set up their countless vaccination centers in Third World countries. See: Bill Gates Accused Of Starting Ebola Outbreak In African Village By Putin

Vaccine experimentation on vulnerable populations is not an issue of the past. Watch this video clip of Dr. Stanley Plotkin where he describes using experimental vaccines on orphans, the mentally retarded, prisoners, and those under colonial rule.

The deposition was in January 2018. The hubris of the medical community is the same or worse now than it was 100 years ago.

Watch as Dr. Plotkin admits to writing:

“The question is whether we are to have experiments performed on fully functioning adults and on children who are potentially contributors to society or to perform initial studies in children and adults who are human in form but not in social potential.”

Bio-Weapons Research Institutions

The US Army’s Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick, Maryland is the military’s main facility for research on biological warfare. It comprises 80,000 m². By the mid-1980s, this bio-weapons section of Fort Detrick was receiving nearly $100 million per year, and this was only one of many sections....

....When a nation’s military is producing lethal biological pathogens in quantities of millions of liters, it is time to stop pretending we are not engaged in biological warfare. It is of no comfort that the military might claim these to be “harmless” strains of pathogens, since (1) any facility capable of producing benign pathogens can easily produce lethal varieties and (2) there is no such thing as ‘harmless’ anthrax.

There is no material difference between a defensive and an offensive biowarfare program, and even fools cannot claim “self-defense” when producing millions of liters of anthrax. Even the US Government Accountability Office, in its 1994 report on these programs, stated that US military’s Biological Defense Program contained “scores of divisions, departments, research groups, bio-intelligence and more, by no means all related to “‘defense’ in any sense”, and were by nature belligerent and offensive military programs. We are nevertheless assured that the US “has never used biological weapons”, by the same people who were simultaneously tendering contracts for the production of anthrax and other “pathogens” in multiple batches of 3,000 liters. Dissembling propaganda is impossible to avoid in America, even in official military medical textbooks.

There were other sites and facilities besides Fort Detrick that were constructed by the US military solely for the development of bio-weapons, including the Horn Island Testing Station in Mississippi which was meant to be the primary bio-weapons testing site, and the Plum Island Germ Laboratory in New York State from which the military spread Lyme Disease among half the area population.

One portion of the Plum Island facility was designed exclusively to develop and test lethal animal pathogens that could destroy an enemy nation’s food supply – as the US attempted to do in North Korea. Deadly strains of foot-and-mouth disease were one result of this research, which the Americans later shared with their fellow psychopaths at Porton Down in the UK – who put it to good use. An additional portion was the development, testing and production of bombs containing what was called a “vegetable killer acid”, and which could destroy cereals, grains, and most cultivated vegetable crops. I have a strong suspicion that many of the recent bird flu and swine flu epidemics originated from pathogens created at Plum Island.

The textbook titled, Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare (2007), published by the US military’s Surgeon-General, admits to the establishment of “a large-scale production facility in Pine Bluff, Arkansas”, with the new plant featuring “advanced laboratory … measures enabling large-scale fermentation, concentration, storage, and weaponisation of microorganisms”.

And it does also admit that by 1951, the US had produced its first biological weapons, anti-crop bombs, and “antipersonnel” munitions, having “weaponised and stockpiled” all these. It adds that the CIA had independently “developed weapons using toxins including cobra venom and saxitoxin for covert operations”, but that unfortunately “all records regarding their development and deployment were destroyed in 1972” when the information became public. (18)

And the US military has tried to weaponise venereal diseases, leading to travesties like the Guatemala Syphilis project, where they infected thousands then left them to die. The official narrative, while admitting the criminality, stubbornly adheres to the tale of a charitable purpose of testing medications – for thousands who were specifically denied the medicines that would have saved their lives. (19)

The US military appears desperate not only to find biological ways to kill nations of people, but is equally interested in methods of destroying their food supply. Accordingly, it also confessed to another several dozen (at least) occasions where devastating crop and plant disease agents had been released, in experiments to test methods of destroying the entire food plant life of an enemy nation. In 2012, Japanese media revealed that the United States government had tested specific, DNA-engineered crop-killing bioweapons in Okinawa and Taiwan during the 1960s and early 1970s, and that the US military tested some of these within the continental US as well. They were also applied in Vietnam. The purpose of Agent Orange was never as a defoliant as claimed, but developed instead to destroy Vietnam’s entire rice crops and to sufficiently contaminate the soil to prevent re-growth.

Genetically Modified Seeds: Conceived as a Weapon - The Doomsday Seed Vault at Svalbard

A new and serious cause for concern is the recently-announced seed vault built on a piece of barren rock named Svalbard, which is owned by Norway, is very remote near the North Pole, and virtually inaccessible. According to press releases, this seed vault has dual blast-proof doors with motion sensors, two airlocks, and walls of steel-reinforced concrete one meter thick. There are no full-time staff, but the vault’s relative inaccessibility will facilitate monitoring any human activity. The stated purpose is to store the entire world’s heritage seeds so that crop diversity can be saved for the future, but that crop diversity is already “saved”, stored in vaults all around the world. What do these people foresee, that such a remote and secure facility should be developed?

The promoters and financiers of this venture are the same people who control the world’s GM seeds and who have been among the most outspoken proponents of drastically reducing the world’s population: the Rockefeller and Gates Foundations, Syngenta, DuPont, Monsanto and CGIAR. These are the same people who are actively destroying crop diversity all over the planet. Why would they suddenly get religion and decide to save in Norway the same seeds they are destroying everywhere else?

Some time ago, William Engdahl wrote an excellently researched article on this subject of the seed vault and arrived at the same conclusion, that the vault was created as a storehouse for lethal biological pathogens, the DNA of which can be combined with GM seed and unleashed anywhere with the help of these same seed companies. No other use would explain the list of participants or the need for the remote location and virtually nuclear-proof security. Engdahl asked, “Is it a coincidence that these same organizations, from Norway to the Rockefeller Foundation to the World Bank are also involved in the Svalbard seed bank project?” (25)

Bill Gates the Star of the 5G Control Grid

Dr. Leonard Horowitz, the famed pharma industry whistleblower, quoted one expert as saying he would plan a bio-attack “with subtle finesse, to make it look like a natural outbreak. That would delay the response and lock up the decision-making process. Even if you suspect biological terrorism, it’s hard to prove. It’s equally hard to disprove . . . You can trace an arms shipment, but it’s almost impossible to trace the origins of a virus that comes from a bug.”

That was just a small part of the history.

The NWO 322 Genocidal Criminal Cabal: CFR, Illuminati, Black Nobility, Zionists, NeoCons, IMF, Rand, AC, Trilaterals, Bilderbergs, Rothschilds, Black Nobility, the City of London, the Corporation of the USA, the Khazarian Mafia, the ASTEROIDS, CIA, MI6, MOSSAD, the Elites, et al


The RAND Corporation

In a sane world people espousing genocide and racism at levels more odious than even those reached by Adolf Hitler would be arrested, locked away or in the least shunned, yet in this world demons such as Ayan Rand are allowed to espouse the most horrendous drivel imaginable while obfuscating and rationalizing it as only a truly insane psychotic individual could. The same as the Project Northwoods planners and the 9/11 psychopaths. Lunatics like Dick Cheney, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are more of the same. Rand actually considers genocide an "element of civilization".

Plausible Deniability is Not a Basis for Impunity

The principle problem for Intelligence Agencies, investigators and Security Services in dealing with Biological Warfare and the release of Biological Agents is that there is almost never direct evidence on which to conclude that an attack has occurred and even pinpointing the delivery agent itself may be an impossibility. This is exactly why the USA and the Global Criminal Cabal have used such unspeakable illegal weapons in the continuation of their attempt to take over the world. World War III continues and this attack on the People’s Republic of China must not be allowed to stand unpunished, unanswered and uninvestigated.

By using a pathogen or biological elements endemic to a certain area, such as the cancer assassination tools that I documented years ago which caused fast spreading cancers and were used to attempt to assassinate a host of South American leaders and were naturally found in the pipes delivering water supplies in South America, the CIA has exactly what they need to cover up their crimes, namely plausible deniability. This plausible deniability is exactly what the CIA and the Western Cabal use to cover their crimes and this is not a secret and has been part of the Modus Operandi and fingerprint left on Black Operations for decades.

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Основная проблема разведывательных органов, следователей и служб безопасности в связи с биологической войной и выпуском биологических агентов заключается в том, что практически никогда не существует прямых доказательств, позволяющих сделать вывод о том, что произошла атака, и даже точное определение самого агента доставки может оказаться невозможным. , Именно поэтому США и Глобальная криминальная клика использовали такое невероятное незаконное оружие в продолжение своей попытки захватить мир. Третья мировая война продолжается, и нельзя допустить, чтобы это нападение на Китайскую Народную Республику оставалось безнаказанным, без ответа и без расследования.

Используя патоген или биологические элементы, эндемичные для определенной области, такие как инструменты для убийства рака, которые я задокументировал много лет назад, которые вызывали быстро распространяющиеся раковые заболевания и которые использовались для попытки убить множество южноамериканских лидеров и были естественным образом обнаружены в трубах, доставляющих наркотики. водоснабжение в Южной Америке, у ЦРУ есть именно то, что им нужно для прикрытия своих преступлений, а именно правдоподобное отрицание. Это правдоподобное отрицание - именно то, что ЦРУ и Западная Кабала используют для прикрытия своих преступлений, и это не секрет, и оно было частью Modus Operandi и отпечатков пальцев, оставленных на Black Operations в течение десятилетий.

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The Context: Wanton criminality of the Anglo/American/Zionist Axis and the New World Order, Now

the Global Blackmail Using Pandemic Threats

The entire planet has dropped the ball and continues to remain undivided and weak in the face of the insane criminal cabal and the genocidal Hegemon that is slamming around the world destroying countries one after the other with now almost no attempt to disguise what they are truly doing. On the contrary they have become so emboldened and arrogant in their impunity that they all but brag and boast about the crimes they commit with ever increasing frequency and at ever heightened levels. From openly murdering leaders, military heads, diplomats, journalists and anyone who stands in their way, to openly sponsoring terrorists, openly over-throwing states one after the other and in ridiculous almost comically insanity attempting to install puppet presidents while threatening military attack, the Hegemon has gone completely off the reservation.

In an age when we, the peoples of the world, could be enjoying enduring peace, unprecedented prosperity, unlimited progress, never-before-possible global unity, an almost boundless ability to share cultures and traditions, and the long-awaited intellectual and spiritual enlightenment of the entire human family, instead we are facing an evil the likes of which humankind has never seen. For the world has been all but taken over by a racist, brutal, heartless, self-serving, fascist and genocidal power insanely bent on global domination, racist genocide and the complete and total enslavement of what is left of the entire human race after they carry out our depopulation.

Instead of a world of enlightenment, prosperity and peace the 9/11 Arch Criminal Cabal of what can only be described as Satanic Nazi Elites refuses to give up on their plans for a New World Order and in fact have escalated their operations with complete and total impunity, undaunted, unchallenged and completely destitute of any semblance of anything that you and I might call humanity. The CIA, MOSSAD, NATO and the FVEY countries responsible for the horrendous 9/11 False Flag are now completely controlled by the Cabal of Globalist Elites who call themselves the Illuminati.

Their goal of a One World Government and the end of all of sovereign states is not a secret, it is not a conspiracy theory and it is not something that includes the best interests of humanity in any way shape or form. The monied elites and the rich of almost all of the countries in the world have been pulled into the conspiracy being helped by the real and operational dumbing down of the world’s populations and the continued military grade psychological operations, obfuscation of the architects and outright brain-washing. Through economic manipulation and coaxing and outright fabrication elites have been convinced that they are right and correct in calling for the dissolution of states and the implementation of a one world government. Just as the Freemasons have lied to the Russian people and misrepresented their true intentions, the rich and monied believe that this is the only way that they will be able to hold on to their wealth and maintain control of their companies and vast holdings. Technology is the key and Cyber-Crypto currencies will be the ultimate instrument of control over those very few who may possess the assets and the power to actually stand up to them. Everything is connected and everything is being carefully orchestrated with the end goal being their “New World Order”.

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Вся планета сбросила мяч и продолжает оставаться неразделенной и слабой перед лицом безумной преступной клики и геноцида гегемонов, которые бушуют вокруг мира, уничтожая страны одну за другой, и теперь почти не пытаются скрыть то, что они действительно делают , Напротив, они стали настолько смелыми и высокомерными в своей безнаказанности, что они все, кроме хвастовства и хвастовства, совершают преступления, которые они совершают все чаще и на более высоких уровнях. От открыто убивающих лидеров, военных руководителей, дипломатов, журналистов и всех, кто стоит на их пути, до открытого спонсирования террористов, открыто свергая государства одно за другим и в смешном, почти комично-безумном, пытаясь установить президентов-марионеток, угрожая военным нападением, Гегемон полностью ушел из резервации.

В эпоху, когда мы, народы мира, могли бы наслаждаться прочным миром, беспрецедентным процветанием, неограниченным прогрессом, никогда не достижимым глобальным единством, почти безграничной способностью делиться культурами и традициями, а также долгожданным интеллектуальным и духовным просвещение всей человеческой семьи, вместо этого мы сталкиваемся со злом, подобного которому человечество никогда не видело. Ведь мир почти полностью захвачен расистской, жестокой, бессердечной, корыстной, фашистской и геноцидной силой, безумно стремящейся к глобальному господству, расистскому геноциду и полному и полному порабощению того, что осталось от всей человеческой расы после того, как они провести депопуляцию.

Вместо мира просвещения, процветания и мира Архи-криминальная клика 11 сентября, которую можно назвать только сатанинскими нацистскими элитами, отказывается расстаться со своими планами относительно Нового мирового порядка и фактически наращивает свои операции с полной и полной безнаказанность, неустрашимый, бесспорный и полностью лишенный всякой видимости того, что вы и я могли бы назвать человечеством. ЦРУ, МОССАД, НАТО и страны FVEY, ответственные за чудовищный Фальшивый флаг 9/11, теперь полностью контролируются Кабалой глобалистских элит, которые называют себя иллюминатами.

Их цель создания единого мирового правительства и уничтожения всех суверенных государств не является секретом, это не теория заговора и это не то, что включает в себя наилучшие интересы человечества в той или иной форме. Денежные элиты и богатые почти во всех странах мира были втянуты в заговор, которому помогают реальное и оперативное угнетение населения мира и продолжающиеся психологические операции военного уровня, запутывание архитекторов и откровенный мозг. мойка. Через экономические манипуляции и уговоры и откровенную фабрикацию элиты были убеждены, что они правы и верны в призыве к роспуску государств и осуществлению единого мирового правительства. Подобно тому, как масоны лгали русским людям и искажали их истинные намерения, богатые и обманутые полагают, что это единственный способ, которым они смогут удержать свое богатство и сохранить контроль над своими компаниями и обширными холдингами. Технология - это ключ, а кибер-криптовалюты будут основным инструментом контроля над теми немногими, кто может обладать активами и способностью фактически противостоять им. Все связано, и все тщательно спланировано, и конечной целью является их «новый мировой порядок».

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d面對瘋狂的陰謀集團和席捲全球的種族滅絕的霸主,整個星球都丟下了球,繼續保持分裂狀態,虛弱無力,一國接一國地摧毀著各個國家,現在幾乎沒有任何掩飾其真實行為的嘗試。 。相反,他們逍遙法外,變得如此膽大妄為,以至於所有人都吹噓自己的罪行,而且犯罪頻率越來越高,等級越來越高。從公開謀殺領導人,軍方負責人,外交官,新聞工作者和任何阻撓他們的人,到公開贊助恐怖分子,一個接一個地公開推翻國家,以及在威脅軍事襲擊的同時試圖安裝install總統,這簡直是可笑的瘋狂。霸主完全沒有保留。




NATO/USA WWIII Continues - Next Phase: Depopulation

World War III and NATO’s “Asia-Pacific Pivot” have now entered a heightened active phase seeing the horrendous illegal application of biological weapons and unless there is a rising up of civilized nations calling for the rule of law and an end to all attempts to take over the world by those wishing to establish a New World Order and a One World Government, the bloodshed and the violence will only escalate and the long-planned massive global genocide which they have packaged as “Depopulation” will take place as planned.

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Третья мировая война и «Азиатско-Тихоокеанский опорный пункт» НАТО сейчас вступили в активную активную фазу, видя чудовищное незаконное применение биологического оружия, и если не произойдет подъем цивилизованных наций, призывающих к верховенству закона и прекращению всех попыток предпринять во всем мире желающими установить новый мировой порядок и единое мировое правительство кровопролитие и насилие будут только обостряться, и запланированный массивный глобальный геноцид, который они объединили в «депопуляцию», произойдет, как и планировалось.

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第二次世界大戰和北約的“亞太樞紐”現在已經進入活躍階段,看到可怕的非法使用生物武器,除非文明國家的崛起呼籲法治和一切努力的終結。 希望建立新世界秩序和一個世界政府的人在世界範圍內流血衝突和暴力只會升級,他們計劃將長期計劃的大規模全球滅絕種族作為“人口減少”進行。

The Red Line Crossed by the New World Order

The Global New World Order Cabal, the Zionist Entity, the United States of America, their assorted Intelligence Agencies, Global MOCKINGBIRD Media, economic structures, secret elite policy groups, and global military network have now crossed what should be for all civilized nations and peoples a Red-Line and by their own accounts and actions are now engaged in Biological Warfare, the true goal and nature of which is racist genocide. They have become so emboldened in carrying out their insane plans and goals for the sole reason that their horrendous War Crimes have continued to remain unchecked, unprosecuted and for the most part unanswered since the illegal bombing of Yugoslavia and the attempts to redraw the borders of Europe and 9/11 and the ensuing illegal Wars of Aggression that they falsely labelled the War on Terror. They are the real terrorists.

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Глобальная клика нового мирового порядка, сионистское образование, Соединенные Штаты Америки, их различные разведывательные агентства, глобальные СМИ, экономические структуры, секретные элитные политические группы и глобальная военная сеть перешли то, что должно быть для всех цивилизованных наций и народов. «Красная линия» и по своим собственным данным и действиям теперь вовлечена в биологическую войну, истинной целью и природой которой является расистский геноцид. Они стали настолько смелыми в осуществлении своих безумных планов и целей по той единственной причине, что их ужасные военные преступления по-прежнему остаются безнаказанными, не преследуются по суду и по большей части остаются без ответа после незаконной бомбардировки Югославии и попыток перекроить границы Европы и 11 сентября и последующие незаконные войны агрессии, которые они ложно назвали войной с террором. Они настоящие террористы.

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全球新世界秩序集團,猶太復國主義實體,美利堅合眾國,各式各樣的情報機構,全球機動鳥媒體,經濟結構,秘密精英政策團體和全球軍事網絡現在已經超越了所有文明國家和人民的本能 紅線和他們自己的行動已經參與了生物戰爭,其真正目標和性質是種族滅絕種族。 他們瘋狂地執行自己的瘋狂計劃和目標,其唯一原因是自從非法轟炸南斯拉夫和企圖重劃歐洲邊界以來,可怕的戰爭罪行一直沒有受到製止,未受到起訴,而且在很大程度上沒有得到答复。 9/11和隨之而來的非法侵略戰爭,他們錯誤地將其標記為反恐戰爭。 他們是真正的恐怖分子。

Media-Internet Global MOCKINGBIRD Obfuscation and Cultural Genocide

The Global Media and the Internet have been turned into a useless nonsensical echo chamber of garbage, trash, fake news and endless lies and fabrications that it is pointless to even turn on a television or attempt to the read the so-called Press. Even in Russia on every single channel there is a mention of the USA almost every five minutes as if the Russian Federation is a US colony and every little piece of trash being spread on the MOCKINGBIRD somehow has some relevance to the people of the Russian Federation. Why when faced with Biological Warfare and Genocide am I even mentioning the takeover of the world media? For the reason that it is the Global MOCKINGBIRD that is making it all possible and because everything from Chemtrails to 5G is absolutely connected.

Another reason for mentioning the media at this juncture in the post WikiLeaks, post Q world where the US Military criminal cabal which carried out 9/11 is trying to distract and takeover the role of Whistleblower and Truther and had done so with surprising success, is that when I need information on an issue, such as for the research needed to write this article, I always look for the a source as close to the issue and the truth as is possible and when attempting to obtain true and accurate information about the People’s Republic of China I keep coming up against a wall of filth and lies and psychological operations and idiots trying to make the most of a what they hope is a global panic, jumping on the mindless Distractor Op hoping to be heard while it is trending but in reality not giving an inkling of a care as to the real pain and suffering and the loss of human life that is being caused.

Update: March 14, 2019

As an investigative journalist, researcher and writer, I tried time and time again to the warn the world and the peoples of the world about the plans that were being put into place to facilitate the fascist takeover of the world by those attempting to forcefully install a New World Order. I was crucified and my family was destroyed and since 2016 I have done written very very few articles after coming to the realization that truth is not something that anyone wants to hear or read. I have sat back and watched as everything I wrote about and all of the warning that I attmepoted to give have come true one after the other, and this is not something that I can say I am rpoud of or brag about, in fact it is tragic and horrendous and the worst thing of all is that no one has done anything to prevent what is happening today and those who tried have all be either liquidated or destroyed.

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Глобальные СМИ и Интернет превратились в бесполезную бессмысленную эхо-камеру мусора, мусора, фальшивых новостей и бесконечной лжи и измышлений, что бессмысленно даже включать телевизор или пытаться читать так называемую прессу. Даже в России на каждом отдельном канале почти каждые пять минут упоминаются США, как будто Российская Федерация является колонией США, и каждый маленький кусочек мусора, распространяемый на СМЕШАНКОЙ ПТИЦЕ, каким-то образом имеет отношение к народу Российской Федерации. Почему, сталкиваясь с биологической войной и геноцидом, я даже упоминаю о захвате мировых СМИ? По той причине, что именно Global MOCKINGBIRD делает все это возможным, и потому что все, от Chemtrails до 5G, абсолютно связано.

Еще одна причина упоминания средств массовой информации на этом этапе в пост-WikiLeaks, пост Q world, где Военная преступная клика США, которая провела 9/11, пытается отвлечь и захватить роль разоблачителя и Трутера и сделала это с удивительным успехом, заключается в том, что что, когда мне нужна информация по проблеме, например, для исследования, необходимого для написания этой статьи, я всегда ищу источник, максимально близкий к проблеме и правде, насколько это возможно, и при попытке получить правдивую и точную информацию о людях Китайская Республика. Я продолжаю наталкиваться на стену грязи, лжи, психологических операций и идиотов, пытающихся максимально использовать то, на что, как они надеются, - глобальную панику, прыгая на бездумного Оператора-дистрактора, надеясь услышать его, пока он в тренде, но в реальность, не дающая намек на заботу о настоящей боли, страданиях и гибели людей, которые в результате этого происходят.

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在WikiLeaks,Q後世界中此時此刻提及媒體的另一個原因是,實施9/11的美國軍事犯罪集團試圖轉移並接管舉報人和Truther的角色,並取得了令人驚訝的成功。當我需要有關某個問題的信息(例如撰寫本文所需的研究)時,我總是會尋找盡可能接近該問題和真相的信息來源,並試圖獲取有關人民的真實和準確信息中華民國我不斷碰到骯髒,謊言,心理操作和白痴的牆,試圖最大程度地利用他們所希望的全球恐慌,跳上笨拙的Distractor Op,希望在流行趨勢中聽到,但在現實並沒有引起人們對真正的痛苦和苦難以及正在造成的生命損失的關心。 

JSOC, NATO,  here

Money is everything



CORONAVIRUS 2019-nCoV/USA-IL1/2020, Complete Genome

LOCUS MN988713 29882 bp RNA linear VRL 11-FEB-2020
DEFINITION Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate 2019-nCoV/USA-IL1/2020, complete genome.
VERSION MN988713.1
SOURCE Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
ORGANISM Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 Viruses; Riboviria; Nidovirales; Cornidovirineae; Coronaviridae; Orthocoronavirinae; Betacoronavirus; Sarbecovirus.
REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 29882)
AUTHORS Tao,Y., Queen,K., Paden,C.R., Zhang,J., Li,Y., Uehara,A., Lu,X., Lynch,B., Sakthivel,S.K.K., Whitaker,B.L., Kamili,S., Wang,L., Murray,J.R., Gerber,S.I., Lindstrom,S. and Tong,S.
TITLE Novel betacoronavirus, Illinois
JOURNAL Unpublished
REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 29882)
AUTHORS Tao,Y., Queen,K., Paden,C.R., Zhang,J., Li,Y., Uehara,A., Lu,X., Lynch,B., Sakthivel,S.K.K., Whitaker,B.L., Kamili,S., Wang,L., Murray,J.R., Gerber,S.I., Lindstrom,S. and Tong,S.
TITLE Direct Submission
JOURNAL Submitted (25-JAN-2020) Division of Viral Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30033, USA
COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START##
                 Assembly Method :: Minimap v. 2.17
                 Sequencing Technology :: Nanopore; Sanger dideoxy sequencing
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..29882
/organism="Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus
/mol_type="genomic RNA"
/host="Homo sapiens"
/country="USA: Illinois"
/note="5' sequence is the primer sequence used"

gene 266..21555

CDS join(266..13468,13468..21555)
/product="orf1ab polyprotein"

gene 21563..25384

CDS 21563..25384
/product="surface glycoprotein"
gene 25393..26220

CDS 25393..26220
/product="orf3a protein"
gene 26245..26472

CDS 26245..26472
/product="envelope protein"
gene 26523..27191

CDS 26523..27191
/product="membrane glycoprotein"
gene 27202..27387

CDS 27202..27387
/product="orf6 protein"
gene 27394..27759

CDS 27394..27759
/product="orf7a protein"
gene 27894..28259

CDS 27894..28259
/product="orf8 protein"
gene 28274..29533

CDS 28274..29533
/product="nucleocapsid phosphoprotein"
gene 29558..29674

CDS 29558..29674
/product="orf10 protein"

1 attaaaggtt tataccttcc caggtaacaa accaaccaac tttcgatctc ttgtagatct
61 gttctctaaa cgaactttaa aatctgtgtg gctgtcactc ggctgcatgc ttagtgcact
121 cacgcagtat aattaataac taattactgt cgttgacagg acacgagtaa ctcgtctatc
181 ttctgcaggc tgcttacggt ttcgtccgtg ttgcagccga tcatcagcac atctaggttt
241 cgtccgggtg tgaccgaaag gtaagatgga gagccttgtc cctggtttca acgagaaaac
301 acacgtccaa ctcagtttgc ctgttttaca ggttcgcgac gtgctcgtac gtggctttgg
361 agactccgtg gaggaggtct tatcagaggc acgtcaacat cttaaagatg gcacttgtgg
421 cttagtagaa gttgaaaaag gcgttttgcc tcaacttgaa cagccctatg tgttcatcaa
481 acgttcggaw gctcgaactg cacctcatgg tcatgttatg gttgagctgg tagcagaact
541 cgaaggcatt cagtacggtc gtagtggtga gacacttggt gtccttgtcc ctcatgtggg
601 cgaaatacca gtggcttacc gcaaggttct tcttcgtaag aacggtaata aaggagctgg
661 tggccatagt tacggcgccg atctaaagtc atttgactta ggcgacgagc ttggcactga
721 tccttatgaa gattttcaag aaaactggaa cactaaacat agcagtggtg ttacccgtga
781 actcatgcgt gagcttaacg gaggggcata cactcgctat gtcgataaca acttctgtgg
841 ccctgatggc taccctcttg agtgcattaa agaccttcta gcacgtgctg gtaaagcttc
901 atgcactttg tccgaacaac tggactttat tgacactaag aggggtgtat actgctgccg
961 tgaacatgag catgaaattg cttggtacac ggaacgttct gaaaagagct atgaattgca
1021 gacacctttt gaaattaaat tggcaaagaa atttgacacc ttcaatgggg aatgtccaaa
1081 ttttgtattt cccttaaatt ccataatcaa gactattcaa ccaagggttg aaaagaaaaa
1141 gcttgatggc tttatgggta gaattcgatc tgtctatcca gttgcgtcac caaatgaatg
1201 caaccaaatg tgcctttcaa ctctcatgaa gtgtgatcat tgtggtgaaa cttcatggca
1261 gacgggcgat tttgttaaag ccacttgcga attttgtggc actgagaatt tgactaaaga
1321 aggtgccact acttgtggtt acttacccca aaatgctgtt gttaaaattt attgtccagc
1381 atgtcacaat tcagaagtag gacctgagca tagtcttgcc gaataccata atgaatctgg
1441 cttgaaaacc attcttcgta agggtggtcg cactattgcc tttggaggct gtgtgttctc
1501 ttatgttggt tgccataaca agtgtgccta ttgggttcca cgtgctagcg ctaacatagg
1561 ttgtaaccat acaggtgttg ttggagaagg ttccgaaggt cttaatgaca accttcttga
1621 aatactccaa aaagagaaag tcaacatcaa tattgttggt gactttaaac ttaatgaaga
1681 gatcgccatt attttggcat ctttttctgc ttccacaagt gcttttgtgg aaactgtgaa
1741 aggtttggat tataaagcat tcaaacaaat tgttgaatcc tgtggtaatt ttaaagttac
1801 aaaaggaaaa gctaaaaaag gtgcctggaa tattggtgaa cagaaatcaa tactgagtcc
1861 tctttatgca tttgcatcag aggctgctcg tgttgtacga tcaattttct cccgcactct
1921 tgaaactgct caaaattctg tgcgtgtttt acagaaggcc gctataacaa tactagatgg
1981 aatttcacag tattcactga gactcattga tgctatgatg ttcacatctg atttggctac
2041 taacaatcta gttgtaatgg cctacattac aggtggtgtt gttcagttga cttcgcagtg
2101 gctaactaac atctttggca ctgtttatga aaaactcaaa cccgtccttg attggcttga
2161 agagaagttt aaggaaggtg tagagtttct tagagacggt tgggaaattg ttaaatttat
2221 ctcaacctgt gcttgtgaaa ttgtcggtgg acaaattgtc acctgtgcaa aggaaattaa
2281 ggagagtgtt cagacattct ttaagcttgt aaataaattt ttggctttgt gtgctgactc
2341 tatcattatt ggtggagcta aacttaaagc cttgaattta ggtgaaacat ttgtcacgca
2401 ctcaaaggga ttgtacagaa agtgtgttaa atccagagaa gaaactggcc tactcatgcc
2461 tctaaaagcc ccaaaagaaa ttatcttctt agagggagaa acacttccca cagaagtgtt
2521 aacagaggaa gttgtcttga aaactggtga tttacaacca ttagaacaac ctactagtga
2581 agctgttgaa gctccattgg ttggtacacc agtttgtatt aacgggctta tgttgctcga
2641 aatcaaagac acagaaaagt actgtgccct tgcacctaat atgatggtaa caaacaatac
2701 cttcacactc aaaggcggtg caccaacaaa ggttactttt ggtgatgaca ctgtgataga
2761 agtgcaaggt tacaagagtg tgaatatcac ttttgaactt gatgaaagga ttgataaagt
2821 acttaatgag aagtgctctg cctatacagt tgaactcggt acagaagtaa atgagttcgc
2881 ctgtgttgtg gcagatgctg tcataaaaac tttgcaacca gtatctgaat tacttacacc
2941 actgggcatt gatttagatg agtggagtat ggctacatac tacttatttg atgagtctgg
3001 tgagtttaaa ttggcttcac atatgtattg ttctttctac cctccagatg aggatgaaga
3061 agaaggtgat tgtgaagaag aagagtttga gccatcaact caatatgagt atggtactga
3121 agatgattac caaggtaaac ctttggaatt tggtgccact tctgctgctc ttcaacytga
3181 agaagagcaa gaagaagatt ggttagatga tgatagtcaa caaactgttg gtcaacaaga
3241 cggcagtgag gacaatcaga caactactat tcaaacaatt gttgaggttc aacctcaatt
3301 agagatggaa cttacaccag ttgttcagac tattgaagtg aatagtttta gtggttattt
3361 aaaacttact gacaatgtat acattaaaaa tgcagacatt gtggaagaag ctaaaaaggt
3421 aaaaccaaca gtggttgtta atgcagccaa tgtttacctt aaacatggag gaggtgttgc
3481 aggagcctta aataaggcta ctaacaatgc catgcaagtt gaatctgatg attacatagc
3541 tactaatgga ccacttaaag tgggtggtag ttgtgtttta agcggacaca atcttgctaa
3601 acactgtctt catgttgtcg gcccaaatgt taacaaaggt gaagacattc aacttcttaa
3661 gagtgcttat gaaaatttta atcagcacga agttctactt gcaccattat tatcagctgg
3721 tatttttggt gctgacccta tacattcttt aagagtttgt gtagatactg ttcgcacaaa
3781 tgtctactta gctgtctttg ataaaaatct ctatgacaaa cttgtttcaa gctttttgga
3841 aatgaagagt gaaaagcaag ttgaacaaaa gatcgctgag attcctaaag aggaagttaa
3901 gccatttata actgaaagta aaccttcagt tgaacagaga aaacaagatg ataagaaaat
3961 caaagcttgt gttgaagaag ttacaacaac tctggaagaa actaagttcc tcacagaaaa
4021 cttgttactt tatattgaca ttaatggcaa tcttcatcca gattctgcca ctcttgttag
4081 tgacattgac atcactttct taaagaaaga tgctccatat atagtgggtg atgttgttca
4141 agagggtgtt ttaactgctg tggttatacc tactaaaaag gctggtggca ctactgaaat
4201 gctagcgaaa gctttgagaa aagtgccaac agacaattat ataaccactt acccgggtca
4261 gggtttaaat ggttacactg tagaggaggc aaagacagtg cttaaaaagt gtaaaagtgc
4321 cttttacatt ctaccatcta ttatctctaa tgagaagcaa gaaattcttg gaactgtttc
4381 ttggaatttg cgagaaatgc ttgcacatgc agaagaaaca cgcaaattaa tgcctgtctg
4441 tgtggaaact aaagccatag tttcaactat acagcgtaaa tataagggta ttaaaataca
4501 agagggtgtg gttgattatg gtgctagatt ttacttttac accagtaaaa caactgtagc
4561 gtcacttatc aacacactta acgatctaaa tgaaactctt gttacaatgc cacttggcta
4621 tgtaacacat ggcttaaatt tggaagaagc tgctcggtat atgagatctc tcaaagtgcc
4681 agctacagtt tctgtttctt cacctgatgc tgttacagcg tataatggtt atcttacttc
4741 ttcttctaaa acacctgaag aacattttat tgaaaccatc tcacttgctg gttcctataa
4801 agattggtcc tattctggac aatctacaca actaggtata gaatttctta agagaggtga
4861 taaaagtgta tattacacta gtaatcctac cacattccac ctagatggtg aagttatcac
4921 ctttgacaat cttaagacac ttctttcttt gagagaagtg aggactatta aggtgtttac
4981 aacagtagac aacattaacc tccacacgca agttgtggac atgtcaatga catatggaca
5041 acagtttggt ccaacttatt tggatggagc tgatgttact aaaataaaac ctcataattc
5101 acatgaaggt aaaacatttt atgttttacc taatgatgac actctacgtg ttgaggcttt
5161 tgagtactac cacacaactg atcctagttt tctgggtagg tacatgtcag cattaaatca
5221 cactaaaaag tggaaatacc cacaagttaa tggtttaact tctattaaat gggcagataa
5281 caactgttat cttgccactg cattgttaac actccaacaa atagagttga agtttaatcc
5341 acctgctcta caagatgctt attacagagc aagggctggt gaagctgcta acttttgtgc
5401 acttatctta gcctactgta ataagacagt aggtgagtta ggtgatgtta gagaaacaat
5461 gagttacttg tttcaacatg ccaatttaga ttcttgcaaa agagtcttga acgtggtgtg
5521 taaaacttgt ggacaacagc agacaaccct taagggtgta gaagctgtta tgtacatggg
5581 cacactttct tatgaacaat ttaagaaagg tgttcagata ccttgtacgt gtggtaaaca
5641 agctacaaaa tatctagtac aacaggagtc accttttgtt atgatgtcag caccacctgc
5701 tcagtatgaa cttaagcatg gtacatttac ttgtgctagt gagtacactg gtaattacca
5761 gtgtggtcac tataaacata taacttctaa agaaactttg tattgcatag acggtgcttt
5821 acttacaaag tcctcagaat acaaaggtcc tattacggat gttttctaca aagaaaacag
5881 ttacacaaca accataaaac cagttactta taaattggat ggtgttgttt gtacagaaat
5941 tgaccctaag ttggacaatt attataagaa agacaattct tatttcacag agcaaccaat
6001 tgatcttgta ccaaaccaac catatccaaa cgcaagcttc gataatttta agtttgtatg
6061 tgataatatc aaatttgctg atgatttaaa ccagttaact ggttataaga aacctgcttc
6121 aagagagctt aaagttacat ttttccctga cttaaatggt gatgtggtgg ctattgatta
6181 taaacactac acaccctctt ttaagaaagg agctaaattg ttacataaac ctattgtttg
6241 gcatgttaac aatgcaacta ataaagccac gtataaacca aatacctggt gtatacgttg
6301 tctttggagc acaaaaccag ttgaaacatc aaattcgttt gatgtactga agtcagagga
6361 cgcgcaggga atggataatc ttgcctgcga agatctaaaa ccagtctctg aagaagtagt
6421 ggaaaatcct accatacaga aagacgttct tgagtgtaat gtgaaaacta ccgaagttgt
6481 aggagacatt atacttaaac cagcaaataa tagtttaaaa attacagaag aggttggcca
6541 cacagatcta atggctgctt atgtagacaa ttctagtctt actattaaga aacctaatga
6601 attatctaga gtattaggtt tgaaaaccct tgctactcat ggtttagctg ctgttaatag
6661 tgtcccttgg gatactatag ctaattatgc taagcctttt cttaacaaag ttgttagtac
6721 aactactaac atagttacac ggtgtttaaa ccgtgtttgt actaattata tgccttattt
6781 ctttacttta ttgctacaat tgtgtacttt tactagaagt acaaattcta gaattaaagc
6841 atctatgccg actactatag caaagaatac tgttaagagt gtcggtaaat tttgtctaga
6901 ggcttcattt aattatttga agtcacctaa tttttctaaa ctgataaata ttataatttg
6961 gtttttacta ttaagtgttt gcctaggttc tttaatctac tcaaccgctg ctttaggtgt
7021 tttaatgtct aatttaggca tgccttctta ctgtactggt tacagagaag gctatttgaa
7081 ctctactaat gtcactattg caacctactg tactggttct ataccttgta gtgtttgtct
7141 tagtggttta gattctttag acacctatcc ttctttagaa actatacaaa ttaccatttc
7201 atcttttaaa tgggatttaa ctgcttttgg cttagttgca gagtggtttt tggcatatat
7261 tcttttcact aggtttttct atgtacttgg attggctgca atcatgcaat tgtttttcag
7321 ctattttgca gtacatttta ttagtaattc ttggcttatg tggttaataa ttaatcttgt
7381 acaaatggcc ccgatttcag ctatggttag aatgtacatc ttctttgcat cattttatta
7441 tgtatggaaa agttatgtgc atgttgtaga cggttgtaat tcatcaactt gtatgatgtg
7501 ttacaaacgt aatagagcaa caagagtcga atgtacaact attgttaatg gtgttagaag
7561 gtccttttat gtctatgcta atggaggtaa aggcttttgc aaactacaca attggaattg
7621 tgttaattgt gatacattct gtgctggtag tacatttatt agtgatgaag ttgcgagaga
7681 cttgtcacta cagtttaaaa gaccaataaa tcctactgac cagtcttctt acatcgttga
7741 tagtgttaca gtgaagaatg gttccatcca tctttacttt gataaagctg gtcaaaagac
7801 ttatgaaaga cattctctct ctcattttgt taacttagac aacctgagag ctaataacac
7861 taaaggttca ttgcctatta atgttatagt ttttgatggt aaatcaaaat gtgaagaatc
7921 atctgcaaaa tcagcgtctg tttactacag tcagcttatg tgtcaaccta tactgttact
7981 agatcaggca ttagtgtctg atgttggtga tagtgcggaa gttgcagtta aaatgtttga
8041 tgcttacgtt aatacgtttt catcaacttt taacgtacca atggaaaaac tcaaaacact
8101 agttgcaact gcagaagctg aacttgcaaa gaatgtgtcc ttagacaatg tcttatctac
8161 ttttatttca gcagctcggc aagggtttgt tgattcagat gtagaaacta aagatgttgt
8221 tgaatgtctt aaattgtcac atcaatctga catagaagtt actggcgata gttgtaataa
8281 ctatatgctc acctataaca aagttgaaaa catgacaccc cgtgaccttg gtgcttgtat
8341 tgactgtagt gcgcgtcata ttaatgcgca ggtagcaaaa agtcacaaca ttgctttgat
8401 atggaacgtt aaagatttca tgtcattgtc tgaacaacta cgaaaacaaa tacgtagtgc
8461 tgctaaaaag aataacttac cttttaagtt gacatgtgca actactagac aagttgttaa
8521 tgttgtaaca acaaagatag cacttaaggg tggtaaaatt gttaataatt ggttgaagca
8581 gttaattaaa gttacacttg tgttcctttt tgttgctgct attttctatt taataacacc
8641 tgttcatgtc atgtctaaac atactgactt ttcaagtgaa atcataggat acaaggctat
8701 tgatggtggt gtcactcgtg acatagcatc tacagatact tgttttgcta acaaacatgc
8761 tgattttgac acatggttta gycagcgtgg tggtagttat actaatgaca aagcttgccc
8821 attgattgct gcagtcataa caagagaagt gggttttgtc gtgcctggtt tgcctggcac
8881 gatattacgc acaactaatg gtgacttttt gcatttctta cctagagttt ttagtgcagt
8941 tggtaacatc tgttacacac catcaaaact tatagagtac actgactttg caacatcagc
9001 ttgtgttttg gctgctgaat gtacaatttt taaagatgct tctggtaagc cagtaccata
9061 ttgttatgat accaatgtac tagaaggttc tgttgcttat gaaagtttac gccctgacac
9121 acgttatgtg ctcatggatg gctctattat tcaatttcct aacacctacc ttgaaggttc
9181 tgttagagtg gtaacaactt ttgattctga gtactgtagg cacggcactt gtgaaagatc
9241 agaagctggt gtttgtgtat ctactagtgg tagatgggta cttaacaatg attattacag
9301 atctttacca ggagttttct gtggtgtaga tgctgtaaat ttacttacta atatgtttac
9361 accactaatt caacctattg gtgctttgga catatcagca tctatagtag ctggtggtat
9421 tgtagctatc gtagtaacat gccttgccta ctattttatg aggtttagaa gagcttttgg
9481 tgaatacagt catgtagttg cctttaatac tttactattc cttatgtcat tcactgtact
9541 ctgtttaaca ccagtttact cattcttacc tggtgtttat tctgttattt acttgtactt
9601 gacattttat cttactaatg atgtttcttt tttagcacat attcagtgga tggttatgtt
9661 cacaccttta gtacctttct ggataacaat tgcttatatc atttgtattt ccacaaagca
9721 tttctattgg ttctttagta attacctaaa gagacgtgta gtctttaatg gtgtttcctt
9781 tagtactttt gaagaagctg cgctgtgcac ctttttgtta aataaagaaa tgtatctaaa
9841 gttgcgtagt gatgtgctat tacctcttac gcaatataat agatacttag ctctttataa
9901 taagtacaag tattttagtg gagcaatgga tacaactagc tacagagaag ctgcttgttg
9961 tcatctcgca aaggctctca atgacttcag taactcaggt tctgatgttc tttaccaacc
10021 accacaaacc tctatcacct cagctgtttt gcagagtggt tttagaaaaa tggcattccc
10081 atctggtaaa gttgagggtt gtatggtaca agtaacttgt ggtacaacta cacttaacgg
10141 tctttggctt gatgacgtag tttactgtcc aagacatgtg atctgcacct ctgaagacat
10201 gcttaaccct aattatgaag atttactcat tcgtaagtct aatcataatt tcttggtaca
10261 ggctggtaat gttcaactca gggttattgg acattctatg caaaattgtg tacttaagct
10321 taaggttgat acagccaatc ctaagacacc taagtataag tttgttcgca ttcaaccagg
10381 acagactttt tcagtgttag cttgttacaa tggttcacca tctggtgttt accaatgtgc
10441 tatgaggccc aatttcacta ttaagggttc attccttaat ggttcatgtg gtagtgttgg
10501 ttttaacata gattatgact gtgtctcttt ttgttacatg caccatatgg aattaccaac
10561 tggagttcat gctggcacag acttagaagg taacttttat ggaccttttg ttgacaggca
10621 aacagcacaa gcagctggta cggacacaac tattacagtt aatgttttag cttggttgta
10681 cgctgctgtt ataaatggag acaggtggtt tctcaatcga tttaccacaa ctcttaatga
10741 ctttaacctt gtggctatga agtacaatta tgaacctcta acacaagacc atgttgacat
10801 actaggacct ctttctgctc aaactggaat tgccgtttta gatatgtgtg cttcattaaa
10861 agaattactg caaaatggta tgaatggacg taccatattg ggtagtgctt tattagaaga
10921 tgaatttaca ccttttgatg ttgttagaca atgctcaggt gttactttcc aaagtgcagt
10981 gaaaagaaca atcaagggta cacaccactg gttgttactc acaattttga cttcactttt
11041 agttttagtc cagagtactc aatggtcttt gttctttttt ttgtatgaaa atgccttttt
11101 accttttgct atgggtatta ttgctatgtc tgcttttgca atgatgtttg tcaaacataa
11161 gcatgcattt ctctgtttgt ttttgttacc ttctcttgcc actgtagctt attttaatat
11221 ggtctatatg cctgctagtt gggtgatgcg tattatgaca tggttggata tggttgatac
11281 tagtttgtct ggttttaagc taaaagactg tgttatgtat gcatcagctg tagtgttact
11341 aatccttatg acagcaagaa ctgtgtatga tgatggtgct aggagagtgt ggacacttat
11401 gaatgtcttg acactcgttt ataaagttta ttatggtaat gctttagatc aagccatttc
11461 catgtgggct cttataatct ctgttacttc taactactca ggtgtagtta caactgtcat
11521 gtttttggcc agaggtattg tttttatgtg tgttgagtat tgccctattt tcttcataac
11581 tggtaataca cttcagtgta taatgctagt ttattgtttc ttaggctatt tttgtacttg
11641 ttactttggc ctcttttgtt tactcaaccg ctactttaga ctgactcttg gtgtttatga
11701 ttacttagtt tctacacagg agtttagata tatgaattca cagggactac tcccacccaa
11761 gaatagcata gatgccttca aactcaacat taaattgttg ggtgttggtg gcaaaccttg
11821 tatcaaagta gccactgtac agtctaaaat gtcagatgta aagtgcacat cagtagtctt
11881 actctcagtt ttgcaacaac tcagagtaga atcatcatct aaattgtggg ctcaatgtgt
11941 ccagttacac aatgacattc tcttagctaa agatactact gaagcctttg aaaaaatggt
12001 ttcactactt tctgttttgc tttccatgca gggtgctgta gacataaaca agctttgtga
12061 agaaatgctg gacaacaggg caaccttaca agctatagcc tcagagttta gttcccttcc
12121 atcatatgca gcttttgcta ctgctcaaga agcttatgag caggctgttg ctaatggtga
12181 ttctgaagtt gttcttaaaa agttgaagaa gtctttgaat gtggctaaat ctgaatttga
12241 ccgtgatgca gccatgcaac gtaagttgga aaagatggct gatcaagcta tgacccaaat
12301 gtataaacag gctagatctg aggacaagag ggcaaaagtt actagtgcta tgcagacaat
12361 gcttttcact atgcttagaa agttggataa tgatgcactc aacaacatta tcaacaatgc
12421 aagagatggt tgtgttccct tgaacataat acctcttaca acagcagcca aactaatggt
12481 tgtcatacca gactataaca catataaaaa tacgtgtgat ggtacaacat ttacttatgc
12541 atcagcattg tgggaaatcc aacaggttgt agatgcagat agtaaaattg ttcaacttag
12601 tgaaattagt atggacaatt cacctaattt agcatggcct cttattgtaa cagctttaag
12661 ggccaattct gctgtcaaat tacagaataa tgagcttagt cctgttgcac tacgacagat
12721 gtcttgtgct gccggtacta cacaaactgc ttgcactgat gacaatgcgt tagcttacta
12781 caacacaaca aagggaggta ggtttgtact tgcactgtta tccgatttac aggatttgaa
12841 atgggctaga ttccctaaga gtgatggaac tggtactatc tatacagaac tggaaccacc
12901 ttgtaggttt gttacagaca cacctaaagg tcctaaagtg aagtatttat actttattaa
12961 aggattaaac aacctaaata gaggtatggt acttggtagt ttagctgcca cagtacgtct
13021 acaagctggt aatgcaacag aagtgcctgc caattcaact gtattatctt tctgtgcttt
13081 tgctgtagat gctgctaaag cttacaaaga ttatctagct agtgggggac aaccaatcac
13141 taattgtgtt aagatgttgt gtacacacac tggtactggt caggcaataa cagttacacc
13201 ggaagccaat atggatcaag aatcctttgg tggtgcatcg tgttgtctgt actgccgttg
13261 ccacatagat catccaaatc ctaaaggatt ttgtgactta aaaggtaagt atgtacaaat
13321 acctacaact tgtgctaatg accctgtggg ttttacactt aaaaacacag tctgtaccgt
13381 ctgcggtatg tggaaaggtt atggctgtag ttgtgatcaa ctccgcgaac ccatgcttca
13441 gtcagctgat gcacaatcgt ttttaaacgg gtttgcggtg taagtgcagc ccgtcttaca
13501 ccgtgcggca caggcactag tactgatgtc gtatacaggg cttttgacat ctacaatgat
13561 aaagtagctg gttttgctaa attcctaaaa actaattgtt gtcgcttcca agaaaaggac
13621 gaagatgaca atttaattga ttcttacttt gtagttaaga gacacacttt ctctaactac
13681 caacatgaag aaacaattta taatttactt aaggattgtc cagctgttgc taaacatgac
13741 ttctttaagt ttagaataga cggtgacatg gtaccacata tatcacgtca acgtcttact
13801 aaatacacaa tggcagacct cgtctatgct ttaaggcatt ttgatgaagg taattgtgac
13861 acattaaaag aaatacttgt cacatacaat tgttgtgatg atgattattt caataaaaag
13921 gactggtatg attttgtaga aaacccagat atattacgcg tatacgccaa cttaggtgaa
13981 cgtgtacgcc aagctttgtt aaaaacagta caattctgtg atgccatgcg aaatgctggt
14041 attgttggtg tactgacatt agataatcaa gatctcaatg gtaactggta tgatttcggt
14101 gatttcatac aaaccacgcc aggtagtgga gttcctgttg tagattctta ttattcattg
14161 ttaatgccta tattaacctt gaccagggct ttaactgcag agtcacatgt tgacactgac
14221 ttaacaaagc cttacattaa gtgggatttg ttaaaatatg acttcacgga agagaggtta
14281 aaactctttg accgttattt taaatattgg gatcagacat accacccaaa ttgtgttaac
14341 tgtttggatg acagatgcat tctgcattgt gcaaacttta atgttttatt ctctacagtg
14401 ttcccaccta caagttttgg accactagtg agaaaaatat ttgttgatgg tgttccattt
14461 gtagtttcaa ctggatacca cttcagagag ctaggtgttg tacataatca ggatgtaaac
14521 ttacatagct ctagacttag ttttaaggaa ttacttgtgt atgctgctga ccctgctatg
14581 cacgctgctt ctggtaatct attactagat aaacgcacta cgtgcttttc agtagctgca
14641 cttactaaca atgttgcttt tcaaactgtc aaacccggta attttaacaa agacttctat
14701 gactttgctg tgtctaaggg tttctttaag gaaggaagtt ctgttgaatt aaaacacttc
14761 ttctttgctc aggatggtaa tgctgctatc agcgattatg actactatcg ttataatcta
14821 ccaacaatgt gtgatatcag acaactacta tttgtagttg aagttgttga taagtacttt
14881 gattgttacg atggtggctg tattaatgct aaccaagtca tcgtcaacaa cctagacaaa
14941 tcagctggtt ttccatttaa taaatggggt aaggctagac tttattatga ttcaatgagt
15001 tatgaggatc aagatgcact tttcgcatat acaaaacgta atgtcatccc tactataact
15061 caaatgaatc ttaagtatgc cattagtgca aagaatagag ctcgcaccgt agctggtgtc
15121 tctatctgta gtactatgac caatagacag tttcatcaaa aattattgaa atcaatagcc
15181 gccactagag gagctactgt agtaattgga acaagcaaat tctatggtgg ttggcacaac
15241 atgttaaaaa ctgtttatag tgatgtagaa aaccctcacc ttatgggttg ggattatcct
15301 aaatgtgata gagccatgcc taacatgctt agaattatgg cctcacttgt tcttgctcgc
15361 aaacatacaa cgtgttgtag cttgtcacac cgtttctata gattagctaa tgagtgtgct
15421 caagtattga gtgaaatggt catgtgtggc ggttcactat atgttaaacc aggtggaacc
15481 tcatcaggag atgccacaac tgcttatgct aatagtgttt ttaacatttg tcaagctgtc
15541 acggccaatg ttaatgcact tttatctact gatggtaaca aaattgccga taagtatgtc
15601 cgcaatttac aacacagact ttatgagtgt ctctatagaa atagagatgt tgacacagac
15661 tttgtgaatg agttttacgc atatttgcgt aaacatttct caatgatgat actctctgac
15721 gatgctgttg tgtgtttcaa tagcacttat gcatctcaag gtctagtggc tagcataaag
15781 aactttaagt cagttcttta ttatcaaaac aatgttttta tgtctgaagc aaaatgttgg
15841 actgagactg accttactaa aggacctcat gaattttgct ctcaacatac aatgctagtt
15901 aaacagggtg atgattatgt gtaccttcct tacccagatc catcaagaat cctaggggcc
15961 ggctgttttg tagatgatat cgtaaaaaca gatggtacac ttatgattga acggttcgtg
16021 tctttagcta tagatgctta cccacttact aaacatccta atcaggagta tgctgatgtc
16081 tttcatttgt acttacaata cataagaaag ctacatgatg agttaacagg acacatgtta
16141 gacatgtatt ctgttatgct tactaatgat aacacttcaa ggtattggga acctgagttt
16201 tatgaggcta tgtacacacc gcatacagtc ttacaggctg ttggggcttg tgttctttgc
16261 aattcacaga cttcattaag atgtggtgct tgcatacgta gaccattctt atgttgtaaa
16321 tgctgttacg accatgtcat atcaacatca cataaattag tcttgtctgt taatccgtat
16381 gtttgcaatg ctccaggttg tgatgtcaca gatgtgactc aactttactt aggaggtatg
16441 agctattatt gtaaatcaca taaaccaccc attagttttc cattgtgtgc taatggacaa
16501 gtttttggtt tatataaaaa tacatgtgtt ggtagcgata atgttactga ctttaatgca
16561 attgcaacat gtgactggac aaatgctggt gattacattt tagctaacac ctgtactgaa
16621 agactcaagc tttttgcagc agaaacgctc aaagctactg aggagacatt taaactgtct
16681 tatggtattg ctactgtacg tgaagtgctg tctgacagag aattacatct ttcatgggaa
16741 gttggtaaac ctagaccacc acttaaccga aattatgtct ttactggtta tcgtgtaact
16801 aaaaacagta aagtacaaat aggagagtac acctttgaaa aaggtgacta tggtgatgct
16861 gttgtttacc gaggtacaac aacttacaaa ttaaatgttg gtgattattt tgtgctgaca
16921 tcacatacag taatgccatt aagtgcacct acactagtgc cacaagagca ctatgttaga
16981 attactggct tatacccaac actcaatatc tcagatgagt tttctagcaa tgttgcaaat
17041 tatcaaaagg ttggtatgca aaagtattct acactccagg gaccacctgg tactggtaag
17101 agtcattttg ctattggcct agctctctac tacccttctg ctcgcatagt gtatacagct
17161 tgctctcatg ccgctgttga tgcactatgt gagaaggcat taaaatattt gcctatagat
17221 aaatgtagta gaattatacc tgcacgtgct cgtgtagagt gttttgataa attcaaagtg
17281 aattcaacat tagaacagta tgtcttttgt actgtaaatg cattgcctga gacgacagca
17341 gatatagttg tctttgatga aatttcaatg gccacaaatt atgatttgag tgttgtcaat
17401 gccagattac gtgctaagca ctatgtgtac attggcgacc ctgctcaatt acctgcacca
17461 cgcacattgc taactaaggg cacactagaa ccagaatatt tcaattcagt gtgtagactt
17521 atgaaaacta taggtccaga catgttcctc ggaacttgtc ggcgttgtcc tgctgaaatt
17581 gttgacactg tgagtgcttt ggtttatgat aataagctta aagcacataa agacaaatca
17641 gctcaatgct ttaaaatgtt ttataagggt gttatcacgc atgatgtttc atctgcaatt
17701 aacaggccac aaataggcgt ggtaagagaa ttccttacac gtaaccctgc ttggagaaaa
17761 gctgtcttta tttcacctta taattcacag aatgctgtag cctcaaagat tttgggacta
17821 ccaactcaaa ctgttgattc atcacagggc tcagaatatg actatgtcat attcactcaa
17881 accactgaaa cagctcactc ttgtaatgta aacagattta atgttgctat taccagagca
17941 aaagtaggca tactttgcat aatgtctgat agagaccttt atgacaagtt gcaatttaca
18001 agtcttgaaa ttccacgtag gaatgtggca actttacaag ctgaaaatgt aacaggactc
18061 tttaaagatt gtagtaaggt aatcactggg ttacatccta cacaggcacc tacacacctc
18121 agtgttgaca ctaaattcaa aactgaaggt ttatgtgttg acatacctgg catacctaag
18181 gacatgacct atagaagact catctctatg atgggtttta aaatgaatta tcaagttaat
18241 ggttacccta acatgtttat cacccgcgaa gaagctataa gacatgtacg tgcatggatt
18301 ggcttcgatg tcgaggggtg tcatgctact agagaagctg ttggtaccaa tttaccttta
18361 cagctaggtt tttctacagg tgttaaccta gttgctgtac ctacaggtta tgttgataca
18421 cctaataata cagatttttc cagagttagt gctaaaccac cgcctggaga tcaatttaaa
18481 cacctcatac cacttatgta caaaggactt ccttggaatg tagtgcgtat aaagattgta
18541 caaatgttaa gtgacacact taaaaatctc tctgacagag tcgtatttgt cttatgggca
18601 catggctttg agttgacatc tatgaagtat tttgtgaaaa taggacctga gcgcacctgt
18661 tgtctatgtg atagacgtgc cacatgcttt tccactgctt cagacactta tgcctgttgg
18721 catcattcta ttggatttga ttacgtctat aatccgttta tgattgatgt tcaacaatgg
18781 ggttttacag gtaacctaca aagcaaccat gatctgtatt gtcaagtcca tggtaatgca
18841 catgtagcta gttgtgatgc aatcatgact aggtgtctag ctgtccacga gtgctttgtt
18901 aagcgtgttg actggactat tgaatatcct ataattggtg atgaactgaa gattaatgcg
18961 gcttgtagaa aggttcaaca catggttgtt aaagctgcat tattagcaga caaattccca
19021 gttcttcacg acattggtaa ccctaaagct attaagtgtg tacctcaagc tgatgtagaa
19081 tggaagttct atgatgcaca gccttgtagt gacaaagctt ataaaataga agaattattc
19141 tattcttatg ccacacattc tgacaaattc acagatggtg tatgcctatt ttggaattgc
19201 aatgtcgata gatatcctgc taattccatt gtttgtagat ttgacactag agtgctatct
19261 aaccttaact tgcctggttg tgatggtggc agtttgtatg taaataaaca tgcattccac
19321 acaccagctt ttgataaaag tgcttttgtt aatttaaaac aattaccatt tttctattac
19381 tctgacagtc catgtgagtc tcatggaaaa caagtagtgt cagatataga ttatgtacca
19441 ctaaagtctg ctacgtgtat aacacgttgc aatttaggtg gtgctgtctg tagacatcat
19501 gctaatgagt acagattgta tctcgatgct tataacatga tgatctcagc tggctttagc
19561 ttgtgggttt acaaacaatt tgatacttat aacctctgga acacttttac aagacttcag
19621 agtttagaaa atgtggcttt taatgttgta aataagggac actttgatgg acaacagggt
19681 gaagtaccag tttctatcat taataacact gtttacacaa aagttgatgg tgttgatgta
19741 gaattgtttg aaaataaaac aacattacct gttaatgtag catttgagct ttgggctaag
19801 cgcaacatta aaccagtacc agaggtgaaa atactcaata atttgggtgt ggacattgct
19861 gctaatactg tgatctggga ctacaaaaga gatgctccag cacatatatc tactattggt
19921 gtttgttcta tgactgacat agccaagaaa ccaactgaaa cgatttgtgc accactcact
19981 gtcttttttg atggtagagt tgatggtcaa gtagacttat ttagaaatgc ccgtaatggt
20041 gttcttatta cagaaggtag tgttaaaggt ttacaaccat ctgtaggtcc caaacaagct
20101 agtcttaatg gagtcacatt aattggagaa gccgtaaaaa cacagttcaa ttattataag
20161 aaagttgatg gtgttgtcca acaattacct gaaacttact ttactcagag tagaaattta
20221 caagaattta aacccaggag tcaaatggaa attgatttct tagaattagc tatggatgaa
20281 ttcattgaac ggtataaatt agaaggctat gccttcgaac atatcgttta tggagatttt
20341 agtcatagtc agttaggtgg tttacatcta ctgattggac tagctaaacg ttttaaggaa
20401 tcaccttttg aattagaaga ttttattcct atggacagta cagttaaaaa ctatttcata
20461 acagatgcgc aaacaggttc atctaagtgt gtgtgttctg ttattgattt attacttgat
20521 gattttgttg aaataataaa atcccaagat ttatctgtag tttctaaggt tgtcaaagtg
20581 actattgact atacagaaat ttcatttatg ctttggtgta aagatggcca tgtagaaaca
20641 ttttacccaa aattacaatc tagtcaagcg tggcaaccgg gtgttgctat gcctaatctt
20701 tacaaaatgc aaagaatgct attagaaaag tgtgaccttc aaaattatgg tgatagtgca
20761 acattaccta aaggcataat gatgaatgtc gcaaaatata ctcaactgtg tcaatattta
20821 aacacattaa cattagctgt accctataat atgagagtta tacattttgg tgctggttct
20881 gataaaggag ttgcaccagg tacagctgtt ttaagacagt ggttgcctac gggtacgctg
20941 cttgtcgatt cagatcttaa tgactttgtc tctgatgcag attcaacttt gattggtgat
21001 tgtgcaactg tacatacagc taataaatgg gatctcatta ttagtgatat gtacgaccct
21061 aagactaaaa atgttacaaa agaaaatgac tctaaagagg gttttttcac ttacatttgt
21121 gggtttatac aacaaaagct agctcttgga ggttccgtgg ctataaagat aacagaacat
21181 tcttggaatg ctgatcttta taagctcatg ggacacttcg catggtggac agcctttgtt
21241 actaatgtga atgcgtcatc atctgaagca tttttaattg gatgtaatta tcttggcaaa
21301 ccacgcgaac aaatagatgg ttatgtcatg catgcaaatt acatattttg gaggaataca
21361 aatccaattc agttgtcttc ctattcttta tttgacatga gtaaatttcc ccttaaatta
21421 aggggtactg ctgttatgtc tttaaaagaa ggtcaaatca atgatatgat tttatctctt
21481 cttagtaaag gtagacttat aattagagaa aacaacagag ttgttatttc tagtgatgtt
21541 cttgttaaca actaaacgaa caatgtttgt ttttcttgtt ttattgccac tagtctctag
21601 tcagtgtgtt aatcttacaa ccagaactca attaccccct gcatacacta attctttcac
21661 acgtggtgtt tattaccctg acaaagtttt cagatcctca gttttacatt caactcagga
21721 cttgttctta cctttctttt ccaatgttac ttggttccat gctatacatg tctctgggac
21781 caatggtact aagaggtttg ataaccctgt cctaccattt aatgatggtg tttattttgc
21841 ttccactgag aagtctaaca taataagagg ctggattttt ggtactactt tagattcgaa
21901 gacccagtcc ctacttattg ttaataacgc tactaatgtt gttattaaag tctgtgaatt
21961 tcaattttgt aatgatccat ttttgggtgt ttattaccac aaaaacaaca aaagttggat
22021 ggaaagtgag ttcagagttt attctagtgc gaataattgc acttttgaat atgtctctca
22081 gccttttctt atggaccttg aaggaaaaca gggtaatttc aaaaatctta gggaatttgt
22141 gtttaagaat attgatggtt attttaaaat atattctaag cacacgccta ttaatttagt
22201 gcgtgatctc cctcagggtt tttcggcttt agaaccattg gtagatttgc caataggtat
22261 taacatcact aggtttcaaa ctttacttgc tttacataga agttatttga ctcctggtga
22321 ttcttcttca ggttggacag ctggtgctgc agcttattat gtgggttatc ttcaacctag
22381 gacttttcta ttaaaatata atgaaaatgg aaccattaca gatgctgtag actgtgcact
22441 tgaccctctc tcagaaacaa agtgtacgtt gaaatccttc actgtagaaa aaggaatcta
22501 tcaaacttct aactttagag tccaaccaac agaatctatt gttagatttc ctaatattac
22561 aaacttgtgc ccttttggtg aagtttttaa cgccaccaga tttgcatctg tttatgcttg
22621 gaacaggaag agaatcagca actgtgttgc tgattattct gtcctatata attccgcatc
22681 attttccact tttaagtgtt atggagtgtc tcctactaaa ttaaatgatc tctgctttac
22741 taatgtctat gcagattcat ttgtaattag aggtgatgaa gtcagacaaa tcgctccagg
22801 gcaaactgga aagattgctg attataatta taaattacca gatgatttta caggctgcgt
22861 tatagcttgg aattctaaca atcttgattc taaggttggt ggtaattata attacctgta
22921 tagattgttt aggaagtcta atctcaaacc ttttgagaga gatatttcaa ctgaaatcta
22981 tcaggccggt agcacacctt gtaatggtgt tgaaggtttt aattgttact ttcctttaca
23041 atcatatggt ttccaaccca ctaatggtgt tggttaccaa ccatacagag tagtagtact
23101 ttcttttgaa cttctacatg caccagcaac tgtttgtgga cctaaaaagt ctactaattt
23161 ggttaaaaac aaatgtgtca atttcaactt caatggttta acaggcacag gtgttcttac
23221 tgagtctaac aaaaagtttc tgcctttcca acaatttggc agagacattg ctgacactac
23281 tgatgctgtc cgtgatccac agacacttga gattcttgac attacaccat gttcttttgg
23341 tggtgtcagt gttataacac caggaacaaa tacttctaac caggttgctg ttctttatca
23401 ggatgttaac tgcacagaag tccctgttgc tattcatgca gatcaactta ctcctacttg
23461 gcgtgtttat tctacaggtt ctaatgtttt tcaaacacgt gcaggctgtt taataggggc
23521 tgaacatgtc aacaactcat atgagtgtga catacccatt ggtgcaggta tatgcgctag
23581 ttatcagact cagactaatt ctcctcggcg ggcacgtagt gtagctagtc aatccatcat
23641 tgcctacact atgtcacttg gtgcagaaaa ttcagttgct tactctaata actctattgc
23701 catacccaca aattttacta ttagtgttac cacagaaatt ctaccagtgt ctatgaccaa
23761 gacatcagta gattgtacaa tgtacatttg tggtgattca actgaatgca gcaatctttt
23821 gttgcaatat ggcagttttt gtacacaatt aaaccgtgct ttaactggaa tagctgttga
23881 acaagacaaa aacacccaag aagtttttgc acaagtcaaa caaatttaca aaacaccacc
23941 aattaaagat tttggtggtt ttaatttttc acaaatatta ccagatccat caaaaccaag
24001 caagaggtca tttattgaag atctactttt caayaaagtg acacttgcag atgctggctt
24061 catcaaacaa tatggtgatt gccttggtga tattgctgct agagacctca tttgtgcaca
24121 aaagtttaac ggccttactg ttttgccacc tttgctcaca gatgaaatga ttgctcaata
24181 cacttctgca ctgttagcgg gtacaatcac ttctggttgg acctttggtg caggtgctgc
24241 attacaaata ccatttgcta tgcaaatggc ttataggttt aatggtattg gagttacaca
24301 gaatgttctc tatgagaacc aaaaattgat tgccaaccaa tttaatagtg ctattggcaa
24361 aattcaagac tcactttctt ccacagcaag tgcacttgga aaacttcaag atgtggtcaa
24421 ccaaaatgca caagctttaa acacgcttgt taaacaactt agctccaatt ttggtgcaat
24481 ttcaagtgtt ttaaatgata tcctttcacg tcttgacaaa gttgaggctg aagtgcaaat
24541 tgataggttg atcacaggca gacttcaaag tttgcagaca tatgtgactc aacaattaat
24601 tagagctgca gaaatcagag cttctgctaa tcttgctgct actaaaatgt cagagtgtgt
24661 acttggacaa tcaaaaagag ttgatttttg tggaaagggc tatcatctta tgtccttccc
24721 tcagtcagca cctcatggtg tagtcttctt gcatgtgact tatgtccctg cacaagaaaa
24781 gaacttcaca actgctcctg ccatttgtca tgatggaaaa gcacactttc ctcgtgaagg
24841 tgtctttgtt tcaaatggca cacactggtt tgtaacacaa aggaattttt atgaaccaca
24901 aatcattact acagacaaca catttgtgtc tggtaactgt gatgttgtaa taggaattgt
24961 caacaacaca gtttatgatc ctttgcaacc tgaattagac tcattcaagg aggagttaga
25021 taaatatttt aagaatcata catcaccaga tgttgattta ggtgacatct ctggcattaa
25081 tgcttcagtt gtaaacattc aaaaagaaat tgaccgcctc aatgaggttg ccaagaattt
25141 aaatgaatct ctcatcgatc tccaagaact tggaaagtat gagcagtata taaaatggcc
25201 atggtacatt tggctaggtt ttatagctgg cttgattgcc atagtaatgg tgacaattat
25261 gctttgctgt atgaccagtt gctgtagttg tctcaagggc tgttgttctt gtggatcctg
25321 ctgcaaattt gatgaagacg actctgagcc agtgctcaaa ggagtcaaat tacattacac
25381 ataaacgaac ttatggattt gtttatgaga atcttcacaa ttggaactgt aactttgaag
25441 caaggtgaaa tcaaggatgc tactccttca gattttgttc gcgctactgc aacgataccg
25501 atacaagcct cactcccttt cggatggctt attgttggcg ttgcacttct tgctgttttt
25561 cagagcgctt ccaaaatcat aaccctcaaa aagagatggc aactagcact ctccaagggt
25621 gttcactttg tttgcaactt gctgttgttg tttgtaacag tttactcaca ccttttgctc
25681 gttgctgctg gccttgaagc cccttttctc tatctttatg ctttagtcta cttcttgcag
25741 agtataaact ttgtaagaat aataatgagg ctttggcttt gctggaaatg ccgttccaaa
25801 aacccattac tttatgatgc caactatttt ctttgctggc atactaattg ttacgactat
25861 tgtatacctt acaatagtgt aacttcttca attgtcatta cttcaggtga tggcacaaca
25921 agtcctattt ctgaacatga ctaccagatt ggtggttata ctgaaaaatg ggaatctgga
25981 gtaaaagact gtgttgtatt acacagttac ttcacttcag actattacca gctgtactca
26041 actcaattga gtacagacac tggtgttgaa catgttacct tcttcatcta caataaaatt
26101 gttgatgagc ctgaagaaca tgtccaaatt cacacaatcg acggttcatc cggagttgtt
26161 aatccagtaa tggaaccaat ttatgatgaa ccgacgacga ctactagcgt gcctttgtaa
26221 gcacaagctg atgagtacga acttatgtac tcattcgttt cggaagagac aggtacgtta
26281 atagttaata gcgtacttct ttttcttgct ttcgtggtat tcttgctagt tacactagcc
26341 atccttactg cgcttcgatt gtgtgcgtac tgctgcaata ttgttaacgt gagtcttgta
26401 aaaccttctt tttacgttta ctctcgtgtt aaaaatctga attcttctag agttcctgat
26461 cttctggtct aaacgaacta aatattatat tagtttttct gtttggaact ttaattttag
26521 ccatggcaga ttccaacggt actattaccg ttgaagagct taaaaagctc cttgaacaat
26581 ggaacctagt aataggtttc ctattcctta catggatttg tcttctacaa tttgcctatg
26641 ccaacaggaa taggtttttg tatataatta agttaatttt cctctggctg ttatggccag
26701 taactttagc ttgttttgtg cttgctgcyg tttacagaat aaattggatc accggtggaa
26761 ttgctatcgc aatggcttgt cttgtaggct tgatgtggct cagctacttc attgcttctt
26821 tcagactgtt tgcgcgtacg cgttccatgt ggtcattcaa tccagaaact aacattcttc
26881 tcaacgtgcc actccatggc actattctga ccagaccgct tctagaaagt gaactcgtaa
26941 tcggagctgt gatccttcgt ggacatcttc gtattgctgg acaccatcta ggacgctgtg
27001 acatcaagga cctgcctaaa gaaatcactg ttgctacatc acgaacgctt tcttattaca
27061 aattgggagc ttcgcagcgt gtagcaggtg actcaggttt tgctgcatac agtcgctaca
27121 ggattggcaa ctataaatta aacacagacc attccagtag cagtgacaat attgctttgc
27181 ttgtacagta agtgacaaca gatgtttcat ctcgttgact ttcaggttac tatagcagag
27241 atattactaa ttattatgag gacttttaaa gtttccattt ggaatcttga ttacatcata
27301 aacctcataa ttaaaaattt atctaagtca ctaactgaga ataaatattc tcaattagat
27361 gaagagcaac caatggagat tgattaaacg aacatgaaaa ttattctttt cttggcactg
27421 ataacactcg ctacttgtga gctttatcac taccaagagt gtgttagagg tacaacagta
27481 cttttaaaag aaccttgctc ttctggaaca tacgagggca attcaccatt tcatcctcta
27541 gctgataaca aatttgcact gacttgcttt agcactcaat ttgcttttgc ttgtcctgac
27601 ggcgtaaaac acgtctatca gttacgtgcc agatcagttt cacctaaact gttcatcaga
27661 caagaggaag ttcaagaact ttactctcca atttttctta ttgttgcggc aatagtgttt
27721 ataacacttt gcttcacact caaaagaaag acagaatgat tgaactttca ttaattgact
27781 tctatttgtg ctttttagcc tttctgctat tccttgtttt aattatgctt attatctttt
27841 ggttctcact tgaactgcaa gatcataatg aaacttgtca cgcctaaacg aacatgaaat
27901 ttcttgtttt cttaggaatc atcacaactg tagctgcatt tcaccaagaa tgtagtttac
27961 agtcatgtac tcaacatcaa ccatatgtag ttgatgaccc gtgtcctatt cacttctatt
28021 ctaaatggta tattagagta ggagctagaa aatcagcacc tttaattgaa ttgtgcstgg
28081 atgaggctgg ttctaaatca cccattcagt acatcgatat cggtaattat acagtttcct
28141 gttyaccttt tacaattaat tgccaggaac ctaaattggg tagtcttgta gtgcgttgtt
28201 cgttctatga agacttttta gagtatcatg acgttcgtgt tgttttagat ttcatctaaa
28261 cgaacaaact aaaatgtctg ataatggacc ccaaaatcag cgaaatgcac cccgcattac
28321 gtttggtgga ccctcagatt caactggcag taaccagaat ggagaacgca gtggggcgcg
28381 atcaaaacaa cgtcggcccc aaggtttacc caataatact gcgtcttggt tcaccgctct
28441 cactcaacat ggcaaggaag accttaaatt ccctcgagga caaggcgttc caattaacac
28501 caatagcagt ccagatgacc aaattggcta ctaccgaaga gctaccagac gaattcgtgg
28561 tggtgacggt aaaatgaaag atctcagtcc aagatggtat ttctactacc taggaactgg
28621 gccagaagct ggacttccct atggtgctaa caaagacggc atcatatggg ttgcaactga
28681 gggagccttg aatacaccaa aagatcacat tggcacccgc aatcctgcta acaatgctgc
28741 aatcgtgcta caacttcctc aaggaacaac attgccaaaa ggcttctacg cagaagggag
28801 cagaggcggc agtcaagcct cttctcgttc ctcatcacgt agtcgcaaca gttyaagaaa
28861 ttcaactcca ggcagcagta ggggaacttc tcctgctaga atggctggca atggcggtga
28921 tgctgctctt gctttgctgc tgcttgacag attgaaccag cttgagagca aaatgtctgg
28981 taaaggccaa caacaacaag gccaaactgt cactaagaaa tctgctgctg aggcttctaa
29041 gaagcctcgg caaaaacgta ctgccactaa agcatacaat gtaacacaag ctttcggcag
29101 acgtggtcca gaacaaaccc aaggaaattt tggggaccag gaactaatca gacaaggaac
29161 tgattacaaa cattggccgc aaattgcaca atttgccccc agcgcttcag cgttcttcgg
29221 aatgtcgcgc attggcatgg aagtcacacc ttcgggaacg tggttgacct acacaggtgc
29281 catcaaattg gatgacaaag atccaaattt caaagatcaa gtcattttgc tgaataagca
29341 tattgacgca tacaaaacat tcccaccaac agagcctaaa aaggacaaaa agaagaaggc
29401 tgatgaaact caagccttac cgcagagaca gaagaaacag caaactgtga ctcttcttcc
29461 tgctgcagat ttggatgatt tctccaaaca attgcaacaa tccatgagca gtgctgactc
29521 aactcaggcc taaactcatg cagaccacac aaggcagatg ggctatataa acgttttcgc
29581 ttttccgttt acgatatata gtctactctt gtgcagaatg aattctcgta actacatagc
29641 acaagtagat gtagttaact ttaatctcac atagcaatct ttaatcagtg tgtaacatta
29701 gggaggactt gaaagagcca ccacattttc accgaggcca cgcggagtac gatcgagtgt
29761 acagtgaaca atgctaggga gagctgccta tatggaagag ccctaatgtg taaaattaat
29821 tttagtagtg ctatccccat gtgattttaa tagcttctta ggagaatgac aaaaaaaaaa
29881 aa

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Possible Intel Operation. However Good Points Made: Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is biological warfare to decouple the US-China economies as a prelude to US attacking China in a fighting war - By Anonymous Guest Writer

This is the biggest and most important issue of our time...

冠状病毒(2019-nCoV)是一场生物战,旨在使美中经济脱钩,这是美国在战斗中进攻中国的序幕 irus-biological-1491338

The 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) was designed by the United States and planted in Wuhan, China by the American CIA to serve as a biological weapon meant to decouple the US-China economies; and to separate, segregate, and to isolate China from the rest of the world including closing of borders, severing supply chains and rerouting trade to bypass China with the purpose of weakening China from within and causing internal strife and sowing chaos and discord and also as a prelude to a US initiated fighting war against China in the South China Sea. The ultimate purpose is to protect and restore American hegemony (including protecting the US petrodollar hegemony against the rising Huawei-enabled Chinese blockchain-based digital Yuan and China's Belt and Road infrastructure and trade initiatives in Eurasia) and to collapse the Chinese government, to cut off China from global trade and international commerce and to force a regime change of China's government after defeating China in a devastating physical war.

2019年的新型冠状病毒(2019-nCoV)由美国设计,由美国中央情报局(CIA)种植在中国武汉,作为一种生物武器,旨在使中美经济脱钩;并将中 国与世界其他地区分离,隔离和隔离,包括关闭边界,切断供应链和重新安排贸易以绕过中国,目的是削弱中国的内部和造成内部冲突,造成混乱 和不和,以及这是美国在南中国海发起针对中国的战争的序幕。最终目的是保护和恢复美国的霸权(包括保护美国的石油美元霸权免受日益增多的 基于华为的基于中国的基于区块链的数字元以及中国在欧亚大陆的“一带一路”基础设施和贸易计划),并瓦解中国政府,削减在一场毁灭性的自然 战争中击败中国后,迫使中国脱离全球贸易和国际贸易,并迫使中国改变政权。

I believe and have compelling circumstantial reason to believe that the American CIA injected and planted the so-called "Wuhan virus" into Wuhan, China in or around the dates of October 31st 2019 to December 31st 2019 with intent to harm China, and the Chinese people, and with potential to destabilize and perhaps even with the motive to collapse China from within.

我相信并且有令人信服的间接理由认为,美国中央情报局于2019年10月31日至2019年12月31日前后在中国武汉注入并植入了所谓的“武汉病 毒”,意图伤害中国, 人民,有破坏稳定的潜力,甚至有动摇中国内部力量的动机。

Geopolitics of the South China Sea


China's trillion dollar plan to dominate global trade

The People's Republic of The Future

Is war between China and the US inevitable? | Graham Allison

The US wants to re-route global supply chain around China, to bypass China and isolate China on the world stage versus the China wanting to use Huawei-enabled digital-blockchain Yuan, and cashless WeChat, etc to topple the US Petrodollar hegemony and also to use the Chinese the (One Belt One Road ) BRI / OBOR relationships and bi-lateral trade/infrastructure agreements in order to propel the world to adopt the use of the digital Yuan, and in order to have the world bypass the SWIFT system (since US has abused its dollar status and weaponized it for unlawful sanctions) and to bypass the US dollar as the default global reserve currency etc. It was a race against time to see whom would pull the rug from underneath the other countries feet first. US, unable to compete fairly due to its structural disadvantages and many other shortcomings, decided to go the biological attack route, which allows it to hide under the cover of "plausible deniability" (since it is more difficult to conclusively prove the attribution or source of a new mysterious virus than it would be to track the trajectory of an incoming thermonuclear missile etc) to inflict maximum damage to China while minimizing the potential blowback.

美国想在中国重新布局全球供应链,绕开中国并在世界舞台上孤立中国,而中国则想使用支持华为的数字区块链元,无现金微信等推翻美国石油美 元霸权,以及利用中国的“一带一路” BRI/一带一路关系和双边贸易/基础设施协议,以推动世界采用数字元,并让世界绕过SWIFT系统(由于美国滥用其美元地位并将其武器用作非法制裁),并绕过美元作为默认的全球储备货币等。这是一场与时俱进的竞赛,看谁先将地毯从其他国家的脚下拉开。美国由于其结构上的劣势和许多其他缺陷而无法公平竞争,因此决定采取生物攻击路线,这使其可以躲藏在“合理的可否认性”的掩盖下(因为要更确切地证明归因或来源很难而不是追踪传入的热核导弹等的轨迹,从而对中国造成最大的损害,同时最大程度地减少潜在的反冲。

Right after the signing of the so-called "Trade Deal" in which the US didn't get what it wanted (the US did not get the sort of Plaza Accord concessions that it was hoping to get out of President Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and thought that China would kowtow to the US etc) and immediately into the start of the new decade (marking the turn of the second decade in what the PNAC would called the "New American Century" in which it proposed using genetic viral targeting to accomplish political motives) the US resorted to biological attacks in order to contain, isolate and attempt to cripple China/CCP internally and on the world stage at large. After its NED/CIA sponsored Hong Kong destablization/radicialization didn't spill over into the rest of mainland China, and right after its intense year long anti-China anti-Huawei campaigns have peaked in effectiveness, the US releases the evil demon virus into the heart of mainland China, at the absolutely worst possible location (Wuhan being one of the Chinese main Central hubs in terms of transportation and an important city for China's Belt and Road initiatives and estimated to have as high as 8% growth in GDP in 2020) and in also the absolute worst possible timing (right before the Chinese Lunar New year, otherwise known as the greatest annual human migration event, during a time in which shopping, spending and consumerisms activity would have been at a peak etc) in order to cripple China economically, to cut China off from the rest of the world and even force China to isolate its own cities from within, and to have the effect of smearing China's reputation on the world stage and invoking the escalation of fear, racisms and bigotry towards the Chinese people abroad.

就在所谓的“贸易协定”签署之后,美国没有得到想要的东西(美国没有得到希望摆脱习近平主席和中国人的那种《广场协议》让步。共产党(CCP)认 为中国会ko头向美国等),并立即进入新的十年的开始(标志着PNAC称其为“新美国世纪”的第二个十年的转变),为了实现政治目的而将基因病毒 作为目标),美国诉诸生物攻击,以遏制,隔离并试图在内部乃至整个世界范围内削弱中国/ CCP。在其NED / CIA赞助的香港的灭绝/辐射化并未蔓延到中国大陆的其他地区之后,并且经过长达一年的激烈反华反华运动已经达到效果的最高峰之后,美国才 将恶魔病毒释放到位于中国大陆的心脏地带,地理位置绝对最糟糕(武汉是中国交通运输的主要中央枢纽之一,也是中国``一带一路''倡议的重 要城市,预计到2020年GDP增长高达8%)以及绝对最糟糕的时间(正值农历新年之前,也就是人们已知的最大的年度人类迁徙事件,当时购物,消费和消费主义活动将达到顶峰等),以便在经济上削弱中国,使中国与世界其他地区隔绝,甚至迫使中国将自己的城市与内部隔离,并在世界舞台上抹黑中国的声誉。d对海外华人的恐惧,种族主义和偏执狂升级。

All this comes right on top of the heels of the event last fall, African swine fever (ASF), which had never before seen in China but now mysteriously appeared with the onset of the US trade war, decimated half of China's pigs, which doubled pork prices and contributed to inflation causing pricy US pork exports to double in China. The odds for two such consequent anomalies, timing and location are exceedingly low. Yet both did occur – in almost perfect sequence. Particularly devastating is the very real possibility that this virus was intentionally engineered to have as long an incubation period as possible, and with the ability to hide within plain site, by being asymptomatic during its initial stages hence making it orders of magnitude more difficult to eradicate. Just recently, as recent as Feb 1st 2020, there has been yet a third mysterious outbreak in China, this time of the bird flu kind that is far more deadly to humans and wiping out Chinese chicken and poultry at the most dire of times. Indeed the coronavirus victims so far, both inside and outside of China, are only people with Chinese type of blood, Haplogroup O-M175, designed to attack that type of blood and specifically Chinese people.

所有这些都恰好发生在去年秋天的事件之后,非洲猪瘟(ASF)在中国从未见过,但随着美国贸易战的爆发而神秘地出现了,它使一半的中国猪灭绝了,翻了一番。猪肉价格上涨和通货膨胀加剧,导致价格昂贵的美国猪肉出口在中国增长了一倍。两次这样的异常,时机和位置的可能性极低。然而,两者的确发生了-几乎是完美的顺序。特别具有破坏性的是,这种病毒实际上是经过精心设计的,具有尽可能长的潜伏期,并具有在原始位点隐藏的能力,因为在其初始阶段没有症状,因此使其更难以根除。就在最近,直到2020年2月1日,中国仍发生了第三次神秘暴发,这次禽流感对人类的致命性要大得多,并在最可怕的时期消灭中国的鸡肉和家禽。的确,到目前为止,在中国境内和境外,冠状病毒的受害者都是仅有中国血统的人Haplogroup O-M175,旨在攻击这种血统的人,尤其是中国人。

Dr. Steven Hatfill Biological Weapons Expert says the Wuhan virus it will have to play it out and "run its course" not only in Wuhan but the greater mainland China. The host of "War Room: Pandemic" Mr. Steve Bannon (Trump's chief campaign advisor and trusted sidekick) predicted this will crush China economically, and that its the end of the XI/BRI/OBOR and will give US the chance to re-route trade of all countries to go-around and bypass China bringing the global supply chain back to US and its allies whilst isolating China economically, politically, etc. They are selling this to the American people and pitching it to the world as this evil Chinese Belt and Road connectivity is what is allowing this virus to spread so fastly to the rest of the world and that it would behoove mankind and all nations to reconsider the security and stability of their own supply chains and basically urging everyone to pull their companies, people, trade, businesses etc out of China. This is not unlike what Wilber Ross US Commerce Secretary already stated a few days ago... that this virus is good for America and will help bring lots of jobs back to the USA... seems like the goal is to use this event to pull the rug underneath China's development feets.

史蒂芬·哈特菲尔(Steven Hatfill)生物武器专家说,武汉病毒不仅要在武汉而且要在更大的中国内地发挥作用,并且要“顺其自然”。 “战争室:大流行”的主持人史蒂夫·班农先生(特朗普的首席竞选顾问兼可信赖的搭档)预测说,这将在经济上压垮中国,而且习近平/一带一路/一 带一路的终结将使美国有机会重新引导所有国家进行贸易绕行并绕过中国,从而将全球供应链带回美国及其盟国,同时在经济,政治等方面隔离中 国。道路连通性使这种病毒得以如此迅速地传播到世界其他地方,人类和所有国家都应该重新考虑其自身供应链的安全性和稳定性,并从根本上敦 促每个人都撤离其公司,人员,贸易,企业等。这与几天前美国商务大臣威尔伯·罗斯(Wilber Ross)所说的没有什么不同……该病毒对美国有益,将有助于将大量工作带回美国……似乎目标是利用这一事件来把地毯拉到中国发展的脚下。

I suppose it could be a coincidence that China, the geopolitical adversary and economic enemy to the United States (according to the US itself), suddenly gets this mysterious virus seemingly far more potent than SARS (which itself apparently only targeted Chinese ethnic DNA and left the white/Caucasian population untouched) at the worst possible timing and in the worst possible location. Wuhan being Chinese's central hub and this being the Chinese Lunar New Year, it has the highest ability to spread and go "super viral" whilst impacting the max amount of damage to the stability of the China, both in terms of having the max potential to cause political turmoil in the homeland (ruining people's new year, quarantine and lockdowns of cities of unprecedented proportion, causing many Chinese citizens to get angry etc) and doing the maximum amount of possible damage to the Chinese economy, ruining the New Year in which consumerisms was supposed to be at its very highest points.

我想这可能是一个巧合,中国是美国的地缘政治对手和经济敌人(根据美国本身),突然发现这种神秘病毒似乎比SARS(其自身显然只针对中国人的DNA,而实际上离开了 白人/高加索人口未触及),在最糟糕的时机和最糟糕的位置进行。武汉是中国的中心枢纽,也是中国的农历新年,它具有最大的传播和传播“超级病毒”的能力,同时对中国稳定的最大损害也具有最大的潜力。 在祖国造成政治动荡(破坏人们的新年,隔离和封锁前所未有的城市,使许多中国公民生气等),对中国经济造成最大可能的破坏,破坏了消费主义 的新年 本应处于最高点。

Even the SARS of 2003 had a negative impact on Chinese GDP by as much as 2%, and this new novel virus has already turned out to be far worse than SARS and at a much more accelerated speed of spread and deaths. Unsurprisingly, without need for a single bullet fired or sanction imposed, it already managed to force China to self-impose the closure of its borders and cities, most nations have already stopped flights to China including the United States itself, on the world stage it is another "ding" for China's image and gives the propaganda mouthpieces of the West something else to gripe about, whilst at the same time an attempt to cap Chinese One Belt One Road ambitions and sabotage China's growing economy and hegemonic rise. It comes right on the crisp of Trump signing the fake "Trade Deal" and the UK decided to go against the US and work with Huawei.... I say something else is going on behind the scenes, more than what we are being told. We could have transition from Trade War, to Tech War to now maybe bio-war, if that is the case, then very likely the US already fired the first, second, and third shots, so to speak.

即使是2003年的SARS,其对中国GDP的负面影响也高达2%,而且这种新的新型病毒已经证明比SARS严重得多,并且传播和死亡的速度大大加 快。毫不意外的是,它无需强制执行任何子弹射击或制裁,就已成功迫使中国自行实行其边界和城市的封锁,在世界舞台上,大多数国家已经停止飞 往包括中国在内的飞往中国的航班。这是中国形象的另一个“叮叮当当”,它给西方的宣传喉舌带来了其他令人难以忘怀的东西,同时试图限制中 国“一带一路”的野心,破坏了中国经济的增长和霸权的崛起。恰好在特朗普签署虚假的“贸易协议”的明朗声明上,英国决定与美国对立并与华为 合作。... 。我们可以从贸易战过渡到技术战,再到现在的生物战,如果是这样的话,那么美国可以说已经发射了第一枪,第二枪和第三枪。

China should at least stay very vigilant and have a credible deterrence contingency plan in place... In the nuclear world in which China has DF-41, the "MAD" (Mutual Assured Destruction) doctrine is still well in place. But a mystery virus affords far more "plausible deniability" for the US. Thus achieving the goal with less fear of attribution and thus retribution. Instead of directly confronting China in the South China Sea militaristically immediately, maybe they think a better way to take China down a notch or two would be the use of "other means" to an ends... Science and technology in the world has come a long way since the days of Westerners giving Native Americans blankets laced with smallpox to "thanksgiving" them. It is the human condition to be risk/loss adverse. A nation that would stop at nothing to achieve Manifest Destiny on the way up surely wouldn't have any qualms of preserving its hegemony at all costs on the way down. After all, the American way of life is nonnegotiable and Graham T. Allison predicted the likelihood that this confrontation of a rising power with a declining power will inevitably lead to war, and history has shown that to be indeed the case. The US is applying its doctrine of maximum pressure to destroy China on all fronts, with Trade War, Tech and supply chain War, cyberwar, information and psychological operations warfare, and now biological warfare and most likely to be followed up with conventional or even nuclear war once US believes China is sufficiently weakened.

中国至少应该保持高度警惕,并制定可靠的威慑应急计划……在拥有DF-41的核世界中,“ MAD”(互助保证销毁)学说仍然存在。但是神秘病毒为美国提供了更多的“合理的可否认性”。从而在实现目标的同时,减少了对归因和报应的恐惧。他们可能不是认为立即在军事上与南中国海直接对抗,而是使中国跌倒一两个等级的更好方法是利用“其他手段”达到目的……世界科学技术已经 来临自从西方人给美洲原住民毯子盖上天花以“感恩”它们以来,已有很长的路要走。风险/损失不利是人类的处境。一个不会为实现清单上的目标 而竭尽全力的国家肯定不会在下降的路上不惜一切代价保持霸权。毕竟,美国人的生活方式是不可谈判的,格雷厄姆·T·艾里森(Graham T. Allison)预测,崛起的力量与衰落的力量的这种对抗将不可避免地导致战争的可能性,历史证明事实确实如此。美国正在运用其最大压力的理论来全面摧毁中国,包括贸易战,技术和供应链战,网络战,信息和心理行动战,以及现在的生物战,最有可能是常规战争,甚至是核战争。一旦美国认为中国已被充分削弱,战争就会爆发。

Steve Bannon was hoping to "break the back of the CCP ( Chinese Communist Party )" by cutting off China's supply chain, and was hoping the Hong Kong riots was going to catch fire in the rest of the mainland and force the CCP to lose control making it easier to do an opportunistic regime change.

史蒂夫·班农(Steve Bannon)希望通过切断中国的供应链来“打断中国共产党的后腿”,并希望香港骚乱在大陆其他地区起火并迫使中共失去控制 使进行机会主义政权更容易。

I'm sure both China and US have their own red-lines. If the US had any involvement in this new virus, if China finds any credible evidence, then there are a number of things China can do besides retaliating with its own bio-weapon... for example, we all know the Trade War is not about trade, but wanting China to slow down in terms of hegemonic rise... for example China could simply start building Huangyan Island in the South China Sea, making a move that would seal the US fate as the "falling empire". If China militarizes the island it would give China total control of the South China Sea region, so China can declare ADIZ ( Air Defense Identification Zone ) over South China Sea, America would be pushed back to Guam, and it would be the beginning of the end of the petrodollar hegemony (which never could have lasted forever anyway but it would push it up along the timeline to make it collapse that much faster)

我确信中美两国都有自己的红线。 如果美国参与了这种新病毒的传播,如果中国找到了可靠的证据,那么中国除了报复自己的生物武器外,还可以做很多事情……例如,我们都知道贸 易战不是 关于贸易,但希望中国在霸权上升方面放慢脚步……例如,中国可以简单地开始在南中国海建造黄岩岛,此举将使美国的命运成为“沦陷的帝国”。 如果中国军事化该岛,它将使中国完全控制南中国海地区,因此中国可以宣布对南中国海的ADIZ(防空识别区),美国将被推回关岛,这将是关岛的 开始。 石油美元霸权的终结(无论如何它永远不可能永远持续下去,但是它将沿着时间轴推高它,使其崩溃的速度更快)

Some have said that well the virus is RNA single stranded which makes it harder to target any race specific without mutations losing the specificity over many infections cycles. And that if it were double stranded it would make it that much easier to create vaccines for and kill/contain. But I believe in this case it is about maintaining "plausible deniability" whilst not crossing any hard red lines in case attribution is established in the future. A virus outbreak that dings China's GDP by 2 to 5 % in 2020 is not comparable to an end of civilization event that wipes out 90% of the Chinese population, for example. Whatever blowback or
collateral risk is considered acceptable levels since it was deployed to China's central Wuhan, naturally China has a self-interest in containment, and the vast majority of the damage will be internal to China. It may have been engineered as race specific single stranded RNA and knowingly by hostile forces that predicted by the time it lost its race specificity that China would have already contained it. Hence "mission accomplished" with little attribution and minimal blowback. What better way to undermine China / CCP than to have its population grow resentful of or turn against its very Government!? Already Western media is talking about how Chinese are filthy and if it wasn't for eating rats, bats, dogs, etc this wouldn't ever have befallen. Perfect cover for re-enforcing racists stereotypes for the ulterior motives of containing and isolating China, and that of Chinese culture, and Chinese ideology on the world stage.

有人说这种病毒是RNA单链病毒,这使得它更难靶向任何特定种族,而在许多感染周期中突变不会丧失特异性。而且,如果它是双链的,那么将更 容易为它创建疫苗并杀死/包含它们。但我相信,在这种情况下,这是要保持“合理的可否认性”,同时不要越过任何困难的红线,以防将来确定归 属。例如,一场病毒爆发会在2020年使中国的GDP下降2%至5%,这与一场文明灭绝事件可比,后者消灭了90%的中国人口。自从将反冲或附带 风险部署到中国中部武汉以来,这种水平被认为是可以接受的水平,自然而然,中国对遏制具有个人利益,而绝大多数破坏将在中国内部发生。它 可能被设计为特定种族的单链RNA,并且在敌对力量明知的情况下被预测为当中国失去它的种族特异性时就已经包含了它。因此,“任务完成”的归 因少,反吹少。有什么比让中国人民愤恨或反对中国政府更好的破坏中国/中共的方法呢?西方媒体已经在谈论中国人如何肮脏,如果不是为了吃 老鼠,蝙蝠,狗等,这将永远不会沦落。完美地掩盖了种族主义者对遏制和孤立中国,中国文化和中国意识形态在世界舞台上的别有用心的刻板印象。

Is war between China and the US inevitable? | Graham Allison
中美之间的战争是不可避免的吗? | 格雷厄姆·艾里森(Graham Allison)

All of this should be seen within the larger context and backdrop of the so called Thucydide's Trap. For various reason, biological warfare against mainland China gives America multi-prong strategic and asymmetric advantages, hence why it has now become the method and weapon of choice for the US to use against China. At what point does China take action or else find itself too little and too late to be suffering same fate as Native Americans? History has shown that America is willing to wipe out entire Han civilization to maintain American hegemony and regain full spectrum dominance and supremacy.

所有这些都应该在所谓的修昔底陷阱的大背景和背景下看到。 由于种种原因,针对中国大陆的生物战给美国带来了多方面的战略和不对称优势,因此为什么它现在已成为美国对中国使用的选择方法和武器。 中国在什么时候采取行动,否则发现自己太少,太迟而与美国原住民遭受同样的命运? 历史表明,美国愿意消灭整个汉族文明,以维持美国的霸权地位,并重新获得全光谱的统治和霸权。

Kissinger is credited for giving Nixon the idea to open up China. It appears as the 45 year rapprochement comes to a sudden close, the US has regretted the long term decision. When viewed threw the lens of optimization of entropy maximization and the 2nd law of thermodynamics it is all about the counterbalance needed to an unchallenged US uni-polar scheme that impedes the progress and destiny of a universe in evolution.

基辛格因给予尼克松开放中国的想法而受到赞誉。 似乎随着45年和解的突然临近,美国对这一长期决定感到遗憾。 从观点上看,熵最大化的优化和热力学第二定律的镜头都是与无挑战的美国单极方案所需要的平衡关系,这种平衡阻碍了宇宙的发展和命运。

Steve Bannon was quoted to say that it is Ten times more important for the US to kill Huawei than it is for Trump to sign any trade deal. The USA realizes that China will soon surpass them if status quo isn't changed. The true motive of the trade war is to decouple the US from China quickly enough to asymmetrically target and destroy any tip of the spear Chinese companies/projects/tech such as the Huawei, 5G, DJI, EV, trains, Cancer research, TikTok, SenseTime, etc etc to cripple China's plans to move up the value chain and hi-tech-ify its economy and to do so with enough force to set back China and permanently prevent it from successfully climbing the arch trajectory of replacing the US. For the US it’s not just about losing the top spot to China, if America were to ever lose its petrodollar hegemony it would collapse in much the same way as happened to the USSR. The whole US empire is built on house of cards, ever since Brentwood they got away with taxing/usurping the world using the dollar as economic weaponization through 'quantitative easing' and its military to control OPEC to sustain the petrodollar hegemony. In the 1980's Japan became a threat to the US so they forced Tokyo to acquiesce to the Plaza Accord resulting in the "lost four decades" and Japan never recovering. Nowadays Trump, Steve Bannon, Pompeo and other Hawks are trying to impose the same sort of colonization on China, but much harder to do since China doesn't entertain US troops/US bases unlike the Japanese vassal so the next best thing is to subvert Hong Kong by way of CIA/NED and other propaganda techniques. And which nation killed a million civilians in Iraq after a false flag event and a WMD pretext but now is banning Chinese AI startups ostensibly because they care about the human rights of Muslims in China's internal Xinjiang region?

引用史蒂夫·班农的话说,美国杀死华为的重要性是特朗普签署任何贸易协议的十倍。美国意识到,如果现状不变,中国很快就会超越它们。贸易战 的真正动机是使美国与中国脱钩足够快,以不对称地瞄准并摧毁矛头直指的中国公司/项目/技术的尖端,例如华为,5G,DJI,EV,火车,癌症研究,TikTok,SenseTime等旨在削弱中国提升价值链和高科技经济发展的计划,并以足够的力量挫败中国,并永久阻止中国成功攀登取代美国的主要道路。对于美国来说,这不仅仅是失去中国的头把交椅,如果美国失去石油美元霸权,它将以与苏联一样的方式崩溃。整个美国帝国都是建立在纸牌屋上的,自布伦特伍德(Brentwood)摆脱了对美元的征税/篡夺世界,通过“定量宽松”和经济控制军事力量来控制石油输出国组织(OPEC)维持石油美元霸权以来,就利用美元作为经济武器。在1980年代,日本对美国构成了威胁,因此他们迫使东京默许了广场协议,导致了“失去的四十年”,日本再也没有恢复。如今,特朗普,史蒂夫·班农,庞培和其他鹰派正试图对中国实行同样的殖民化,但要困难得多,因为中国不像日本附庸那样不接待美军/美国基地,所以下一个最好的事情就是颠覆通过CIA/NED和其他宣传手段在香港。哪个国家在假旗事件和大规模杀伤性武器的借口后在伊拉克杀死了100万平民,但现在表面上禁止中国的AI创业公司,因为它们关心中国内部新疆地区穆斯林的人权?

The United States congress has accused TikTok -- the Chinese dancing video social media app -- of being a grave National Security threat and concern based on zero evidence and then the US publicly maligned China in front of the world with regards to the success and popularity of this singing app. So likewise if there is any possibility this virus crisis had anything to do with US government then the Chinese people deserve to all know or at least be aware of the possibility. Certain elements in the US have already put out the narrative that it was China's own incompetence that lead to the leak of the lab virus, so the Chinese people deserve to know the real truth.

美国国会指责中国舞蹈视频社交媒体应用程序TikTok是基于零证据的严重的国家安全威胁和关注,然后美国就成功和受欢迎程度在世界范围内公开诽谤中国这个歌唱应用程序。因此,同样,如果这种病毒危机有可能与美国政府有任何关系,那么中国人民应该所有人都知道或至少意识到这种可能性。 美国的某些因素已经说明,正是中国自身的无能导致了实验室病毒的泄漏,因此中国人民应该知道真实的事实。

This is all part of the bigger picture to contain China's continued rise, as we see that if the US ever lost its hegemony it would be game over... America views Chinese ambitions such as Made In China 2025, One Belt One Road, 5G, AI, etc as existential threats to its very lifestyle and way of life, hence the whole "Huawei is a national security issue" stance... Now even TikTok, a dancing video app, has become a "national security" threat and targeted and singled out by the US Congress. By "national security" they really mean China is offering the world a better deal and they are pissed that they are being undercut and view Chinese success as a direct threat to American hegemony. The West had its chance to help out Africa but did nothing, now China wants to help them develop and US is getting resentful, the supreme irony is accusing China of predatory lending. This will only get much worse, Xi predicted this will last a period of 30 years until which time China has become the undisputed Number One in the world economically, technologically, politically and militaristically. As the declining power the US isn’t going to just go down without fighting..... Just like the Roma Empire, as the US declines on the way down the lip service of freedom, democracy, etc stops and the true colors of the ugly side all comes out, they just did another coup in Bolivia after China signed a lithium deal to secure development of batteries for EVs, and now US is even sanctioning its own "allies" like Germany for daring to buy energy from Russia (NordStream 2, etc)...

这是遏制中国持续崛起的更大前景的全部内容,因为我们看到,如果美国失去霸权,那将是一场博弈。美国看待中国的雄心壮志,例如《中国制造2025》,“一带一路”,5G,人工智能等对其生活方式和生活方式构成生存威胁,因此整个“华为是国家安全问题”的立场...现在,即使是跳舞视频应用程序TikTok也已成为“国家安全”威胁,并且有针对性并被美国国会选中。所谓“国家安全”,实际上是指中国正在为世界提供更好的待遇,他们为自己的实力被削弱而感到恼火,并将中国的成功视为对美国霸权的直接威胁。西方有机会帮助非洲,但无所作为,现在中国想帮助非洲发展,美国对此表示愤慨,至高无上的讽刺意味是指责中国掠夺性贷款。习近平预测,这种情况只会持续30年,直到中国在经济,技术,政治和军事上成为世界无可争议的世界第一。随着权力的下降,美国将不会不战而倒。.....就像罗姆帝国一样,随着美国的衰落,自由,民主等的口头表达停止,而美国的真正面目是丑陋的一面全部显现出来,在中国签署一项锂协议以确保电动汽车电池的开发之后,他们刚刚在玻利维亚进行了另一次政变。如今,美国甚至制裁了像德国这样的自己的“盟友”,因为他们敢于从俄罗斯购买能源(NordStream 2,等等)...

Like others have already brought to light and mentioned, with the multiple initial sources surrounding this Wuhan virus, it makes "intentionally starting a pandemic with a bioweapon" scenario much more likely. The virus failed to spread with the first group of targets, so they tried again with the market.


For those who refuse to believe the US could ever be morally capable of doing such a coordinated strike and biological attack on mainland China, even if you do not at all believe US had anything to do with it, and even if US in reality had nothing to do with it, it still doesn't change the fact that this virus has changed the power dynamic and upset the balance; and we already have evidence from US such as Wilber Ross etc willing to take full advantage of the situation. China must be prepared to adapt and adjust to this fluid situation as well, short term and as well as long term. This thing could very well politically isolate China (it is already having such an effect) and crater China's GDP, and most importantly strategically pressure China to give up its long term development aspirations and also to sign away certain concessions (give up on Made-In-China 2025 etc) right at the most critical moment in history.

对于那些拒绝相信美国在道义上有能力对中国大陆进行这样的协同打击和生物攻击的人,即使您根本不相信美国与它有任何关系,即使美国实际上没有任何关系 与此相关的是,它仍然没有改变这种病毒改变了功率动态并破坏了平衡的事实。并且我们已经有来自美国的证据,例如Wilber Ross等愿意充分利用这种情况。中国必须准备在短期和长期内适应和适应这种动荡的局势。这件事很可能会在政治上孤立中国(已经产生这种影响)并扩大中国的GDP,最重要的是从战略上向中国施加压力,要求中国放弃其长期发展愿望,并放弃某些让步(放弃“自制”政策)-中国2025年等)正处于历史上最关键的时刻。

Sure we understand that the flu killed already 10,000 US persons this year alone, I also know the numbers in terms of how many up to 80,000 die of flu alone last year. And yes some of the hysteria and panic of this Wuhan thing may cause more damage than good at this point, sometimes the fear is more than just the virus damage itself.

当然,我们了解到,仅今年一年,流感就已经造成10,000人死亡。我还知道,仅去年一年,就有多达80,000人死于流感。 是的,在这一点上,武汉事态的一些歇斯底里和恐慌可能造成的危害大于危害,有时候,恐惧不仅仅是病毒破坏本身。

Having said that, on the other hand, the facts are that this banning of all flights from China to the US, the enactment of the quarantine is described by the US CDC itself as the heaviest action it has taken in 50 years. Indeed, when was the last time Russia closed its borders to China? When was the last time Disney shutdown, and all these hundreds of other things shutting down in China and all the countries closing their door to China? Precisely my point regardless of whether or not the real or perceived threat of this virus is overblown or not, the fact is the reaction to it has already greatly harmed China substantively at what could be argued as the worst possible timing... so yes, this virus has changed the power dynamic and upset the balance.

话虽这么说,但事实是,这一禁令的颁布禁止了中国从美国飞往美国的所有航班,美国疾病预防控制中心将其描述为50年来最严厉的行动。确实,俄罗斯最后一次关闭对华边界是什么时候? 迪斯尼最后一次关闭是什么时候,在中国以及所有其他关闭中国大门的国家中,其他数百种事情都关闭了? 准确地说,不管这种病毒的实际威胁或感知威胁是否夸大了,事实是对它的反应已经在可能被认为是最糟糕的时机对中国造成了极大的伤害……所以,是的,这种病毒改变了动力,破坏了平衡。

The fact of the matter is the rest of the world isn't closing its flights and borders to the USA, despite the flu in the US killing way more people, but the world is closing its doors to China... This cannot be good no matter how it is spun. I'm concerned this will be the point of inflection in which the tide permanently turns and China regresses back to being closed, isolated country and America pulled the supply chain rung under China's feet while China is down/ill and then convinces the rest of the world to a new Brentwoods to basically maintain US hegemony for the next 100 years. Perhaps this is what Trump was secretly hinting at when he gleefully announced at Davos that "now is the time for renewed and great optimism"... Maybe he was hinting at world events to come that will greatly benefit America at the direct expense of China, events that by the time he made the speech at Davos would have already been put in place by the CIA.

事实是,尽管美国因流感而杀害了更多的人,但世界其他地区并没有关闭飞往美国的航班和边境,但是世界正在关闭通往中国的大门……这不可能是 件好事 无论它如何旋转。我担心这将是一个转折点,在这种转折中,潮流将永久性地转变,中国将回归到封闭状态,孤立的国家和美国在中国陷入困境或陷入困境之时将供 链的劣势拉到中国的脚下,然后说服其余国家到新的布伦特伍德世界,以在未来100年基本维持美国霸权。也许这就是特朗普在达沃斯愉快地宣布“现在是重新振作和乐观的时候”时暗暗暗示的……也许他是在暗示即将发生的世界大事,而美国将直接以中国为代价而使美国受益匪浅,到他在达沃斯演讲时,中情局就已经准备好了。

If America has declared war on China, -- (first by economic decoupling via sanctions and tariffs then by trying to kill off Chinese technology ascension by attempting to cut off China's tech supply chain with the banning of Huawei and the restriction to supply chain access of many other prominent Chinese tech companies, and finally by covert bio-warfare to destroy China's food supply and then directly poison the Chinese people with an evil sinister virus in hopes of destabilizing the entire country,) -- etc and by all appearances it has, with Pompeo openly stating that the Chinese CCP was the "central threat of our times", and Bannon calling for Trump to "takedown Xi" and "break the spirit and crack the back of the Chinese people",
then it behooves China to defend itself and its citizens and interests appropriately.

如果美国向中国宣战,-(首先是通过制裁和关税的经济脱钩,然后是试图通过禁止华为和限制中国的供应链访问来切断中国的技术供应链来杀死 中国的技术提升。 许多其他著名的中国科技公司,最后通过秘密的生物战破坏了中国的粮食供应,然后用邪恶的险恶病毒直接毒害了中国人民,以期破坏整个国家的 稳定,等等。 庞培公开表示中国共产党是“我们时代的中心威胁”,而班农呼吁特朗普“拆除习近平”并“破坏精神并打败中国人民的背心”,那么它理应中国为自 己辩护 及其公民和利益。

This information better be spread across Chinese media far and wide so that the average Chinese develops a healthy and warranted suspicion of certain nations that have taken it upon themselves to stop at nothing to destroy the Chinese way of life and to destroy China's development and progress. Making more mainland Chinese aware of the underlining truth that all of China is constantly being targeted with warfare of all categories and at all levels by everything American cannot possibly be a bad thing. America has been applying every kind of means of warfare that exists under the sun against China, against the Chinese government and against the Chinese people and their well-being; be it Trade War, Economic War, Proxy War (Taiwan, HK, etc), Tech War (Huawei/5G/AI/tiktok), Supply Chain War, CyberWar, Information propaganda Warfare (including the "reverse conspiracy theory" and other false flags),
Biological Warfare and soon to be Conventional war and perhaps even someday Nuclear war.

这些信息最好在中国媒体上广泛传播,以使普通中国人对某些国家产生健康而有根据的怀疑,这些国家采取了一切行动以制止中国人的生活方式,破坏中国的发展和进步。让更多的中国大陆人意识到一个事实,即美国人不断以各种等级,各种级别的战争作为攻击目标,这可能不是一件坏事。在阳光下,美国一直在对中国,中国政府,中国人民及其福祉采取各种战争手段;贸易战,经济战,代理战(台湾,香港等),技术战(华为/ 5G / AI / tiktok),供应链战,网络战,信息宣传战(包括“反向阴谋论”)和其他虚假的 旗帜),生物战,不久将成为常规战争,甚至有朝一日的核战争。

The Chinese people for their own good should be more aware of the ideological war that America has inflicted upon the Chinese citizens both at home and abroad... The stark contrasting juxtaposition could not be more supremely ironic and hypocritical. "Brain drain" from the rest of the nations in the world to the US is called "free market" and labeled as "freedom loving scientists going to work in open democratic Universities with higher pay and better quality of life" and yet this same notion of "brain drain" from the US to the rest of the world is called "intellectual property theft", "spying", or "sending spies to steal 'American technology'". For when as China or Russia or India jailed their scientists for working with US universities and earning US research grants. If they did that, immediately the US media will instantly accuse them of being "totalitarian communist police state with no academic freedom" etc.

为了自己的利益,中国人民应该更多地意识到美国在国内外对中国公民造成的意识形态战争。鲜明对比的并置再无比具有讽刺意味和虚伪了。从世界上其他国家到美国的“人才外流”被称为“自由市场”,并被标记为“热爱自由的科学家将在薪酬更高,生活质量更高的开放式民主大学中工作”,但同样的想法从美国到世界其他地方的“人才外流”被称为“知识产权盗窃”,“间谍”或“派遣间谍以窃取'美国技术'”。中国,俄罗斯或印度因与美国大学合作并获得美国研究资助而入狱的时间。 如果他们这样做,美国媒体将立即指责他们为“没有学术自由的极权主义共产主义警察国家”等。

During China's moment of greatest need and vulnerability we see Westerner's racism and xenophobia come out in full blossom from Universities that say it is normal to be xenophobia to so-called "free speech" newspapers that take delight in China's plight and openly incite hatred and racisms by publishing intentionally vile depictions of the Chinese people and the Chinese flag in order to kick China while it is down. The deviously designed CIA lab virus was specifically tailored to cause as much economic, political, and reputational damage to China, the Chinese government, and the Chinese people (both domestic and abroad) as it possibly could. By this "Wuhan virus" being asymptomatic at the onset and specifically targeting Chinese DNA, not only does this make the virus that much more difficult to permanently eradicate but it also is a discriminatory virus in that it selective targets only Chinese/Asian people; but in addition to that, it also at once amplifies and concentrates on Chinese race specificity while effectively being a silent yet stigmatic racists killer. Since the vast majority of those that could ever be affected by this virus are Chinese or people of Chinese ethnicity and since this disease can be spread to other Chinese without first showing any visible nor discernable symptoms at all, this creates the sort of environment and dynamics that are conducive to several uniquely emergent dynamics, all of which are absolutely devastating to the Chinese race: it sets in place the stigma, fear and disgust of Chinese people everywhere in all areas of the world, and it also sets the double whammy of making Chinese people suspicious of each other and resentful of one another; thus potentially fracturing the concept of Chinese unity and destroying that of the notion and tenability of the Chinese 'civilization state'. This has the effect of pitting Chinese people against one another in all aspects of life and relationships and is actually a form of divide and conquer enacted by the West so that the White man could once again enslave and colonize China. By the virus selectively targeting only Chinese DNA it creates a sort of structural racisms against all Chinese Americans that otherwise the US government would have a much harder time bringing about without suffering political damage abroad and in the homeland.

在中国最需要和最脆弱的时刻,我们看到西方人的种族主义和仇外情绪从大学中全面爆发,这些大学说,对所谓的“言论自由”报纸持仇外心理是 正常的,这些报纸对中国的困境感到高兴,并公开煽动仇恨和种族主义故意发布对中国人民和中国国旗的恶毒描绘,以踢倒中国。经过精心设计的C IA实验室病毒是专门为可能对中国,中国政府和中国人民(无论是在国内还是在国外)造成尽可能多的经济,政治和声誉损害而量身定制的。由于这 种“武汉病毒”一开始就没有症状,并且专门针对中国DNA,不仅使这种病毒难以永久根除,而且是一种歧视性病毒,因为它只针对中国/亚洲人。但 除此之外,它还同时扩大并专注于中国种族的特殊性,同时有效地成为了沉默却又带有污名的种族主义杀手。由于可能受此病毒感染的绝大多数是 华人或华裔,而且由于该疾病可以传播给其他华人而无需先表现出任何明显或可辨别的症状,因此营造了一种环境和动态这些因素有利于产生几种 独特的动力,而这些动力对于中国人来说绝对是毁灭性的:它使世界各地的中国人民遭受了耻辱,恐惧和厌恶,同时也给制造过程带来了双重打击。 中国人彼此怀疑,彼此不满。因此有可能破坏中国统一的概念,破坏中国“文明国家”的概念和持久性。这具有使中国人民在生活和关系的各个方面 相互对抗的作用,实际上是西方规定的分而治之的形式,以便白人可以再次奴役和殖民中国。通过仅针对中国DNA的病毒,它对所有华裔美国人产 生了一种结构性种族主义,否则美国政府将很难在不遭受海外和祖国政治损害的情况下实现这一目标。

Again this designer virus is especially devious because it allows the current rogue Trump administration and future American leadership to do what otherwise would have been political unpalatable to implement, by creating this artificial lab-made virus that only targets Chinese people and releasing into the center of mainland China to encourage it to leverage the Lunar New year to spread to all corners of China it has at once conveniently convinced the America citizens to willingly advocate their government to shut the door to China, to ban all flights from China etc, and it also has created the environment whereby Chinese American citizens in America are now viewed with suspicion, contempt and disdain.

再次,这种设计病毒特别引人注目,因为它允许当前的流氓特朗普政府和未来的美国领导层通过创建仅针对中国人民的人造实验室制造的病毒,并 释放到美国的中心,来执行原本在政治上难以企及的事情。 为了鼓励中国大陆利用农历新年将其传播到中国的各个角落,它立即方便地说服美国公民愿意倡导其政府关闭对中国的大门,禁止从中国起飞的所 有航班,等等。创造了一种环境,使美国的华裔美国人现在被怀疑,蔑视和鄙视。

By the virus selectively targeting only Chinese DNA it creates a sort of structural racisms against all Chinese Americans (and against all people of Chinese ethnicity worldwide) that otherwise the US government or other Western governments would have a much harder time bringing about without suffering political damage abroad and in the homeland. Every Chinese person is now a potential threat, even if they look perfectly healthy on the outside they could still be deathly sick and gravely ill on the inside. This puts disproportionate focus onto the entire Chinese race/ethnicity rather than on the symptoms of an illness itself. It also gives Western governments everywhere the convenient pretext and excuse to segregate people of Chinese ancestry and to round up and gas Chinese Americans like how the Nazi Hitler of Germany prosecuted the Jews during World War II.

通过仅针对中国DNA的病毒,它会针对所有华裔美国人(以及针对全球华裔所有人)产生一种结构性种族主义,否则,美国政府或其他西方政府将在 不遭受政治损害的情况下带来更大的困难 在国外和在祖国。 现在,每个中国人都是潜在的威胁,即使他们在外部看起来非常健康,在内部仍然可能是致命的疾病和重病。 这使人们对整个中国人的种族/民族有过分的关注,而不是疾病本身的症状。 它还为各地的西方政府提供了方便的借口和借口,以隔离华人血统,并围捕和激怒华裔美国人,就像二战期间德国纳粹希特勒如何起诉犹太人一样。

Indeed, due to the selectivity of the virus it has the effect of causing public resentment towards its victims based on the basis of race (Chinese/Asian) rather than on the basis of the actual symptoms and other negative physical side effects. And because this virus can transmit without showing any visible symptoms at all, it also furthermore re-enforces racists stereotypes by ushering in an atmosphere of the fearful unknown type, a sort of "uncertainty" that breeds discrimination not on visible symptoms but by casting a broad categorical stroke against all people of Chinese descent anywhere in the world. This opens the door to the possibility if America were to go to war with China that someday soon all Chinese Americans will be rounded up and locked up into Concentration Camps in the USA but under the ostensible guise and false-flag pretext of being quarantined, segmented and segregated by race alone for public safety as yet another variant of the so-called "Wuhan virus" conveniently re-appears just in time.

实际上,由于该病毒具有选择性,因此具有引起种族对其受害者的不满情绪的作用,而这种愤慨是基于种族(中文/亚洲人)而不是基于实际症状和 其他负面身体副作用而产生的。而且由于这种病毒可以传播而根本不显示任何明显的症状,因此它还通过引入一种令人恐惧的未知类型的气氛来加 强种族主义者的定型观念,这种“不确定性”不是对可见症状的歧视,而是通过施加一种“不确定性”。反对世界上所有华裔的大范围分类中风。这为 如果美国与中国开战的可能性打开了大门,有一天不久,所有华裔美国人将被围捕并关押在美国的集中营中,但以表面上的伪装和虚假的旗号将其 隔离,分割为了公共安全,仅出于种族隔离,所谓的“武汉病毒”的另一种变体便及时地重新出现。

In terms of the bigger picture from the high-level top-down geopolitical standpoint, (all else being equal) America knows that "time is on China's side" be it with regards to GDP PPP, or the situation in the South China Sea, or that of Hong Kong, and later Taiwan, and especially as China's sphere of influence continues to grow in Eurasia; or even in the larger context of the digital blockchain Yuan and China's BRI/OBOR to replace or supplant the US petrodollar hegemony and so many other aspects... America knows that if status quo doesn't abruptly change that one day it will be too late to confront China. Trump, as their self-proclaimed "Chosen One" has openly stated from the beginning that he won't allow China to surpass America "on his watch" and that if his administration doesn't stop China right now that no future generation of administrations will ever be able to do so again. The US recognizes that the situation is quickly reaching an inflection point past which there is no point of return or going back. It is now or never. And since a direct nuclear confrontation is not going to help America achieve its goals or retaining its status, nor reversing its decline, and coming back on top in terms of once again being sole unipolar hyperpower with no contender or meaningful challenger, then only option left after a failed trade war and failed tech war was to attack China in the back by secretly using biological warfare against China, not once, not twice, but now for a third and potentially ever more devastating time as each attack is increased in boldness and exponential in unprovoked escalation.

从高级别的自上而下的地缘政治观点看,美国知道GDP PPP,南中国海或香港局势的“时机在中国一边”,之后是台湾,尤其是随着中国在欧亚大陆的势力范围不断扩大;甚至在数字区块链的更大背景下,人民币和中国的BRI / OBOR取代或取代了美国石油美元霸权等诸多方面……美国知道,如果现状不会突然改变,那么这一天也将如此迟到与中国对抗。特朗普自称“选民”,从一开始就公开表示,他将不允许中国“当心”超越美国,而且如果他的政府现在不停止中国,就没有下一代政府将永远能够再次这样做。美国认 识到,局势正在迅速达到拐点,超过此拐点就没有返回或回头的迹象。现在或永远不会。而且由于直接的核对抗不会帮助美国实现其目标或保持其 地位,也不会扭转其衰落,并且在再次成为唯一的单极超级大国而又没有竞争者或有意义的挑战者的情况下重回榜首,因此只剩下选择在一场失败 的贸易战和一次失败的技术战之后,是通过暗中对中国进行生物战来反击中国,而不是一次,不是两次,但现在是三分之一,甚至是毁灭性的时间, 因为每次攻击的勇气和指数都在增加毫无根据地升级。

Some Chinese people online at “Sinodefence” and other similar forums may have overinflated egos and think they somehow represent the image of China and I believe they take the posture of not daring to speculate because admitting that China was the victim of a foreign biological warfare attack is somehow showing weakness, and they may even believe if there was hard evidence it would still be in China’s favor to keep quiet to “bid time” and not directly confront and risk further escalating the issue. In their mind, since this Wuhan virus is at most something that will make a big dent in China’s GDP growth over the next year or two, but nothing like a zombie virus or civilization ender, yet it is better to take the safe conservative approach than to risk the possible damage to China's standing and reputation if it were to come out and publicly accuse the United States of such unthinkable acts against humanity. To their line of thinking, it is far better to take a hit to economic growth and regress a few months/years than to expose those behind this attack and risk further alienation on the world scene etc...

在“国防部”和其他类似论坛上在线的一些中国人可能夸大了自我,并认为他们以某种方式代表了中国的形象,我相信他们采取不敢推测的姿势,因 为承认中国是外国生物战袭击的受害者中国以某种方式表现出软弱,甚至可能相信,如果有确凿的证据表明,保持沉默以“等待时间”,而不是直接 面对并冒着进一步升级该问题的风险,仍然对中国有利。在他们看来,由于这种武汉病毒最多只会在未来一两年内对中国的GDP增长产生重大影响,但与僵尸病毒或文明发源者不同,但最好采取安全的保守方法而不是如果冒出来公开指责美国这种不可思议的危害人类的行为,就有可能损害中国的声誉和声誉。按照他们的思路,遭受经济增长的打击并倒退几个月/几年要好于暴露那些遭受攻击的人并冒着在世界舞台上进一步疏远的风险等等。

From the American side the narrative has already been spun that “due to the busy new year China must have accidentally leaked their own virus” and certainly there are motived elements in Western media being compelled to push this particular narrative out in the open at the moment. But it is reasonable to question the motive for spinning something fictional like this, why suddenly now the conspiracy theory from Western powers that China did this tragedy to itself by carelessly releasing a lab made virus that it supposedly had been working on in Wuhan? Who stands to gain the most from this event and the narrative being spun around the event? Also, even playing devil's advocate and assuming the Western assumption may have some element of possibility in that a virus in the Wuhan lab was accidentally released to China own detriment, a reasonable person may also wonder about the timing, in that China’s supposedly first known incident of accidental release of virus causing harm of any magnitude just so happens to be right around signing of historic trade deal and right before the lunar new year mass migration, hence they attack the element of timing by preemptively suggesting that due to the new year rush it must have made operations that much more error prone etc.


Some elements in the United States on the other hand runs contrary to the scientific establishment official story as well, but for different reasons. For example, the guy who wrote the above article admitted to having had ties to the NSA. They concede and admit that by all appearances the evidence shows that this virus was indeed designer engineered to target Chinese/Asians, to be asymptomatic at first and with a conveniently long incubation period, but then only admit the half-truth that its man-made but curiously proceed to argue the origin or rather the attribution as the main point of contention. In the real world it is almost always the results that matter, the "ends" rather than the "means" that count, and tracking missile trajectories of incoming thermonuclear warheads are a lot easier than ascertaining attribution in terms of finding the actual nation responsible for a sophisticated designed and cleverly released bio-weapon. It is about asymmetric warfare to gain advantage, the timing (right before Chinese lunar new year), location (Wuhan being central transportation hub of China and a city that had been projected for 8% GDP growth in 2020 before the outbreak) and characteristics of the virus (targeting Chinese/Asian) are just too coincidental for this to be anything random or by chance circumstantial. Just way too fortuitous for there to be any other reasonable explanation. Now if you were a hostile power wanting to screw with China wouldn't this be consistent with being a plausible cover story to deflect suspicion?

另一方面,美国的某些因素也与科学机构的官方说法背道而驰,只是出于不同的原因。例如,写上述文章的那个人承认与国家安全局有联系。他们 承认并承认,从所有方面来看,证据都表明该病毒确实是针对中国/亚洲人设计的,最初无症状且潜伏期很长,但随后只承认了人为造成的一半事 实。但奇怪地是继续争论起源或归因是争论的重点。在现实世界中,几乎总是结果是重要的,“结局”而不是“手段”才是重要的,而跟踪来袭的热核 弹头的导弹轨迹要比确定归属真正的国家要容易得多。精心设计并巧妙发布的生物武器。这是关于争取优势的非对称战争,时机(正值农历农历新 年之前),地理位置(武汉是中国的中央交通枢纽,以及预计在疫情爆发前2020年实现8%GDP增长的城市)的特点。该病毒(针对中文/亚洲人)太 巧合了,以至于无法随机或偶然地发现。只是因为太幸运了,所以没有其他合理的解释。现在,如果您是一个敌对的大国,想与中国接轨,这难道不 足以成为掩盖怀疑的掩盖故事吗?

What's more likely, the Chinese government accidentally released their own virus that was designed to somehow only target their own peoples Chinese DNA and it (the accidental release of the virus) just so happened to coincide with the absolute worst timing for China; (both in terms of the peak of the US China trade war and right before the Lunar new year mass migration) or some hostile superpower took advantage of this for plausible deniability and then deflects suspicion away from them by spinning up this nonsense story? Who stands to win the most from this event and who stands to lose the most? What does common sense tell you? Which nation in the very same first month of 2020 went against international law to trick and ambush a top Iranian general and assassinated him in a drone strike in a cowardly manner whilst pretending to operate under the guise and pretext of 'rule of law' and with the Iranian general being ostensibly invited for "peace talks"?

更有可能的是,中国政府意外地发布了自己的病毒,该病毒旨在以某种方式只针对本国人民的中国DNA,而它(偶然释放的病毒)恰好与中国绝对最 糟糕的时机相吻合。(无论是在美中贸易战的高峰期,还是在农历新年大规模移民之前),还是一些敌对的超级大国都利用这一优势进行了合理的可否认性,然后通过散
布这个无稽之谈来转移对他们的怀疑?谁在这次比赛中获胜最多,谁在损失最大?常识告诉你什么?哪个国家在2020年第一个月的同一天违反了国际法,以欺骗和伏击伊朗的一名高级将领,并以ward弱的方式用无人驾驶飞机暗杀了他,却假装以 “法治”的幌子和借口行事。 表面上邀请伊朗将军参加“和平谈判”吗?

The whole idea is to provoke China into responding and in the process having China make the mistake of giving the US the excuse needed to further exponentially escalate. America knows China prefers non-confrontation as the Chinese strategy is simply to build, to trade, to bid time and to focus on its own development and economic growth instead of worrying about confronting US directly. Every nation simply does what’s in their own best interest, maximizing optimization strategies conducive to bettering its advantages. For the US it means taking an early and provocative challenge direct to China in the form of trade war, tariffs, tech bans, coercing allies to switch supply chains, kidnapping Huawei CFO, and surgical bioweapons tailored to Chinese DNA and deployed at the timing and location of max impact. This biological attack differs from conventional warfare in that it would allow the initiator of aggression, in this instance the United States of America, to preserve the option at its choosing to take a more equivocal stance and fluid position by inflicting harm onto China but without a publicly overt display of open hostilities. This virus was engineered to have maximum devastation in high density Asian environments, and it is an asymmetric weapon because these conditions are not reproducible anywhere else in the world other than in mainland China, the factory of the global world with over 1.4 billion citizens living in high density supermegacities with the required critical threshold to cause an uncontrolled chain reaction in infection spread rate.

整个想法是挑衅中国做出回应,并在此过程中让中国犯下了给美国提供进一步成倍增长的借口的错误。美国知道中国更喜欢无对抗,因为中国的战 略只是建立,贸易,争取时间并专注于自己的发展和经济增长,而不用担心直接与美国对抗。每个国家都会按照自己的最大利益行事,最大限度地 利用有利于其优势的优化策略。对于美国而言,这意味着以贸易战,关税,技术禁令,强迫盟友转换供应链,绑架华为首席财务官以及为中国DNA量 身定做并在适当时机部署的外科生物武器的形式,直接对中国提出早期挑衅性挑战。最大影响的位置。这种生物攻击与常规战争不同,它可以使侵 略者(在本例中为美利坚合众国)保留选择的选择,即对中国造成伤害而采取更加模棱两可的立场和灵活立场,但不会公开公开展示敌对行动。该病 毒被设计为在高密度的亚洲环境中具有最大的破坏力,并且是一种不对称武器,因为这些条件在除中国大陆以外的世界其他任何地方都无法重现, 中国大陆是全球拥有超过14亿人口的工厂高密度城市。

It would seem US is counting on the fact that China won’t respond to this attack in order to essentially score a big goal and earn major points for free. This would allow America to crash the economy of China with impunity. Even a total nonresponse is still a reply in the form of China believing it still benefits the most by ignoring this attack (and indeed not even publicly acknowledging it at all) and strictly focusing on growth path after it has recovered. Is this intended to merely knock China down a few steps off the development ladder in lieu of
war in the South China Sea — since that could end up costly for US interests as well — or is it really a prelude to war, intended to severely weaken China so that an American initiated war later on would be on US terms and US timing and would be much less costly for America and the rest of the world after China had already been sufficiently decoupled and isolated from the world.


I think Chinese leadership miscalculated and mistakenly believed America would never go down the biological warfare route, just like they miscalculated and never thought the US would arrest Huawei CFO, or that the Trump administration would not put Huawei on the US entity list and then lower the 25% IP rule down to 10% essentially with intent to kill Huawei by choking off its supply chain rather than just playing nice by slowing it down but still giving it room to live. Even Huawei’s recent UK “win” is capped at 35% market share restrictions, Trump had personally begged Boris to outright ban Huawei completely, so the idea that America would adopt any stance of shared prosperity or mutual win-win propositions with the number two power in the world are naïve and misguided at best.

我认为中国领导人错误估计并错误地认为美国永远不会走上生物战路线,就像他们错误估计并且从未想到美国会逮捕华为首席财务官一样,或者 特朗普政府不会将华为列入美国实体名单,然后降低 25%的IP规则下调至10%,本质上是为了扼杀华为的供应链而杀死华为,而不是放慢速度,但仍然给它生存的空间。 甚至华为最近在英国的“双赢”都被限制在35%的市场份额限制之内,特朗普亲自恳求鲍里斯彻底禁止华为,因此,美国将采取任何共同繁荣的立 场或与第二大国互惠共赢的主张。 世界上的幼稚和误导充其量。

One wonders what would have happened had General MacArthur not been capped and was allowed to use nukes to win the Korean War and capture the entire peninsula? The landscape would surely be very different today. But it would have crossed a Rubicon and set a precedent that would have sent the world down a different path. The world’s number one superpower using a biological warfare attack on the people of the world’s number two power for better or worse has also achieved the effect of crossing such a Rubicon of no return. But in the long term would this turn out to be an overplay?

一个人想知道如果麦克阿瑟将军没有被封顶并被允许使用核武器赢得朝鲜战争并占领整个半岛会发生什么? 今天的情况肯定会大不相同。 但这会越过Rubicon并树立一个先例,将把世界推向另一条道路。 对世界第二强国人民进行生物战攻击的世界第一超级大国,无论取得好坏,都取得了跨越这种无可挽回的鲁比康的效果。 但是从长远来看,这是否会夸大其词?

Would it actually serve to prolong / restore American hegemony or would it inadvertently accomplish the opposite? Hard to tell but hindsight is always 20/20 and it would seem by America initiating the recent decoupling with China that it has already tacitly admitted that its opening up with China with the Nixon approachment was a strategic blunder of a mistake. The Soviet Union was going to collapse on its own sooner or later, but America’s warming up to China to further isolate the USSR was indeed an overplay in retrospect. America at the time believed opening up China would force it to be Westernized and made more democratic and ultimately serve American interests by bolstering US hegemony. Instead, China grew up and had other plans for itself. Taking out Mao Zedong’s son in Korea with napalms was probably on the whole detrimental to US interests’ long term, although it seemed like a great win at the time. Likewise, the Five Eyes Intelligence Agencies, led by the American CIA/NSA, ambushing and kidnapping Meng Wanzhou (the CFO of Huawei and also the daughter of the Huawei CEO Mr. Ren Zhengfei) at the Canadian border also did not have the sort of effect that the US had hoped it would achieve. Ren Zhengfei believes strongly in meritocracy and was never going to hand the reigns of his company Huawei to his daughter anyway. Had Mao handed the country to his son its very likely China would have opened up to the world many decades later than what had been achieved by Deng Xiaoping. And today America would still be the sole unipolar hyperpower instead of Pompeo running around the world telling everyone that China is the “central threat of our times”.

它会实际上起到延长/恢复美国霸权的作用,还是会无意间实现相反的目的?很难说,但事后的看法总是20/20,而美国似乎开始与中国脱钩,它 已经默认地承认,随着尼克松的到来对华开放是一个错误的战略失误。苏联迟早会自行崩溃,但回想起来,美国对中国的升温使苏联进一步孤立, 的确是夸大其词。当时的美国认为,开放中国将迫使中国西化,使其更加民主,并通过加强美国霸权最终为美国利益服务。相反,中国成长了,并有自 己的其他计划。尽管当时这似乎是一个巨大的胜利,但以凝固汽油弹杀死毛泽东在韩国的儿子可能总体上不利于美国的长期利益。同样,由美国中 央情报局/国家安全局牵头的五眼情报机构在加拿大边境埋伏并绑架了孟万洲(华为的首席财务官,也是华为首席执行官任正非先生的女儿)。美国 希望能够达到的效果。任正非坚信精英管理,无论如何也永远不会将华为公司的统治权交给女儿。如果毛泽东把这个国家交给他的儿子,它很有可能 比邓小平实现的开放晚了几十年。如今,美国仍将是唯一的单极超级大国,而不是庞培(Pompeo)在世界各地奔波,告诉所有人中国是“我们时代的 中心威胁”。

Graham Allison often said that it would take some imaginative creative thinking to overcome the Thucydides Trap between China and the United States. The rising power doesn’t want to kowtow and suffer the fate of Japan’s four lost decade after acquiescing to the Plaza Accord ‘trade deal’, and the declining incumbent ruling power doesn’t want to give up its status and position and even the mere thought of détente is out the window as the American way of life is “nonnegotiable”. So what is left is the realization in Washington that time is on China’s side, and that if a military confrontation is inevitable anyway, then it would be advantageous for the US to strike first while it still retained the edge and initiative. But absent an immediate kinetic force what other options are there to slow China down? Perhaps this is the creative imaginative solution alluded to by Allison, we have seen this virus cause the closing of borders, the pulling out of international companies and the re-routing of global supply chains to bypass China, and physical isolation of China without so much as a single bullet fired or sanction applied, it at once accomplished all the political objectives with none of the traditional political costs associated, no certain attribution, and thus also no blowback nor retribution.

格雷厄姆·艾里森(Graham Allison)经常说,要克服中美之间的修昔底德陷阱,需要一些富有想象力的创造性思维。崛起的大国不想在接受《广场协议》的“贸易协议”后ko 丧并遭受日本失去的四个十年的命运,而现任统治权的下降也不想放弃其地位和地位,甚至不愿放弃它。由于美国的生活方式是“不可谈判的”,因 此对缓和主义的思索已经超出了人们的视野。因此,剩下的就是华盛顿意识到时间在中国一边了,如果无论如何不可避免地发生军事对抗,那么在 美国仍然保留优势和主动性的情况下先发动进攻将是有利的。但是如果没有即时动能,还有什么其他选择可以减缓中国的发展速度呢?也许这是 艾莉森(Allison)提出的富有想象力的创造性解决方案,我们已经看到这种病毒导致边界关闭,国际公司的撤离以及全球供应链的重新路由以绕 过中国,以及对中国的实际隔离没有太多一旦实施了单发子弹或制裁,它就立即实现了所有政治目标,而没有任何相关的传统政治成本,没有确定 的归属,因此也没有倒退或报应。

And of course the Illuminati


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