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номеров с территории Украины, содержащих призывы к осуществлению
террористических актов на территории Российской Федерации, а
именно: в торговых центрах, на объектах транспортной и
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latest post.
Моя глубочайшая благодарность Вам многоуважаемый Президент Путин
November 12, 2024 WWIII Day 983 +8 Years
November 03, 2024 WWIII Day 983 +8 Years
First political refugee John Robles thanks Putin for Russian
First political refugee from United States John Robles thanks
Putin for Russian passport
Первый политический беженец из США Джон Роблес поблагодарил
Путина за паспорт - ТАСС
Первый политический беженец из США Джон Роблес поблагодарил
Путина за паспорт
Historic News in Russia - John Robles Receives Russian Passport
For Asylees This is Almost an Impossibility (Unless You Have an
Remember William Burns Illegally Cancelled My Passport in 2007
I am a Journalist Who Spent Decades Exposing the CIA - Revealed
RBC Первый политический беженец из США Роблес получил паспорт...
REN TV Политический беженец из США Джон Роблес получил
BFM Бежавший из США Роблес получил паспорт РФ
TV ZVEZDA Первый политический беженец США Джон Роблес...
LENTA Первый политический беженец из США получил паспорт РФ...
KP RU Первый политический беженец из США Джон Роблес...
RG Первый политический беженец из США Джон Роблес ...
IZ RU Политический беженец из США Джон Роблес получил паспорт
RU TUBE Политический беженец из США Джон Роблес получил паспорт
M24 RU Первый политический беженец из США Джон Роблес...
INFO 24 RU Первому политическому беженцу из США вручили паспорт
URAL WEB RU Американец вошел в гражданство России спустя 28
REGNUM NEWS Политический беженец из США Джон Роблес получил
паспорт РФ...
5 TV RU Видео: политический беженец из США получил паспорт РФ
VESTI RU Первый политический беженец из США получил паспорт
MOSREGTODAY RU Первый политический беженец из США Джон Роблес...
VMESTE RF TV Первый политический беженец из США получил
MYSELDON Первый политбеженец из США получил гражданство России
RW NEWS Беженец из США Джон Роблес получил российский...
PUBLICO RU Первый политический беженец из США получил...
MT RU Первый политический беженец из США Джон Роблес...
SERPUKHOV 24 Индеец из США Джон Роблес получил паспорт РФ...
EA Daily Гражданин империи лжи: первый политбеженец из США...
VZ RU ВЗГЛЯД / Первому политическому беженцу из США...
GOVORIT MOSKVA RU Первый политический беженец из США получил...
360 RU Американский беженец получил российское гражданство
INFOX RU Политэмигрант из США Джон Роблес получил российский...
Daily Storm RU Политический беженец из США получил российский...
TRUD RU Индеец - первый политический беженец из США стал...
MOS NEWS RU Беженец из США Джон Роблес получил российский...
OTR Online Беженец из США получил российский паспорт, назвав
Yamal Media Первый политический беженец в РФ из США Джон
Breaking Wave Российское гражданство получил первый
Golos Epohi Первый политический беженец из США Роблес получил...
Regions RU Беженец из США публично объявил себя русским
VEDOMOSTI Беженцу из США Джону Роблесу выдали паспорт России
DM from IV
MVD General Official Spokeswoman for MVD Russia Irina Volk
Rare Video of Swearing in Ceremony for New Russian Citizens
Среди получивших документы – Джон Энтони Роблес, ранее
проживавший в США. В 1996 году прибыл в Россию, работал учителем
английского языка. В настоящее время является литературным
переводчиком. После начала СВО помогал доставлять гуманитарные
грузы российским военным и жителям приграничных территорий.
Video MVD Russia
DM From JAR2
On the 10th day he rested... V = VICTORY
В Серпухове вручили паспорт РФ первому полит-беженцу из США
В Серпухове вручили паспорт РФ первому политическому беженцу из
We Thank Tajul Islam for His Real and Honest Journalism:
Russia grants citizenship to US political refugee John Anthony
Russia grants citizenship to US ‘political refugee’ John Anthony
DM from JAR2
DM from President Vladimir Putin
Real News
Citizen One is Now a Russian National - Thank You President
News About John Being Censored in the West
«Русский индеец» Первым политбеженцем из США в Россию
«Русский индеец». Кто стал первым политбеженцем из США в Россию?
Putin Gave Citizenship to the First Political Asylee from the
Путин дал гражданство первому политическому беженцу из США в
Путин дал гражданство первому политическому беженцу в РФ из США
Путин дал гражданство первому политическому беженцу из США
Путин дал гражданство первому политическому беженцу из США
Первый политический беженец из США стал россиянином
Путин дал гражданство первому политическому беженцу из США
«Американская мечта» Джона Роблеса: Путин дал беженцу из США
российское гр спустя 28 лет
Путин дал гражданство России политическому беженцу из США
Путин предоставил российское гражданство первому политбеженцу из
Первый политический беженец из США получил российское
Putin grants citizenship to first US political refugee in Russia
Putin grants citizenship to first US political refugee in Russia
Путин дал гражданство первому политическому беженцу в Россию из
Путин дал гражданство «первому политическому беженцу из США»
Джону Роблесу
Средства массовой информации отмечают, что это первый подобный
случай за всю историю современной России
Путин дал гражданство первому политическому беженцу в РФ из США
Путин дал гражданство первому политическому беженцу из США в
Путин дал гражданство России первому политическому беженцу из
Путин дал гражданство политическому беженцу из США и капитану
Путин дал гражданство первому политическому беженцу из США Джону
Путин предоставил гражданство РФ политическому беженцу из США
Джону Роблесу
Путин дал гражданство «первому политическому беженцу из США»
Джону Роблесу
Путин дал гражданство первому политическому беженцу из США
Путин дал гражданство беженцу из США
We Note Complete Absence of JAR2 Coverage on Interfax (CIA?)
Пресс-релиз: Как представитель
американских индейских племен острова Черепаха в 2017 году я
официально обратился к Кремлю с просьбой соблюдать наш столетний
договор. Кремль и их агент ЦРУ Эдвард Сноуден решили, что они
просто проигнорируют меня и коренное население острова Черепаха.
Как же тогда Кремль может быть суверенным и независимым от
Корпорации Соединенных Штатов и возглавлять БРИКС против
англосаксонской чумы? Это историческая правда. Меня продолжают
просто игнорировать, как будто я не человек. Это, конечно,
соответствует Доктрине Открытия Ватикана и их навешиванию на
меня и мой народ ярлыков животных и вымерших существ. Однако вот
я здесь.
Press Release: Proposed Sanctions List
Given our years of research into the
mechanisms and actors behind 911 and the expansion of NATO we
have concluded that the actions of the CIA and USA/NATO in the
former Ukraine are being ordered by corporate powers in the USA
which control what is termed the USA “Deep State”. Therefore we
are proposing an expanded list of sanctions against those
directly profiting from the destruction and then
“reconstruction” of countries, such as BlackRock is attempting
to do in the former Ukraine.
October 07, 2024 WWIII Day 956 +8
С Днём Рождения многоуважаемый Владимир Владимирович
In revealing that my physical location is along the flight path
of drones used in the recent drone swarm sent to Moscow,
watching Ukrainian/USA/NATO death drones flying over my bunker
was a consolidating experience and unfortunately as USA/NATO
continue to use the old rule of attacking at 4 AM, more average
citizens did not see what I saw. These idiots that continue to
think there is no war or that everything is fake and made up.
The Western press had huge headlines that Russians were panicking
because of the drone flights which was yet another preposterous
lie. The fact is 98% of Russian were sleeping when their death
toys flew overhead. Had 98% of Russians seen what I saw they
would be screaming to wipe the former Ukraine off the face of
the map, but they did not and thus they continue as if nothing
On August
12th I mentioned BlackListed news as my only remaining source
for trustworthy news from the West. That same day they stopped
publishing. Then the owner took it off-line and opened some
bullshit Texas history site. This clearly shows how truly hated
we are in the West. Did the FBI show up at his door? Or some CIA
spook? Probably. But we will never know will we? So who is left
standing in the USA? Zero
CIA/MI6 Admit to Targetting
Civilians - Ignore Dead ukronazis
ублюдок, незаконно лишивший меня гражданства в 2007 году, теперь
сидит и мастурбирует со своим другом-педиком из МИ6 и хвастается
тем, что «принес войну простым россиянам». КАРМА Burns. КАРМА
тебя настигнет.
CIA, MI6 Chiefs Praise Ukraine's Kursk Invasion For Bringing War
To 'Ordinary Russians'
One day
soon emmisaries of the Vatican or the Corporation will visit the
Papuans and the Papuans will hang them from light posts. That is
how it should be.
will speed up the imminent collapse of the United States and the
upcoming civil war, whereas Trump will slow the inevitable
process down. - That's it... As for the office of POTUS it has
nothing to do with the people and democracy anymore. It is just
a seat for the administrator of the corporation.
Given the
failed attempt by Zelensky and the CIA to put together a nuclear
bomb the day before the special operation started in the former
Ukraine, hearing the lying criminal William Burns say that
Russia was about to use nuclear weapons is the height of
hypocrisy and stupidity. Burns will one day stand before a
tribunal, if he lives long enough to be brought in front of one.
24, 2024 WWIII Day 906 +8 Years
Спасибо ГТРК
Я не работаю на Россию, я служу России I don't work for Russia, I serve Russia
... let that sink in long and hard
We Will Continue to Support President Putin and the ZOV
Какая-то 5й колона в нас враги делать не будет
- Spy vs Spy in 3D Geopolitcal Chess
MKRU Finally corrected their article saying I got
citizenship in 2023
05-26-2023 I SUPPORT ZOV 100%
05-25-2023 WE ARE AT WAR! WAR IS NOT A
"POLITICAL VIEW" - You don't support "Z"? You're a traitor
to Russia
05-08-2023 3 New Videos Published on VK
05-06-2023 JAR2 Z Mobile as the Flag Bearer
Weekend March 25/26, 2023 (395/396) Just
Returned from 22nd Crimean Tour - After Taking Part in Russian
In English and Russian for the Zvezda Channel at the Russian
Activities in Sevastopol, Crimea, Russia - Marking the 9th Year
Watch the Above Video and Two Others on JAR2
In Honor of Saint Alexander Nevsky Prince of Russia
Ongoing Humanitarian Mission
DAILY NEWS April 02/03, 2022 Weekend
Humanitarian Medical Mission Continues
В Курскую область приехали беженцы из
Мариуполя-ГТРК Курск
LAST UPDATE - GMT +3: 11/24/2024 06:15 -0000
JAR2 welcomes documents for publication that are prohibited by
governments worldwide, in particular material on national
security, intelligence, and secret governance, including open,
secret and classified documents but not limited to the
aformentioned. You may send documents to attrition on Temporal,
on the Telegram JAR2 ZOV chat or e-mail to submissions. We
guarantee their publication.JAR2 welcomes documents for
publication that are prohibited by governments worldwide, in
particular material on national security, intelligence, and
secret governance, including open, secret and classified
documents but not limited to the aformentioned. You may send
documents to attrition on Temporal, on the Telegram JAR2 ZOV
chat or e-mail to submissions. We guarantee their publication.
Literary translations from Russian into English and
audio books by former radio announcer.
Кто я:
- Владелец сайтов,,,
JAR2 Officers of Russia Crimea With the Guys Alexander Nevsky and Kursk
Для меня честь называться русским индейцем
Для меня честь называться русским индейцем
Не дадим переписать историю
Other Places on the Web
Traveled 5,000 kms
About the Death Cube
A Real Journalist
25 Years of US Gang Stalking
of Whistleblower and Asylee
Ops Run by CIA in Russia
In Memorium
Maria Eugenia Melendez
11-16-20 Rest in Peace Mom
The Z Mobile
Victory Park Moscow
Zionist Media Watch
John Robles Show Renunciation
Thanksgiving in Russian
Правда о Дне Благодарения Джон Роблес
Дне Благодарения - Джон Роблес
Renouncement 3 Languages
Real Thanksgiving Shame
RT - Poroshenkos War
RT - Bleeding Ukraine
JAR2 Canceled Journalist
The Cancellers are Done
"AJI AYA BOMBE!" (Better dead than a slave) - Old Taino
Indian Saying If I did not fight against the Corporation of the USA I would
be a traitor to my people. The indigenous people of Turtle Island - John
Robles II
The Sword of Truth
Англо-саксонский каким-то образом
попадает в рай.
November 23, 2024 ".dloc devres tseb hsid a si egneveR" We are now in the hot phase of World War III. Message coming soon. CIA Truths - Criminal Arm of the Genociders NATO - Truth - Overreach JAR2 - Why they can not shut us down. It would expose them. Media - Determining the CIA MOCKINGBIRD November 17, 2024 ".dloc devres tseb hsid a si egneveR" There is so very much about which I would want to try to make the attempt to communicate to all of you, but in reality I no longer see a reason for it. I have heard several repeated themes over and over since recent events and all of them seem to be things that only an enemy would advise.
We are testing Blue Sky Results: Censored by Lunatic "Liberals" October 30, 2024 DM from JAR2 - ZLUL - ".dloc devres tseb hsid a si egneveR" Хэллоуин — сатанинский праздник. Первоначальное событие называлось Ночью Ада (Hell Night). Не надо..... Сидите дома и читайте Библию или проводите время с детьми. Дайте им понять, что они важны, нужны и любимы. Чтобы они не пытались подражать животным, чтобы привлечь внимание. - Гражданин 11 10-27-2024 Sunday Musings - Overreach
Robles Peace Plan - LULZ At the end of the day nothing the war machines, the intelligence agencies or the bankrupt corporations could do to save their dead dream of a New World Order where they ruled the world and used the peoples of the world as their slaves. The final destruction and collapse of the Empire of Lies that was the genocidal overreach project of the Roman/British Empire was brought about by the power-crazed myopic planners who actually believed in their own supremacy over humankind. At the end of the day the Empire of Lies collapsed for the simple reason that it could not afford the cost of ruling the world, not in financial terms nor in resource terms and no matter how it tried to use outright force, endless threats, economic manipulations, brainwashing and the destruction of entire cultures and peoples from within, their “EFFORTS” failed.
The Two Row Peace Plan for a Thousand Year Peace In 2024 the United Nations was temporarily moved from the occupied territory of Turtle Island to a location agreed upon by the majority of the world’s population and immediately barred the United States, Israel, NATO countries and the Vatican from participation due to their amassed Crimes Against Peace, genocides and land thefts. This was also largely due to a UN resolution which had finally and openly exposed the United States, NATO and Israel for carrying out 911. In early 2025 the United Nations and the BRICS adopted the Two Row Wampun and the Great Law of Peace as the only legitimate documents and frameworks that could be applied to the territories of Turtle Island and all of the Americas. In late 2025 the countries of the BRICS and the United Nations recognized the sovereign peoples of Turtle Island as the true rulers of their lands which had a domino effect on all territories formerly occupied by the Empire of Lies. The countries and territories were given the option of liquidating the invaders or expelling them with most countries choosing expulsion. Being merciful beings and following the Great Law of Peace and the wishes of the creators, Turtle Island One and Turtle Island Two expelled the European invaders back to their countries causing huge over population problems in Europe. This began in 2025 and by 2028 the populations were repatriated to their countries of origin, except for those who could prove a family history of not be repressors and the profiteers of genocide. Palestine was returned to the Palestinians and the Empire of Lies was forced to pay for and carry out the reconstruction of the lands and all of the countries and lands that it had destroyed in the hundreds of years of endless war. In 2026 they were also ordered to pay compensation to all of the people who had suffered due to their Imperial Genocidal polices and ambitions including the trillions of dollars owed to the tribes of Turtle Island. Needless to say they were bankrupted and thus to facilitate the reconstruction of the World, the World Bank, the Corporations under the City of London, Blackrock and all of the former USA corporations, the IMF and all of the genocidal bloodlines, including the Rothschilds, were liquidated in 2026 and their assets and amassed riches seized. By 2030 poverty and hunger were eliminated in the BRICS and the member countries of the United Nations which had returned to its initial location in 2029 on the territory of Turtle Island. In 2031 Western Europe was encircled by a kilometer high wall to contain the irreconcilable genociders with their poisonous beliefs in their own supremacy and their were completely isolated and left to fend for themselves with the little resources they had. Cannibalism and uncontrolled violence began to spread within the walled territory as the nature of the genociders was turned against itself and by 2033 most of them had liquidated each other in endless fratricidal warfare as each group tried to obtain supremacy. In 2035 due to the unleashing of diseases and biological warfare agents on the territory of the former Great Britain, the United Nations and the BRICS were forced to sink the former Island of Great Britain, sending it to join the Titanic in a symbolic end to the Empire of Lies. With the accepted declarations by the BRICS and the United Nations officially admitting that all humans are equal in 2035 all global conflicts and wars were resolved through peaceful means marking the beginning of the first thousand-year-peace and the salvation of the human race and the planet Earth, which had been on precipice of liquidation by the higher beings.
В конце концов, военные машины, разведывательные агентства или обанкротившиеся корпорации ничего не могли сделать, чтобы спасти свою мертвую мечту о Новом мировом порядке, где они правили миром и использовали народы мира в качестве своих рабов. Окончательное разрушение и крах Империи Лжи, которая была геноцидным проектом перераспределения власти Римской/Британской империи, были вызваны помешанными на власти близорукими планировщиками, которые на самом деле верили в свое собственное превосходство над человечеством. В конце концов Империя Лжи рухнула по той простой причине, что она не могла позволить себе расходы на управление миром, ни в финансовом плане, ни в плане ресурсов, и как бы она ни пыталась использовать прямую силу, бесконечные угрозы, экономические манипуляции, промывание мозгов и уничтожение целых культур и народов изнутри, их «УСИЛИЯ» провалились. План мира «Двух рядов» для тысячелетнего мира В 2024 году Организация Объединенных Наций была временно перемещена с оккупированной территории острова Черепаха в место, согласованное большинством населения мира, и немедленно отстранила от участия США, Израиль, страны НАТО и Ватикан из-за их накопленных преступлений против мира, геноцидов и краж земель. Это также во многом было связано с резолюцией ООН, которая окончательно и открыто разоблачила США, НАТО и Израиль за осуществление 11 сентября. В начале 2025 года Организация Объединенных Наций и БРИКС приняли «Двух рядов» вампун и Великий закон мира в качестве единственных законных документов и рамок, которые могут быть применены к территориям острова Черепаха и всей Америки. В конце 2025 года страны БРИКС и Организация Объединенных Наций признали суверенные народы острова Черепаха истинными правителями своих земель, что имело эффект домино на всех территориях, ранее оккупированных Империей лжи. Странам и территориям была предоставлена возможность ликвидировать захватчиков или изгнать их, большинство стран выбрали изгнание. Будучи милосердными существами и следуя Великому Закону Мира и желаниям создателей, Остров Черепахи Один и Остров Черепахи Два изгнали европейских захватчиков обратно в свои страны, вызвав огромные проблемы с перенаселением в Европе. Это началось в 2025 году, и к 2028 году население было репатриировано в страны своего происхождения, за исключением тех, кто мог доказать семейную историю, что они не были репрессорами и наживались на геноциде. Палестина была возвращена палестинцам, и Империя Лжи была вынуждена заплатить и провести реконструкцию земель и всех стран и земель, которые она разрушила за сотни лет бесконечной войны. В 2026 году им также было приказано выплатить компенсацию всем людям, пострадавшим из-за их имперской геноцидной политики и амбиций, включая триллионы долларов, причитающихся племенам Острова Черепахи. Излишне говорить, что они были обанкротились, и таким образом, чтобы облегчить восстановление мира, Всемирный банк, корпорации лондонского Сити, Blackrock и все бывшие корпорации США, МВФ и все геноцидные родословные, включая Ротшильдов, были ликвидированы в 2026 году, а их активы и накопленные богатства конфискованы.
К 2030 году нищета и
голод были ликвидированы в БРИКС и странах-членах
Организации Объединенных Наций, которые вернулись в
свое первоначальное местоположение в 2029 году на
территорию острова Черепахи. В 2035 году из-за распространения болезней и биологических боевых агентов на территории бывшей Великобритании Организация Объединенных Наций и БРИКС были вынуждены затопить бывший остров Великобритания, отправив его вместе с Титаником в символическом конце Империи Лжи. С принятыми декларациями БРИКС и Организации Объединенных Наций, официально признающими, что все люди равны, в 2035 году все глобальные конфликты и войны были разрешены мирным путем, что ознаменовало начало первого тысячелетнего мира и спасение человеческой расы и планеты Земля, которые были на грани уничтожения высшими существами.
10-26-2024 DMs from JAR2 - ZLUL - ".dloc devres tseb hsid a si egneveR" 02 Z - За правду!!! 01 Z - За правду!!! 10-23-2024 The CIA/MI6 5th Column in Russia Has Been Almost Defeated Several takeaways can be had by the coverage of President Putin finally granting John Robles citizenship. The massive coverage across the entire Russian media spectrum on the 21st was astounding even to me. The only major outlet which followed the USA censorship order was unfortunately Interfax, which I had until the 21st considered to be an independent and fact-based outlet. Others such as RIA-Novosti and RT published almost nothing or tried to shed a negative light on, or minimize the importance of the event, which was completely expected given that it was them who erased all of my years of journalistic work from the Russian net and the fact that the people who poisoned me in the offices of Dmitry Kisilev are still controlling those outlets. Now that it is clear that those who were blocking my application and laughing about my almost 30 years of Machiavellian hell through all of the infernos of Dante and even ones he could not have thought up have seen their demise, they should be worried now that discredited and ignored refugee John Robles is now Russian citizen John Robles. At this juncture all that can be revealed is that I will not give up fighting. As for the so-called "West", judging from the outright censorship in the Empire of Lies of any mention of the story, which was on every possible Russian outlet (see the news page for links), their cowardice and fear of my story getting out can only be labelled as being historic. Child trafficking, institutionalized Russian hysteria, threatening a 911 truther, illegal FBI surveillance and CIA operations inside the USA, Stormont Labs, the Unabomber, Tom Osman and other issues known only by the Russians that will forever remain secret, are all of course subjects the Empire of Lies does not want the global public and the so-called "American" people to know. Yes I was cancelled by the Empire of Lies, the outright censorship in their fake media is complete and total proof that my cancellation came from the CIA, as is the fact that the piece of filth who cancelled my US passport in 2007 is now the director of the CIA. Those facts and the sad end to CIA Color Revolution architect Michael McFaul after he tried to take me out twice for stopping "The Russia Project", all point to a very clear link to the CIA. I have not even mentioned Gina Haspel's appearance at my son's fake trial on trumped up charges or the appearance of Snowden days after I exposed the Boston Bombing but those issues will be fully exposed with time. Yes the CIA and MI6 tried and died but have not forgotten me, nor I them. Clearly MI6 and Christopher Steele have someone better than Tony Holland to send after me. Then again maybe not.... President Putin granting me citizenship after all this time is a testament to the fact that the CIA and MI6 are done in Russia. This is what a real full asylum document looks like for those being fooled in the West by temporary asylum documents given to questionable individuals. Soon I will be freed from the death cube as others try to enter. Do you believe in God?
Please help to continue the fight against the Empire of Lies: 10-21-2024 Citizen One (11) is Now a Russian National - Thank You President Putin!!!
Official Link: 10-20-2024 The USA Police State "System" is a Corporate Fascist Apartheid Construct Censorship and surveillance are the key tools needed by fascist racist regimes and their police state structures and there is no more of a fascist racist regime in the world than the United States of America. As a civilizational model the Untied States of America and the "West" will soon collapse and leave nothing behind, just like other self-serving power-crazed regimes like the Roman Empire and nazi Germany. The foundational precepts of the racist genocidal systems that make up the collective Empire of Lies demand the unquestioning foundational belief that one race or group of individuals is superior and thus must without question be allowed to play the role of the masters over the rest of the "lesser" humans, meaning you! You, the taxpaying minions of the Empire of Lies who give your lives, children and your short time on Earth to these genocidal self-appointed "superior beings" are the true power. They are a mere less than 1% and you toil and slave away for them every day, every minute and with every breath you take. Now that these fascist idiotic lunatics are committing open all-out genocide in the Ukraine and Palestine and with their new global pandemic tools you must be jack-booted into silence and obedience lest you bring about the dissent that will lead to their imminent fall. How is it possible that your 1% openly admits to a eugenist agenda and the elimination of 8 billion humans and you do nothing? Have you all lost your frickin minds? Are you all such passive and meek dumbed down useless feeders as they classify you? Do your children and your own lives mean nothing to you? Because that is what it looks like from here.... History is something they do not teach you nor want you to know as they plummet you over the abyss in yet another failed attempt to take Russia. If you knew history you would know that the illegal immigrants are you, you who stupidly and arrogantly call yourselves Americans after a stolen land you named yourselves, a land you stole through genocide and built up using slaves who are also illegal immigrants, a land I would take back as the sovereign if there was rule of law in the abomination of a perverted world you have created.
It is amazing that the Total Surveillance Fascist Apartheid System still needs you to maintain the appearance of a democracy, but the world already knows that no thinking intelligent and informed human entity would ever vote for the Zionist trash that they offer you as options to pretend to rule the system you are now only slaves to (one that was supposed to serve the people, meaning you dimwits). You so suck america and the world knows it. Your transgender bullshit and pedophile Joe Biden buried you forever in the annuals of failed civilizations. "House Niggers" and "Field Niggers"? Is that what your fake-ass-motherfucking-system comes down to? Apparently so. And you think you are going to rule the world? LULZ!!!
10-01-2024 VK and Telegram Shadow Banning and CIA Spying - Security: VK/Telegram GPS/Total Spying - С ФСБ никак! А с ними нормально? Не будьте дураками Дурова!
Дорогие читатели! Из-за Дурова и его предательского сотрудничества с ЦРУ, МИ-6, GCHQ и АНБ нам пришлось удалить наши аккаунты VK, группы VK и содержимое наших ресурсов и каналов Telegram. Причина первая: Дуров решил продать своих пользователей всем западным разведывательным агентствам, что означает, что каждый контакт, каждое сообщение и каждый фрагмент данных, включая GPS, пароли, личные сообщения, все личные материалы и даже файлы и медиа, которыми вы могли незаконно поделиться по мнению Запада, теперь могут быть использованы для атаки и нанесения вам вреда в Интернете и здесь, в России, или где бы вы ни находились. Поэтому для безопасности моих контактов и друзей в Telegram и VK, а также для того, чтобы мои враги не могли отслеживать меня и использовать информацию, чтобы узнать, где я и что я делаю, я удалил все аккаунты и чаты, чтобы защитить всех вас. Поскольку я участвую в серьезных информационных операциях против ЦРУ, США, Украины и НАТО, любой, кого они считают моим другом, может стать целью или использоваться в качестве инструмента, чтобы навредить мне, что уже произошло. Причина вторая: мы зафиксировали и идентифицировали действия VK и Telegram, которые доказывают, что они на самом деле теперь работают по тем же принципам теневого бана, что и Twitler и Xler, и все контролируемые ЦРУ/сионистами социальные сети. Что именно такое «теневой бан»? Короче говоря, теневой бан — это когда у вас, например, 14 000 подписчиков в VK, и каждый ваш пост получает только два или три просмотра. Теневой бан означает, что вашим подписчикам не отправляются уведомления, и точка. По сути, вы кричите и публикуете сообщения сами себе. Это было доказано мне без сомнений, когда я удалил свои аккаунты и нажал «уведомить пользователей», и ни одно уведомление не было отправлено. Поэтому VK не цензурировал меня, как меня забанили во всех западных социальных сетях, поэтому, притворяясь, что они пророссийские, они просто отключили все уведомления в моем аккаунте. Поэтому я долгое время бился головой о стену, пытаясь найти работу, клиентов и донести свои сообщения. Это большее зло, чем простой пожизненный бан. Они заставляют вас думать, что вы в порядке и все нормально, но на самом деле они держат вас в коробке, из которой вы не можете выбраться. Так в чем же тогда смысл ВК? Никакой. Он бесполезен. Я не могу монетизировать, не могу охватить аудиторию и просто сижу там, как идиот, удивляясь, почему никто ни на что не реагирует. Прощай, ЦРУ/ВК. Скатертью дорога плохому мусору.
Dear Readers, Due to Durov and his treasonous cooperation with the CIA, MI6, GCHQ and the NSA we have had to delete our VK accounts, VK groups and the contents of our Telegram resources and channels. Reason one: Durov has decided to sell his users to all of the Western Intelligence Agencies which means that every contact and every message and every piece of data, including GPS, passwords, private messages, all private materials and even files and media you might share illegally according to the West can now be used to attack and damage you on-line and here in Russia or wherever you may be. Therefore for the safety of my contacts and friends on Telegram and VK and so that my enemies can not track me and use the information to know where I am and what I am doing, I have deletes all accounts and chats to protect all of you. Since I am engaged in serious information operations against the CIA, the USA, the Ukraine and NATO anyone they think is my friend may become a target or be used as a tool to damage me, something which has already happened. Reason two: We have recorded and identified the actions of VK and Telegram which prove that they in fact are now operating with the same shadow banning principles as Twitler and Xler and all of the CIA/Zionist controlled social media. What exactly is "Shadow Banning"? In short shadow banning is when you have, for example my 14,000 strong auditorium on VK, and every post you make only gets two or three views. Shadow banning means no notifications go out to your followers, period. In effect you are screaming and posting to yourself. This was proven to me without a doubt when I deleted my accounts and clicked the "notify users" and not one notification was sent out. VK therefore did not censor me like I was banned from all Western social media, therefore pretending they are pro-Russian, they just tuned off all notifications on my account. Hence I have been beating my head against the wall for a long time trying to find work, clients and get my messages out. This is more evil than a simple lifetime ban. They make you think you are okay and everything is normal but in fact they keep you in a box from which you can not get out. So what is the point of VK then? Nothing. It is useless. I can not monetize, can not reach an audience and just sat there like an idiot wondering why no one was reacting to anything. Good bye CIA/VK. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
09-26-2024: Finally the Moment We Have All Been Waiting For
Dear Readers (my enemies who are legion and the few hangers on still out there), It is with great joy that at 22:22 I received news that President Putin and the Russian Security Council finally did what we have been waiting such a long time for. The only hope now is that real action will be taken in truly, once and for all, ending the Satanic Empire of Lies and the genocide state that is the illegal Anglo-Saxon occupier of Turtle Island. At this juncture I remember the words of Bobby Fisher on September 12, 2001 when we, for a short time believed that the USA was the poor innocent victim of a terrorist atrocity. That quickly changed in the ensuing days and weeks and then years and decades. Now we know the truth about 911 and any person who is worth anything knows the truth and has not succumbed to the endless lies and dumbing down that the monsters responsible have unleashed on the human race. I remember Bobby Fisher's joy when he heard about 911 and in my innocence and naiveté at the time, although I felt the same thing, I could not say it, nor even less agree with what we all believed were "Islamic Terrorists". That was the past, things are very different now, and even the CIA puppets that occupied places of power in Russia have lost most of their influence and I can finally say without fear what I really want to say and in that exercise my right to free speech, a concept that they have tried to erase from the human race. I am quite tired as I have been up for days so I am going to get some well-deserved sleep, but when I wake up in a new world, one which Russia has finally taken real steps to ensure the safety and preservation of human civilization, I will share my honest views and comments and go to sleep with the hope that very soon, there will truly be an "End to the Empire of Lies" and that it will be erased off the map and Turtle Island will once again be returned to the peaceful sovereign tribes. The racist nazi Anglo-Saxon white supremacist genociders will receive force for force and the "untermensch" will rise. Good night. )))
LATER: This must be taken as a final warning to everyone in the so called West because President Putin has always carefully studied and formalized actions he take before he has taken them and his actions in the past are a testament to this. Even when starting the special operation he exhausted all other options for eight years, then formulated the legal basis before deciding to denazificate and demilitarize the former Ukraine and he has stuck the operational parameters of a Special Operation since the beginning even though the actions of the USA/NATO and their ukronazi puppets have amounted to open acts of war. Within the framework of all of my research and reporting on the endless wars of the USA and NATO it fills my heart with joy that finally a country is standing up and has successfully done so for over ten years now. This time the collective war crazed lunatics of the West have finally been confronted with a country that is challenging them and on the fronts that matter is winning. Even the CIA plans for a long economy draining "low-intensity" conflict has not had any effect on Russia as quite the opposite is actually taking place, and even that is having no effect on the Western Sheeple, too afraid to stand up or do anything to stop the lunatics in power, even as they freeze in the winter after the CIA destroyed the North Stream pipeline. Before I continue I would like you to carefully read the following list that I have been publishing for over 15 years now: My List of Countries Destroyed by USA/CIA/NATO The following is a list of countries, other than Ukraine, where the US has organized coup d’états, supported revolutions, overthrown governments, invaded, annexed, supported groups or forces who overthrew or attempted to overthrow governments or outright executed the leaders. Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Argentina, Bolivia, Bosnia, Brazil, Cambodia, Chile, China, Colombia, Congo, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Germany, Greece, Grenada, Guam, Guatemala, Haiti, Hawaii, Honduras, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Korea, Kuwait, Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Macedonia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Russia, Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Dakota, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, Uruguay, USSR, Venezuela, Vietnam, Virgin Islands, Yemen, Yugoslavia and Zaire (Congo). What they have done and are doing to Native Americans might also be added to the list and as the continuing genocide of the indigenous peoples is the foundation of endemic "American" racism and exceptionalism. Every single one of those countries and more have been the victims of USA aggressive wars during the short course of the existence of the United States, a country founded on genocide and almost reaching the stage of world domination through the endless aggressive wars it has been engaged in since its inception. Using paid puppets and fake regimes and phony democracy have been par for the course and that should be obvious to anyone with half a brain. I have to leave you for a short while but I just want to say that I am praying that the evil that is the United States of America will be wiped off the face of the Earth and the lands of Turtle Island will be once again returned to the peaceful sovereigns.
07-23-2024 Day 60 - Lugansk is Russia and the Hand of God
There were so many good and positive moments during my two months of gathering humanitarian goods and my trip into the conflict zone and delivering them that because of the hurricane of negativity and damaging PR against me I myself was almost forced into forgetting the positive things and the overall positive and useful things I was doing. In the end it was a classic case of what they now term as gas-lighting. Even my so-called colleagues got caught up in it and even took part in attempting to destroy my character and reputation and in the end all of their negativity caused me to have to publish public answers to all of their hatefulness. This then cause me to get a phone call at one o'clock in the morning by some unknown individual who wanted to "work things out". I tried to explain to him about all of my private message to my "partner" being sent to people I do not even know and all of the negative messages that accompanied them which in fact I have saved and unless I get an apology will publish one day. Apparently my enemies think they are so clever but at the end of the day everything worked out wonderfully in fact. The only problem is that now I have to make a trip back to the Special Operation Zone by myself to complete the delivery of one box of items which I promised to personally deliver. I have the creeping suspicion that some if not all of the negativity I faced, including constant hate posts and threats, during my 47 days of collection, was coming from members of what I thought were my colleagues, meaning they have trolls amongst themselves. That is not a problem that I am going to involve myself with and if those in charge don't care then there is no reason even mentioning it any longer. The loss in the end is theirs and not mine. The best thing about the whole trip was seeing the faces and the reactions of the fighters when I delivered the aid. Their gratitude and sincerity were real and not fabricated and their openness and honesty were noble in their scope. It warmed my heart and gave me the verification I needed that I had been doing the right thing. Yes even when engaged in the most noble of tasks when everyone around you is spitting on you doubts can begin to creep in. Even when knowing and expecting such the effects can be detrimental. Now it is time to put the negativity behind and find another team who will value my work. Will update all of you in the coming days as to what our plans are. As for the Internet, it is clear that they are doing everything possible to tank us and take down JAR2 and three times in the last two months they have been successful but we are still on-line and we will keep fighting the little demons as they endlessly attack. F inally the biggest takeaway from my recent trip was that now it is 100% clear and obvious that the new Russian regions are in fact 100% Russian. The fact that I was allowed to enter and exit proves beyond a doubt that the Lugansk People's Republic is part of the Russian Federation and the Russian State. My crossing that administrative boundary was for all intent6s and purposes a life-threatening risk for me as I can not leave Russia but in the end I simply crossed a border from Russia into Russia and the unification of the Lugansk People's Republic and Russia was proven without a doubt. The only difference between the LPR and other Russian Regions is that it remains within the Special Operation Zone so travel into and out of the region is strictly controlled and the security level is the equivalent of that in a war zone due to the continuing hostilities by the USA/NATO regimes. However with Russian forces everywhere I never felt any danger and the areas I was in were still far from the hot spots and the front lines and there was no active fighting going on. All I can say is that the biggest danger was from drone strikes and unlike Crimea in 2014 and Donetsk around the same time, the presence of Russian Forces was tangible everywhere and made me feel safe and secure. When I say everywhere I mean even in the air. I powered down my phone when I left home and left it that way until returning. The fact that I was allowed to openly enter the territory and allowed access to the areas I was in and allowed to visit the troops should be a sign to all of my enemies in the 5th column and those who continue to try to serve America that the time has come for them to start seriously worrying. I have thanked everyone except those at the top who allowed me to carry out my mission and deliver assistance to the troops.Factually and from a GeoPolitcal perspective and legal standpoint in the West I was providing material assistance to Russian Forces which in the USA/NATO is a crime of treason for which I would no likely be shot. For the record I am stating that fact and also stating that I am not and was not under any duress whatsoever and fulfilled my missions and helped Russian Forces because that is what God would want me to do and in the deepest Karmic realities of the universe I did the right thing. I hope the soldiers and fighters who received my little drop of assistance find some strength and joy in what I collected for them and if anything I brought helped to save even one Russian life, then all of my efforts were not in vain. The fact that assisting Russian troops during a time of war against the USA/NATO and their would be colony is considered treason punishable by death is why you will never see the likes of Steven Seagal or the Greenberg kid doing what I did. Again I thank those at the top who allowed me to do what I could do to help the Special Operation. For me it was an honor and a very important event. Perhaps maybe those who gas-lighted me and tried to tell me that what I was doing was just a routine thing they did every day, will now understand why it was so important for me. I want everyone to know, especially the soldiers that I never forget them, that I am grateful to them for their sacrifice and the victory will and must be ours. In all reality my life depends on a Russian Victory, therefore I will do everything within my power to ensure that such a victory take place. God Bless Mother Russia and God Bless those fighting the Empire of Evil. Thanks for reading.
07-20-2024 Day 57 Good vs Pure Evil! The Write Up and the Record My Trip into the Zone of the Special Operation to Help the War Fighters in Their Efforts Спасибо всем который помог. On the 25th of May 2024 I decided to start a humanitarian mission to help the soldiers and fighters in the former Ukraine. I called my contact at the Officers of Russian in Kursk and he put me in touch with an organization they are connected to called Pomagaem Nashim. My efforts to gather humanitarian assistance in the City of Serpukhov lasted 47 days. I think this was quite a respectable feat. In the next few days I will be publishing a record of my work and the delivery and hope that you find it interesting. Thank you.
We Do Not Forgive. We Do Not Forget.
I stopped the TPP! What did you do against the globalist fascist filth?
CIA Policy for Investigative Journalists and Independent Media:
Article 14 of the UDHR grants the right to seek and enjoy asylum from persecution. This right is in addition to the right to leave one's own country (Article 13) and the right to nationality (Article 15) 1995 and New Encrypted Insurance File - Updates to 25 Year Anniversary File Press Release and Open Letter from John Robles II and JAR2
RUSSIA 2020 - Asylum is Not a Popularity Contest
It is the Last Defense Against the CIA and the US Government
Complaint Against the CIA and USA Government
COMPLAINT_AGAINST_THE_CIA_AND_US_GOVERNMENT_3.0_INTERNATIONAL_EDITION.pdf 10-21-2020 Partial Release of Insurance File COMPLAINT_AGAINST_THE_CIA_AND_US_GOVERNMENT Killing_an_Asylee_and_His_Family.html Russian Translation of Cover Letter for Officials Files/Robles/RUSSIAN 23-10-2020.pdf Third Draft Open Access (Non Password Protected Document) International Edition Without Internal Russian Recommendations COMPLAINT_AGAINST_THE_CIA_AND_US_GOVERNMENT 144 Pages of Evidence! E-Mail jar2[@] for the password! INSURANCE_FILE_COMPLAINT_AGAINST_CIA.pdf Court Finding On Ten Years of Inactivity on My Application for Russian Citizenship and Results (Destroying Family for the CIA) Г-жу Егорову сменит в должности председателя Мосгорсуда военный судья Михаил Птицын Ольга Егорова покидает Мосгорсуд
All Insurance Passwords Main (UPDATED 09-09-2023 NEW PASSWORD) 22Y - 1.29 GB / 05-18-2024 All Legal Files Involving: 1.) Citizenship case, 2.) Being forced to pay support for a child with another father who I have not been allowed to see for 9 years, 3. Seizing and freezing everthing I owned, plus 4.) as a bonus, files on the Ukrainian Surikov family who found me in Moscow. 05-01-2024 Snowden/Dirgo/Russia Insurance File 2.9GBs 04-11-2024 Insurance File K - 252 Files, 23 Folders 152 MB KREMLIN_LETTERS_to_PRESIDENT_PUTIN 02-12-2024 Insurance File (02112024) F,C,P 22+ - 2 1.94 GB 05-12-2023 Insurance File 6 Years F! - 471 MB Russian Insurance File 9.61 MB Guccifer Global Insurance File 2.7 GB 05-12-2023 Insurance File S! - 816 KB
Time in Russia - Since November 26, 1996