The Killings of WikiLeaks
The Murderous Clinton Crime Empire: A Devastating Expose
WikiLeaks Main Page
WikiLeaks US Election Meddling Goes Back to 2012
The Killings of WikiLeaks: MI6 Tied to Seth Rich, Gareth Williams and Other WikiLeaks' Kills: UK Ambassador-MI6 Asset/Officer Craig Murray Met Seth Rich. There Was No Hacker
These Are the Actual Original Untouched Leaks That Exposed the Fake Democracy
The Arrest of Paul Hawkins
Wikileaks/CIA Malware Discovered and Verified by JAR2/AnonSec and WhiteHats The CIA WikiLeaks Doomsday Virus What killed the computer hacker who turned in Chelsea Manning still a mystery Hacker Adrian Lamo, who turned in Chelsea Manning, dies at 37 Four Alleged Associates of Sinaloa Cartel-Linked Encrypted Phone Company Are On the Run
The Russia Reports: Real Coverage of US Meddling is Russian Elections
Exposing and Outing the CIA/MI6/MOSSAD Shadow Government in Russia
The Technology of Vote Rigging: Installing the POTUS Since 2000
Donald Drumpf: Understanding the US Politcal Machine and the Puppet Masters
The New World Order: How Rothschilds and the Illuminati Plan to Rule the World
Gyorgy Schwartz - George Soros: The Man Who Stole American Democracy
911 the Catalyst for the New World Order
Operation Snow Den: An Obama Ordered Limited Hangout to Hide 911 Cash Flows The Russian Hacker Myth Was Started by Edward Greenberg (Snowden)
The Liquidation of the VOR: How CIA/MI6/MOSSAD Silenced Russia's Loudest Voice
WikiLeaks: A Rothschilds/MOSSAD/FVEY Global Entrapment/Disinformation Op
Pizzagate and the Pedo Files: The WikiLeaks Distractor Op from the DNC Leak
The Meddling by the US into the Sovereign Affairs of the Russian Federation
Exposing Whistleblowers for Israel's President
08.28.2018 WikiLeaks Exposed - Israeli Leaks "911 was a MOSSAD CIA False Flag used to protect the Zionist entity from any future military threat and expand the parasitic hegemony of the US and the illegitimate Tel Aviv regime throughout the world by the Zionist inspired War on Terror." (Buildings 3, 4, 5, and 6?) - A Fearless Black Hats Film WATCH IN EXTERNAL PLAYER OR DOWNLOAD FROM JAR2.COM SOURCE
UPDATE: Absolutely Banned Worldwide:
The Killings and Disappearances Continue 09-12 Dutch police reported that Kamphuis' cellphone was turned on for 20 minutes on August 30th, in the vicinity of Vikeså, around 50 kilometers south of Stavanger. After that, the SIM card was removed and a German SIM card was put into the phone. September 03, 2018 - The killings continue. To my site supporters and investigators, This was sent along to the investigators. Maybe a those of you who are sleuths can help with better identifying the flights and PRWSO…. They seem to have wiped the net As a former WikiLeaks Associate and media partner following the demise of not only myself and my family due to my investigative journalism but also my media outlet (the Voice of Russia World Service) and everyone I knew connected to WikiLeaks, including 68 people who went black on November 16 I have investigated the Assange persona (one Paul Hawkins) and have come to the conclusion that it was a Rothschilds Operation to cover up 911 and spread disinformation to benefit Israel and MOSSAD. WikiLeaks is the biggest LIE after 911 in modern history.
If the Norwegian Police and the Norwegian Security Services do not accept
MOSSAD and CIA renditioning people from Norway then this should all be of
interest to them. I will publish tomorrow.
Killings Historic in Number and Methodology: Michael Hastings a CIA Assassination
JAR2 Meme
The Killings of WikiLeaks - MI6 Tied to Seth Rich, Gareth Williams and Other WikiLeaks' Kills: UK Ambassador-MI6 Asset/Officer Craig Murray Met Seth Rich. There Was No Hacker
February 21, 2018 - Murray continues to ignore me and refuses to comment! January 20, 2018 - As a former WikiLeaks "Associate" who had over 60 contacts in the organization, and saw every single one of those contacts go black, it is very obvious what has happened. However to understand it all one must approach WikiLeaks not for what it pretended to be but for what it was organized and designed for from the very beginning and for what it really was. One must also re-assess the Internet itself with the understanding the World Wide Web was originally implemented as a military communications Network hidden under public infrastructure and secretly organized and implemented to allow the FVEY countries to spy on every person with a computer in the world. I detail the origins of WikiLeaks in my book in greater detail but the short version is that the control freaks and the killers who compromise most of the so-called "Intelligence Community" and the psychotic criminal cabal that is the Rothschilds bankster mafia, who in fact control these said agencies, did not foresee the advent of the citizen reporter and whistleblower, and could in no way allow for anyone not under their control to be informing the public about their operations and crimes. What does this have to do with Seth Rich? Bear with me a moment, as this background information is necessary in helping you to understand and see the conclusions I have reached. The first real leak sites you have probably never heard about. Sites such as; Orlin Grabbe, Anarchadia, Cryptome, JAR2 and then later all of the thousands of 911 Truth sites that suddenly popped up in 2001 and then almost just as quickly all disappeared, could not be allowed to exist! The corrupt mass murderers and criminals in the Military Industrial Intelligence Complex, and later the architects of 911, could not allow for their operations and illegality to be exposed. They are too busy bringing about their Orwellian Luciferian New World Order, and this, to them is bigger than you and I and any little whistleblower or truth seeker. To the architects we are nothing but useless breathers whom they plan to eliminate in their plans for depopulation, and it is these Illuminati New World Order freaks who control FVEY, the Corporation of the United States and all Anglo-Saxon countries (about which you can read my research into the New World Order and any of the dozens of books on this site) and who will do anything to keep their plans secret, including the killing and false imprisonment of anyone they label a threat. So who is the closest to the New World Order Rothschild psychopaths? Who owns the Bank of England and controls the crown? Who has the ability and the power to kill and assassinate anyone in America, and in the world for that matter? The Rothschild World Bank ASTEROIDS assassination teams? MOSSAD? Yes and no. Military Intelligence 6 has that power. No one asks who are Clinton's assassins. No one dares to go there. No one is allowed to live to blow the whistle on the psychos in any significant way and any leak is quickly discredited because they control the media and by creating WikiLeaks they sought to control the leaks as well, but you can only kill so many people before you expose yourself for what you are. The Asteroids, MI6, MOSSAD and CIA. All involved in 911 and bringing about the New World Order! Through the their own arrogance have exposed themselves, perhaps intentionally! The MI6 connection has been clear to me for a long time but now is completely exposed and as clear as the photographs in front of you. Unfortunately for MI6 and himself, by not being 100% honest Craig Murray has also exposed himself as, at minimum an MI6 Asset, and most likely an MI6 Officer (Possibly one Hugh Stephen Murray Elliot). Why do I say this? The inside information I had regarding the DCCC leaks and the Podesta E-Mails, was that they were passed to Mr. Murray by Seth Rich on multiple thumb drives after Murray flew to the US with the sole and expressed purpose of meeting the "source" and met Rich in a park not far from where he was later shot and taken into custody. Murray knows there were no Russian hackers and so does WikiLeaks and the "real" Assange (if he still exists or ever existed at all) and I of course know there were no Russian hackers involved as I was also involved in releasing the same material from the WikiLeaks remote storage location where they were being uploaded and the transferred to the WL servers for publication. So who would have informed the hit team about Rich? Murray? Or WikiLeaks? Or were they working together as I suspect. EVEN THE RUSSIAN MEDIA ZIONIST EDITORS AND MANAGERS ARE IN ON PROMOTING THE LIE AND SILENT ON THE SPOOKS DESTROYING MY LIFE
First the host calls me an American citizen "A lie" then Michael Bohm tries to say the Vienna Conventions realte to Hacking. Finally near the end I say very loudly in English "Michael there was no hacker" What is interesting is that I was not asked back and they could have killed the Russian Hacker claims right then and there by allowing me to go on the air and explain everything I know. They did not do so. Proving the hosts are yet more Zionist/Globalist media toola. A very serious accusation since this is the most important Russian Federal channel, but one that is supported by what you see before your eyes.
DECEMBER 2016 UK Ambassador Craig Murray: “I’ve met the person who leaked
them [Podesta emails], not Russian – it’s an insider”
SEPTEMBER 2016 U.S. Denies Entry to Former British Ambassador Craig Murray