Libya and the CIA/MI6 Assassination of Muammar Gaddafi


Al-Qaeda/IS/ISIL/ISIS/CIA/Mossad/Etc"Humanitarian Intervention" - GRAPHIC

Transcript of Blair - Gaddafi Call Before the Invasion

Transcript of telephone conversation between Tony Blair and Muammar Gaddafi

NEW 7.31.2019 CIA Cover-Up Benghazi Fail: CIA Burns Director After Movie Flops



Killed by the CIA on 10-20-2011


David Shayler Former MI-5 Officer Who Exposed the Gadaffi Assassination Plot

Richard "Rick" Rozoff - Gaddafi Assassination: A Brutal Gratuitous Slaying

22 October 2011, 11:42   Download audio file

Interview with Mr. Rick Rozoff, the manager of the Stop NATO website and mailing list and the contributing writer to

How are you today, Mr. Rozoff?

Rather distressed by the news of this morning or yesterday morning, in your case.

Ok, what is your first impression?

It was a brutal gratuitous slaying of an almost 70-year-old man. You know, killed after being captured. And if, you know, the intent of 216 days of NATO bombing was to kill him in the first place which is you know clearly the case, the multiple bombings of his compound  in Tripoli, you know the one, which killed his son and two grandchildren, you know it is clearly targeting for killing and I suppose NATO can now claim success. It has got what it wanted.

President Barack Obama said that there is going to be pulling out of Libya very soon so in your mind does that mean the objective has been met?

Yes, it has entirely. Regime change, take over the Africa largest oil reserves, the incorporation of Libya which hitherto had been the only Northern African country that was not incorporated into NATO’s so called Mediterranean dialogue is now according to Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen been slated for the military partnership with the North Atlantic Alliance, so in every sense their objective has been accomplished. It certainly nothing that it’s going to benefit the Libyan people.

You don’t see this as being  justice for the oppressed Libyan people? I mean there are people saying that Gaddafi was a terrible guy. He killed thousands so he deserved to die.

You know, there is so much just, what term do I want to use? Low taste, gratuitous, reveling in the murder of this man, who was born 70 years ago in the very city he was murdered in on the 216th day of NATO bombing of his country. He was born under Italian fascists’ occupation and he died under NATO occupation. I think, you know, the parallel there can’t be missed, including the fact that Italy supplied some of the warplanes that have devastated his country, since the middle of March, since March 19th . If he was the monster they’ve portrayed him as being and you know I invite your listeners to go to the NATO website and see some of the crude caricatures they’ve had over the last few days of Gaddafi, and, you know, wall graffiti and so forth, portraying him in a demeaning and belittling way, to further dehumanize him preparatory to murdering him.

Alright, I saw some television coverage of his naked body being thrown around like a piece of meat, I am sorry for the expression.

Yes, after they brought him to Misrata. You know, this sickening, barbaric and worse than barbaric treatment and, you know, it’s a long line of this going on, this is true with Slobodan Milosevic in Yugoslavia, Saddam Hussein in Iraq. You know that a leader of the country that doesn’t cow-tow entirely. And I am not putting all these people in the same basket, it’s not in my capacity. Let’s rephrase that. Any leader whose time has come according to the United States and NATO can expect death. You know, Hussein was hanged, Gaddafi was captured. You know, whereas he was considered to be, he was only nominally so, but he was considered to be the head of the state and even the head of the military. In the bombing of his private residences, in the name of, under the guise of being command and control centers suggests that he was considered by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to be in charge of the Libyan Military so when he was captured on that Thursday, his treatment was governed by the Geneva Conventions, but instead he was shot through the head and murdered. This is the new regime that is being implanted in Libya and for all West’s talk of the rule of Law and humanitarian concerns and so forth this is a graphic image just like the death of Slobodan Milosevic in a veritable dungeon in the Netherlands because he was denied proper medical treatment in Russia and the grotesque hanging of Saddam Hussein. You know, this is the image of a new world order, a world order and all its transparent barbarism.

What do you mean he was denied medical treatment in Russia?

Russia offered to make a deal with the international criminal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia to bring Slobodan Milosevic to Moscow for medical treatment but he was denied that and he died shortly thereafter. Even more foul play but the message is very clear.

Do you see a pattern, I am sorry to interrupt you there. Do you see a pattern here, I am sure you do, between Hussein, Osama Bin Laden and now Gaddafi? I mean, we have countries, for example, Hussein and Gaddafi, they pretty much stopped their weapons’ programs. They cooperated with the CIA, in this case from what I’ve heard, and it’s pretty much a given, Gaddafi was assisting the war on terror fight by the United States by allowing rendition flights to Libya. He stopped his weapons programs. Do you see a pattern here?

Yes, that’s a very clear pattern. That’s the United States and NATO Alliance use somebody whatever purpose they want to and then get rid of them and kill them afterwards. You know, Slobodan Milosevic had political risk to himself inside, you know, at that time the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia but played a role in negotiating  an end to the armed hostilities in Bosnia and in gratitude for which his country was bombed for 78 days in 1999 by the United States and its NATO allies and subsequently he was left to die in prison.

He had a deal with the CIA, I think, it came out, and I think that it’s pretty much a part of the public record that he believed that he was going to be protected.

I don’t know the details about that but at the end of the day what we see there is a lot of corpses and we see corpses of heads of state. You know, we have to recall that again even though he was a titular a nominal head of state, Muammar Gaddafi was the longest reigning leader in the world. He is the one personal link since Fidel Castro, the president of Cuba, retired, he was the last link between the post-World War II, national liberation struggles and the emergence of new nations, and he is also the last link between the cold war era and the post-cold war era that is issued in NATO an International Military strike forth that can topple governments. You know, NATO boasts on its website as of today of flying over 26,000 air missions over a country of 6 million people well over 9,000 of those combat sorties. So this monster has been unleashed over the last 20 years and Libya will not be the last country. That you can be assured of.

What do you think is going to happen next?

I don’t know if Libya is able to be put back together again. The Western powers incited regional and tribal differences in order to topple the former Gaddafi government and believing you can put that Genie back in the bottle along with the commander of the National Transitional Council, who is somebody the United States captured and incarcerated in Guantanamo. Former fighter in Afghanistan and in so called Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, you have Al Qaeda elements, tribal separatists – they’ve created real Pandemonium here and now they claim that they want to stabilize Libya. I don’t see it happening. At the end of the day, the so called no-flight zone and Humanitarian intervention, NATO has transparently waged a  war on the government on behalf of insurgents, period. This was clearly the intent from the beginning and now, you know, it’s successful.



Gaddafi’s Grieving Widow’s Pleas Regarding Remains of her Husband Killed by the CIA and Son are Finally Heard

By John Robles, 21 October, 2013 18:51  

Gaddafi’s grieving widow’s pleas regarding remains and son finally heard

The widow of assassinated Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, Safia Farkash Gaddafi, has made a plea to the world community, finding a place for her voice to be heard on the Voice of Russia. Obviously this is something that may cause certain countries a bit of discomfort, especially as they have become accustomed to doing whatever they please with impunity.

Certain countries have grown entirely too comfortable and over-confident in their own power and their ability to demonize and marginalize anyone they wish and along with their having become accustomed to even assassinating with impunity, it must be quite a bad day indeed when one of their victims finally speaks out.

Seeing the grief and humanity in the face of the widow of Muammar Gaddafi, makes the infamous reaction to the brutal assassination of the late leader by former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton seem that much more monstrous, namely her infamous and ever so gleeful: “We came, we saw, he died!” comment on US media!

Of course the western media is not going to allow someone such as Safia Farkash Gaddafi to speak out, nor are many in the rest of the world, but with it becoming clearer to the world that the Russian Federation and its leader Vladimir Putin are willing to take a hard stance for the rule of law, her reasonable calls for nothing more than a normal investigation and an accounting for the assassination of a head of state are being made on Russian media.

A pivotal moment in history occurred not long ago, which in my opinion has made the world, once again, a multi-polar place where one state is no longer going to dominate, dictate and get away with everything possible under the sun.

That moment occurred recently when Saudi Arabia, with the full backing of the United States, first attempted to bribe Russian President Vladimir Putin, then threatened the world leader and Russia with terrorists acts during the upcoming Olympics in Sochi.

In that single moment, when Russian President Vladimir Putin, said “NYET” [No] to Saudi Prince Bandar, the world became multi-polar again and it was made clear that the illegality of the “War on Terror Paradigm” is in its last days.

That event and the ensuing prevention of military aggression by the US against Syria, aggression which admittedly had one repeated goal “to forcibly remove President Bashar Al-Assad”, in other words to assassinate him, like Muammar Gaddafi and former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein were, (as well as Yasser Arafat who not long ago was discovered to have been poisoned by Polonium), has shown the world that there is a leader and a country willing to stand up for the rule of law and more importantly to US aggression.

The Voice of Russia received a letter from Muammar Gaddafi's widow Safia Farkash, which the VOR calls “a proclamation addressed to the entire world” and has been receiving other material from Libyan sources attempting to get the truth to the world. Something that of course has caused blowback for the VOR and staff (which may not be entirely relevant to this matter but it is something I think the staff of the VOR deserve to be applauded for).

In her letter to the VOR Mrs. Gaddafi writes: “In the memory of NATO's aggression against my country, which turned Libya into chaos, and in the memory of my husband, whom I consider to be a martyr, my dear son and the people who were with them on October 20, 2011, when NATO air forces shelled the cortege of Libya's leader, and then, their wounded bodies were butchered by a crowd of people whom I can call no other way than criminals.

Some might say she is being restrained in her wording, I could think of much stronger words to describe the butchers, but that is to her credit.

Mrs. Gaddafi: “What this crowd did to my husband and my son cannot be justified from the point of view of any religion. But I also consider it to be a no lesser crime that the remains of these martyrs are still being hid from their relatives, which is something unprecedented in the entire history.”

Her statement regarding the remains of her beloved husband and son are true and they must not be hidden, they deserve a proper burial, as any human does, (here we can recall how mass murders and maniacs in the United States are regularly offered normal burials as are nazi war criminals), yet it should be underlined that this is not an exception.

Mrs. Gaddafi: “I demand that all the members of the UN Security Council, the European Union and everyone who has direct or indirect connection with this murder must tell where the remains of these martyrs are and allow their relatives to bury them in a proper way. I also demand that the African Union, of which Muammar Gaddafi was a founder, should investigate into the murder of him and all the people who were with him on that day.”

“I demand that the world community should help me to come in touch with my son Saif al-Islam, who has been isolated from all members of our family from the moment of his arrest. Saif's only “crime” is that he has warned that this revolution can only lead Libya to a chaos – which is something that we are witnessing now.”

Her statement addressed to specific world bodies points to knowledge as to who was behind the invasion of her country and the assassination of her family and her pleas to know where her son are normal requests that any grieving mother would make, regardless of race or nation.

Hopefully the UN and the European Union will show that they understand humanity, despite the efforts of one state to demonize and marginalize anyone who they do not particularly care for.

Mrs. Gaddafi: “Saif al-Islam has always been concerned about the situation with human rights in Libya. He has taken many former radical Islamists from American and European prisons and persuaded them to become law-abiding citizens. Many of them have promised him that they would never come back to terrorist activities. But now, some of the people whom Saif has saved from prison are demanding that he should be executed.”

This statement forces one to recall the way that Gaddafi and his sons were demonized, then befriended, then demonized again by the West at their convenience, and it is a sad statement indeed.

We recall how Saif met with Hillary Clinton and Gaddafi met with Tony Blair and they were openly considered friends not long ago but when the oil trade was to be changed to another currency they became enemies again and their country was decimated.

Mrs. Gaddafi: “Two years after the barbarous murder of my husband, my son and their associates, I am demanding that my voice – the voice of an exiled widow of a country's leader and a mother – must be heard.”

She has every right to be heard and with President Putin and the Russian Federation more energetically and unyieldingly defending sovereignty and the rule of law for the world community, we may be hearing more from the weak, demonized and oppressed.

With recent revelations that Yasser Arafat was poisoned by Polonium and the strange cancer epidemic which struck South American leaders and took Hugo Chavez from humanity, the voices may become a roar calling for a certain state to be held to account.

Attack on Russian Embassy in Libya: “intervention” the reason - Source


ORIGINAL PUBLISHED ARTICLE ON THE VOICE OF RUSSIA DELETED BY SPUTNIK: Attack on Russian Embassy in Libya: “intervention” the reason - Source

Russian Embassy in Tripoli

The situation in Libya after the United States and NATO "intervention" has been extremely unstable and continues to spiral into a condition that can only be described as anarchy. With the recent attacks on the Russian Embassy, the rendition of a Libyan citizen by the United States and the reported kidnapping of the country’s Prime Minister, the instability and violence appears to be growing. The Voice of Russia spoke to an anonymous source in the Libyan Defense Ministry to try to understand the reality of the situation on the ground after the Western military operation and the assassination of Muammar Gaddafi. This is the first part of a full text of a longer interview on the latest developments in Libya.

19 October 2013, 20:56

Libya: attack on Russian embassy ordered by Zeidan: PM's kidnapping a fake - official



Libya: attack on Russian embassy ordered by Zeidan associates, PM's kidnapping a fake - official

ливия война ливия повстанцы ливия флаг

According to a high official in the Libyan Defense Ministry the recent attack on the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Tripoli, Libya was ordered by Mahmood Djebril, who along with the Qaqaa Brigade which he commands, has close ties to Prime Minister Ali Zeidan. The official wishes to remain anonymous due to concerns for his own safety. To honor his request, the Voice of Russia had his voice digitally altered.

17 October 2013, 16:14

“Values”: US violates sovereignty of Libya and Somalia



сша солдат сша армия военный военнослужащий американский солдат

Calling it a “foreign policy victory” and a “powerful flex of military muscle” the New York Times reported on twin military incursions on Saturday in Africa by the United States, one to assassinate a reported senior Al-Shabab leader whom officials refuse to name, in Somalia and another to kidnap a reported Al-Qaeda leader in Libya named Nazih Abdul-Hamed al-Ruqai.

7 October 2013, 04:43


The so called “raid” by Navy Seals in Somalia, if you can call a military incursion and assassination attempt on the sovereign territory of another country that, was apparently in response to the massacre by Al-Shabab at the Westgate Shopping Center in Nairobi two weeks ago.

According to reports the Navy Seal Team Six members attacked the home of the reported leader shortly before dawn in an attack where they snuck up on the seaside home from the Indian Ocean and immediately engaged the “militants”, killing several. The majority of US reports say the Navy Seal team had to disengage before they could confirm that their target was killed, pointing to the fact that they were outgunned and/or outnumbered and were forced to retreat without fulfilling their mission, something the American media is not mentioning as neither are officials who praise the Seal team.

Navy Seal Team Six was the group that supposedly executed Osama Bin Laden and were so outnumbered that they had to call in air support, which did nothing to save them.

American officials and the US media are promoting the fact that these two “operations” were against Al-Qaeda and how the United States will do whatever they want or can in ensuring their interests are protected, however it is not clear what their “interests” are in Somalia, Nairobi or Libya. Also it not mentioned as it should be every time the name Al-Qaeda comes up, the United States created them and that they were working alongside Al-Qaeda in Syria.

While US President Obama, who approved the operations, is facing backlash from Republicans in the United States and being perhaps “cautiously” praised around the world for not launching another illegal attack on a sovereign nation in Syria, some US media outlets are calling the operations a political stunt to gain support at home. No one in the western media however is mentioning that these attacks were military operations carried out in sovereign nations.

Another point that might be made here is that Obama desperately needed to launch operations against supposed Al-Qaeda members as more and more Americans are beginning to learn about how closely intertwined Al-Qaeda and its affiliates actually are with the US Government. In Syria they are being supported, armed, trained and imported to overthrow the government and kill the president and in Libya the same person who they now call a “militant” and a “terrorist”, Nazih Abdul-Hamed al-Ruqai, was actually a Gaddafi opposition poster boy for the West when he was assisting in bring down the government of Libya.

Another point that needs to made in these operations is the now self-declared international mandate of the American Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) which apparently had agents in Libya and Nairobi. Apparently Kenyan authorities asked the FBI for assistance in investigating the Westgate Mall attack, the fact that they could not stop the Boston Bombing or find anyone responsible for 9-11 not being a fact of contention apparently.

One might also wonder how it is the US Government always knows where Al-Qaeda is, until one is aware of the fact that they were originally created and trained by the CIA and they are still working in unison with the US all over Africa.

Sure terrorists should be liquidated wherever they may be, anyone who kills or mains innocent people in pursuit of their own goals should be, as should anyone who invades countries to get resources or destroys governments to protect their economy or supports terrorists or hires them to carry out their own dirty work, but there is the question of sovereignty here.

Libya was a sovereign nation, but it has spiraled down into anarchy after the US and its surrogates murdered its leader like a dog in the street. Since the US intervention and the destruction of the economy and government the oil has flowed, and almost no one in Syria knows to where, or why they continue to live with continuous blackouts and energy shortages, but the oil trade has continued in dollars, as the US wants it and the oil is theirs to control.

Somalia is another issue. Although the US claims there is no “real” government in Somalia, other than an internationally placed UN overseer, according to the US media the Somali authorities were warned of the attack on their territory. Why there were no Somali forces present is another question one might consider.

Another matter one might consider is the fact that the world has been questioning, as of late, the self-imposed-delusion of American Exceptionalism, and that these two “operations” were timed to take place on a Saturday, when they could be spread all over the world as heroic deeds, while most of the world’s official bodies and governments are having the day off.

The Libyan Government has asked Washington for an official explanation as to why a Libyan citizen was kidnapped without their knowledge and even someone as high up as the assistant to the Prime Minister of Libya has stated that, despite US claims to the contrary, no one in the government was aware of an operation to capture or rendition Nazih Abdul-Hamed al-Ruqai out of their country. The US says he is not in Libya and is under US control.

The fact that Washington went into the sovereign state of Libya and renditioned a Libyan citizen without the knowledge of the Libyans themselves leaves many questions to be answered. Especially when the new Libyan Government is almost subservient to the US and the West. Was this an operation to get one of their agents back? Perhaps. Or does the US feel it can rendition anyone from anywhere, extra-judicially execute whoever it wants and then claim it is heroic and brave and righteous and exceptional back home, most likely.

Serbia and Kosovo and the former Yugoslavia are the blueprints for the destruction and then endless controlling of sovereign states and the US’ own undeclared but endless global “War on Terror” allows it to use its military to go after whoever it wants and do whatever it wants, wherever it wants, whenever it wants.

Sure terrorists must all be liquidated or tried and locked up for life, even perhaps if they were once “freedom fighters” as in the case of Nazih Abdul-Hamed al-Ruqai who are no longer needed, but these prosecutions and liquidations must not be carried out by some third country because it unilaterally decides to do so.

So while the US is applauding itself and tapping itself on the back for “protecting their own interests” and “following their own values” they might stop and think that they have once again carried out unilateral acts of war on sovereign nations without an international mandate and even worse without the knowledge of the authorities or the states where they: a) attempted to kill a national of a sovereign nation and b) where they kidnapped a national of a sovereign nation in his own country.

So if violating the sovereignty of nations and the denial of due process for citizens of other countries is a matter of pride for Americans and reason to support their president, which it obviously is, there is little anyone can say to Americans to reign in their leaders.

American officials such as Chuck (War Secretary) Hagel saying we will do whatever we want as long as it is “consistent with our laws and our values”, may play well back home, but the fact is that US “laws and values” are not the world’s “laws and values”. There are still some countries in the world who still jealously hold on to concepts such as rule of law sovereignty and due process.

This is just another attempt by the US to impose its will and superimpose its “values” on the world. Whether the world will protest this latest infringement of international law and violation of the sovereignty of nations is highly unlikely. After all Libya and Somalia are broken and shattered countries with few allies ready to support them against the United States, which of course is how the US likes it. We will no doubt be seeing more of these “flexing of powerful military muscles” in broken and shattered countries all over Africa, as the US needs to keep pleasing its war lovers back home.

George Bush said “… either you are with us or you are against us!”, meaning everyone who is against the US is a terrorist. I am afraid I am against them again on this one, as I am sure many people the world over are. Not that we support terrorists, we just support the rule of law and the sanctity of sovereign nations.

Obama, Morsi and Muslim Brotherhood linked to Benghazi attack

 26 August, 2013 05:48 3 

ливия протест сша консульство пожар бенгази беспорядки посол Кристофер Стивенс

The attack on the CIA base in Benghazi, Libya which killed four American nationals has once again come into the spotlight in many media outlets all over the world, but not because of events that have occurred in Libya but due to the collapse of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the fall of Mohamed Morsi and the ensuing arrest of many of the “Brotherhoods” leaders.

What were initially dismissed as conspiracy theories linking Morsi to the attack on the Benghazi facility have over time, as more and more evidence comes out, begun to not only seem plausible but have almost become accepted as the most likely true scenario of what was going on behind the scenes before and after the attacks.

The revelations may be startling in and of themselves, but the true nature and the seriousness of the events, some are saying, may actually open up the possibility for US President Barack Hussein Obama to go to prison. Of course this is unlikely to happen as we have seen time and time again, when US Presidents commit crimes, even acts of aggressive war and violations of the Geneva Conventions, they are never forced to account for their crimes.

This was brought home by the presidency of George Bush, an administration guilty of everything from war crimes to torture to indefinite detention. And one who many believed orchestrated the cold blooded murder of almost 3,000 Americans on September 11, 2001.

What is different with Benghazi, if everything that the reports are saying is true, is that Obama could possibly be tried for treason because he apparently funded and had a hand in the attack on the CIA installation in Benghazi, and that funding and involvement caused the deaths of American nationals.

According to sources in Libyan intelligence, members of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and other independent sources, Mohamed Morsi the US educated and backed puppet leader, whose children all have American citizenship and who was supported in his rise to power and is now under arrest in Egypt on charges of treason, was up to his neck in secret deals with the United States and may even have made a deal with Obama to kidnap Stevens and exchange him for the “Blind Sheik” Omar Abdel Rahman.

Morsi was the missing link and until recently reports that gunmen at the scene of the attack in Benghazi spoke with Egyptian dialects and that they apparently said “Don’t shoot Dr. Morsi sent us!” seemed far-fetched. However a recently released report on the attack that was produced by Libyan Intelligence after their investigation of the incident connects Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood to the attack.

Journalist Raymond Ibrahim who translated the Libyan Intelligence reportfirst released by the Kuwaiti newspaper, Al Ra’I, states that according to the Libyan Intelligence services the Muslim Brotherhood and former Egyptian President Morsi, were involved in the September 11, 2012 attack.

The findings were based largely on statements and confessions from 6 members of an “Egyptian cell” which was involved in the consulate attack. All of those arrested were Egyptians connected to the jihadist group Ansar al-Sharia (“Supporters of Islamic Law).

A further problem for the United States was that they were apparently paying an Al-Qaeda linked group called the “February 17 Martyrs Brigade” for security of the four-building compound to provide security at the consulate, and Mr. Stevens who was a long-time CIA operative was instrumental in providing Al-Qaeda linked groups with advanced weapons including stinger missiles.

Another report in the Voice of Russia cites a Turkish News Agency report and states that: "In an interview with the Anatolia News Agency, Saad Al-Shater, the son of a Muslim Brotherhood leader, the detained Khairat Al-Shater, said that his father had in his hands evidence that will land the head of United States of America, President Obama, in prison.”

“Such documents, he says, were placed in the hands of people who were entrusted inside and outside Egypt, and that the release of his father is the only way for them to prevent a great catastrophe.”

The Voice of Russia also reported that Tahani al-Gebali, Vice President of the Supreme Constitutional Court in Egypt, said “… the time was nearing when all the conspiracies against Egypt would be exposed—conspiracies explaining why the Obama administration is so vehemently supportive of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Longtime support by the United States and the West for the Muslim Brotherhood and even the CIA’s hand in the creation of Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan are not news but matters of historical fact, but for many Americans they are facts that they are not aware of. So the death of four Americans due to involvement with Al-Qaeda and extremist Islamic elements seems shocking and may be in fact the straw that breaks the camel’s back when it comes to the illegality of the US' policies and activities in destabilizing and invading foreign countries, particularly in the Middle East.

These facts are even more topical and alarming as the United States continues to beat the drums of war and prepare for an invasion of Syria. Another example of an aggressive invasion of a country in the Middle East that the United States has destabilized using Al-Qaeda affiliated groups as well as every kind of mercenary and terrorist they could find.

There have been reports that the US may have even provided and organized chemical weapons and attacks to serve as the pretext it needs to carry out its aggression, install a puppet government and gain control of the resources.

Will Obama go to prison for treason as Morsi has? Not likely. Those with absolute power almost never have to account for their crimes. Especially in the United States of America.

Power Corrupts Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely: Benghazi Attack by CIA

25 October 2012, 22:32  

Playing politics with the deaths of their personnel, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have proven: power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Newly uncovered e-mails show that Clinton and Obama knew within hours that the Benghazi attack was carried out by al-Qaeda linked terrorists. The same terrorists they contracted to destroy Libya and assassinate the late Muammar Gaddafi.

You have to hand it to United States Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, you could get whiplash watching her flip-flop back and forth, her statements and positioning on the Benghazi attack changing and dodging back and forth like some Wimbledon tennis match on amphetamines with the fast-forward locked on hyper-speed.

Not long ago I wrote about the Clintons and their hiring of legal team in the event that she was blamed for the security failures that allowed the Benghazi attack to take place. Clinton took the fall the next day, in a political move to protect Obama’s re-election bid. I also went into the fact that the attack was actually aimed at CIA base Benghazi and not on Stevens. Clinton has not gone into this. Now it is revealed that Clinton and the Obama Administration knew it was a terrorist attack almost immediately, and said nothing.

Another political move? This latest revelation begs a lot of questions, among them: are Clinton’s political ambitions and her dream of being the first woman president of the United States in 2016 getting in the way of her performing her job as Secretary of State? Is she incompetent? Or is she just following the Clinton tradition of flipping and flopping as the wind changes?

Whatever the case for the Clinton obfuscation, the release of the e-mails is damning to put it mildly. Yet Clinton continues to side-step, dodge and obfuscate. She warns us to take the e-mails cautiously, and downplays their significance even saying that the news that it was a terrorist attack came from social networks and that is not evidence.

The e-mails in question started to come in within 20 minutes of the attack, and according to Reuters were obtained by them from government sources. Reuters reports that the first email, was sent at 16:05 Washington time, 20-30 minutes after the attack began with the subject line being “U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi Under Attack”. The text read: “…. approximately 20 armed people fired shots; explosions have been heard as well. Ambassador Stevens, who is currently in Benghazi, and four (redacted) personnel are in the compound safe haven. The 17th of February militia is providing security support.”

The second e-mail was sent at 16:54 Washington time with the subject being: “Update 1: U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi” and text reporting that : “… the firing at the U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi had stopped and the compound had been cleared. … a ‘response team’ was at the site attempting to locate missing personnel.”

A third email sent at 18:07 carried the subject line: “Update 2: Ansar al-Sharia Claims Responsibility for Benghazi Attack.”The message reported: “Embassy Tripoli reports the group claimed responsibility on Facebook and Twitter and has called for an attack on Embassy Tripoli.”

Why then did the White House and Clinton continue to place the blame on the video “The Innocence of Muslims” for days after the attack? Well for one the terrorists groups most likely connected with the attack, al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and Ansar al-Sharia, and other groups were working with the CIA and the US Government in Libya in the operation to overthrow Muammar Kaddafi. For a Secretary of State who is blinded by her own political ambitions this connection would not be something she would want to come out.

In fact as was made clear by the actions of the Clinton’s in gathering a legal team, they are terrified of the American public seeing any failure in Libya. Clinton and her glib: “We came! We saw! He died!” comments on the brutal and unjust assassination of Kaddafi, from the start, showed the true beast beneath her aging and waning exterior. That and her self-congratulatory stance on the decimation of yet another country by the US proves her godless inhumanity and the fact that she will do anything, including murdering thousands, if not millions, to attain her political ambitions.

This time the checks and balances come from the Republican side, Democrats being cowed into submission to protect the party’s president and Clinton. According to ABC News Republican Senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Kelly Ayotte wrote a letter questioning Obama why his administration "consistently described the attack for days afterward as a spontaneous response to an anti-Islam video. These emails make clear that your administration knew within two hours of the attack that it was a terrorist act and that Ansar al-Sharia, a Libyan militant group with links to al Qaeda, had claimed responsibility for it… This latest revelation only adds to the confusion surrounding what you and your administration knew about the attacks in Benghazi, when you knew it, and why you responded to those tragic events in the ways that you did."

Clinton and Obama may tell a lie or two to the American people every day, they are politicians; they are concerned for their political futures. It is a shame that they would play politics with the deaths of their own personnel and continue to attempt to paint their complete utter and total failure in Libya as some sort of victory.

Unless killing Muammar Gaddafi at any cost was the goal to begin with? The aggressive invasion and assassination of the head of state of the sovereign country of Libya was a crime against humanity. Of course they are going to lie.

Benghazi Attack on Largest CIA Regional Operation

14 October 2012, 14:30  

Benghazi attack on largest CIA regional operation, Steven’s death collateral

While the US continues to debate and determine whom to blame and what “failures” led to the attack on the US Embassy compound and CIA safe house in Benghazi, nowhere is anyone considering the fact the event was the result of US meddling into the affairs of foreign states or the fact it was the US who is responsible for the death of Libya’s former leader.

The intelligence and security failure at the United States Embassy Compound in Benghazi Libya is being spun in so many different ways by the US press and politicians all with an agenda of their own to promote, and even with the deaths of 4 people involved, they are still refusing to look at the real root causes which led to the disaster.

Once again the US Government has obfuscated, passed the buck and continued to propagate versions of the event that are contradictory and have little basis in fact, something obvious as their statements are continuously revealed to be false, and that is just from what has been put out there in the media.

What really happened in Benghazi was the result of long running US meddling in the affairs of sovereign nations and in particular in the Muslim world. An area they have shown time and time they have no clear understanding about and even less respect for. The attack in Benghazi was an attack on one of the CIA’s largest operations in the region. This is clear from the fact that Steven’s death was a secondary event in the attack on the compound. They attackers were after what was in the compound, not Stevens.

This was also underlined by the fact that over half of the US personnel evacuated from Benghazi were CIA, the sheer number of them surprising even to Libyan officials and the fact that a CIA safe house was also attacked at the same time.

The most conclusive evidence we have as to the nature of the attack was what was taken from the embassy compound. The UK’s Independent reported that: “… missing papers from the consulate are said to list names of Libyans who are working with Americans… while some of the other documents are said to relate to oil contracts.” The same article states that the US knew 48 hours before the attack that American missions could be attacked but failed to do anything about it.

We have heard so many versions starting with the assessment that the incident in Benghazi was not a pre-planned organized attack by Hillary Clinton and her State Department, then “To this day, we do not have a complete picture.” and even statements that it may have been an inside job by rogue CIA Libyan agents and CIA paid Al-Qaeda terrorists, and everything in between, that it is clear they have no idea what happened and underlines their complete disconnect with the countries they are involved with.

The US media and the US government have completely missed the entire point and in their self-serving myopia and have failed to honor their dead with the truth and look at the real cause behind the Benghazi incident. Not the situational and technical causes but the real root cause.

Russia’s Communist leader Gennady Zyuganov may have been brutally honest in the wording of his assessment of the incident and was taken out of context but he was right in painting the event as something other than the US being an “innocent” victim. Something the West loves to do when the deaths of US citizens are involved in any event.

Sure the act was abhorrent, abysmal and in no way should be excused, but why is it that the world should be outraged every time something happens to Americans and every time they die at the hands of terrorists or insurgents or the people they themselves are trying to kill?

Why is it that Americans can invade countries at will, engaging in illegal aggressive wars, and the world has no recourse? And the people who fight to protect their homelands are treated as terrorists and criminals and allowed to be taken to Guantanamo and tortured when the invaders who are killing their families and friends and loved ones and stealing their resources and destroying their homes and cities are allowed to walk around with impunity and kill and desecrate and murder and bomb endlessly at will?

If we are to believe the official US version of 9-11, that some “primitive Muslim terrorists”, and I say that because they are portrayed that way by Americans not because I believe that, then we are to believe that these Al-Qaeda operatives, from some cave in Afghanistan or wherever, planned the most precise controlled demolition in the history of mankind and took the lives of just under 3,000 Americans. Then this was also blowback for meddling in the Muslim world.

Regardless of who planned the 9-11 attacks who benefitted is clear however as the event allowed the US to begin its endless resource war against “terror”, but the world has grown up, and the holes in the official story are now part of dinner table conversation the world over.

The US has been meddling in Muslim countries for decades, and while the US is holding hearings and passing the blame back and forth to everyone and everything under the sun, no one is even thinking that perhaps the blame lies with the US itself and with American arrogance and naivety.

The Clinton’s are concerned, as they know it is Hillary’s aggressive in-your-face-do-what-we-say-or-die stance that contributed to the attack, even going so far as to organize a legal team in case she is blamed, according to the Daily Caller citing author Ed Klein: “… former President Bill Clinton is moving fast to develop a contingency plan for how his wife, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, should react if Obama attempts to tie the Benghazi fiasco around her neck.”

The US really believes that they can go anywhere in the world and bring about regime change wherever they want, extra-judicially execute whoever they want, eliminate leaders like dogs in the street, torture anyone in the name of their own “security”, kidnap and disappear anyone at will, bomb whatever country dares to show independence, invade and confiscate the resources of any country they desire, control and punish any country in the world into submission and dictate to absolutely everyone what they can and can’t do. Sadly for the imperial power this is increasingly not the case.

Americans believe the world welcomes them and wants to be like them and travel to America and live in the land of milk and honey and breathe free, something totally untrue yet self gratifying as they sit in the fumes of their degenerate, ignorant, polluted and segregated police state.

That meddling for decades in the Muslim world, engaging in an undeclared endless war against Muslims, extra-judicially executing Muslim leaders and invading Muslim countries never crosses the minds of Americans as a reason for anti-American incidents shows a complete lack of understanding of the people of the world and how the world really works and a complete unbelievable pompous self-righteous arrogance.

Why is it that, in the eyes of Americans and their “allies”, the father of a little Muslim kid in Afghanistan is worth less than an American soldier? Why is it that when Gaddafi was killed like a dog in the street and Hillary Clinton said “We came, we saw, he died” the world was supposed to accept that, yet when Stevens was drug along the street like a dog, we are supposed to go mad with grief and pity and outrage?

Sure Stevens knew there was a security problem, he was working “in country” he had dealings with Al-Qaeda and the mercenaries and insurgents who helped the US to take control of Libya, and assassinate Muamar Gadaffi but no one wanted to listen. Those responsible are not programmed to listen to such news, they honestly believe that Americans are welcomed wherever they go as the bringers of democracy and freedom and anything that does not fit that misconception can not be.

If the US were truly loved as liberators and the bringers of democracy, as they would like the world to believe, some politicians even painting the picture of the Benghazi incident as a sign of success, then in reality they would not need armed guards and security at all.

Sure Benghazi was an intelligence failure but the failure was not with the “Intelligence Community” but with the simple intelligence to understand that if you kill and attack and humiliate a people long enough they are going to hit back.

True success in the world is when you do not have to use force and weapons to fulfill your goals and make yourself respected and loved and when you are able to walk the streets without guards and truly be called a friend.

Benghazi: Putin, Romney Out of Touch, NATO Gears Up for Next Aggressive War

13 September 2012, 21:41  

The details about the events leading up to and surrounding the killing of the US Ambassador in Benghazi continue to come in as the world’s press tries to make sense of it all. Details are coming in that the film, which is reported to have sparked the violence, may have been a carefully planned hoax. As we cannot support the desecration of the Orthodox Faith neither can we support the desecration of the Muslim Faith, but above all we cannot support the killing of innocent individuals.

Speaking to reporters in Sochi Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke out against the killing of the US Ambassador in Benghazi Libya: “We condemn this crime and offer our condolences to the victims' families. The safety of diplomats is protected by international conventions and if someone fails to recognize this, it means that they put themselves outside the framework of the law and outside the framework of modern civilization" President Putin said.

He also said that: "The religious feelings of people of all beliefs must be ‘handled very carefully’ and government reactions to religious provocation must be ‘tough and timely,’ otherwise the people who feel offended will take matters into their own hands to defend their interests and views.”

According to RIA-Novosti President Putin also used the opportunity to reiterate his argument that the West should not support popular uprisings against dictatorships in the Middle East because this could have unpredictable and hazardous consequences.

“We do not support any armed groups that attempt to resolve internal political problems by violent means.” Putin said. He added: “We do not understand these people’s final goals, and we are always worried about the possibility that if we support these armed groups, we could ultimately find ourselves in a deadlock situation. We fear that the region could fall into chaos and that is exactly what’s happening.”

Details about the film that led up to the events in Benghazi are becoming murkier and murkier. With investigative journalists all over the world discovering new details by the hour, the entire event looks like it may have all been secretly planned and orchestrated from beginning to end.

The first reports about what set off the events were of a two-hour film called "Innocence of Muslims" which was produced directed and written by one Sam Bacile, reportedly a California real estate developer and an Israeli Jew. Now things have changed, starting with the identity of the maker of the film, there are reports that nobody with such a name really exists, and there are reports from various sources that say he is not even Jewish and the whole Jewish angle was a provocation. Apparently what we do know is that the individual using the name Sam Bacile is an Egyptian, who speaks Arabic and English.

According to Yigal Palmor an official spokesman for the Israeli Foreign Ministry, speaking to the New York Times: "Nobody knows who he is, he is totally unknown in filmmaking circles in Israel, and anything he did: he is not doing it for Israel, or with Israel, or through Israel in any way." He also called the film’s maker "a complete loose cannon and an unspeakable idiot."

According to the Guardian many of the actors in the so-called “film” were tricked and lied to into thinking they were filming a simple desert saga and that much of the dialogue was dubbed in later. There is also doubt that a two hour film actually does exist and speculation that the entire work consists of only the trailer that has been posted on the internet. It appears that the whole thing may have been a hoax.

Hoax or not the results are real and blood has been shed and the Muslim world has once again been thrown into even more upheaval as if it really needed anymore.

The United States, which never charged anyone with carrying out 9-11, has reported that they already know that al-Qaeda was behind the attack. This is disturbing because the United States is reportedly using and supporting al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria and many other locations as they did in Libya when the US back-insurgents killed Muammar Gaddafi.

Apparently those who killed Ambassador Stevens knew of a US safe-house and attacked that as well, suggesting inside information which may have had to do with Steven’s reported task of liaising with insurgents, terrorist groups and al-Qaeda operatives during the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi. We should recall that Benghazi was the “base of operations” if you will in the invasion and overthrow of Libya. A fact which may have led to the US’ false sense of security in the city.

US Secretary of State Clinton was disbelieving saying she asked herself "how could this happen in a country we helped liberate and in a city we helped to save from destruction." A far cry from her now infamous “We came, we saw, he died!” comment on US television regarding the death of Muammar Gaddafi.

One of the groups being blamed, Ansar al Sharia – meaning Supporters of Islamic Law - which reportedly has ties to al-Qaeda, denies responsibility in the attack. Another group, known as Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb is also suspected in the attack.

The fact that Ambassador Stevens died of smoke inhalation, and was not shot, executed or decapitated suggests that the death may have been accidental but nevertheless this has had no influence on the US response.

The world wide reaction to the killing of Stevens is mixed and surprising for many. The solidarity with the US that was evident after 9-11 is long gone. Many blogs, social networking sites and websites are seeing an increase in the number of people who are against US policy and see this as a justified response to the brutal murder of Gaddafi and the continuing wars and meddling by the US in the Muslim world.

Many in Libya and Egypt are extremely displeased with the “democracy” they were promised after the fall of their leaders, as are many in the Arab Spring countries, where Islamic Fundamentalism is beginning to take a stronger hold over society as living and societal conditions continue to worsen.

The rioting and protests in Egypt over the film have died down but are continuing and there are fears that the anger and the outcry will spread throughout the Muslim World.

Official Washington has attempted to distance itself from the “film” which triggered the event and even with “Pastor” Terry Jones and his anti-Islamic hate speech, reaching the point that even General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, called Jones and asked him to withdraw his support for the film. Jones and his provocative Quran burning stunts have already been responsible for scores of deaths and riots, including the deaths of US servicemen in Afghanistan.

Official Moscow and the Russian Foreign Ministry support the fight against any kind of terrorism and have stated that this is a sign that the US and Moscow need to work closer in the fight against terrorism. Russia in no stranger to terrorism and the FSB and Russian Security Services have been extremely effective in preventing and thwarting hundreds of terrorist attacks by many of the same groups the US is fighting against.

According to NATO expert Rick Rozoff the “Alliance” is deploying two Aegis class destroyers off the coast of Libya as well as having already dispatched Marines to Benghazi and elsewhere in the nation. This includes the guided missile warship USS Laboon and the USS McFaul both equipped with Tomahawk cruise missiles.

He wrote on his Stop NATO site that eight American Marines were flown into Benghazi by helicopter the day after the attack on the U.S. mission, with two of them being killed and two wounded in a fierce mortar attack on the building. Rozoff also wrote that the U.S. has deployed 50 members of the elite U.S. Marine Corps Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team to Libya.

Mr. Rozoff also wrote that: “… with NATO's military operations from the Balkans to Afghanistan and the Horn of Africa, one armed conflict inevitable gives way to another and the Western military bloc continues to execute plans to expand into a global military strike force.”

American politicians have for the most part been neutral towards the current administration and have refrained from placing blame or pointing the finger, most that is except Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney, who attempted to misconstrue statements made by the US Embassy in Cairo and gain political mileage from the event.

The statement in Cairo was released before the events and read read: "The embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions."

Romney decided to take the statement out of context and say that the entire Obama Administration and the US Government were attempting to appease the terrorists and sympathize with them, recall the statement was released before the attacks in both Egypt and Benghazi.

Romney’s Tuesday night statement read: “I'm outraged by the attacks on American diplomatic missions in Libya and Egypt and by the death of an American consulate worker in Benghazi. It's disgraceful that the Obama administration's first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks.”

Many Republicans distanced themselves from the statement as it was an outright lie.

The Guardian quoted “a very senior Republican foreign policy hand" as saying “They were just trying to score a cheap news cycle hit based on the embassy statement and now it's just completely blown up, the statement was an ‘utter disaster’".

US Ambassador Killed in Libya. Pastor Terry Jones to Blame?

12 September 2012, 20:30  

A US film ridiculing the Prophet Mohammed has caused extreme backlash all over the Muslim world including the killing of the US Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. The largest attack has occurred in Egypt but the backlash from the film is still ongoing. Official Washington does not support the message in film and has closed its missions in Libya.

On Tuesday night the US Embassy in Benghazi Libya was attacked by angry Islamists apparently set off by a film aired in America which ridiculed the Islamic Prophet Mohammed.

According to reports during the attack an embassy employee was killed and Stevens was killed along with three other Americans when the vehicle he was riding in was attacked as it neared the embassy compound.

The attack on the embassy came shortly after an attack on the US Embassy in Cairo, where demonstrators tore down an American flag in protesting a two-hour film called "Innocence of Muslims" which was produced directed and written by one Sam Bacile, reportedly a California real estate developer and an Israeli Jew.

According to reports the film apparently, openly and with ridicule, depicts the Prophet Mohammed as a false prophet and a paedophile and shows him having sex and ordering massacres. According to media reports Mr. Bacile is unapologetic, blaming the deaths at the embassy on lax security and stating that “Islam is a cancer, period”!

The film is being promoted by Quran burning “pastor” Terry Jones and one Morris Sadek who is promoting the film on US television stations. Terry Jones, as we may recall is still actively preaching religious intolerance and inciting hatred and already has the blood of Americans and others on his hands after causing massive riots all over the Muslim world with his Quran burning stunts.

Officially the US states that they are against these kinds of provocations and that they support all religions, yet nothing has been done to these individuals who are causing real blood to be shed all over the world. Even with the bloodshed and backlash on US soldiers and US personnel overseas for some reason the US Government has not seen fit to stop these individuals from inciting religious hatred.

Many in the Muslim world and people in general see this inaction by the US Government as a sign that Official Washington supports the position of extremist anti-Muslim fanatics.

The light sentences and seemingly condoning attitude that has been taken to US and NATO Forces who repeatedly desecrate and have committed war crimes against Muslims does not help the US image in the Muslim world as well.

Another area which is causing backlash against the US is the failure of the Arab Spring and the US “missions” in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The world is tired of the drone attacks, the killing of thousands of civilians, the assassinations, the torture and the military expansion of the US.

Our condolences go out to the families of those killed in the attacks on the embassy in Benghazi, but this is yet another sign that the US needs to change its policies.

In Libya the double standards and the lack of planning by the US are more to blame than the insurgents who supported the US in their war to kill Gaddafi and who then turned their weapons on those who brought them to power.

Under Gaddafi in Libya and Mubarak in Egypt, such attacks on US Embassies would never have happened. The US’ lack of foresight and advance planning in unleashing the Arab Spring and effecting regime changes all over the region is going to have a continuing and growing backlash and instead of subjugating the people and controlling the countries in question, as the US has seen in Afghanistan, the opposite will be the case.

Again we have to condemn the violence of those who see violence as the only way to fight back, and we regret the death of yet the continued meddling by the US in countries all over the world is going to continue to cause backlash and will continue to escalate.

As many experts agree, including US based expert Alon Ben Meir, the failure of the Arab Spring was that the US mistakenly thought they could bring about “democracy” overnight in countries where the people had no idea what it means.

As the peoples of the Arab Spring countries and Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya begin to see their lives become worse, their countries continue to fall apart and the “promise” of democracy to have been a lie, they will turn to the Islamists, and if provocations continue against Muslims, the attacks will grow worse.

Maybe it is time the US thought about peace and stopped trying to dictate to the world what it should do, who it should befriend, what religion to believe in and how to run their countries?

DISCLAIMER FOR VOR COWARDS: The Voice of Russia regrets the killing in Benghazi of US Ambassador Chris Stevens and does not condone such violence.


10-22-2011 CIA COS Chris Stevens alias Andrew Malone Takes a Trophy Picture

09-11-2012 CIA Officer COS Chris Stevens Becomes a Trophy Picture


Last Update: 09/20/2024 02:38 +0300



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