Racism Worldwide: Hegelian Dialectics, Fascist Internationale, Zionism, Nazism
Daily Stormer is Gone for Now, Charlottesville, Virginia Three Dead
James Alex Fields So Far Facing 9 Felony Charges Including Murder of Heather Heyer
James Fields Uses Car as Weapon at Nazi Rally Organized and Promoted by Daily Stormer (CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va.) — The driver charged with killing a woman at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville was previously accused of beating his mother and threatening her with a knife, according to police records released Monday. Authorities say 20-year-old James Alex Fields Jr. rammed his car into a crowd of counter-protesters on Saturday in Charlottesville, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer. The records from the Florence Police Department in Kentucky show the man's mother had called police in 2011. Fields' mother, Samantha Bloom, told police he stood behind her wielding a 12-inch knife. Bloom is disabled and uses a wheelchair. In another incident in 2010, Bloom said that Fields smacked her in the head and locked her in the bathroom after she told him to stop playing video games. Bloom told officers Fields was on medication to control his temper. http://time.com/4899404/charlottesville-attacker-james-alex-fields-jr-bail/ https://anaannblog.wordpress.com/2015/10/23/a-theory-why-andrew-anglin-stays-out-of-the-u-s/ http://domainnamewire.com/2017/08/14/google-ends-dailystormer-com-domain-name/ IRREGULARITIES taken from 4Chan thread no deleted
>car rams into vehicle and several people >Cville Witness Brennan Gilmore is a CIA Operative >FOR JAR2 a key smoking gun is the absence of any arrest videos and the stand down order given to police before the attack http://thefreethoughtproject.com/confirmed-police-told-stand-charlottesville/ Videos
Domain Info https://www.reg.ru/whois/?check=&dname=DAILYSTORMER.COM&_csrf=2061fdc119853be6da724ad38d8eac82 https://www.whois.com/whois/dailystormer.com https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=DAILYSTORMER.COM
Mein Kampf Normalization a Step Towards Genocide January 13, 2016 The republication and acceptance by the tolerant European community of Mein Kampf is an extremely dangerous development that will lead to untold misery and millions of deaths. The re-release of this work of pure evil must be fought and should be causing an incredible uproar around the world just as the "heroization" of nazi scum Stepan Bandera should have caused an uproar in Ukraine. I call out to all of the Slavic and other people's of the world and Europe which Mein Kampf classified as subhuman to stand up and fight the normalization of this publication. The fact that Zionist Jews are controlling the world's media and are in collusion with the same nazi elements in Ukraine that wish to take over Europe and are behind the re-publication of Mein Kampf is something that is being ignored as it goes against normal people's accepted thinking, however normal intelligent peace-loving Jews are also almost unheard from which is alarming. There is no longer freedom of speech as the US/CIA/NATO/Mossad/Saudi have achieved dominance in the global media. Be warned again my fellow members of the Russian World and all intelligent peace-loving people worldwide, your silence will lead to genocide and in the end the destruction of the Russian World and all that we love and have fought for. We are at war and the target is us.
Odessa: Nazi Junta Massacred Protestors (108-140 Dead) U.S. BACKED NAZIS KILL CIVILIANS IN ODESSA
White Supremacist Terrorist Breivik Murdered 77 People http://www.jar2.com/Topics/Breivik.html
US/Nazi Collaboration: Ukraine and Worldwide Prof Barry Lituchy
The US government, NATO, European Union countries and their pliant media are all suppressing the truth about what is really occurring in Ukraine, just like in Yugoslavia. And they are supporting and using Nazi groups to fulfill geopolitical objectives, something that they have continued to do since the end of the Great Patriotic War (World War II). It would be understandable if Jews worldwide raised the alarm and took up arms, metaphorically speaking, against the US. However, they are not being informed and the truth is being suppressed. We spoke to Professor Barry Lituchy, the editor and co-author of the book “Jasenovac and the Holocaust in Yugoslavia”. He is also a member of the US-Jewish community and has roots in Ukraine. He spoke about the US support and the continuation of US collusion with Nazis and fascists worldwide.
Robles: I’d really like to hear your views on the current situation here in Europe and in Ukraine in particular with the holocaust, the rise of fascist movements in Europe, the support by the US government of known Nazi groups in Ukraine and all of this in light of the victory over the Nazis in World War II? Lituchy: John, the Jews in the United States are very much aware of the rise of anti-Semitism and of neo-Nazism in Europe right now. What they are less aware of though is the connection between US foreign policy and I would say even other EU countries’ foreign policy in helping to promote the rise of this neo-fascist movement that is occurring in numerous countries today in Europe and of course most spectacularly and most unfortunately today in the Ukraine.
I would say that the history of this connection between US foreign policy and other EU countries’ foreign policy in promoting and protecting and also subsidizing neo-fascist movements goes back to the end of World War II when the United States and Britain not only did not send Nazi war criminals for trial in countries like Yugoslavia and elsewhere in Eastern Europe, but in fact protected them and with the cooperation of the Vatican and the ratlines out of the Vatican allowed them to escape, and then in fact co-opted them as assets for the CIA and MI-6 intelligence services in the post war/World War II years.
In fact we now know that an enormous budget was created to organize and support the organizations of these fascist movements in the post-war era. So, the truth is that it is not really a revival in places like the Ukraine when we see organizations like the Right Sector and Svoboda, with its neo-Nazi insignias and proclamations but rather a continuation of the past. www.jar2.com/Interviews/Barry_Lituchy.html
Trevor Harvey , President of the Sarasota County Chapter of the NAACP George Zimmerman, the Trayvon Martin killer, has now been arrested on second-degree murder charges. John Robles spoke with Mr. Trevor Harvey, President of the Sarasota County Chapter of the NAACP and the area 11 Director of the NAACP Conference.
Racial Tensions Simmering in US - Trevor Harvey
Suzette Bronkhorst, Sec Gen of International Network Against Cyber Hate (INACH)
US police should stay accountable, open, cooperative - David Couper Chief of
Putin Signs Law Criminalizing nazi Revisionism by John Robles 7 May, 09:40
On Monday May 5, 2014 the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin passed a Russian Federal Law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" aimed at opposing attempts to infringe on historical memory in relation to events that took place during World War II(the Great Patriotic War), according to the Kremlin. This is a clear sign to fascists worldwide.
The passing of the law shortly before the May 9th Victory Day celebrations (a bittersweet day when Russians remember the tens of millions who fell fighting the scourge of nazi Germany and joyfully celebrate the victory of Russia, the Red Army and the USSR over the nazi fascists) and against the backdrop of the events in Ukraine (where the US installed and backed fascist junta has mobilized the army and is employing armed paramilitary nazi Right Sector extremists to engage in what can only be described as a nazi "war of extermination" against those who refuse to be ruled by the degenerate followers of nazi SS stooge Stephan Bandera and grant legitimacy to the junta which violently overthrew the democratically elected government in February) has received a lot of attention worldwide, in particular with nazi glorifiers, white supremacists and Jewish groups.
According to the Kremlin: "The new Federal Law makes it a criminal offence to deny facts recognized by the international military tribunal that judged and punished the major war criminals of the European Axis countries, approving the crimes this tribunal judged, and deliberately spreading false information about the Soviet Union's activities during World War II."
The brief summary wording of the law (the full text of which was not accessible at time of writing) has been posted on the Kremlin website and recognizes the findings of the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal and while not explicitly stating such as did a draft of the bill proposed in March of last year, would make Holocaust Denial a crime in the Russian Federation as this comes under "facts recognized by the international military tribunal".
Approving of the crimes the Nuremberg Tribunal judged and deliberately spreading false information about the USSR is not something that happens very often in Russia, but is more exemplified by the current junta in Ukraine including: Turchinov, Yatsenyuk, Tyganbok and the groups that brought them to power such as the Trident, the Right Sector and Svoboda.
These groups not only approve of the nazi crimes against the Jews but also glorify them and attempt to paint them as deeds of heroism. A madness we saw recently in Odessa when "Maidan Defense Forces" and their Right Sector brethren shot people who were trying to escape as they were burning them alive and screamed "Glory to Ukraine" every time someone jumped out of a window to escape the flames.
Events such as these make it clear that such laws are necessary, and although such nazi ideology and glorification are not common in Russia, the danger of extremism, xenophobia and racial hatred is always present in almost any culture.
Russia, which lost more people than any other country during the Great Patriotic War, officially the figure is said to be at approximately 28 million (but there are some studies and estimates that say as many as 40 million due to the chaotic state of record keeping at the time and the fact that many died of disease and related traumas away from the battlefield or were not recorded), is one of the last of the countries to pass such laws in Europe.
Countries in Europe with Holocaust denial laws (many of which participated in the Holocaust themselves) and similar nazi related laws include: Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, and Switzerland. Israel also has strict laws regarding Holocaust Denial.
Russia did not have such laws in the past for the reason that other laws covering extremism, the outlawing of nazi groups and the like also for the most part covered specific crimes such as public incitement to hatred and the Holocaust Denial and because racial hatred was not a serious problem in Russia. Although some say there has been a trend towards xenophobia in Russia.
The absence of such laws before now may have caused many white supremacists and neo-nazis (not at all bright people to begin with) falsely believe that Russia in some way supported their twisted ideology. A common statement by skin heads and other xenophobes and racists on the white supremacist website Stormfront is that somehow President Putin must be sympathetic to their cause because he is "the white leader of a white country". They obviously recognize that President Putin is a strong, brave and no-nonsense leader and would surely love to have someone so intelligent and powerful on their side, and judging by the number of posts and comments on their site, their hopes have been dashed.
President Putin's position on racism, anti-Semitism, extremism and those who would spread racial and interethnic hatred have been clear from the very beginning and those who mistake his patriotism for Russia, as somehow a nationalist/racist thinking, are sadly mistaken.
White supremacists, anti-Semites, neo-nazis and those who attempt to glorify the horrendous deeds of the Third Reich believe that if they can prove one fact to be wrong, for example about the Holocaust, then they can unravel some huge conspiracy. However these attempts always fail miserably as exemplified by the attempt by Yuri Sergeev, the nazi junta's representative at the UN, whose first move was to deny the validity of the Nuremberg Trials and evidence by the USSR presented against the Banderavites. His crimes of denial, attempted rehabilitation of war criminal Bandera, approval of the horrific acts of the nazis, misrepresentation of the facts and the attempting spreading of lies about the USSR's role in the defeat of the nazi fascists, through the media and using his position in power would make him a prime candidate for prosecution in almost any European country and now in Russia.
The Kremlin: "Criminal penalties are increased if the above-mentioned activities are carried out by individuals using their official position or mass media, or by fabricating proof of accusations."
Statements by Russian officials that those responsible for ordering military operations against civilians will surely have to answer for their crimes, especially to the Ukrainian people, is now backed up by President Putin who has sent a clear message to all extremists and in particular those of the nazi tilt, that they will not find refuge or sympathy in Russia.
The Kremlin: "The Federal Law also makes it a criminal offence to publicly spread information on military and memorial commemorative dates related to Russia's defense that are clearly disrespectful of society, and publicly desecrate symbols of Russia's military glory. The Federal Law sets administrative liability for legal entities that commit these offences."
The last paragraph should clearly be a cause of concern for fascist groups, officials and organizations that are planning to launch events or attempt to blacken the celebrations planned for Victory Day, May 9th .
In summary the recent law passed by the President is necessary to protect society and the honorable memories of all of those who died defeating fascism. It is sad that such a law is necessary but the specter of fascism and historical revisionism has risen its head in Europe and in particular in certain former Soviet Republics and unfortunately Russia has to defend itself again against those who would re-write history and those who would spread fascism. Yet Russia beat the nazis once, and apparently Russia will have to play a decisive role in beating them again.
Once the nazi Bandera coup in Ukraine implodes and collapses as any sick gangrenous cancerous disease is bound to do and the Ukrainian people rise up and begin prosecuting the criminals pretending to be the leaders of the country. They can rest assured that they will find no refuge in Russia. So where can they run?
Well, the answer to that is quite simple; the US. For one the United States is fully 100% supporting nazis in Ukraine, has no laws against Holocaust Denial or historical revisionism, neo-nazis, the KKK and other scum are allowed to stage parades and hold public functions openly and what normal countries would classify as hate speech, whitewashing nazism and approving the Holocaust is allowed in the US. Because when it comes to nazis (and 40,000 thousand found refuge in the US after WWII and many got good jobs in the CIA and new identities) freedom of speech applies. I wonder how Israel feels about all this?
If I do not get chance to talk to you all before Victory Day I would just like to say: Glory to those who beat the nazi scourge, glory to those who stand against fascism today, glory to Mother Russia and the memories of all her fallen children known and unknown who perished so that we would could live. Glory to Russia's great military victories! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! Happy Victory Day! Remember the fallen and don't forget what they died fighting against.
Fascists Burning People Alive in Odessa, nazism on the Rise in Europe by John Robles 5 May, 13:35 Historically speaking it was just a short while ago that a group of "nationalists", led by a madman who had a gift for evoking ultra-nationalist sentiment and blind obedience and a special talent for awakening the mindless blood thirsty beast that may still reside in the deepest darkest primordial recesses of the human psyche, launched a campaign of genocide and drove the planet into a state of world war.Historically speaking it was just a short while ago that a group of "nationalists", led by a madman who had a gift for evoking ultra-nationalist sentiment and blind obedience and a special talent for awakening the mindless blood thirsty beast that may still reside in the deepest darkest primordial recesses of the human psyche, launched a campaign of genocide and drove the planet into a state of world war. That man of course was Adolph Hitler and the genocidal beasts he led were called the Nazis, but then of course you know that. The reign of terror and death that was the totalitarian dictatorship of the Third Reich lasted from 1933 until 1945 and took with it as many as 85 million human beings, with from 28 to 40 million of those being Soviet and Russian citizens. The Nazis believed that the Jews were the principle ethnic enemy of their German Aryan race and along with Jews and other "mud people" (as most of us were described in Mein Kampf) the Nazis committed a campaign of extermination against the "mud people", principally Jews, that became known as the Holocaust. The Holocaust Memorial Museum puts the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust at between 4.9 to 6 million. The amount of people killed and the atrocities committed by the Nazis in their campaign were so horrific, brutal and evil that there are few historical comparisons. Although the genocide of the indigenous peoples of North and South America being the only other which caused such widespread death only on a far greater scale. That campaign of genocide took the lives of as many as 400 million people. So then how is it dear reader that the world has allowed Nazis to come to power again? Have we forgotten history, even such recent history as that which occurred only 70 years ago? Have we become passive and apologetic? Or too lazy to really be bothered? Who is to blame? Our gadgets? Our dehumanized 30 second culture. The endless violence and death people see on television? Atrocities Before I go any further I would like to share something with all of you and perhaps make you uncomfortable. Perhaps that is the root cause of the problem? I often discuss with my students the Great Patriotic War (World War II) and I am constantly appalled by how little they know about what had occurred and what the Nazis had done. Even here in Russia where everyone has a relative or someone they know who was affected by the war or perished fighting the nazi scourge. Just in case some of you have grown apathetic or have been the victim of historical revisionism let's recall what the Nazis did, the same Nazis that 17 year old kids in Banderastan (the former Ukraine) are glorifying, and it is important to note that the Banderavites were brutal even by Nazi standards. (If you recall all of this bear with me please.) The Holocaust was a campaign to extinguish groups of human beings. Although for the Nazis they were dehumanized and merely seen as a disease, much in the same way as the indigenous peoples of North and South America and even Australia were dehumanized and classified as animals. For the Nazis it did not matter if they were murdering a pregnant woman, a baby or an old grandmother, their goal was extermination and the advancement of their own race which they deemed to be the purest and most worthy to exist and dominate others. Towards this advancement thousands suffered and perished in brutal and insane medical experiments most of which had no scientific significance and are classified as medical torture and after the war what were called the Doctors' Trial was held at Nuremberg which led to the creation of the Nuremberg Code of Medical Ethics. The atrocities committed by the Nazis at concentration camps and most exemplified by those carried out by Dr. Joseph Mengele and others such as Dr. Eduard Wirths, were some of the most revulsive committed during the war. They included many experiments on twins (there is information that MKULTRA mind control experiments were also done on twins and that Joseph Mengele was the founder of the CIA’s MKULTRA program), as they were believed to be important to Mengele to prove that genetics is more important than environment in order to support the Aryan race propaganda. Experiments included: injecting eyes with chemicals in an attempt to change eye color, sewing twins together, randomly amputating limbs, injecting with chemicals and poisons and watching death occur, shooting and allowing to bleed to death, burning alive, removing organs while patients alive without anesthetic to see how long the patients would live, beating to death, torturing to death by beating lightly on the head with hammers, removing sections of bones and muscles and nerves without anesthetic to test transplantation, freezing people to near death and then throwing them in boiling water, injecting victims with thousands of known diseases and poisons, testing chemical warfare agents, forcing people to survive on nothing but sea water until they dies, sterilizing people with radiation without their knowledge and so. The crimes committed in the concentration camps were some of the worst during the war, yet atrocities carried out in the field were also horrific. It was common to make soap from the bodies of Jews and lampshades from their flesh. It was also a common Nazi practice to cut skin with tattoos off of victims and save these as trophies or make book covers, purses, wallets or bags out of the bodies of victims. The murder committed by the Nazis of women, children and prisoners of war was often done in mass and with gun fire, however the Nazis were famous for their brutality and things like bashing babies to death against a wall (something favored by the Baderavites) and cutting off breasts or other body parts was not unusual. The majority of Nazis had absolutely no human morality or remorse (perhaps a genetic defect?) and it was probably this inhuman animal quality that made them difficult to beat on the battle field for normal soldiers. Had they waged normal war against other armies instead of waging a cowardly campaign of genocide against civilians and women and children, their reign over Europe would not have cost so many lives. These are the same non-humans that certain people in Ukraine are glorifying and attempting to personify along with homicidal maniacs like Stephan Bandera. Ignorant, uneducated, impressionable young people with misplaced patriotism and manipulated by those who would throw them to the wolves like Dmitry Yarosh the rise of Ukraine’s Nazis can no longer be ignored. Apologists and Indifference Did Ukraine forget the lessons of WWII? It is possible. But what is more likely is that it is the tolerance that the Ukrainian people had which led to the rise of the Right Sector, the Trident and all of the fascist groups in Ukraine. The Ukrainian people, for the most part, allowed these groups to erect statues to Bandera, train for over a decade, receive funding from the CIA and the US and finally take over their government. Funded by the CIA, backed by the US Government, led by the likes of Yarosh, Tyahnybok, Yatsenyuk, Turchynov and the whole array of criminals and ambitious greedy power hungry manipulators Ukraine’s Nazis are now showing, beyond any doubt that they are animals of murder and violence just like their German SS heroes. But where is the outcry in Europe? Is Europe also going to allow these people to come to power? Do they really believe (as with American hegemony) that these are benign people who will go away? Or is it really more important for Europe to continue to demonize Russia and play lap dog for the US which brought these people to power? Odessa Yesterday I saw photos from inside the Dom Profsoyuz (House of Unions) where 46 people were viciously killed because they simply wanted their voice to be heard and were against the Nazi junta that took power in Ukraine in a violent coup. The photos were disturbing and showed that several people died before the building was set on fire. The people who died were just demonstrators who were being beaten to death in the street even though Nazi leader Turchynov labels these civilians as "terrorists". He did so knowing full well his Right Sector are the only real terrorists in Ukraine because it is the only way he can launch military operations against them (something he must have been told by John Brennan the CIA director who visited Ukraine shortly before Turchynov announced an "anti-terrorist" operations against his own civilian population. Something he will pay for no doubt in the future.
One blogger described the events in Odessa as follows: 1) They bussed in large numbers of Right Sector thugs. 2) They then got the local football hooligans (paid by oligarchs, according to some reports) to begin a nationalist demonstration. 3) The Right Sector then joined the hooligans and together they viciously attacked the anti-Maidan tent city: the tents were torn down and the anti-regime demonstrators viciously beat up to a pulp. The local cops stood by and watched. 4) The anti-regime demonstrators ran literally for their lives towards the building of Unions which had been their normal rallying point at which point they were surrounded and the building set ablaze. 5) Those attempting to leave the building were severely beat up and many murdered. Many were shot while standing in the windows to flee from the flames. 6) The neo-Nazis did not let the firefighters through. 7) With each jumping demonstrator or each person shot in the windows the crowd would scream "Glory to the Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!" Many took souvenir videos. For them, this was a joyful, liberating event. 8) The Ukrainian social networks flooded with joyful messages congratulation the "heroes" in Odessa and promising more of the same to the accursed Moskals. 9) The Western and Ukie press reported the events as a "clash" with "casualties" but with no reference to any one party causing this massacre. 10) The last fatalities figure was at 46. But with many dying from smoke inhalation and, especially, burns, it will probably go up. Television reports show the Right Sector thugs going through the pockets of the dead bodies and taking whatever they want, while they are laughing and taking trophy photos. These are the non-humans that have come to power. They are killing their fellow Ukrainians for the sole reason that they want their voice to be heard and the only voice allowed in Ukraine now is the voice of Turchynov and the Right Sector. Of course, no true investigation is forthcoming and the "authorities" will just look the other way as they did with the snipers on Maidan and as they do with the fact that there are almost nothing but traitors and CIA stooges amongst their ranks. Russian State Duma Demands Probe
According to TASS, the State Duma is demanding a thorough investigation and the toughest punishment possible for those guilty of the Odessa tragedy on May 2. The Chair of the State Duma Committee for Security from the United Russia faction, Irina Yarovaya noted that all of Kiev’s theories of the tragic events "look absurd." She recalled a theory "according to which federalization supporters had burnt themselves alive." "People allegedly entrenched on the upper floors of the building were hurling Molotov incendiary cocktails at "civilians" standing on the ground that triggered a fire that caused the death of such a large number of people," the lawmaker told about the theory that the Ukrainian Interior Ministry had made public. "However, this theory also does not stand any criticism, because numerous witnesses and journalists have irrefutable proof that these were radicals supported and covered by current Kiev regime with full connivance of police who ousted federalization supporters going out for a peaceful rally to the House of Trade Unions, blocked them there and set them on fire, hurling Molotov incendiary cocktails at the building," Yarovaya said, adding that there were "Many videos on which radicals without hiding their faces are literally boasting of what they had done standing in front of the burning building and giving mocking comments on attempts of people happened to be in a burning trap to save themselves." "Instead of just scrutinizing available videos and finding those guilty official authorities prefer to devise some theories which are more fantastic than others, accusing Russia’s Federal Security Service and people from Yanukovich’s entourage [legitimate Ukrainian president] of the tragic events." Europe While Russia is being provoked and on a daily basis having to watch as more and more ethnic Russians and Russian speakers are being abused and those in Ukraine against the nazi junta are being killed some people are saying where is Russia? After all it was Russia who beat the fascists once. I would say where is Europe? Where is the "international community" where is the outcry? The silence is deafening. Such a big deal was made when supposedly 3 people died at the Boston Marathon a year ago so where is the outcry when 46 people are literally burned alive? Russian Foreign Ministry Where is the outcry? It is almost a given now that the West is not reporting. They continue to demonize Russia left and right and have so lost all sense of humanity that the lives of 46 innocent civilians means nothing. "The Russian Foreign Ministry has demanded that the OSCE give an assessment of the situation and says that the West is not reporting that the Ukrainian Army is shooting unarmed civilians. The West has actually imposed an information blockade on tragic events taking place in Ukraine," the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Sunday. "While Ukrainian punitive squads are carrying out their operations in east Ukraine, conducting sweeps in some settlements and blocking some others, the West has actually imposed an information blockade on tragic events taking place in that country," the ministry said, adding that "It is quite illustrative that even in the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) no one is aware that the blood is being shed in Ukraine and troops are shooting at unarmed people." "Russia demands that the relevant agencies of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Council of Europe give unbiased assessments to the development picking pace in Ukraine, ministry said.” Right Sector/Trident/CIA Atrocities According to various sources, the CIA and FBI have been very active in Ukraine advising the US installed puppets and the Right Sector what to do. The Right Sector is attempting to recruit and train more and more people with one of the key questions for recruits being "Can you shoot an unarmed woman?". In South Eastern Ukraine Turchynov’s operatives (what is left of the Ukrainian Army) are running over civilians with armored personnel carriers and opening fire on women, children and peaceful demonstrators. Even with the tragedy in Odessa he is remorseless and continues his war on the Ukrainian people. The Right Sector thugs laughed and cheered and called themselves heroes for killing innocent women and unarmed civilians. They laughed as the literally beat people to death in the street. They laughed at people jumping out of windows to their death and shot anyone who approached a window to try to get air as they suffocated to death. In other parts of Ukraine things are just as bad as in Odessa, ladies and old people are being gunned down and run over by thugs who have been given tanks and military vehicles. Villages are being bombed and Ukrainian troops are gunning down entire groups of unarmed civilians. For what? Because they do not want nazis in power. Where is Europe’s Outrage? When Victoria Nuland said "F the EU" she admitted that the US had planted the very puppets who are killing Ukrainians today. Now we are seeing the true face of who these non-humans are. Is Europe still under the impression, like many Americans are, that US hegemony and NATO expansion are things benign that will just go away or do not matter? Like Ukrainians thought about the Right Sector. Does Europe really not care that there are Nazis in power in Europe again. On the upcoming anniversary of Russia’s Victory in the Great Patriotic War and Europe’s being freed from Nazi terror, will Europe sit by and watch as the Right Sector and the Ukrainian Nazis stage pogroms and desecrate the memories of the millions who died at the hands of the Nazi scourge? The world has not learned the lessons of history apparently. Just like many countries attempted to appease Hitler’s Germany, so have they tried to appease Yatsenyuk and the US triumvirate. And once again it is Russia doing the most to fight Nazi fascists. More Sanctions While admitting that there is no Russian involvement in the ongoing tragic events in South Eastern Ukraine the West is announcing more sanctions. For what? Because Russia has protested because ethnic Russians and Ukrainian civilians are being murdered on a large scale by neo-Nazis? Has the West lost its mind? Is it okay to kill someone because they may be pro-Russian? Does this mean being Russian is also a reason to be killed? Maybe it is not the same thing but wasn’t that was happening in Germany when the nazis were coming to power? Only then it was Jew and pro-Jew. Russia was NEVER involved in anything that has happened in Ukraine. Russia did not fund the Right Sector or pay thugs to overthrow the legitimate government. The US did. Russia never sent snipers into Maidan to kill security forces and demonstrators. The Right Sector did. Russia did not take Crimea. The Crimeans left Ukraine (and who can blame them when the first thing that the Nazi did was outlaw the Russian language) of their own volition. Russia has not organized or funded groups in Ukraine, the US did. Russia did nothing to destabilize the country. Again the US did. Russia tried to offer financial assistance and attempted to broker a peace between the sides. So what are the sanctions for? So the US can blackmail and attempt to take the money and property of anyone they want? So the West continues their sanctions and continues to try to paint homicidal lynch mobs as legitimate forces. If that is okay for America, half a planet away should it be okay for you, Europe? There are Nazis in power in Europe again. They are killing those who oppose them. They were allowed to rise to power by the US and the CIA and all of their agents. Shouldn’t Europe be initiating sanctions against the US? Or do you believe that the US is a benign friendly power, Europe? When will you all wake up? When there is a knock on your door? Or when you are forced onto a train to some sort of camp because you are Jewish, or Russian, or do not deny the Holocaust. If you had been around in 1933 and you knew what you know now about Hitler, would you have tried to stop him? Why are you silent now? Thanks for reading. Peace to you all.
Update: Beaten Puerto Rican Woman Aida Guzman Received $75K, Cop Reinstated 22 August 2017
Beating Puerto Rican Women Acceptable for US Police, Problem Only If Caught 4 October 2012, 18:49 During a Puerto Rican Day parade and festivities in the US city of Philadelphia Pennsylvania, a brutal police officer was filmed punching a defenseless woman in the face as she had her back turned to him, bringing another act of criminal brutality under the authority of color to the forefront, and begging the question: What is wrong with America?
another in a seemingly endless stream of cases of extreme police brutality
in the US is having international resonance as another video posted on the
internet goes viral and the world watches as a Philadelphia police officer
brutally punches a small defenseless Puerto Rican woman, named Aida Guzman,
in the face as she has her back turned to him and is walking away. The force
of the blow was enough to throw her off her feet and knock her to the
ground. Her crime? She reportedly was charged with spraying the police with
a children’s toy called silly
a harmless substance used at parties and celebrations.
The event
took place during Puerto Rican Day festivities where a massive police
presence had gathered. Those celebrating were enjoying their holiday and not
engaged in any sort of act of protest or demonstration. They were attempting
to celebrate their cultural heritage, not the heritage and history that
Puerto Ricans have faced from the US, mirrored by the brutal event, but the
cultural history of their people.
Just a
little history for the international readers: Puerto Rico is an island in
the Caribbean and a U.S. possession which was annexed by the US in the
1950s. Puerto Ricans are small minority in the US and are subjected to
institutionalized discrimination and persecution and are often the objects
of racist attacks by members of varying race groups. US states classify
Puerto Ricans as belonging to different race groups, with some calling them
white, some black and some Latino.
Ricans have classically been treated as second class citizens in the US,
although they possess US citizenship from birth and many have large
percentages of Indian blood flowing through their veins, from the native
Taino Indians, who the US has classified as “exterminated.”
Back to
the case at hand, the officer, one Lieutenant Jonathan Josey, deemed to be
an outstanding officer by the police, has not been charged with any crime
although it is clear that his actions were criminal and monstrously brutal.
Josey is
no stranger to the people of Philadelphia when it comes to police brutality.
He is also no stranger to those on the singles circuit where Josey nominated
himself Sexy Single for 2006 and posted pictures of his half-nude self
complete with tattoos and pierced nipples on the web for all too see.
to local press reports Josey, a 19-year-veteran of the police force, has
over 20 complaints against him that have been filed with the internal
affairs division. Yet he is still on the street. One such case against him,
according to the site Opposing
states that Josey, pulled over a car and with no evidence of wrongdoing,
accused a man and his sons of being drug dealers, he then used his gun to
terrorize them and beat the hell out of all of them, before arresting them
on false charges.
Philadelphia reports that
according to Deputy Police Commissioner Richard Ross, Josey has a good
reputation. His “good reputation” does not stop with the above listed
incidents. Josey also shot and killed a US veteran while off-duty in what
was reported as a failed robbery attempt. The city of Philadelphia praised
him for the killing.
Josey was
also the subject of a lawsuit for which the city had to pay $7,500.00 to
settle after he kicked, punched and threw an innocent man against a wall
while supposedly searching for a weapon, another in a long series of
brutality complaints against Josey.
from local media reports the US press seems to be, for some reason, more
worried about his 19-year-career and the “blemish” on his record and not the
scars and damage that must have been done to the face of the little lady he
There are
also racial undertones to this case. If the woman was white and not Puerto
Rican, the outrage would be extreme and on the other side of the spectrum if
the officer had been white it would have been called a racist attack. Yet
this was an act by a black cop beating a Puerto Rican woman, the press and
the pundits are showing their indifference and trying to play neutral. Had
it been black on black, we would probably not even have heard about this.
officer has over 20 complaints, and this one just happened to be filmed. How
many other innocent people did he beat and terrorize that we do not know
about? How many members of the poor and defenseless side of society too
afraid to file a complaint against an attacker in uniform is this man guilty
of attacking? Can this type of behavior be supported by police departments?
by the reaction in Philadelphia, this may be normal behavior and even
commendable and heroic. How many hundreds if not thousands have been the
victims of police violence in Philadelphia that we will never know about?
How many animals such as Josey are currently working for US police
departments? Millions?
In his
half nude “Sexy Single” photo, posted by NBC news, with his tattoos and
pierced nipples, Josey was apparently sitting in a housed owned by Al Capone
in Atlantic City New Jersey. What location more befitting for a thug who
beats defenseless little Puerto Rican women and preys on the weak than the
former home a thug and killer of legendary proportions. Will Josey be
arrested and punished? Not likely.
Unlikely US Cop who Punched Indigenous Woman in Face Will Be Dismissed
10 October 2012, 22:56
The case
of the sucker-punch felt around the world appeared to be closed, with the
brutal police officer responsible, Lieutenant Jonathan Josey, in line
to be fired, but things are not so simple when all of the cards are stacked
in favor of the police and when the legal system defends and protects even
brutal criminals as long as they are wearing a badge.
With all
of the injustice and ugliness in the world sometimes it is nice to see
someone finally get their just oats. The only problem is that when evil men
do things they will usually do anything to get away with it.
This is
all true in the case of Aida Guzman. A diminutive woman of Puerto Rican
descent who was taking part in a parade and for no reason was sucker-punched
in the face by a viscous cop twice her size. Her supposed crime throwing
water on some police officers, or Silly String, depending on who you
This case
would not have gotten the international attention it has were it not for the
videos that hit the net and went viral and if you have seen them and you
believe your owns eyes then Aida Guzman did nothing, she was walking away
when out of the blue she was punched in the face with so much force she went
If the
world were a just place, due to the existence of the video, then you would
think the case was closed. After all there were no hidden previous actions,
there were no blurred images, everything is plain as day, the ofgficer was
criminally out-of-line, but things are not that simple. When the officer in
question, a brutal sadistic individual who has been allowed to run unchecked
for 19 years, has been protected for so long, there are those who would
protect him longer.
officer Lieutenant Jonathan Josey has been suspended for 30 days with the
intent to dismiss, but will this happen? You would think so, but perhaps it
won’t. According
to Philly.com:
“John McNesby, president of Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 5, has said that
the union would appeal the decision and that he was optimistic that Josey
would get his job back.” Optimistic that the brutal beater of women would
get his job back? Optimisitic?
The world
is outraged, the woman was not charged with anything, Michael
Nutter the Mayor of Philadelphia has apologized personally
to the little lady, saying: “Every time I look at it, I am appalled, I am
sickened, and I am ashamed on behalf of the good men and women of the
Philadelphia Police Department,” and even the Police Commissioner Charles H.
Ramsey has condemned the horrendously violent act. Horrendous in its
brutality and the casual way it was inflicted.
made the decision to fire Josey and has sated to the press that there is the
possibility that Josey will face criminal charges. Not a very pleasant
prospect for someone who has grown so accustomed to beating and abusing
other under the color of law. It is highly unlikely Josey will have pleasant
time in prison, they don’t like cops who beat defenseless women too much in
the big house, so he should be worried.
Or should
he? There are rules for the use of force, rules set by those who use the
force. If you or I were to decide the answer to whether this officer
who I have already detailed has a long history of violence is guilty,
the answer would be a resounding yes! I hope, but according to Randy Lobasso
who runs a blog
at PhillyNow.com the
rules may end up being in favor of the officer, depending on how they are
to LoBasso: The American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania issued a
statement from executive director Reggie Shuford which said: “I was shocked
when I saw the video of what happened. I saw absolutely nothing that
justified the use of such extreme force to take this woman down. I can’t
imagine the officer’s actions comported with departmental policy. If so,
that policy needs to be changed immediately.”
statement’s to the press Guzman’s attorney Enrique Latoison said Guzman is
thankful for Nutter's apology and that it was what she had been hoping for.
Whether they will sue or press charges remains to be seen.
What also
remains to be seen is whether Josey will once again get away with murder.
According to John McNesby, president of Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 5,
the answer to the question “Is beating women acceptable to US police?”which
I used as the title for my last piece on this matter, is a resounding yes.
Will keep
you updated.
Romney’s Sikhs vs Sheikhs: A “Mistake” or Playing to His “Base” John Robles 10 August 2012, 15:12 It is almost impossible for any thinking and rational person to believe that a man with an accumulated wealth of over $200 million dollars would be able out of ignorance or simple tiredness, to make so many gaffes, blunders and insult so many people as Mitt Romney has done lately. When we look further are we to believe that the rich, powerful and supposedly educated Romney can be so incredibly stupid to mistake “Sheiks” and “Sikhs”. Okay things happen, but right on the heels of the event, it is hard to imagine even from a man who once forgot his dog on the roof of his car and took off down the highway. Romney committed such a slip-of-the-tongue when apparently expressing his condolences to those affected by the recent killing of members of the Sikh faithful in Oak Creek Wisconsin. I say “apparently” expressing condolences because he was not addressing any member of the Sikh community at the time and because I am not an apologist for Mr. Romney if you think I am coming down too hard on him, think again. Yes “apparently” because he was speaking to his supporters in Iowa, his “base”. During his speech he made the “mistake” several times, he called their place of worship a "Temple of the Sheik’s" and even added that "The Sheik people, as well as their religion, are one of the most peaceful." This is a man who knows exactly what he is doing and all of his “mistakes” and “gaffes”, I believe, are carefully planned and orchestrated to play to his “base”, who I will get to in a minute. Such a callous and insulting “error” has no real place in the public debate and were it not in the context of a presidential election it would in no way be so easily brushed aside, at least by many. As for the “Sheik” gaffe a spokesman for the Republican, Rick Hill, explained that the politician was just tired and incorrectly used words that are similar in pronunciation. “Incorrectly used similar words”, nice, if you are a red-neck driving a pick-up. Which is exactly the type of person, in all likelihood, who Romney is playing to, because you see, in American politics, and in particular Republican politics, the uneducated, racist, and xenophobic poor white class of voter is one of their most important assets. Call them NASCAR folks, the working class, those down-home-folks, “real” Americans, “good” Christians, the good-ole-boys or what have you, the fact of the matter is that these are the kind of people that are so numerous in the United States that their votes put people like George Bush into the White House, not once, but twice, and for Romney these are the people who matter. I am not an apologist for these people but I am sure there are a few of them who do know the difference between a “Sheikh” and a “Sikh” and a “Muslim” and a “Sikh” and an “Iranian” and a “Puerto Rican”, the last one I added because my father had to defend our family from attack by U.S. racists in 1979, who wanted to kill us because they thought we were Iranian, and after 9-11 many members of my family were harassed by police and beaten in the United States because they were brown and could have been Muslims. These are people who would kill or attack even Russians and other members of the white race group just for being different. I should underline that Arabs and even Iranians are classified by the U.S. government as white. The same people who sympathize with the Wisconsin shooter, hate anything foreign, believe insulting heads of state and members of the international community is a virtue and shows guts and strength, and view ignorance as a virtue, meaning he is a “regular” guy and “one of us”. Truly frightening when a man in the position they are going to put Romney into can start WWIII. After Romney’s recent “gaffe filled foreign trip” where he and his entourage managed to insult almost everyone they came in contact with Romney strategist Stuart Stevens said that the trip was “a great success, generally." I am sure it was, if we are talking about scoring points and pleasing ignorant xenophobic members of the American electorate. Going back to the “Sheikh” blunder, coming on the heels of the event it was either a completely and unbelievably stupid error (and I have already said that this is not something I believe) or it was something much darker and sinister indeed. When we look at the fact that many of these white supremacists and neo-Nazis are so ignorant that they would confuse a Sikh with a Muslim and even the shooter in Wisconsin was so filled with xenophobic hate that he ended his own life in what may have been a complete failure to his own twisted ends, and we see a candidate for the position of what many call “The Leader of the Free World” making the exact same error, it makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Yet he may well become the next president of the United States, and sadly for the world, this will lead to more death and destruction and quite possibly WWIII, unless Romney is just pretending. On his recent visit to Poland, Israel, and London he managed to offend almost everyone. Romney called Jerusalem capital of Israel, he insulted the Palestinians, who many of the aforementioned base see as just more Muslim “rag-heads”, he insulted the British, who many in his base see as “elitist” and “tea-drinkers”, and he insulted the Polish, who many of the ignorant see as “stupid” and are called “Pollacks” (an American epithet for Polish people). So if the world was shocked by Romney’s gaffes, don’t worry, or worry, as the case may be, he was just playing to his “base”.
Sympathy for the Devil: On Racism and Normalization of Horror - By John Robles 17 April 2012, 11:51 If
your sister or your mother, your most cherished, loved and honored persons,
were to be brutally murdered in the street and at the time had (now bear
with me here I know this is terrible) some M and Ms, some tissues and say a
lipstick in their purse and then some malcontented half-wit decided to
create a picture (a work of art) of the killers face using M and Ms, some
tissues and lipstick, wouldn’t that be something that would be completely
and totally morally reprehensible and an abomination in the eyes of all
civilized and peace loving humans? Now
let us take this one step further, or two, or three, or four, and trust me I
trying to make a point here, and ask another question. Why can’t we take it
one step further, they keep doing the same thing, anesthetizing the masses
and getting them ready for even worse, getting them used to accepting even
further horrors. Let’s ask a question and include even more sinister and
global events, events and deeds destroying the very very fabric of society,
global consciousness and humanity. Let’s ask another question, this time
involving Afghani children, since they keep getting killed by the dozens,
and ponder what the world’s reaction would be if someone had the sick and
twisted idea to collect the items from the pockets of the dead children and
then used them to produce a mosaic of say an American flag or even George
Bush, wouldn’t that be an abomination?
What about if someone took the skulls of dead American Indians, a people
destroyed by genocide and driven from their lands, and used them to make
book ends, or candle holders, or start secret societies, where hate is
worshipped and glorified, and even made into a code of conduct for some
twisted and sick secret society bent on world domination through hate and
death and manipulation. Are
you feeling ill yet picturing all of these horrors? Not let us take it
further, and I feel we must for we must not be allowed to forget and what I
have outlined above has been done, what if we collected items from the
pockets and the hands of murdered Jews, murdered by the nazis (sic), and
used them to produce a portrait of hitler (sic) or a swastika, that would be
unthinkable wouldn’t it? Lest we forget or lest the historical revisionists
have deleted some of the facts of the Holocaust from the history books, the
Nazis did even worse things, they used the flesh of those they held in
concentration camps, the Jews and others to make lampshades, wallets, book
covers, soap and even cut off tattoos and saved them as tropies in albums,
wasn’t all of that an abomination? So
on the eve of the birthday of the biggest monster in the history of all
mankind, lest we forget and allow the historical revisionists any leeway,
and with all of the historical revisionism and newfound tolerance for racism
that is spreading throughout the world like a cancer on the wave of
spreading American “democracy”, let me ask you all one more question, okay
two; why would we then tolerate a sick individual making a portrait of the
killer of Trayvon Martin with Skittles and then pretending to be sympathetic
with the devil because he had a history of mental problems? Not
everything American is good and is to be welcomed with open arms and a
conspiratory wink of the eye, no matter how cynical or sarcastic one wishes
to be, accepting hate and letting it go by unaddressed and allowing it to
spread is what happened in Germany in the 30s, it is not a sign of freedom
of speech or democracy, for freedom of speech and true Democracy has with a
huge responsible and that is to not allow it to be perverted by those
cynical, sarcastic and hateful enough to do so for their own ends.
Have we completely lost our way? Just some more food for thought and I wish you all the best wherever you may be.
The Lynching of Blacks by Psychopathic Racists in America