Russian Lives Matter: Russia Under Attack
The Russian Boogeyman: "West" Driving for WWIII Using Color Revolution
Methodology, Military Grade Psychological
Media Operations, Assassinations and Terrorist Attacks
I am in a little bit of a quandary as to whom exactly am I writing
for since I am writing in English. If I am trying to reach
Westerners it seems hopeless to write anything at all. I mean for
those even in Middle Asia who are bombarded with CIA propaganda,
what is the point in saying anything when most the audience will not
even know this piece exists due to Google’s censorship and those who
see it will not read past the first paragraph when they see it is
not screaming how wonderful Trump is or how bad Putin is.
What is the point after 16 years of exposing 911 and breaking story after
story only to see nothing come of any of it other than damage to myself and
my family in trying to expose and hence stop the spread of the monster which
is taking over the world. What is the point in telling the West that they
are being lied to when they will not believe anything that counters the
narrative that is forced into their minds day after day. Why try? I suppose
only because it is my responsibility as a journalist, or perhaps maybe
because there are still a few people who will read this and become informed
and appreciate my efforts or perhaps it is because a higher power says I
must do what I am doing because I can.
To tell someone in the West that the “evil Russian boogeyman” (an
aggressor with a dictator wanting to invade the world and take away
democracy, or whatever the story of the week is) is a false construct is
like trying to tell them that 911 was done by Israel and Zionists in the US
Government. The same with trying to tell someone in the West that Russia
did not annex Crimea when it is right there on the page of the US State
Department, whom they think does not
lie. The last time I told an American that, he could not believe me!
His mind would simply not accept the information no matter how much proof I
provided that there was a peaceful referendum and that the people exercised
their right to self-determination. He could not believe there was not an
invasion even though I lived there for almost a year and showed him all of
my interviews and photographs and articles on the matter. So what is the
Of course it was not his fault he could not believe me, Cognitive
Dissonance has a way of doing that to you. How could he believe that his own
State Department and all of his media were outright lying to him? How
indeed? Surely an uncomfortable proposition for anyone, but that is the
state of the world today and the Western media is nothing but a factory of
lies and brainwashing and mass mind control. This is why my site is ignored,
my articles and interviews on Crimea get no placing and people refuse to
believe that their media is lying and that one lone journalist who is
actually there is telling the truth. And of course this journalist is not
white so he must be marginal. He is pro-Russian so he must be an agent of
Putin and the evil Russian machine.
If you are new to my work then let me give you a few sentences of
background. I was a night editor, a newsreader, a translator and a staff
writer/political commentator for the long liquidated Voice of Russia World
Service in English. I was on shift the night the Maidan started and it was
the first entry into an alternative universe and the very real creation of
the Mandela effect by the West. While we had people there and were getting
information live we were disturbed by the completely opposite information
that was being put out on the Western media. It was all wrong and they were
ALL putting out the same lies. I won't get into too much detail but it was
truly stunning
I also worked on the night that the Maidan snipers started killing and
when the lunatics on the Maidan started beating the Berkut officers who were
unarmed with steel pipes filled with cement until they died and taking them
to a basement where they were being shot in the head! I remember all this
and the insane Western media running with commentary that the peaceful
demonstrators were this or the evil government was that. There were no
reports of the 426 dead and injured Berkut officers, 286 if I recall who
survived with various gunshot wounds to the shoulders and some to the head
who survived. That was the beginning of the alternative universe narrative
that the West had started, and they will never correct it.
Actually you have to go back a little further to the Pussy Riot
provocations and the Sochi Olympics. Those were also events that got biased
and slanted coverage, but not the complete alternate reality that started
with Ukraine!
To try to understand the jealousy and the madness that must exist in the
minds of those at the top in the United States who are so scared that
another country might be better than they are, is an exercise in madness!
One only has to look at Brezhinsky and hear the stories of how he starts to
shake and froth at the mouth when he hears the word Russian to understand
that these Zionist monsters are insane. For them it would be the worst
occurrence in the universe if Russia put on a better Olympics than they ever
did (which Russia did), or if somehow Russia might shine internationally at
anything and be a challenge to the fake over-priced soft power trashy
“excellence” of the United States and thus expose the false image and the
outright lie that is everything connected with America.
I have given you a few examples dear reader but I can tell you after
they organized the coup in Ukraine things just got worse and it has become
crystal clear that the Zionist NeoCon lunatics who are organizing the
dis-information and demonization campaign are now driving for World War III.
The level of propaganda, the outright obvious nature of the war lies
underline the quantifiable difference after Ukraine! Anyone in the know will
tell you that this is because that is when the military grade psychological
operations started. For one purpose like CIA psychopath Mike Morrel said: to
kill Russians.
Let’s fast forward a little or I will get bogged by detailing all of the
Ukraine operations we countered and the liquidation of the Voice of Russia.
Basically the US openly overthrew a democratically elected government
unleashing fratricide disguised as a fake counter terrorist operation and
putting into power extremist neo-nazi Zionist lunatics who have slaughtered
over ten thousand civilians so far and the Republic of Crimea which suffered
for over 50 years after being handed to Ukraine by the USSR had a referendum
before the Banderavites could begin their lustration (meaning the genocide
of the Russian population) and peacefully without a shot being fired
rejoined Mother Russia. TRUTH!
Of course, as always the Western version is the complete opposite of the
truth as it does not fit their agenda and does not allow the financially
bankrupt West to impose sanctions, so it is hard for some to believe. Before
the US used to at least pretend to be telling the truth and the media
pretended to be reporting facts, now they do and say whatever they want in
order to support their crimes of assassination, regime change, aggressive
war, torture. murder of children, misappropriation of funds etc etc etc!
To note I lived there for almost a year and made 17 trips from the beginning
of the conflict until today, so I probably know what I am talking about.
What is stunning is that the US should be charged with international crimes
for staging a coup and over throwing a government and training Right Sector
nazi scum for over 20 years, but instead the lunatics in the West blame
Russia and even have the hubris to start sanctions against Russia, (which
are just a way to rob the country) for the exact same crime they are guilty
I have written about the psychological operations and the media operations
that the CIA and MOSSAD are conducting in Russia and directed at Russia many
times in the past. I have also written many many time about the CIA’s
destabilization operations in Russia, especially those organized by Michael
McFaul which earned me two attempts by him to put me in prison by telling
lies and precipitated the appearance of CIA officer Edward Snowden, and now
I have to write about them again!
The "Neo-Liberal" CIA 5th Column: Since the 1990s Treasonous Zionist
Russians Selling Out Their Country to the Highest Bidder
The CIA/MI6/MOSSAD can not stop trying to destabilize Russia for the
Zionist globalist bankers. I put the three “Intel” agencies in one
block because it is clear and obvious that they are working
together. CIA is mostly involved in trying to cause mass unrest,
recruiting members of the opposition and continuing to attempt to
place their agents into positions of power! This includes several
“candidates” that were supposed to get into the Duma and two
candidates from the Parnas Party that the CIA was hoping to try to
get into the office of president. The ties and meetings (even the
secret ones) and their intentions are all well know but so far the
smoking gun has not been found to put these traitors away. According
to my extensive research and observations MOSSAD is in charge of
most financial and media manipulation in Moscow and MI6 does most of
the real "spy" work including assassinations, smears and other
"black" jobs.
I do not want to help the CIA so I will not go into just where they are
going wrong and what evidence I have seen or have or know to be had, but as
always they repeat themselves and as always they do not understand the
countries or the cultures they are trying to destroy and take over and as
always their arrogance and certainty of their own superiority is their
greatest weakness. Well almost.
For some reason, not connected to reality, they still think that
Navalny is some sort of political power house and player in Russia
and that he has the ability to gather mass support and cause mass
unrest. This could not be further from the truth but again they have
no understanding of the country and apparently Navalny is a BS
artist of histroic proportion and keeps stringing them along to
continue getting his "grants" and "subsidies".
His recent NED/CIA funded film projects (oh sorry that is a secret)
attempting to expose high-level Russian officials have fallen flat
on their faces in Russia. Only the die-hard neo-liberal globalist,
mostly Zionist, supporters, continue to act as if he is this great
hero. However for most common Russians he is considered a traitor to
Russia, a troublemaker, an idiot and everyone knows, a Western
agent. It seems like a theater of the absurd in reality.
Again I do not want to go into much detail so as not to help these
morons but one of the major problems Navalny and Parnas have is that
they have no policies or plans to change anything in Russia. They
claim to be fighting corruption but have no plans to stomp it
out. They claim to be concerned about the people but they have no plans to
help the people, and the Russian people, whose intelligence is much higher
than Navalny or his CIA controllers think, have long understood he is simply
a goon. His anti-corruption videos and campaigns are understood to be what
they are; simply attempts to smear those in power so that the people
supposedly rise up and label the government illegitimate. Classic Color
Revolution scenario. Navalny is not there for anyone except Navalny, and the
CIA of course, as long as they are paying his meals.
From observing the Navalny creature and knowing what I know about the
Russian government, the Russian media, Russian society, the structure of
power and the Russian people, it is obvious and would be obvious to any
“expert” that Navalny exists, and his only real purpose is, to dump dirt on
beloved President Putin and his administration and anyone else whom the West
wants out of the way. For one there is no way on earth that he will ever be
allowed to attain the level of power he and his masters crave and secondly
he will never be able to gain the popular support of the Russian people in
the quantities and numbers that would allow him to take power by using the
sheer force of the will of the people, no way, not in a thousand years.
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union the Globalists have been
trying to rape Russia for her riches and destroy the country so that
they can control it and divide it up. To call these people, first
off people, is wrong, they are predators of the worst kind and to
call them globalists is also wrong. It would be more correct calling
them the NWO and even more correct calling them the Zionist
Internationale and even more correct calling them part of the
Rothschild global elitist Zionist mafia. I did not say the word Jew
or Jewish for two reasons. One the real religious Jews despise the
Zionist scum who are for all intents and purposes followers of
Moloch or Satan, and two “ethnic Jew” implies some tie to Palestine
the home of the Semitic people. The European Zionist “Jews” such as
Milekowski aka Netanyahu (a Latvian Pole) have no connection
whatsoever to the land of Palestine which they claim as Israel it is
all a scam and an illegal land grab thought up by the Rothschilds
who craved their own country in the Middle East like the Saudis.
Understanding the history is important because these Zionists and
Khazaris have for ages been trying to enslave and destroy Mother
Russia and the Slavic people. One only has to look at the real
losses during World War II (27-40 million Russians vs approximately
287,000 Jews, according to official Red Cross counts at the end of
the war, to understand that something is not right here. One also
must pay attention to the Rothschild ancestry of Adolph Hitler and
the Jewish ancestry of figures like Genrikh Yagoda who they say was
responsible for the deaths of up to 10 million Russians during the
Stalin repressions, a fact the Jewish media will never tell you
about, to understand that there has been a campaign of genocide
against Russians for hundreds if not thousands of years. Even
Communism was used to assassinate the Romanovs and
eliminate the entire Russian royal bloodlines in a horrendous conspiracy
hidden inside the revolution to allow the 13 families to be able to
eventually lay claim to the Russian Empire. Thankfully it was not that easy.
I encourage you to study history deeper to understand what is really going
on in the world and especially in Russia and the real reason that President
Putin is so vilified and hated in the West.
There is nothing “new” in this New World Order, the NWO is the same
as the Old World Order meaning imperial supremacy for the 13
families and the Rothschild Jews. Since the collapse of the Soviet
Union many different approaches have been attempted to bring Russia
to its knees and to weaken her and allow for “reaping of the spoils”
if you will, and thank God all of them for the most part have failed
miserably. They have failed and Russia was able to get off its knees
thanks to the leadership and the wisdom of Vladimir Putin.
Again I risk getting overly detailed and long-winded and in fact
could write a novel on just the events that transpired over the
course of the last 20 years in Russia but right now we need to focus
on the current campaign and the desperation of the N W o which is
making them desperate and dangerous! It is extremely alarming and
clear that they are ready to start World War III in order to
establish their hegemony over the world, a hegemony that
nobody wants and nobody needs but that the NWO lunatics want
to force on the world anyway.
The current attack on the Russian people and the Russian state was
started in the ‘90s when there were thousands upon thousands of
Western intelligence operatives and agents in Moscow and Russia.
Through corruption and subversion they manipulated privatization of
Soviet assets, the restructuring of the new capitalist economic
system, the revamping of the educational system, and the
establishment of
a new class system where the most corrupt elements who had helped destroy
Communism were given great power and wealth and made the “New Rich”!
To the right is one of the chief architects and arch Zionists, rapid
Russophobe Polish Zionist Zbignew Brezhinsky (or however he is
spelling it this week) truly one of the most evil and repulsive
figures in the history of the world and one who final passing will
be more celebrated than that of Rockefeller. To say he is a great
geopolitical strategist is the same as saying Hitler was a great a
leader for the German people, just as delusional in his great plans
and just as insane if not perhaps more so than Hitler, Brezhinsky is
one of the Cabal top men and one of the key gofers for Lord
Rothschild. It was he who recruited Osama Bin Laden (CIA Agent Tim
Osman) and it was he that helped create Al-Qaeda to fight the Soviet
Union in Afghanistan during the first attempt by the NOW to control
the world’s opium poppy production.
Brezhinsky had a plan to break up the Russian Federation into 48
autonomous republics and it was during the last days of Yeltsin that
this plan began to take place with the announced independence of the
Jewish Autonomous Federal Republic and then 2 other republics
following suit. Putin came to power replacing the drunk and
incapable Yeltsin who had disappeared for days and his first order
of business was to replace the governors and implement new laws
whereby governors were appointed by the President and in that move
he saved the Russian Federation from the NWO break-up.
The NWO was also extracting huge amounts money, resources and shares in
Russian corporations with many being turned over to the Rothschilds, such as
the Yukos Kodorkovsky deals and others. All of the Russian Oligarchs that
ran to London or the West and were given asylum were guilty of massive theft
from the Russian State.
Among other “projects” that the Globalists had up their sleeves was
extracting all of the best minds from Russia to the West, establishing a
negative population replacement curve to the birthrate which envisaged the
end of the Russian race within 400 years, the revamping of the educational
system and the re-writing of history books (which was done and during the
90’s for 8 years children were not taught anything about the great Soviet
history), taking complete control of the media, the banking sector,
medicine, food production, mining and mineral rights, the destruction or
Russian culture and language and of course the installation of puppets
throughout the Russian Government to make all of this possible. Putin, bless
his heart, stopped all this and finally stopped and ended the control of the
Rothschilds of the Central Bank and is now getting rid of the dollar as an
instrument for foreign trade.
The NWO is desperate, or they were when they thought that Trump
would not go along with their plans and they are continuing at full
speed with every program that they have to destabilize Russia from
the inside as well as from the outside.
We all know Russian aggression is a lie and we know exactly who was
behind the nazi coup on Ukraine, We also know that Crimea held a
peaceful referendum and re-joined Russia and we know that the CIA,
Rand Corporation and NOW players are committing genocide on Russians
in the Donbass. The Sanctions, the non-stop demonization in the
West, the media operations, the attempts at destabilization and the
concerted efforts to weaken the fundamental building blocks of
society are all things that Russia is dealing with. Even though
CIA has 1200 Officers in Moscow, each with their own network, and
even though every asset the CIA and the NWO has is being directed
against Russia right now, Russia is firmly standing its ground.
If that is not enough Russia has to deal with NATO expanding to its
very borders and constantly provoking it with bellicose statements
and even worse provocative actions, we have to tolerate that the CIA
and Western Intelligence Agencies are attempting to provoke Russia
to war by killing Russian Diplomats. We have to tolerate that even
creatures like the one on the right are being used to try to weaken
the moral fiber and the values that all Russians hold dear. And that
is not all, the West is involved in a huge social media campaign of
censorship and banning and deleting accounts and users who are too
pro-Putin or too pro-Russia or too anti-US. But that is not all
there is a continuous operation to destroy, marginalize and attack
anyone in Russia and anyone prog Russian who attempts to counter,
expose or fight the media lies and or anything that I have already
listed. But that is not enough. The West has a huge network of spies
and agents all throughout Russia and they are being used to
specifically target Russian patriots and patriotic Russian
organizations, like myself and the Voice of Russia and everyone who
is speaking out to loudly against the false Western narrative and
the lies! Or anyone who is exposing Ukraine or fighting against the
nazi filth that the US installed in power.
The West iis bent on destroying Russia no matter what and anyone who
tells you it is different knows nothing about what is happening
here. They are bent on installing their
own puppet in the Kremlin and spending billions upon billions to do
it but everyone knows of their plans and it will never happen, but
the West continues trying to force their people into Russian
Government posts and continue to attempt to destabilize Russia with
fake demonstrations and attempting to destabilize the
socio-political climate. I wrote about it years ago when
first appeared, a CIA color revolution specialist, and all of the
CIA’s Jewish Zionist neo-Liberal trash to this day are trying to
destroy me. These Zionist globalists run the media, run half the
Russian Government and will stop at nothing to destroy every
opponent to their masters. I am quiet frankly sick of them. I have
not been able to find a job for three years because
MOSSAD and the
CIA have people in almost every company and organization that deal
with media or English in anyway in the Russian Federation.
States so they could get me and torture me and have their way with
me because I exposed their entire plan. When that did not work they
poisoned me, had my son arrested on fabricated charges and destroyed
my marriage and career using their bought and paid for agents in
Moscow. It is these scum that just got me banned from Titter because
they thought I was somehow earning an income and they want to do
everything so I am destroyed and kill myself.
They somehow in their arrogance and delusional self-superiority
think no one knows. They think no one knows that Snowden was sent
after me when McFaul failed. They think no one knows that agetns at Alpha Bank
have been stalking me or that MOSSAD agents work at the language
school where I worked and were attempting to find out how and why I
was granted asylum. They think that I am isolated and alone and they
can do whatever they want to me but I have news for them! Every move
they make is fixated and recorded and will be dealt with. Finally on
the eve of my birthday my Twitter account was banned in a continuing
attempt to silence me and prevent my voice from being heard.
Their arrogance is a cover for their stupidity and this Navalny trash is the worst. His
entire “Anti-Corruption” platform is ludicrous. They always pretend to be
against exactly what they do and the CIA and MOSSAD and SOROS and all the
scum attempting to sow discontent in Russia are quite the opposite from
champions against corruption, they thrive on and love corruption. It is
corruption that allows them to buy officials and subvert the government and
the most corrupt scum of all Russians are people like Navalny and Yashin and
all of the traitors at Paranas and the Yabloka party and the entire
globalist Zionist front operating with impunity in Moscow and destroying
real Russian patriots and demonizing decent hardworking people who actually
love Russia b manipulating their pain and suffering and pretending to be
defenders of justice!
I discussed recently the accusations by Navalny against Medvedev with a
student, I showed him just a small percentage of the evidence I have
collected against Navalny and McFaul and he was convinced that what I said
was true. However Navalny was so convincing with his Hollywood quality video
that I believe he had doubts. Yes I have evidence which I have to collect
evidence for my journalistic work and to protect myself and my family from
these horrible CIA scum! The problem with Navalny is that there is so much
evidence that I did not know where to begin. From his money and ties to the
NED, a CIA front to his two weeks of training at the CIA, to his connection
with the Greenberg pictured above a relative if not in fact the father of
Edward Snowden and/or Mark Zuckerberg I did not know what to give my student
so I gave him the lot and he was quite shocked.
So to hear this Navalny trying to incite young people and play on their
emotions by demonizing the fact that Medvedev wears expensive Nikes or has
mansions is insanity. Medvedev was the President of the biggest country in
the world AND the Prime Minister! Why shouldn’t he have a few nice homes.
The question is where does unemployed Navalny get money for elite apartments
and fancy German cars.
See this page for more:
Finally I can just imagine the reaction if the Russian Federation had such
an agent in the US. If there was a known Russian sponsored and paid agent,
constantly denigrating the US Government and insulting the President and
officials and trying to organize protests and the subversion of the
government. How long would such an operative last in America? Then imagine
if Russia started telling America that they were bad for not letting their
agent become president. Do you see the lunacy? That is what Navalny and the
CIA are doing here in Russia and quite frankly, everyone is sick of it!
The recent protests were a dismal failure with low turnout and Navalny
finally being arrested and held. There were claims that there were massive
protests all over Russia but this was lie. Outside of Moscow in some cities
groups of no more than 20 people came, that’s it but the Western media made
a big deal about these using fake pictures and footage. The organizers of
the theatrics that Navalny is engaged in decided to desecrate one of
Russia's most important monuments as a publicity stunt and then went to the
city where the monument is located, Volgograd, to try to arrange a huge
clash but that also did not pan out with him and his "party" receiving
nothing but more charges related to the desecration of monuments. The
western media and Parnas tried to focus the attention of the protests
outside of Moscow in order to distract form the dismal showing in Moscow.
Rumors were spread that Navalny was offering 10,000 Euros to protestors who
got themselves arrested for him and huge numbers of young teens, children
and young people showed up hoping to make money. The reports then said
Navalny was promising to pay 10K in legal fees but that was also a lie.
Again this was supposed to be the big Russian Spring but it failed miserably
proving the Russian people do not buy into American BS anymore.
When it comes to America we are dealing with stark and raving lunatics who
say and do whatever they want and get away with it while the citizenry live
in an information bubble of lies and deceit. Here is just another example by
one of the new bald-faced Zionist liars in America. After spending 16 eyars
obliterating the Middle East for Israel they try to blame Russia for their
own egregious crimes and imply that somehow Russia is repsonsible for the
conflict in Syria because Russia is not allowing the USA and Israel to
destroy the country "And if that entails working with others to come
to solutions in the world that enhance our security, the president will do
that," McMaster added. "And it’s really now up to the Russian leadership to
reevaluate what they are doing in the Middle East," he said.
I will be writing more later about the terrorist attacks and the foreign
connections to that but that is enough for today. It is my birthday and I am already
tired! See you all and love you all my dear readers)))
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Publishing Banned Truth Since June 06, 2003