Photo: Kremlin.ru
Spy vs Spy - An Uneven Trade: A Victory for Russia against the Empire of Lies August 03, 2024 - Somewhere in the Russian Federation - By John Robles II In three dimensional geopolitical chess, as always President Vladimir Putin has shown that he is the grandmaster of grandmasters with a team working behind him that has proven itself to be no less adept. Given the secrecy surrounding the entire operation which was the largest spy exchange in the history of the Russian Federation and those present to meet the new returnees, which not only included the President, but the heads of the SVR, the FSB and the Ministry of Defense, it is clear that the importance of the exchange and those returned to Russia far out-weighed what the CIA got in return and that this time it was Russia calling the shots in what was an obvious and unarguable victory for Russian diplomacy, especially during a time of war between the USA/NATO and their terrorist proxies. The exchange not only showed the USA's weakness against Russia but also underlined the lap dog status of Europe and all of the countries which the USA forced to give up "prized Russian catches". Such as Germany, which had to give up the heroic Vadim Kraskov, who was convicted of killing a terrorist murderer of Russians who had crushed the heads of Russian prisoners with a truck and was being protected by Germany. Yes Germany, due to the trade, has now in fact lost its status as a safe haven for those who think they can slaughter Russians and get away with it scot-free. If you follow the Russian media's reporting the CIA got 14 individuals with only two being CIA Officers (Whelan and Gershkovitch) and one a DND Operative (Rico Krieger) while the rest were all part of the CIA/MI6 decimated 5th column and were low-level operatives, some not even deemed worth mentioning by this journalist who has documented the CIA/MI6 5th column in Russia for decades now. Sure the CIA got 2 officers out but they also got out many assets which will now have to spend the rest of their lives in witness protection, always wearing disguises and looking behind themselves waiting for the hammer to fall, which I am certain will happen to all of them. It is just a matter of time, in the meantime feeling the steel of their traps and waiting for death will be a fitting end for all of them as the great karmic equation functions with mathematical preciseness meting out the true justice of the universe.
The Mystery Prisoner (Snow Den?) As an investigative journalist and one who has exposed and uncovered hundreds of conspiracies by paying close attention to detail, it would be an egregious shirking of journalistic responsibility were I not to point out the presence of one particular prisoner whose circumstances piqued my interest and who no doubt is now the subject of investigations and theorizing by conspiracy specialists around the world. The pictures below are screenshots of a video of the exchange and show a mystery prisoner who was obviously not one welcomed with open arms by the CIA and the US Government apparatus. As seen in the video Mr. Mystery Prisoner is being sensory deprived which in intelligence terms means he is going to be the subject of “enhanced interrogation” of the sort illegally carried out at the GITMO facility in Guantanamo Bay Cuba. Other security measures regarding the Mystery Prisoner are also worth noting. The reason I say he is being sensory deprived is due to the full helmet covering his entire head and face and even sealed around the neck. Were he the subject of an assassination attempt a normal military helmet would have done fine, so this was not a protective measure for the prisoner. Another aspect worth noting is the color of the clothing which gives him an almost clown-like appearance among the black suits and those involved in the transfer. This was not an accident, it was carefully planned in case all hell broke loose so that he would be readily identifiable in almost any crowd so that the snipers would not miss their target. I say sniper because it is obvious this individual is seen as a liquidatable threat evidenced by the left-handed senior Security Officer walking behind him with his hand on his pistol. The fact that he is handcuffed is obvious with the handcuffed arms placed in front of him in an attempt to hide their presence from the cameras. Why the red strips of cloth hanging from his belt? Probably to prevent a double being installed in his place during actual transport in the event of an attack or an out of control situation. Then there is the Russian bag carrying what are probably his possessions, I call that a “market bag” as they are quite large, water proof and are very cheap and used largely by traders in the open-air markets to store and transfer their goods. Given the size of the bag one might come to the conclusion that he has been in Russia for quite some time. Obviously the bag is not filled with court documents as it would burst at the seams and the carrier would not be able to carry it with one hand. The fact that it appears the prisoner is in diapers means he has been held in such a condition for a long time and the fact that a bullet proof vest is not discernable under his shirt shows that the helmet is again not part of an assassination protection protocol. Another important clue as to the “value” of this individual is the number of those escorting him, eight in total, the number of openly armed guards at the entry point of the bus and the presence of at least one sniper. There are hundreds of such little clues in the video but I will only go into one more which for me is key to understanding the fate of Mr. Mystery Prisoner and his identity. Again he is not to know what is going on around him nor where he is being taken, meaning two things: one, he would not willingly travel to the USA and during such a transfer would fight back during transport, and two, that when he arrives he will be led to believe that he is still in Russia. This is supported by the simple fact that his two handlers are wearing face coverings, one an FSB style baklava and the other what appears to be a white medical mask, and they are wearing civilian clothes and will upon arrival most likely pose as FSB officers to kick off the subject’s “enhanced interrogation”. Meaning what? Meaning the subject is most likely a former CIA operative who has been in Russia for quite some time, had fallen off the grid and whose loyalty is severely under question and the CIA will let him believe he is still under Russian control in order to find out everything they can about his Russian handlers, contacts and anything else they can ascertain. I will hold my opinion as to who this may be but I think it is obvious, especially the way the CIA and US Government ran around forcing their little colonial European powers to release whoever Russia wanted. There is only one such person I am privy to knowing about and needless to say any further statements and appearances, if they are to be made by this individual, will mostly likely be CGI/AI creations. If I am right then things are in fact going much better than I had hoped and a deep bow to Russian Intelligence and maybe I can finally get some real sleep.
? http://www.jar2.com/Topics/Snowden.html
The CIA/MI6 5th Column Operatives Those who will be waiting for the hammer to fall and who the CIA accepted in a Spy Exchange include some of Burns, Soloman, Tefft, Roseman, Haspel and McFaul's minions. Most of whom were publicly exposed years ago by this journalist in my journalistic work and in particular in my Russia Reports and CIA 5th Column in Russia reports, but also across all of my social media. I was the first to out Karamurza as a CIA asset for example, so his being accepted as part of a spy exchange was not surprising. The others such as Yashin were a little surprising because they were almost non-entities and had almost no real influence on anything. Progress has been made but there is still a long way to go for Denazification to be successful in Russia proper. A trio of the biggest names who are still pulling levers is still in place, although their influence on society both internal and external is almost nothing. Although they continue to manipulate the Internet and the media to try to maintain that they are in fact effective. It is still my hope that those responsible for shutting down the greatest voice that Russia had in the world will be brought to justice. Their attempts to use my son against me and shut me up obviously failed and all of the evidence against them is still where it has always been. I have spent decades suffering and in fear of these traitors to Russia, now it is time for them to start feeling the karmic energies returning back to them, waking them up in the middle of the night and making them constantly look over their shoulders. They will burn in hell for all eternity and whatever monetary gain they obtained in this world for their treason will pale in comparison to the eternity in hell that they traded for their souls. In closing I want to say welcome home to Roman Seleznyov and let him know that I tried to help him for several years in fact, but to no avail, especially as I was removed from my media job right after his rendition and my interference in his kidnapping, which in fact delayed the CIA and their minions. Here is a link to that material which I have saved of course. One more little thing, all those claims by the idiots returned to the USA that they were not CIA or spies have now been proven to be lies. The CIA set up the exchange to get their spies back. As for the brain dead, uneducated, Satanic trash calling itself the "elite" of the self-created American race, I leave you with this mangled tossed-salad of random words uttered by the next would be administrator of the Empire of Lies. Given that the current administrator Biden had no role in the exchange I think this is telling, quote: "This is just an extraordinary testament to the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy and understands the strength that rests in understanding the significance of diplomacy," said Harris. Uhm, yeah! Shameless. Whatever you say you nonsensical moron. Feel free to send your comments to [email protected] or you can comment publicly on my VK page. http://www.jar2.com/1/Archive/2014/July/Roman_Seleznev.html
DM from DM - August 04, 2024 Former President Dmitry Medvedev Очевидно, что состоявшийся обмен стал самым масштабным в новейшей истории. Он – результат филигранной работы наших ведомств и их зарубежных «партнёров». Это была очень трудная шахматная партия, которая проводилась по лучшим учебникам, длилась утомительно долго и подчас, казалось, уходила в цугцванг. Нужно было настаивать на наших целях, в то же время не заводя ситуацию в тупик. Кстати, справедливости ради, отмечу, что и «западные друзья» проявили в определённый момент и должный прагматизм, и склонность к разумным компромиссам. Было трудно, но тем не менее всё состоялось и, скажем предельно откровенно, в нашу пользу, о чём уже раструбили западные СМИ и политики всех мастей. Но хочу сказать о другом. Давайте оценим «качественный состав» обмена. Кого вернула наша страна? Это люди, которые преданно трудились на Отечество, находясь в составе спецслужб или так или иначе способствуя интересам России. Это была работа с риском для жизни, во имя процветания нашей страны. Их деятельность может кому-то нравиться, кому-то нет, но она необходима, и ею занимаются во всех странах мира. Вне всякого сомнения, возвращённые граждане – патриоты нашего Отечества, совершившие подвиг. И именно поэтому они достойны госнаград, о которых сказал В.В.Путин. Кого взамен отдала наша страна, кто эти люди? Часть из них – иностранцы, которые совершили уголовное преступление, причём некоторые из них были осуждены за шпионаж. С последними всё понятно, это та же самая работа, но, наоборот, в интересах своих стран. А вот вторая часть – это граждане России, которые поставили своей жизненной целью разрушение своей собственной страны. Неважно, идёт ли речь о так называемой несистемной оппозиции, которая с пеной у рта, высунув язык, рвалась к власти. Или о тех, кто искренне, до дрожи ненавидя свою Родину, словом и делом пытался изничтожить общегражданский мир и идеологические устои общества. И то, и другое уже было в нашей стране в начале XX века, и хорошо известно, чем закончилось. Скажем прямо – они предатели. Если не в правовом, то, во всяком случае, в нравственном смысле слова. Они – экзистенциальная угроза существованию нынешней России. Они – сервильная обслуга наших врагов. Именно поэтому их с радостью принимают иностранные вожди, понимая, что они – истинная, что называется, аb origine, надежда на развал России. Ну что ж… Пусть и дальше захлёбываются лаем, мечтая о разрыве на части тела нашей страны и подчинении её окровавленных кусков власти их Великого Мастера. Но при этом, как я уже написал, пусть не забывают о бренности своего существования в этом мире. По сторонам оглядываются, короче. А в общем – пусть горят в аду! Machine Translation Checked by JAR2 It is obvious that the exchange that took place was the largest in modern history. It was the result of the meticulous work of our departments and their foreign "partners". It was a very difficult chess game, which was conducted according to the best textbooks, lasted tediously long and sometimes seemed to go in “zugzwang” zig-zags. It was necessary to insist on our goals, at the same time not to lead the situation into a dead end. By the way, in fairness, I will note that at a certain point, our "Western friends" also showed due pragmatism and a tendency towards reasonable compromises. It was difficult, but nevertheless everything took place and, let's be very frank, it was all in our favor, which has already been trumpeted by Western media and politicians of all stripes. Regardless I want to talk about something else. Let's evaluate the "qualitative composition" of the exchange. Who did our country return? These are people who devotedly worked for the Fatherland, being part of the Special Services or in one way or another contributing to the interests of Russia. This was work which included risks to life, in the name of the prosperity of our country. Some people may like their work, some may not, but it is necessary, and it is carried out in all countries of the world. Without a doubt, the returned citizens are patriots of our Fatherland who have accomplished great feats. And that is why they deserve the state awards that V.V. Putin spoke about. Who did our country give in return, who are these people? Some of them are foreigners who committed criminal offenses, and some of them were convicted of espionage. With the latter, everything is clear, this was the same work, but on the contrary, in the interests of their countries. But the second part are citizens of Russia who have set the destruction of their own country as their life goal. It does not matter whether we are talking about the so-called non-systemic opposition, which foaming at the mouth and sticking out its tongue, was striving for power. Or about those who sincerely and shaking with hatred for their Motherland, in word and deed tried to destroy the civil part of our world and the ideological foundations of society. Both of those things already happened in our country at the beginning of the 20th century, and it is well known how they ended. Let's be honest - they are traitors. If not in the legal, then at least in the moral sense of the word. They are an existential threat to the existence of today's Russia. They are the servile servants of our enemies. That is why foreign leaders happily accept them, realizing that they are true, as they say, aborigines, and their hope for the collapse of Russia. Well then... Let them continue to choke on their barking, dreaming of our country’s body being torn apart and subordinating its bloody pieces to the power of their Great Master. But at the same time, as I have already written, let them not forget about the frailty of their existence in this world. In short, look around you. And in closing - let them burn in hell!
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